A College Story, a sexy but filthy tryst between two grownups taking night classes.

A College Story

My 7:30pm French class was absolutely brutal. I think I was just too old to learn a new language at 29 and it wasn’t something I was genuinely interested in. It was a requirement for a Bachelor of Arts degree. But I wasn’t the only older student in the class.

Next to me sat Alexa, a fitting name for a tall brunette with exotic eyes. We were attracted to each other in a collegial way, exchanging smiles,changing seats in class so we were next to each other. We joked about the teacher, and how useless the class was. 

She really had a striking beauty. She was tall, 5 foot 9, and athletic. Smallish breasts but she had a round ass and was clearly in good shape. Her best asset was her face. She had dark brown hair that hung about five inches below her shoulders and truly stunning brown eyes. Kind of like a model’s eyes, they were large and feline without looking weird, with long lashes other girls would kill for. I think her lips really sold it for me. They were so perfectly shaped and pouty and red it was almost obscene. She was sexy, even in sweatpants, which a lot of the girls wore to late classes during the week. They’re not trying to impress anyone.

At the end of class one Tuesday night she asked “Would it be alright if I borrowed your notes for this Thursday’s class?”

“Sure” I replied.

“I have a work thing that I just can’t get out of. I’m supposed to be doing a vodka promo at Clyde’s from 8 to midnight.”

“Yeah that’s fine.” I said “I like Clyde’s. If you want I can bring the notes up and you can buy me a beer for my troubles.”

“That would be awesome, I really appreciate it” she said. “You can have all the vodka shots you want!” 

Thursday’s class was torture. I just heard “blah blah blah blah” except in French. All I could think about was meeting up with Alexa. There was definitely a spark between us and I was sure something good would happen. She would always life at my wry sense of humor and frankly my humor and my confidence are probably my best assets. When I’m well groomed and in college shape I’d say I’m a 7. 5’11 175lb, blue eyes and dirty blonde hair. I’m not all muscular but I have a good shape thanks to years of swimming and running.

I went home after class and showered and shaved. I lived in a small one bedroom efficiency so it was easy to clean and make look presentable for company. Most girls weren’t bothered my the small size of my place. I worked full time and went to college at night and paid my own way. Once the place looked sharp I contemplated whether I should jack off before going out. It tends to calm my nerves and I thought if we did end up fucking it would allow me to last longer. I decided no. I wanted that wild energy. Whacking off can make me a little too chill, I wanted to be sharp. Besides, maybe if I held off we could fuck twice.

I made my way up to Clyde’s around 11 and quickly realized it was college night, Thursdays, so it was pretty crowded. I flashed my ID and made my way toward the back where it was easier to get a beer. Tonight was a Miller night. I had to pace myself cause I did not want to get all sloppy drunk. 

About halfway through my beer I spotted Alexa moving from the gaming room in the back of the bar to the front. She was carrying one of those trays that hangs around your neck, and it was filled with some kind of shot glasses. She looked amazing. I’m so used to seeing her in casual wear I was shocked to see her like this. Her hair hung straight down her back, the end a sharp straight line between her shoulders. Her already striking eyes were made more striking with sm9kay eye shadow and dark curled lashes. And it didn’t take much more than a lick of lip gloss to make her sensual lips even more inviting.

Alexa wore a skin tight black shirt that ended at her midriff. And skin tight black leggings that ended just short of a stray pair of four inch heels. I caught here eyes through the crowd and she smiled and made her way over to me.

“Hey, you made it!” she yelled over the raucous crowd, “Want a shot?”

“Sure what is it?” I replied. 

She smiled as she turned to show me the brand name on the back of her shirt. ANDI it said. “it’s from Iceland and it fucking deadly!”

I grabbed a glass from her tray and she grabbed one to. “You have to say ‘a ta sante!’” I said. “What does that mean?”

“It means to your health, but if you don’t say it you’ll be cursed with seven years of bad luck, or bad sex depending on who you ask.”

