Horny [m]orning before work. Girl[f]riends pov

My boyfriend woke up this morning as hard as ever, so I thought why not help him out. I wrapped my hand around his big dick and started to massage him, he loves a little tease so I licked my fingers and got his tip dripping wet and started to lightly rub his tip to drive him crazy. He loved this, I swapped from my fingers to my tongue. Lightly licking the tip of his throbbing cock, teasing him and making him breath heavy I then shoved his dick in my mouth, rolling my tongue around the tip and sucking at the same time. This started to make me wet and make me throb too, I decided to get my vibrator out and whilst stroking his dick I rubbed my vibrator on my clit, I swapped from my clit to his dick with the vibrator. Making his dick nice and wet I held his dick tightly and rubbed the vibrator up and down on him, he started to shake and I could feel his dick start to throb, he exploded and cum was everywhere, I was so horny after this. He needed to go to work so I found my vibrator in the bed again and I was still wet, using my juice I rubbed myself with my vibrator, I teased myself and made sure I didn’t cum quickly, this was hard though. Eventually I started to breath heavy and I came, I gushed a little bit and my nipples were so hard… I can’t wait to suck his dick again.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/vs6v0n/horny_morning_before_work_girlfriends_pov