My first time with a girl [ff]

I got to the restaurant and immediately felt relieved when I didn’t see him there, I needed to fix my makeup. I’m having lunch with my friend who I didn’t see for a few months except last weekend when he came to my apartment drunk out of his mind to tell me he loved me and couldn’t handle it. We talked the next morning and he said we’re ok now, that he doesn’t have feelings for me anymore he just didn’t know how to call me again after how we just drifted apart. I didn’t believe him. But I wanted to. I wanted my friend back. I’ve had him in my life since we were five years old and not talking to him was weird.

I went to the bathroom and started on my makeup, nothing much. Just a bit of bronzer, blusher, mascara, and a lipstick. I was singing to myself while I did my makeup until I heard a girl saying: “nice voice”.
I blushed, I think: thanks.

She proceeded to take her tshirt off to reveal a black smooth skin in a bright yellow bra. I didn’t realize I started until she said: can I wear my work shirt now?

I know I blushed now: I’m sorry. You’re just beautiful. I didn’t mean to.
She smiled while came a step closer to me: I wouldn’t mind doing more of this later.
She winked. It was cheesy and she laughed about it and something in me was just different.
I stumbled on my words: I’m not.. I’m straight.
– oh. Too bad. I wouldn’t have guessed so from the way you were looking.
She was joking I know, but I still felt defensive: you’re very attractive. Again I’m really sorry about staring.
– don’t be. I need to start my shift. I’ll see you in a bit right.
– Right.

Except she didn’t move, neither did I. The fuck is wrong with me today. I’ve always been attracted to girls physically, but never real girls. Only girls in TV shows or something. And it was never followed by a want to kiss them.

She stepped closer to me now, so close I can see the little orange dot inside of her eye. Her voice came really calm and low: may I kiss you? Just to know how you’d taste.
I came closer to her, all I can see is her full lips, and I printed a kiss on them and held my lips in place just for three seconds before I stepped back. I can feel her lips wanting more, and I know mine want more too. But I stopped. She sighed. I laughed nervously.
– There’s always a first you know. She said before leaving the bathroom to the restaurant floor.

When I went out, my friend was there. We had a nice lunch where I tried really hard not to find the cute waitress every two seconds. She wasn’t our waitress thankfully.
– The waitress didn’t stop looking at you btw.
– What waitress?
Did I blush?
– the one with the short hair you’ve been looking at. Is there something going between you two?
– No.
– That was fast.
– It’s weird. We sort of kissed in the bathroom just before I came out here.
– Wait what? So?
– So?
– Are you interested in her?
– I don’t know. I mean a little. But I’ve never been interested in girls it feels weird.
– You never know what could happen Nora. Just ask her out and see where it goes.
And then, he did the most stupid thing ever that I’m very thankful he did. He called her over. She came and smiled at me: can I help you guys with something?
– The check for me and your number for her please.
– Sure. “She looked at me and extended her hand” can I have your phone please?
I gave to her. And she saved her number, I’m Jenny by the way.
She looked at my friend: your waitress will be here with your check shortly sir.

When we left my front advised me to text her immediately so I did before I even got home: hey, this is Nora from the restaurant. Wanna have coffee or something later?
She replied in minutes: sure. I finish work at 7pm. Pick me up from the restaurant?

And just before 7pm I was waiting by the restaurant. I texted her that I’m outside to let her know. I was wearing the same outfit I was wearing at lunch because I felt weird about changing when she won’t. A skinny blue jeans and a long sleeved black shirt that showed just a teeny bit of my cleavage. Not something I’d wear to a date with a guy. I was proud of my boobs and I would proudly wear something a bit more revealing to a date.
She came out of the restaurant wearing her black jeans and a white top that you can see a hint of her bright yellow bra under. God she was beautiful.

We got coffee and we walked around as she suggested. I was very clear about this being my first date with a girl and how I’m not really sure if it’s gonna work.
Her response was: you worry way too much for your own good. Let’s just have fun and see what the future holds. And at any point if you feel uncomfortable just tell me ok?

So I let it go. And enjoyed our conversations. I told her about my university and my double major in business management and English literature. She tells me about how she just dropped off a few months ago just right before her senior year in Engineering to pursue her real passion, book editing and/or acting. She works in the coffee shop for the reliable income but she free lance on the side and try to go to as much auditions as she can.
I was trying to force myself to reach out to her hand and hold it, I wanted to so badly, I just couldn’t. And then it suddenly rained. Not a drizzle, the sky’s opened and rain was pouring down on us. She held my hand and dragged me to a store nearby, and we were in, I kept her hand in mine and dragged her to an empty corridor and kissed her. Just like our first kiss. I just placed my lips on hers, and closed my eyes. I could feel her lips parting a little bit. And I heard a low “No” coming out of her. I jerked back confused. But she held my face and kissed me. Really truly kissed me. She moved her lips away after a few seconds and looked at me to make sure I was ok, I just softly said: yes. We kissed again, her lips devouring mine. Her hands moving away from my fave and now they’re on my back holding me closer to her. My right hand was still at the side of her face, but my left hand was holding her side. I don’t know how but she stepped even closer and moved her lips to my chin and then to my throat, when she kissed me exactly in the middle spot between my collarbones, I had to put my hand on my mouth to prevent me from mouning. She softly laughed at that and looked at me: are we still good?
I shook my head yes, and she held my hand again, and again dragged me to the empty bathroom. As soon as we entered she pinned me to the wall and started kissing me again. Her hands on my sides again she moved her right hand up along the side of my body and she was dangerously close to my boob. She brushed the side of it with her hand as to make sure I’m still ok, so I held her hand and pressed it on my boob, she squeezed lightly, a moan escaped my mouth, and she squeezed a bit harder. I rested my hands, one on her back and the other right above her butt. She was kissing my neck again, inching closer and closer to ky chest. She planted a kiss on the top of my breasts right where my cleavage is showing, and I melted. I whispered: I want you.
She didn’t respond but she was kissing my right boob over my shirt while her hand was resting on my waist, under my shirt. Her hand on my bare skin was cold, and I liked the coldness spreading closer to my boobs. She slid her finger under my bra and flicked my nipple when we heard sounds right outside the bathroom door. She stopped and stepped away from me. I stood up straighter and went to wash my hands just so I can be doing something when the door finally opened and a girl drenched in water came in.
We looked at each other and left.
– I live a block away. I told her.
She was mischievously smiling now: Let’s get ourselves very wet then.
I laughed.
It’s raining, she said. Get your mind out of the gutter. Plus, “she whispered in my ear” I’m already really wet. How about you?

Part two is coming…
Note: excuse any mistakes I have, English is my second language.



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