“A ta sante!” we said in unison.

“I still have another hour to hand out these shots, so don’t go anywhere.” 

“I wouldn’t dream of it” I replied and gave her a smile. She replied with a smile that really shined with excitement, like she was really glad I was here. 

I was facing the bar watching the end of a baseball game when I felt Alexa come up behind me, a little to my left side, while pressing herself into me. I got a tingle as I felt her hand rest in by back. Her face was very close to mine. Her body language projected a comfortable familiarity, like we were already dating. I relaxed a little and thought there was some real chemistry here.

Alexa raised her hand in the air, getting the bartender’s attention. “Whatdya need hon?”

“Johnny Black, rocks!”

“MAKE THAT TWO!” I yelled above the crowd. I’m not sure if there is a single thing sexier than a woman that drinks whiskey. It tells you she’s not a girly girl, she’s not a sissy. I know from experience drinking whiskey takes practice. The first time I had it in a bar it took a lot not to make a crazy face as my throat burned.

We talked about school, and work, and stayed close, to each other and the bar as it was quite crowded and gave us the excuse to really mesh together. I rested my hand on her hip as we faced each other and my eyes just went from her lips to her eyes and back again and again. She left a sticky imprint of her perfectly shaped lips on the glass of her drink and I actually started to get a hard on.

One more round amd we were loose as a goose. She pressed herself against me as a courtesy to those trying to reach the bar behind her and order a drink. I moved my hand down to cup her ass and pull her into me. My hard dick was pointing toward the ceiling and she felt it press into her thigh as I held her close.

“Oh my god! Is that you?” she asked, and I laughed. “Who else would it be?” I replied.

“I mean, did I do that to you?”

“Uh-huh” I smiled as I brought my glass to my lips and sipped out a piece of ice to suck on.

She reached down below the bar, found my dick with her hand and squeezed it tight, and I felt it pulse. I casually slipped my hand near her hip into the back of her leggings till I was holding her bare ass. No panties.

The fact that we were doing all of this in a crowded bar was exhilarating and I couldn’t get enough. “Wow” she said as she pulled her hand away, “you’re fucking hard as a rock! Are you on Viagra or something?” We both laughed as I extracted my hand from her pants and we turned to face the bar.


Alexa turned to face me and leaned in to me and whispered “Take your cock out.” 

Check please! But seriously, I did exactly as I was told. This was getting to be a lot of fun. The sexual tension between us was electric. I casually reached down and pulled my dick through the opening in my jeans. I wasn’t wearing any underwear so it was pretty easy. She reached her right hand down and wrapped her fingers around me. Her hands were so soft and she started rubbing her thumb in circles around the head of my penis. Oh jeezus, I thought. You don’t do that! It’s too sensitive for that! I kind of shivered as I tried taking sips of my drink.

“I’ve been into you since our first class” Alexa said as she continued the circles around the tip of my dick. “Same here” I replied. I could feel that her thumb was beginning to slide on something slippery. Precum was leaking from my dick like a slow tap. She abruptly stopped her ministrations and raised her hand and licked her thumb as though she had just eaten something delicious. I raised my eyebrows at her and she smiled mischievously.

Now she faced the bar and yelled down to the bartender. “Can we get four Miller lights?” 

“Why four” I asked.

“We’re going to chug one and drink the other.”

“You can really drink like a pro.” I said and sounded kind of like a question.

“You have no idea” she replied. “Last weekend I went out with my friend Carrie to the bar she use to work at and we were still there after it closed. We sat and had drinks with the owner who really has a thing for Carrie”

“Sounds like fun.”

“Well when her old boss started getting to friendly we went back to her house and started making out.”

“You what?”

“We sometimes make out when we’ve been drinking. Carrie is really hot.”

“So we were making out in her room when I guess I blacked out. I don’t remember anything after that.”

I was speechless. This girl led a very exciting life. And honestly I was jealous. She was wild. As she continued her story I moved my right hand under the bar and to her flat stomach, just above the waistline of her black stretchy pants.

