A Sexual Chronicle chapter 7: photos on the sand and fingers in the surf [MFF] (Exhibitionist/Voyeur/public)

[Chapter One](https://www.reddit.com/user/CaptainPervlord/comments/vbugjd/a_sexual_chronicle_chapter_1/)

[Chapter Two](https://www.reddit.com/user/CaptainPervlord/comments/ve20v0/a_sexual_chronicle_chapter_2/)

[Chapter Three](https://www.reddit.com/user/CaptainPervlord/comments/vgd9oq/a_sexual_chronicle_chapter_3/)

[Chapter Four](https://www.reddit.com/user/CaptainPervlord/comments/vjenig/a_sexual_chronicle_chapter_4_the_longawaited/)

[Chapter Five](https://www.reddit.com/user/CaptainPervlord/comments/vlkva4/a_sexual_chronicle_chapter_5_embracing_the/)

[Chapter Six](https://www.reddit.com/user/CaptainPervlord/comments/vnumfp/a_sexual_chronicle_chapter_6_showing_off_on_the/)

We laid our towels out and relaxed. Sunscreen was an absolute necessity with so much of our bodies seeing the sun for the first time, and we had fun putting it on each other. It was a hands-on activity. Katie’s and my own skimpy swimsuits were displaced repeatedly as every crevasse was slathered up. We worked together to do Sarah. Her swimsuit covered a lot more skin, but because it was so thin it offered little real protection. We pulled it away from her body as far as it would go and reached underneath while she screamed and laughed at how much it tickled. I had to lie down on my front for a little bit after we were done, lest my natural reaction to the fun get us kicked off the beach.

When we (well, mostly me) were done settling down from the sunscreen, Sarah pitched a photoshoot for the group chat, to commemorate our new digs. We were careful to set up for this in a way that it would be just us in the shots, no background beachgoers, so we wouldn’t accidentally be creeps. I don’t really know what to do with myself in front of a camera most of the time, but Katie was a natural model and quickly took to posing herself in ways that combined the pale shape of her body and the dark, thin straps of the bikini artfully. She did a full set of poses wearing the bikini normally, then she pulled the straps to the sides of her tits and did it all again with her hard nipples bared to the world, and anyone who walked by. The looks we were getting were not abating.

We took photos of Sarah too, after I sacrificed more of my water to up the sheerness of her suit to a pleasing level. We muttered and debated for a bit when we saw a couple about our age coming up the sand, wondering if we could get away with asking them to snap at least a couple of pics of us as a trio. I watched the pair approach. She was a busty redhead wearing nothing more than a sunhat and a black thong bikini bottom with side ties, her shoulders tattooed with birds, and a few lines of cursive text etched on her ribs below one bouncing full breast. Her body was all curves, in that classic hourglass way that was particularly wide at the hips. Her boyfriend was tall, fit and totally naked and shaved, rocking a dark all-over tan. I judged he might be a little hard already, and if not, he was intimidatingly long for a man not even aroused yet.

“Come on,” Sarah protested. “How hard is it to get trio shots that aren’t all too-close selfie type ones?”

“No way!” Katie said, nervously pulling on her straps. “We can’t just ask strangers to be part of this. We’re pushing the limits for this kind of beach as it is. What if they say something?”

It looked like I’d be the deciding vote. I glanced back at the couple. God, the redhead had wonderful boobs, and such strong thighs. Just asking would keep her from walking past, giving me more time to respectfully observe her assets. “They seem cool,” I said. “Might as well make the most of it while we’re here.”

“Babe,” Katie hissed, though she didn’t object again. But I kind of got her point this time. We were in public and being observed, but we were separate from the audience. A beach like this one was a little bit of a no-interaction zone outside the people you came with. There was still a taboo lingering about who you interacted with in the nude. Making a request of someone brought down that barrier. I felt it too. Involving Sarah had been one thing. She was a friend that we both trusted, and someone Katie had kissed and flirted with before. This couple could be anyone, say anything, think anything of us. Katie and I watched, united in nervousness, as Sarah intercepted the pair. She talked animatedly, showing total confidence despite her swimsuit still being transparent all down the front, and cocked a thumb back at us. The redhead seemed to laugh (sending hypnotising ripples of movement down her torso) but nodded her head and followed Sarah back towards us.

“Just a few quick ones of the three of us together,” Sarah was assuring the girl as they came back in earshot. She handed the girl her phone and rushed over to join Katie and I.

Katie wrapped one arm each around my shoulder and Sarah’s and squeezed us in close. Her boobs were out, Sarah’s suit might as well not have been there, and my package was barely contained inside the tiny half thong, so it made for a hell of a picture. All of us were pink in the cheeks (not just from the sun) and breathing a little too hard as well.

“You guys are pretty bold,” the girl commented as she snapped the first one. Guessing our motives, she added “everyone grab the person next to you for this one.”

Katie put her hand over my package. I grabbed her boob. She grabbed Sarah’s boob. Sarah grabbed her crotch. The shutter sounded and we dropped the pose before it turned into something we’d get arrested for.

“Nice. Hey, you wouldn’t be the first OnlyFans type crew to come down here, but most of ‘em invest in their own photographer. At least a tripod. I don’t mind, but you’re going to make people uncomfortable if you keep asking.”

“Oh no, it’s all for personal use,” Sarah said. “We just wanted a couple of shots, we’re not about to spend all day asking people.

“Thanks for helping,” Katie added. “It’s, uh, it’s our first time here. Or anywhere like this. So we wanted to remember it.”

