A night at the movies with a stranger [MxF] [F30] [M40’s] long story with a slow buildup

[I wanted to write something today. It may not be for everyone and I maybe could tighten it up with rereads and edits but here it is, thank for reading!]

  He is cute, Amelia thought to herself as he walked by the concession stand. The man was wearing nice grey slacks and a pressed light blue button down shirt with the cuffs rolled up slightly at his wrists. The shirt was tight and it was obvious that the man worked out. The buttons of his shirt strained against his chest but he didn’t look as if he was so big that worl
King out was his only hobby. The shoes looked expensive too, but she couldn’t tell because he quickly got lost in the crowd.

  Suddenly she was aware that everyone was looking at her and the teen behind the counter had been trying to get her attention. She was at the front of the line and and her face flushed pink with embarrassment. She was so ready to just disappear that she let herself get upsold to the large drink and popcorn combo so she could just go somewhere else. It was more than anyone should ever eat and the artificial butter was probably going to kill her. She tucked her shoulder length blond hair behind her ears while hiding behind her hands and then managed to get the drink and popcorn and move away.

  The movie was just about to start and there was no sign of Jenn. She was begging to get nervous and fumbled the giant popcorn tub and finally got it set it on a ledge by the entrance to the theater. She was looking for her phone.

  Amelia had her nice light yellow sundress on today and had her favorite clutch. The sundress was her favorite to wear and it was always the signal to her friends that summer was here when she finally put it on. It clung to her lean, lythe form and made her feel pretty in it. She was just over five feet and six inches and she had long fit runners legs. The dress clung to her thighs and emphasized her soft feminine shape while not hiding her athletic form. The dress plunged down the front and she had never worn a bra with it. Her small firm breasts always stayed in place, but she was starting to notice a little more sag lately but she wasn’t ready to give up yet. There was a row of buttons that started at the chest and went all the way down the dress.

  It was warm out and she knew she would be cold, do she had stuffed a cardigan in her purse. It wasn’t really a clutch, it had long delicate straps but she always called it her clutch because she carried it everywhere. She finally got her phone fished out and saw all the missed texts and calls from Jenn. Amelia had put it on vibrate because of the movie but her cardigan prevented her from noticing the vibrations of the phone. Jenn had gotten a message from her dermatologist that she had a sudden opening and Jenn didn’t want to miss it. Amelia was frustrated but understood, Jenn had some splotches start forming on her face and was freaking out about it. She had an appointment in six weeks and this opening was too good to pass up. Amelia texted her back and asked to meet after the movie, maybe for dinner and drinks.

  Amelia was frustrated. She almost left the theater but she had spent about sixty dollars so far and would be damned if she didn’t get some sort of enjoyment out of this fucked up day. She had been dumped several months ago after a long engagement and had just gotten in the mood to get dressed and go out. She had shaved and done her hair and makeup and was hoping to go out and do things she would regret in the morning. There was still hope after the movie, though. It was an early showing and there was still all night. With any hope, Jenn would be in a better mood tonight after seeing the doctor.

  The theater was full as she walked in. The back rows of seats were mostly empty, still. The seats were the old style and not the kind that let you lean back but she didn’t care all that much. She just made her way up the aisle with her bag, her popcorn and her drink precariously perched in her embrace. She was proud that she had managed to not spill anything when she dropped into her seat and got comfortable. The row was mostly empty but she saw a figure a few seats down. When she look, she felt heart beat faster as she saw the man she had noticed earlier. She was wrong… he wasn’t cute, he was hot!  She quickly looked back towards the screen and was thankful the light were low and hid her blushing face.

  Amelias heard a voice say, “That’s a lot of popcorn.”

  She looked up shyly and smiled at him, “I was stood up. Unfortunately I didn’t find out until after I bought the popcorn.”

  He smiled, his teeth were white and perfect and Amelia about melted. He he’d a distinguished face. He was older, maybe forty, but he had a glow. The lines on his forehead and around his eyes just enhanced his smile and gave the man a friendly, inviting face.

“Surely not. Who would stand you up?”

“It was a friend, she had something important come up.” On a whim Amelia added, “I have plenty and I’d be happy to share if you would like any.”

  Before she knew it, Amelia was sitting next to the man with a big bucket popcorn between them. In her excitement she had ended up moving into the seat right next to his, when it may have been easier to just have put the popcorn in the seat between them. She was blushing even brighter now, thankfully that the lights had dimmed and the previews had started.

  The movie had been playing for half an hour and the popcorn wss forgotten but the man’s presence was something she couldn’t ignore. He smelled good, it was a subtle cologne. Very earthy and natural, it blended with his scent and wasn’t stong. It was nice. She found herself glancing at him. His handsome silhouette was backlit by the dim theater lights. She found herself chewing her bottom lip as she looked at him. Each glance lasted long and longer and she was leaning in her seat in his direction.

  Amelia forced herself to concentrate on the movie and forget the man. It was embarrassing and she was almost ready to just sneak out and leave. That when she felt his hand against her thigh. It wasn’t much, but his hand had lightly landed next to hers and was touching her ever so slightly. If it hadn’t been for the thin fabric of her sundress, she may not have even felt his hand.

  She was frozen in place, unsure what to do. It had been so long since Amelia had been touched anywhere near her thigh and she really liked it, but he was a stranger! He hadn’t even bought her movie ticket or popcorn! She was paralyzed and unable to move. Her thoughts swam figuring that it must have been a mistake. He couldn’t have done that on purpose.