“The next day, I woke up on my sofa completely naked. I was sooo confused.”

“What did you do?” I said incredulously and slid my hand under her waistband and over what was a completely shaven pussy. I wiggled my middle finger between her wet lips as she continued.

“I called Carrie and I was like ‘Did you drive me home last night?’ and she was like ‘What the fuck Alexa, where the fuck are you? Your clothes are still sitting here on my floor.” 

“So I looked outside the window of my apartment and saw my car sitting there all crooked in the parking lot and realized I must have driven home completely naked, and I don’t remember any of it.”

This girl was a pistol. No apologies. I fucking love it. “Why don’t we go back to my place? It’s just a couple miles from here.” I said as I pulled my moistened hand from her and glanced down to see my finger with a swipe of white cream on it. In my experience this cream can be somewhat bitter so I wiped it on my jeans. 

We settled our tab and pushed through the crowd to the rear exit of the bar. “Can I meet you outside?” she asked. “I really have to pee first.”

“I wait for you right out here” I replied. A minute later she came out the door. “That was really fast” I queried. “That cuz I didn’t go” she said fitfully “there was a really long line.”

“Well I live really close…” I started, and saw she was kind of bending at the waist and squeezing her legs together. “Keep a lookout” she said as she handed me her purse and hopped behind the large green dumpster at the back of the building.

I had a good view as she wiggled her black stretch pants to her knees, dropped low to the ground and let loose a torrent. I’ve seen plenty of girls pop a squat in parking lots but watching her I realized when a tall girl squats to piss she can actually aim it out in front of her shoes, quite a bit in fact. I had a perfect view of her smooth pussy in the yellow glow of the parking lot lights. She shook a few times and drops fell to the ground before she stood up and hoisted her stretch pants back up.

We made it to my place in minutes, a second floor walk up with a private entrance, and now I had to take a piss. I unlocked the door and let her in first. As she climbed the rather steep stairs to my apartment, her ass wiggling right in front of my face, I reached out with both hands and in one quick motion pulled her pants down below her knees. She fell forward onto her hands on the carpeted stairs, still standing but bent invitingly at the waist. I grabbed both of her smooth creamy butt cheeks and spread them wide till I could see her asshole, a dark star about the size of a silver dollar. Alexa moaned and I dove right in there with my tongue forming the stiffest shape I could make as I stabbed it into her hole. 

She tasted sweet and I bet you she diet soda person or took Splenda with her coffee. Those chemicals pass right through the body completely undigested.

I scooted my hands down a bit and lifted my head to get a good look as I reached in and pulled her pussy wide exposing two perfect small pink lips hiding inside like little wings above her tiny clit. I stuck my tongue as deep into her as I could then back out flick her clit a little. My nose rested furtively on her asshole and I took a slow whiff. She smelled clean. Not like ass, not like pussy, not like soap. Just clean. Suits me.

“Fuck me!” she said and I didn’t think twice, not even about a condom. She knows what she wants. I trust her.

I scooted up a few steps and she bent a little at the knees as I lowered my jeans. My dick was sticking straight out like a flag pole, and all I had to do was line it up with her spread open pussy. I pushed in and let go of her pussy to grab her by the hips. Her pussy slammed shut on my dick and I felt as if there were truly very limited space between her hips. I can’t remember having a pussy this tight.

I pulled her back and pivoted my hips so inside her pussy my dick kind of pointed up toward her back. My dick thronged as I reached the absolute depths of her vagina.

“Oh my god that’s deep” she moaned. My dick was about 7 inches, not really thick, but I always got compliments on it. You could call it handsome.

Alexa’s breathing was short and staccato as I continued thrusting with a more conventional stroke, my legs on either side of hers and my hips rhythmically slapping her ass and thighs.

I wasn’t going to cum any time soon. My dick was still convinced I was going to take a piss. “Let’s go upstairs” I said “I really have to take a piss.” We shambled up the stairs with our pants half down and as we reached the top Alexa turned around and started kissing me, hungrily. I shuffled off my pants and held hers down with one foot as she pulled her legs out of them. We were now both completely naked from the waist down.