I realised as she spoke that she wasn’t looking right at the girl but past her, to her naked boyfriend and his floppy dick. That stirred an odd, not entirely comfortable feeling in me. I was jealous that she was looking, even mildly insecure about it. This wasn’t like when we both lusted over Sarah, or when Sarah and I lusted over her. Looking at girls (and playing with) girls could be a shared experience, something we both loved, but boys didn’t hold the same appeal for me that they did for her. The idea of being uninvolved in her sexual experience rattled me. I felt a little better when I looked back at girl though. If Katie was getting an eyeful, there was no guilt for me in appreciating those tits, or being tantalised by the so-close-yet-so-far-away pussy being kept private by that so-tiny bikini bottom.

My loving girlfriend and I were both at the same beach, wearing about the same amount of material, with something nice of our own to look at. It was okay that we weren’t looking at exactly the same thing anymore, we were still having fun together. I’m not into cuckolding, I’ve sorted that much out about my sexual tastes. The FOMO would kill me if I was left out like that. But I think we could swing, or attend an orgy together. That way, even if we had sex with totally different people, we were still in it together, remaining a couple amid the bigger event.

“Wow,” the girl answered. “From what I hear, most first timers don’t get much further than the parking lot until they come back. And even then, they hide at the back and sit for like an hour before they take anything off. You’re really not doing things by halves.”

She seemed really entertained by our brazenness. I basked in her approval. “Well, you only live once, right?” I asked. “And technically were still wearing more than tons of people here.” My eyes involuntarily moved to her boyfriend, the nearest fully nude body. “So I figure we’ve hit a good balance.”

The girl laughed again. Those jiggles! “Well enjoy your first time, guys. Can’t wait to see what you come back in when you get your confidence up!”

She returned Sarah’s phone and went on her way, trailing her boyfriend behind her. We all stared as they left. The guy’s ass was pretty toned, for the girls’ attention, and I was loving the way the redhead’s cheeks bounced on either side of her thong’s back. My heart was pounding. We’d spoken to these strangers while in such an incredible state of exposure. That girl didn’t even know my name, but she knew more about my body than friends and coworkers that had been in my life for years. I had to imagine it went both ways, that so many of the people closest to her didn’t usually get to see her tits, but I’d had the time to ogle them in detail. That bikini bottom had left very little of the remainder to my imagination, and I knew all about the body of her sexual partner too – the cock she would suck and fuck and hold when they were in private. It was easy to picture them going at it. How many people would know that much about her most intimate relationship? And I didn’t even know her name.

“I think someone needs a distraction,” Katie said, noticing me start to strain my swimsuit. “You bring any games or sports stuff?”

“But of course!” Sarah blew up a beach ball and we moved down to the surf, where we waded in knee-deep and laughed and joked while we bounced it back and forth. Sarah’s bathers had no chance of drying out with all the splashing, and Katie’s boobs wouldn’t have had a chance of staying in their flimsy sling if she had bothered to hide them again in the first place. Her leaps for the ball had her bare and unrestrained chest bouncing around in a way it usually wouldn’t get to outside of sex.

After a bit of play, Sarah wandered back to the shore, and Katie and I waded further into the water hand in hand, pressing forward until the cool sea was lapping at our stomachs.

“I can’t believe how good you look with the sun on your body,” I whispered to her. “And that outfit! Damn! It’s like I’m seeing you in a whole new light.”

“Is the new light that sunlight you mentioned? Which is about to leave me with a lot of tough to explain tanlines if I keep this thing on.”

“You look so confident in it though. I love a girl who’s about to rock her sexuality and flaunt the fact that she’s attractive like it’s no big thing. It wasn’t that long ago I would’ve been surprised if you wore this thing just for me, and now you’re showing off for a whole beach worth of people. It’s one of the wildest, hottest things I’ve ever seen.”

She faced me a thumbed the straps away from her body. “It’s even more sexy and confident if I just go nude, right?”

I did like seeing her in the nude. I considered the options. “It’s two different kinds of sexy, I think. Going all out naked says ‘I have nothing to hide, I’m completely bared and vulnerable to everyone,’ which is super hot when we know you’ve chosen it and you’re showing it off like it’s no big thing. But this bikini, which you *could* cover your boobs with but don’t, and which keeps your pussy secret but shows the world your pubes, that says ‘I’m in control of what you see; I’ll give you a better show than most, but I’ve decided and drawn my lines precisely.’ It gives you a more dominant feel, which I think I’m vibing today.”

“Aren’t we sure of what we want?” she asked coyly as she reached under the water and grabbed my crotch. “Well, I know what I want too. I’ve had my eye on this thing all day, watching for every time a little bit of it popped out. I’ve never felt so teased by a boy before, not like what you do to me with this thing on. Every time you jumped for the ball and came down with your nuts hanging out the bottom or the tip poking up the top, I wanted to jump you, right there in the surf. So I guess we’re both seeing new things today.”

“Mmm…” by the time she was done talking, she had pulled me from my tiny thong and started stroking. The water and our distance from the shore gave me the freedom to be totally hard, and I was taking advantage of that. I looked around to make sure no one else was close enough to see, then reached down to displace her bikini.

We made out like horny teenagers as we jerked each other off under the water, our first physical sexual act in public, under the hot sun, so close to so many complete strangers who could watch. Maybe they already were. This far along, I didn’t really care. Hell, at this point I was relishing the possibility.

We didn’t last long, but I suppose it might have looked even more suspect if we had. Katie finished first, nearly collapsing into me as the orgasm shook her legs. I could see her biting off the cries of pleasure she would normally have let out. She quickly got back in her rhythm on my cock and brought me to an incredible, unforgettable climax in the water and under the sun. We held each other panting for several minutes, in part for the intimacy, and in part because I needed a second before I lost enough size to go safely back in my swimsuit.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/vqv5dp/a_sexual_chronicle_chapter_7_photos_on_the_sand