Cheating with my New Neighbor’s Daughter | 23: Reconciliation [male pov][older man][younger woman][age difference][neighbors daughter][cheating][drama][series][slow build][emotional][public][park][car][foreplay][blowjob][while on the phone][hold the moan]

**23: Reconciliation**

***|Thursday, three days later***

“Do you have any other questions?” Charlotte asked Hazel, our prospect 22-year old babysitter from just around the block.

“Hmm, I think that’s all for now, Mrs. Foster,” she replied smiling at all three of us including Liz.

Charlotte glanced at me then whispered, “I like her. What do you think?”

Honestly, I don’t care. All sitters we’ve interviewed the past days act weirdly the same. Those type of enthusiastic mid-20s girls with younger siblings they play with at home. Nothing special. No one stood out. I don’t know what she saw on this one that she didn’t on others. For all I care, as long as they treat my kids right, there would be no problem.

“Yeah, she’s okay,” I muttered under my breath as if we have any more time to decline this one.

She just smiled then turned to the babysitter, “I guess, see you tomorrow?”

Hazel acted surprised and thanked us profusely.

She then left soon after we gave her time to introduce herself to Charlie.

Charlotte then walked to the bathroom leaving Liz and I in the lounge area for a brief moment.

Of course, no way in hell I’d stay here alone with her even for a minute. So I stood but stopped after seeing my phone on the coffee table ringing with Paige’s name on the screen.

Liz glanced at it for a bit then smirked at me before saying, “So, I take your silence as a yes. You’re definitely sleeping with her, huh?”

I ignored Liz’s messages about Paige and I in the hopes of her forgetting it and eventually the issue dying down along with me not seeing nor talking to Paige ever since I dropped her off on Monday.

I picked my phone up and ended the call before telling her, “You know what? Think whatever you want, Liz. Whatever you do, I’ll never sleep with you.”

She looked extremely offended after hearing me say this then she laughed—an insulting one—before saying, “You think I don’t know that? I thought you were smart, Trent. But don’t worry, I have a little surprise for you and Charlotte soon. Be patient, though.”

I sighed and continued my way to our room upstairs.

I sat on the edge of the bed trying my hardest not to look at the messages I missed from Paige today. It’s been three days since I last talked to her and she has consistently been trying to contact me. I’ve been ignoring her but can’t stand to block her number leading to me punishing myself by reading her messages briefly before deleting it.

I wasn’t able to say anything after she told me she loves me that all I could do was drop her off the street and wait for her to get a cab home.

I felt like a horrible person. Like an asshole. And I can’t get her off my mind even when I try so hard to. The image of her bawling her eyes out in front of me has been haunting me ever since.

The past days had been extremely hard for me. I haven’t slept for at least 2 hours straight and it had been affecting my work and how I deal with people. I’m constantly irritated with small things and I’ve been struggling to focus.

I don’t think I could last another day like this.

Tonight, her last message read, “I’ll try to go for another jog tomorrow morning and still be waiting for you.”

I rubbed my forehead while I deleted her message feeling another shot of pain in my chest accompanied by the butterflies in my stomach from being nervous. Nervousness from the waving opportunity to get back with her and the fact that I might just decide to give in to what I want—to what we both want—making all the pain I caused her be all nonsense.

– – –

***|Friday, day of the flight***

I woke up intentionally early this morning hoping to catch Paige in her morning jog before I open the clinic.

I drove my car down her usual path and just as she told me last night, she’s waiting.

Even in a few meters away, I could clearly see her sitting on a bench drinking off a bottled water.

I pulled over the side of the road causing her to freeze on the spot looking like she was about to cry.

I rolled the passenger window down and told her, “Hop in.”

She immediately got in and I started driving again with the two of us lingering in an awkward silence at first.

“Charlotte will be gone for 5 days. Tonight’s her flight,” I muttered with my eyes locked on the road.

I felt her turn her head to face me but didn’t say anything.

“Charlie asked her to hire you as our babysitter. She was firm and said no,” I continued then glanced at her for a quick second catching a worry pasted across her face.

“All of a sudden, she doesn’t like you. She sounded jealous and her sister noticed that too. Liz even asked me directly if I am sleeping with you,” I added taking another look at her.

“I honestly didn’t know what to do. I panicked. What I ended up doing wasn’t the best thing either. It’s the worst,” I muttered trying so hard not to choke.

I then stopped the car at the parking area of a nearby park where only a few people were hanging out at this time.

“I’m going crazy, Paige,” I uttered staring at nothing in front of me before saying, “You’re all I’ve been thinking about.”

I then turned my head to face her but she’s already looking at me with tears rolling down her cheeks.

“I’m sorry for causing you pain,” I apologized with my voice inevitably breaking.

This loosened her even more causing her to sob into her palms.

I instinctively caressed her arm as I let her let out all the built up feelings inside her.

“Will you forgive me?” I uttered pressing her arm lightly.

She looked back up at me saying, “Are you kidding me?”

I smiled at her then said, “I hope you still want to be with me.”

Her brows furrowed along with her crying again before pulling me for a tight hug.

I rubbed her nape and her back while burying my face at the nook of her collars.

We both cried for a minute before gently pulling away from each other but with our hands still locked together.