I grabbed her ass with both hands and lifted her up and onto my cock. I was no He-Man so I walked with her on my dick to the bathroom just down the hall and kicked the door open with my foot. I dropped her down onto the sink and started thrusting again as she leaned back against the mirror. Alexa looked me straight in the eye and chewed her bottom lip as she braced with each push.

After a minute I pulled out and dropped to my knees so I could get a really good look at her pussy. It’s lips rested slightly open and it was slick with her own lubricants. I leaned in to her and slurped her like a ripe peach. You could hear the juices as I drew each breath and dove back in. I am and was then very good at eating pussy. I credit my early affinity for the dirty stories in the old porno magazines of my youth and my absolute commitment to subdue a woman to her passions by my mouth alone.

Alexa sounded like she was crying as she slammed a hand down into the sink, accidentally turning on the tap. The sound of the water was starting to create some pressure on my bladder, but I wanted her to cum first, and it was going to happen very soon. I focused all of my attention on her clit, flicking my tongues side to side as fast as it would go. 

She cried, “oh my god oh my god oh my god I’m gonna cum” and in just a few seconds her legs began shaking and she groaned hard. Piss shot straight out of her into my mouth and I gladly swallowed it. I pulled back my face and she convulsed again, showering me with urine. I was smiling with pride as she quivered to a stop, dribbling piss as her chest heaved And she caught her breathe. 

“Phewww….” she sighed as she sat up and let her legs hang over the counter.. “That’s never happened to me before.” 

“That was amazing” I replied.

“I can’t believe I pissed all over your face. You’re soaked!”

I just smiled as I stood and reached for the towel hanging on the door. “I think it was sexy as hell, but now I reaallly have to go” I said as I dried my face and hair. “Oh my god” she said, “I forgot you had to go. You must be bursting!”

My dick was about half-mast and I could begin to feel the inner workings change lanes so I could pee. Alexa cracked a wicked smile as she lifted her feet back onto the edge of the counter and leaned back changing the angle of her pussy so it directly faced my cock. My semi hard cock slowly slipped into her as she held my hips and pulled me into her. We kissed gently, tugging on each others’ lips, all without moving our center. I began to relax and my dick softened further but didn’t slip out. I slowly started peeing inside her. I didn’t push, I simply relaxed as my bladder slowly drained through my urethra into the sensuous warmth of her vagina.

A small moan from her told me she could feel what was happening as her insides slowly filled with hot piss. I groaned with relief and savored this moment of release. Her pussy kept filling and filling and soon I could feel the hot piss surrounding my dick, so much so that I could no longer feel the walls of her vagina. I stood up and straightened my back as I firmly pushed my cock deeper into her, sealing the hole as the pressure continued increasing.

I started feeling The hot liquid leaking around my balls and above my dick into my pubic hair. She was clearly at capacity and her moans confirmed that. I pulled out slightly and felt a short burst of piss hit my pubic bone as we broke the seal. I quickly thrust back in and piss splashed up onto us as Alexa chirped, the sharp pressure momentarily stretching her uterus.

We were still moving slowly, deliberately when Alexa said “I have never felt anything like this. I feel so full. And I love it.” 

“My dick feels like it’s swimming inside you” I said as I smiled and started thrusting into her more quickly. Piss was splashing everywhere and she cheered with pleasure and amusement. We were having a grand fucking time.

I decided that right now would be a perfect time to cum. I kept up my pace and approached my orgasm. “I’m going to come” I alerted her and really put my back into it.

“Come Inside me” she pleaded and a moment later I did just that. It was the strangest feeling coming into the vacuous depths of her piss filled vagina. I imagined my semen bursting into her with the swirling freedom of a solar flare. I clenched once…twice….one last time as I squeezed every last drop of my seed inside of her. I relaxed completely and slowly my penis shrunk into a much smaller flaccid piece of me. I leaned back and let it slip from her. Finally able to release the pressure of her extended vaginal cavity, Alexa sighed in relief over the indecent sound of my piss and cum splashing onto the tiled floor all at once.