  That’s when his hand moved. She felt it slowly press against her thigh. His pinky slowly moving first onto her leg as the rest of his hand followed. She was frozen in place. Too scared to move, unable to decide how to react. Her mind was stuck somewhere between slapping the man and leaving or helping the hand find its way. She settled for motionless, breathless inaction. The hand eventually settled firmly on the top of her thigh. He had a firm yet soft grip. His thumb was lightly moving as if he were petting a house cat. She felt life purring at that point.

  Amelia was surlrised when she decided what to do. Her right hand moved on its own. It was slow but it slid into the seat next to her leg. Between the arrest and her leg, behind his hand. She slowly grabbed a handful of her dress and slowly pulled it.  Inch by inch the dress slid up her smooth, freshly shaved leg. It took about five minutes but eventually the dress was pulled up and his hand was on her flesh. His hand was soft, but calloused. He worked with his hands but he also took care of himself. His grip was firm and whe she glanced at his face, there was no hint of what was happening. For all she could tell he didn’t even know what his hand was doing.

  His hand moved again. It slid between her legs and rested on her inner thigh as she spread her legs reflexively when his hand moved. She felt a warm pressure building between her legs and her breath was suddenly caught in her throat and she fought to remember how to breath. As she did his hand began to move slowly again. It was traveling up her inner thigh and her back arched as she flight to stop herself from sliding forward in her seat towards that hand. Heart heart was pounding so hard, she couldn’t hear the movie over the sounds of her heartbeat in here ears. 

  His fingers were touching her panties now. They were pretty ones with lace around them. They made her feel attractive and now she wished they weren’t even there. She closed her eyes tightly as his hand moved again. His fingers were travjng the skin where it met the lace of the panties. Where his fingers moved, she felt a warm tingling left in their trail. The pressure she felt between her legs was building and she couldn’t focus on anything but that.

  His fingers moved over her panties and lightly moved dragged across her. Where he moved them, she felt them press in gently. He had moved upward to the waistline of her panties and slowly he tucked his hand under. She had shaved but not fully. She left a bit of hair in the front, enough to not look like a child but enough to not have any peak out if she went swimming. She felt his finger run through her curly blond public hair. The rough feel of his finger on her just made her want to moan in relief at finally feeling another humans touch.

  Amelia wanted to moan, but she still somehow remembered that she was in a movie theater. She had left out some low sounds under her breath but she wanted to moan out in primal pleasure as the masterful way his fingers moved over her. She lifted her hand to her mouth and bit. She felt a bit of pain but it helped her focus on the pleasure of the man’s touch.

  His hand was tracing the lines of her labia. She could feel that his fingers were wet from her and they slide easier than they had before. His hand was placed in a way that the heel of his hand was on her mons punis and he used pressure to push into her clitoris without direct contact. He was simultaneously slowly outlining her outer labia with his fingers, two on each side of her and he kept his finger lubricated by occasionally moving them just far enough in to keep them wet. It wasn’t hard, she felt herself warm and wet and dripping. She had never been so turned on in her life.

  Her breathing was more and more ragged and moans escaped around her hand. Her hips had begun to rock back and forth on their own as she tried to push his hand into her pussy. He put his middle two finger together and started rubbing her clitoris directly. She squeezed her eyes cmosed tightly and bit down harder onnher hand as she started saying “oh god, oh god, oh god…” over and over. She felt the pressure building up to release and muscle were contracting in her thigh ls and abdomen and her toes were curled tightly together as she was closer and closer to ecstasy.

  She felt his other hand move on top of her in her mouth and he gently moved her hand and put his in her mouth. Amelia instantly grabbed the seat tightly with both hands now and she bit down hard on his hand. She couldn’t help it and a tiny part of her mind was scared she was hurting him but the pleasure was so intense that she couldn’t stop biting.

  He then slid his finger from her clit that he had been slowly circling with his finger and he pushed them inside her. His fingers were gently curtly and she felt them enter her and drag the back wall of her pussy.  The finger knew what they were looking for and she felt them press into a fleshy spot that made her see stars and bite down even harder. Tears were running down her cheeks and her body started convulsing.

  She tasted something tangy in her mouth and deep down inside she knew his hand was bleeding. But the primal urges that were in charge of her didn’t care. She just bitnharder and harder. Her bites were a tribute to his skill.

  He had managed to press against her clotoris as his finger hit her most holy of spots and she began to quickly rock her hips back and forth almost violently in her seat. She could feel the dampness in her panties turn into wetness. The seat beneath her must be soaked by now.

  His hand didn’t stop as she orgasmed. It rode with her and controlled the wave after wave of ecstasy. He controlled the rocking movement of his hand and fingers to to match her orgasm after orgasm. As they lessened and lessened his hands slowed and slowed. He suddenly increased his tempo and she followed him. He guided her to another sting of convulsing orgasms as her body began to tremble. Her brain was unable to control her at all.

  Then it suddenly stopped and his hand was pulled back, from her mouth and from the seat. Her hair was stuck to her face by sweat. Her face was bright red and she didn’t remember how to speak yet. Her breath was coming in tiny gasps and she was afraid she may suffocate as she tried to keep up. The words that arrived were prayer of thanks to god, but she didn’t remember him having any part of this.

  He had pulled her dress back down to cover her and he leaned down and whispered, “It was nice to meet you Amelia. I hope to see you again soon.”

  She couldn’t sit up yet a d she wanted to cry out for him to stay. The lights in the theater turned on and she waited until everyone was gone before she tried to compose herself and walk out. She still didn’t trust her legs.

Then she remembered that she had never told him her name.






Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/vsawp3/a_night_at_the_movies_with_a_stranger_mxf_f30