“This isn’t exactly what I imagined when I thought I’d say this. A parking lot. I thought maybe in a fancy dinner or a night road trip under stars or maybe just somewhere where we could watch sunset,” I uttered chuckling a bit to lighten the mood for a bit.

Her eyes gleamed with tears and her lips curled to a soft smile.

“I love you,” I spoke while staring intently at her eyes.

She then cupped my cheek and kissed me lightly on the lips.

I placed my hand on the back of her head to stop her from backing away, which lead to a passionate making out session for the next few minutes.

Once we gently pulled away, I whispered to her again, “I’m sorry.”

“I forgive you, okay? I understand where you’re coming from, but please don’t do that again. Don’t make me leave you,” she muttered while caressing my jaw with her thumb.

Before I could say anything, she added, “I think by now you should already know how stubborn I am.”

I chuckled, “Yeah, I should’ve known,” then wiped the remaining tears on her cheeks.

I then intertwined my fingers with hers again as I sincerely spoke, “I can’t promise you it would be easy. When the time comes, everyone we love would hate us. But I promise, I fucking swear, from now on I’ll be with you.”

I realized there was no point on pushing her away. It’s too late. We’ve already grown to love each other and the damage to the people around us has also been done even before they know it.

There’s no turning back now.

“I know. I love you,” she spoke with her eyes staring at my soul.

I pulled her for another kiss but now was more aggressive than passionate. It felt like a fire started inside me pushing me to show her how much I love her and how much I’m willing to do to be with her.

She immediately caught into my heat and returned my kisses by grazing her hands around my thighs.

“God, I miss you so much, baby, you have no idea,” I mumbled.

“Show me,” she whispered with a familiar gaze in her eyes.

“Alright, you know what to do,” I muttered nudging my head towards the backseat.

She quickly squeezed through the middle and move to the back seat while I hopped off the car then got back in with her in a matter of seconds.

As soon as I took a seat, she straddled on top of me and started kissing me again but now with a lot more tongue.

She began grinding her hips while my hands were busy unlocking her bra.

She then halted from kissing me to pull her top over her head and toss it somewhere I didn’t care to notice.

Her perky breasts presented themselves in front of me and so I no longer fought the urge to put them inside my mouth one by one.

She caressed my hair as I sucked on her nipples while she continued to rub her core against my growing manhood.

After a few minutes, she muttered, “Wait, let me take these off,” before removing her jogging shorts off.

She proceeded to unbuckle my belt and unzip my pants hastily. I helped her and pulled it down to my ankles. With my boxers still on, she rubbed her hand up and down my shaft making me moan.

She then pulled my cock out and stroke it slowly. It already felt so good that my pre-cum starting showing itself to her. I could also feel my veins throbbing as loud as my heartbeat considering the fact that I’ve been keeping all my cum since Monday.

“Oh god, baby, you’re making me so hard it…fucking…hurts,” I groaned as soon as she pressed her lips against my tip.

I grabbed her hair like a ponytail while she began to suck my cock the exact way I wanted.

I leaned my head against the headrest as I let out a loud moan, “Yes, baby, that’s so good, fuck.”

The sounds her mouth made as she gagged along with my early cream filled my ears before my phone started going off.

Paige stopped to look at me before grabbing my phone from the front. I took it from her and motioned her to be quiet before I answered it.

“Hey,” I greeted.

“Are you at the clinic?” Charlotte asked.

“Not yet. I’m driving,” I lied effortlessly.

I wasn’t sure what made Paige think I gave her permission to do it but she got back to work on my hard cock.

I gave her a *what the fuck are you thinking* look before telling Charlotte, “Sorry, I didn’t catch that,” after not paying any attention to what she was saying.

She signed before repeating, “I said, where did you put the jewelry set I asked you to look for about two days ago?”

“I, uh, I think I put it on top of your dresser. Will you check…please?” I muttered trying my hardest to not let a moan slip.

I looked down at Paige who wasn’t budging at all and continued to eat my cock like having my wife on the phone wasn’t a big deal.

“God, fuck,” I mindlessly let out a whispery moan as soon as Charlotte got back to her phone.

“What?” She asked sounding a bit more pissed.

“Did you find it?” I instead asked placing my hand on top of Paige’s head to make her move faster for some reason.

“It’s not there. Did you really look for it? I’m gonna wear that for the wedding, damn,” she grunted.

“I swear…I found it,” I replied while breathing heavily.

With a short pause from my wife’s line, I muted my phone to let out a loud moan that I can’t contain after Paige sucked me in so tightly, “Oh my god, baby, that’s so good.”

“Then where is it?” She asked again sounding even more mad.

“It should be there. If it isn’t I’ll…take a another look…later,” I mumbled—with my clouded mind I wasn’t even sure if I made sense.

“You sound fucking drunk. Are you even paying attention?” She grunted over the phone.

“I told you…I’m fucking…driving,” I muttered with the last word getting out as a whisper.

“You know what, I’ll handle it. Don’t even bother, Trent!” She angrily spoke ending the call immediately.

“Oh god, baby, you’re driving me crazy,” I throaty moaned after tossing my phone to the side then instructed her, “Come here and ride me.”

– – –


*Charlotte would be gone for a long time, what could happen at the Foster’s household* 👀

Next chapter in the next few days.

Hope you enjoy this one!



  1. I suspect shenanigans. Like cameras, microphones, etc in the house. Or maybe Liz will catch them in the act

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