“That was epic” I said, and “careful!” as she hopped down off the counter, her feet landing in piss. “You wanna get a shower?” I asked. We took off the rest of our clothes and stepped into the warming water. My shower wasn’t very big, but fortunately there weren’t really any cold spots to stand in. Alexa grabbed my bar of soap off the shelf and started right at her crotch lathering up her pussy and sliding a hand down the crack of her ass. She handed me the soap and I did the same as she rinsed off. “Do you have to be anywhere tomorrow morning?” I asked. 

“No I don’t have to be at work again till tomorrow night.” Alexa answered and grabbed the conditioner.

“Then you should stay over tonight. I can take you to your car in the morning.” Alexa replied by leaning in to kiss me and grabbing my cock with a cool handful of conditioner. She squeezed and stroked it as we kissed and I groaned a little as it began to come back to life. I rubbed my hand over her breasts, B-cups about half the size of a ripe Florida orange. She had small light brown areola and pink nipples a little larger, not longer,than a pencil eraser. They were fantastic, and hard. I slid down so I could properly suck on them and slid my hand between her legs. My thumb stroked the crease to her freshly cleaned pussy and felt the slickness of her natural lubrication. I quickly stuck my full thumb up her pussy and drove it hard into her. Alexa gasped with shock and grabbed the hair on the back of my head as I lightly sunk my teeth into her nipple. I held the soft cheek of her ass in the palm of my hand as my thumbed worked in deep circles inside her. My index finger ran lightly over her asshole. It was squeaky clean and there wasn’t a chance I could work my finger into it.

Suddenly Alexa grabbed both sides of my head and pulled me up to her face, my thumb pulling free from her pussy and her nipple from my mouth. “I need to catch my breath” she said and kissed me firmly lips to lips, no tongue.

I felt a little embarrassed. I was like full steam ahead and didn’t realize I was eyes-rolled-back, in predator mode.

“We have plenty of time to fuck around” she said with a wry smile, “my pussy just needs a break.”

“Was I too rough?” I asked, feeling a slight pang of guilt.

“No, it’s just that I just had it waxed this morning and it’s still a little tender” Alexa replied. 

We stepped out of the shower and dried ourselves off. I slipped on my boxers. Alexa bent over at the waist to pick up her underwear and as she did her cheeks parted just slightly.  I caught a wink of her tender asshole and the lovely smile of her smooth pink pussy. 

“I’m a little surprised you were so into all this wild stuff tonight.”

“Yeah, I’ve never done that stuff with a guy before” there was a slight pause “but Carrie and I did all kinds of crazy stuff. We were little perverts in high school and in college.”

“I’ll tell you a story if you pour me a glass of something and I can have a cigarette.” Alexa stood charmingly in front of me with her hands behind her and a pleased smile on her face. She wore black cotton panties that started just below her hip bones and just barely cover her pubic mound.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed an ashtray from under the sink. I turned on the fan over the stove and Alexa sat perched on a barstool which faced the small island. Out of the freezer I grabbed a bottle of Stolichnaya and two frosty shot glasses. I poured as she lit her cigarette.

“Carrie and I used to smoke a lot of weed, and we’d do all kinds of crazy shit, mostly on a dare. I think we really liked fucking with each other and coming up with stupid shit to do. Sometimes it was sexy and sometimes it was just perverted and kind of turned us on in a weird way.”

“I’m all ears!” I said. I was beginning to think that what she considers wild and what I consider wild are a few miles apart.

“We were at this party one night….You ever go to a party where you really don’t like anybody there but you’re there anyway so you just get wasted?”

“I’m pretty sure I have” I replied.

“Well freshman year we got invited to a rush party at some random frat house and they had these two huge plastic buckets on the ground outside filled with jungle juice, like grain and Kool-aid with oranges and stuff floating in it.”

“I’ve had it before, gets you wasted”

“EXACTLY” she continued. “So I swear I had like three of those red cups and I could barely walk. Carrie was like my bodyguard cause all these frat boys were trying to take me to their room. So we’re out back having a smoke and I have to pee and Carries like ‘Piss in the Bucket!’ with all the liquor in it, so we waited for like a minute when a few people went inside and a few others were further from us and I hiked up my skirt, pulled my panties to the side and took a very long satisfying piss. It was probably like water anyway. But we just sat there at a table and watched person after person scoop the punch into their glasses and drink it.”

“Carrie dared me to try it and I did. It didn’t taste any different.”

“I wish I knew you back then.” I said.

“You would have tried to take me to your room, I was a dick magnet back then and also a creep magnet.” replied Alexa.

“I would have tried to get both of you in bed” I boasted.

“Another time……we were getting stoned at my Mom’s house, in the basement, and decided to go get blueberry pancakes at like 2 o’clock in the morning with ping pong balls in our ass and our pussies.” That was a Mic drop. Did not expect that. Both amusing and arousing.

“You must have been really stoned.” I asked the obvious question, “How many?”

She laughed, “I knew you would ask that. You have to guess.” 

I poured two more shots of vodka and thought of a good number. Not too many and not so few it looks like I’m trying to weasel out of the question. “Four” I said, “two in the front two in the back.”

Alexa smiled gleefully and kicked the bar with her feet. “Nope” she said shortly, “guess again.”

“Please don’t make me guess again” I pleaded playfully. Up or down, up or down, that was the question. The smile she wore looked somewhat wicked so I went with 6. I thought surely it could be no more than that. Three in front three in the back? I honestly tried picturing her perfect high school vagina and couldn’t fathom more than two ping pong balls in her pristine pussy. “Six!” I said excitedly.

“TEN!” she said, “the hard way!”

I slammed my shot glass on the counter in astonishment. “What does that even mean?” I asked in shock.

“It means five in my pussy and five in my ass” she replied.

I thought about that, for what seemed like minutes, but was just a few seconds. Once again I pictured her perfectly smooth pink pussy,  and a clutch of fresh ping pong balls huddled together in the soft cradle of her vagina. How on earth, did a girl of, I don’t know, 16 or 17, fit five ping pong balls inside her ass?

“Wow” I said “I am truly impressed.”

“Oh you have no idea. Ever since I hit puberty I’ve been sticking things up my pussy and ass, didn’t you?”

“Well, not my pussy” I responded, “but yeah I stuck some random objects up my ass when I was a kid, and I was surprised to find I liked it.”

“See” she was vindicated, “I honestly found it felt better in my ass than my pussy.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. 

“I just really like the pressure of having my ass filled.”

“I think I want to marry you” I said, “kidding not kidding.” 

Alexa stubbed out her cigarette and walked around the island to face me. She looked sheepish, her bottom lip pouting, standing there in just her black panties. “Do you still think I’m sexy?” 

“One hundred percent” I proclaimed.

“You don’t think I’m gross?”

“Not a chance” I said firmly. “I am completely enchanted by you and I have never met a woman, so comfortable talking about her sexuality.”

“Good!” she chirped. “Then come over here and fuck me in my butt.” She led me to my bed, which is in the same small room and sat down, and I sat next to her. We started making out like teenagers. I rubbed my hand over her small breasts occasionally tweaking her nipple between my thumb and forefinger until they were hard. She squeezed my dick through my boxers and I slid my hand down to her pussy. I rubbed it through her underwear, pressing my finger into the crease and feeling the warmth and wetness beginning to dampen the flat of her panties.

“Whoo!” she said, as she abruptly stood up. “We need lube.” She stated matter of factly.

“In the cabinet next to the fridge there’s a jar of coconut oil,” I replied “it works great.” It’s just slippery enough to get it in but not so much your sliding around and not feeling anything.

She brought the jar over and handed it to me, “put some on my ass for me.” I gladly opened the jar and dipped one finger into the oil and pulled out a fair sized dollop. Coconut oil hardens at room temperature and becomes a liquid when you warm it up. “Where do you want me?” she asked. 

“On the barstool” I replied, “face the bar and slide your ass out over the edge of the seat.” She climbed up onto the stool and as she scooted back, exposing her tight brown asshole. My eyes widened and my dick hardened. 

Alexa looked sexily over her shoulder and I leaned over her, breathing gently on her neck. Her cheeks were naturally spread apart from this position. I brought my finger to her asshole and began to spread it around, poking lightly into her asshole until I felt I could push my whole finger in. It was a tight ring around my finger and I hooked the rim of her hole and gently pulled up. 

“ooo” she moaned into her folded arms and lifted her butt slightly from the stool. I wiggled my finger around, spreading lube and ever so subtly slipped my ring finger in next to my middle finger. I had a fantastic grip on her and felt I could lift her up from the chair with just those two fingers. I worked them slowly around inside her, feeling the soft walls of her rectum, making space for my cock.

“Are you ready?” I asked. Uh-huh, she nodded her consent. I withdrew my fingers and saw that her asshole held the slightest gape, a shadow maybe a centimeter wide. I lined up behind her and gently rested the tip of my penis on that hole. 

I pushed so slowly I could feel every millimeter of her sphincter expanding and gripping me. First the head then the long journey down the shaft. Alexa drew her breath in sharply as I proceeded at pace. I wasn’t stopping till I reached the very limits of her rectum. When I bottomed out I could feel the remarkable strength of her ring around the base of my dick, like a rubber band. As I slowly withdrew I looked down to savor one of life’s greatest moments. Her asshole didn’t give a bit. It didn’t pout out like you see in some porn stars. This was a snappy, youthful, tight butthole and I was the luckiest bastard on earth right now. 

I started thrusting slowly back and forward, just moving my hips. My dick was perfectly parallel to the floor and slid smoothly in and out of her like a well oiled piston, a sheen of coconut oil on my shaft.

“oh yes” she moaned slightly drunkenly, “oh my god your cock feels so good in me.”

“It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen” I said wistfully, “I wish I had a picture of it.” Alexa reached over the counter and grabbed my phone and handed it to me. I snapped one from the top and one from the bottom. What a sport.

“Think you could pour two more shots while your there?” I said chuckling a bit. I stopped thrusting for a second as she grabbed the bottle and poured us two more shots with my dick in her ass. “Cheers” we said and took our shots.

“Oh god I feel so full with your dick in me” she said.

“It may not be the only thing filling you up if you know what I mean.” I felt slightly uncomfortable when I said this. But I needn’t have.

“Do you feel something in there?” She asked. “What do you feel?”

Okay so “something warm, and soft, and it’s way up inside you” I answered.

“Is it gross? Do you want to stop?”

“No, I think I’ll play through if it’s okay with you.” I assured her. 

I reached around her chest, cupping her breasts and gently pulling her nipples as I stroked my cock up into her ass, more northward, reaching.

“Please fuck the shit out of me” she pleaded. And I did just that. I pulled my dick all the way out from the furnace of her ass and when I pushed it back in the friction was amazing, if somewhat granular in texture, and I wasn’t going to last long.

I started really thrusting into her and her shit scraped the sides of my cock in the most amazing way. Alexa made whimpering ‘yes’ sounds and when I came I almost cried. My semen shot out of my cock and felt like a string of pearls being pulled through my ass and out of my penis. I could feel the warmth of my semen as it spread around the tip of my penis and somewhat soothed the friction of on the ridge and shaft of my dick. I pulled out of her ass completely. “Wow, that was fucking awesome” said Alexa as she slid down off the barstool. “You mind if I hit the bathroom?”


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/vqwc09/a_college_story_a_sexy_but_filthy_tryst_between

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