Lazy Summer Day (female pov, nc, MF, drinking)

Trigger Warning!

While still being fantasy my NC stories often contain non-consensual scenes that can feel raw, or have realistic elements to them. I don’t want to upset anyone, or make them feel uncomfortable, so please use your discretion when choosing whether or not to read.

Thanks and enjoy! 😊


It was going to be sweltering again, as it often is in late July. It was 8am and already well past anything comfortable. I had an escape from the heat planned for the day though.

“Bye mom, I’m off to Luke’s. See you tonight!” I called up the stairs as I headed out the front door.

“Okay, be safe!” She called down from her bedroom.

“I will!” I yelled back, closing the door behind me.

My flip flops smacked excitedly against my heels as I strolled down the sidewalk. Luke had been my childhood friend since he moved in 2 blocks down about 12 years ago. Most importantly for today though, he had a pool, and neither of us had anything to do. What better way to spend a lazy summer day than sunning yourself by the poolside and cooling off with an occasional dip?

Arriving after just a minute or two I opened up the gate and headed to his backyard where the pool was. It looked cool and inviting already, I thought. I wasn’t going to waste any time. I dropped my towel on one of his lounge chairs and opened the sliding door to his kitchen.

“Hello!?” I called as I opened the door.

“Hey Kate!” I heard Luke’s voice call from the stairs. “I’ll be right down. You want some breakfast?”

“Maybe just something light?” I replied, having already eaten a bit, but not wanting to be impolite.

“Ahh ok,” Luke responded, “I was going to make a couple of pancakes. If that’s too much there’s fruit and yogurt in the frig.”

“Ooo that sounds perfect, ok thanks!” I said as I headed towards the frig. I basked in the cool breeze from the open door a moment as I grabbed some yogurt.

I took a seat at the breakfast bar as Luke thumped loudly down the stairs, already in his swim trunks. He waved to me in his usual awkward manner and started rummaging around for pans and pancake mix. We chatted a bit as he made himself some food and chowed down on it. His parents both appeared briefly to say hello as they headed off to work. By 8:30am we were already cleaning up the kitchen and eyeing the water just outside.

Luke was first out the door. He quickly stripped off his t-shirt, tossing it and his phone somewhat towards a chair as he hurried outside and dove headfirst into the water.

He emerged just as I was closing the door behind me. “Woo!” He shouted as came up for air. “You want to come in?”

“Sun first,” I replied as I began stripping off my t-shirt and shorts, “I’m going to work on my tan.”

As I flopped my lavender bikini-clad butt onto a lounge chair Luke just rolled his eyes, “You’re kidding? Your tan looks awesome already, but whatever, you do you.”

“Thanks, and I will!” I smiled smugly as I got comfy. Luke just laughed and dove back underwater. The warmth of the sun felt amazing on my bare skin. I drifted off a bit, basking happily while Luke splashed about.

Bzzz! Bzzz!

I opened my eyes and glanced over my shoulder, Luke’s phone had buzzed. He didn’t seem to care, so I began to drift off again.

Bzzz Bzzz!

“Luke someone is texting you!” I called out to no reply.

Bzzz Bzzz!

“Luke be useful and answer your dumb phone!” I called out teasingly.

Bzzz Bzzz!

“Oh my God!” I exclaimed with a hint of annoyance. I opened my eyes to see Luke swimming underwater. Of course, he probably didn’t even notice.

Bzzz Bzzz!

I was just about ready to kick his phone in the pool now, Luke finally emerged from underwater.

“Hey!” I called to him, “Your phone is annoying me, make it stop!”

“Huh?” He replied obliviously.

I looked at him in disbelief, “someone is texting you…”

“Oh! Right!” He jumped out of the water and dripped his way over to his phone, which was half-buried in his shirt on the concrete walk. “Oh cool, they’re here! Be right back!”

“Wait!” I called as he hurried around the side of the house toward the gate, “Who’s here?”

“James and Mike!” he called back.

Ugh the twins! I thought. They were a pair of twin brothers about 5 years older than us. They were often annoying, and could be a bit creepy at times, but were mostly harmless. Luke and I had been friends with them off and on for years, though I honestly thought they were really just taking advantage of us more than being friendly. I’d long ago lost track of how much crazy stuff they’d talked us into over these years. Still there weren’t a whole lot of kids in our neighborhood growing up, so we couldn’t be super picky.

“Yeah, she’s in the back by the pool too.” I heard Luke say as he returned to view. James and Mike were close behind him.

“Hey, looking good Kate!” Mike raised his eyebrows a bit and tiled his head back a bit as he said hello. “Working on that tan?”

“Hi Mike, James,” I smiled back, friendly enough I assumed, “ya just relaxing. What brings you here?”

“Summer fun of course!” Mike laughed a bit as he replied, “we came prepared!” James smiled and laughed a bit, but didn’t say anything, Just lingered his gaze on my body a bit longer than I was comfortable with.

“Show her!” Mike gave James an elbow in the ribs after a second, leading me to giggle a bit.

“Right!” James said snapping back to reality. He sat down on a pool chair and took a large bottle out of his backpack. It was glass, square, and about half-full. “enough Tequila for everyone!” He chimed happily.

“Ahhh…” I said, sounding less than impressed.

“What? You don’t like it?” James asked.

“I don’t really drink.” I admitted a bit sheepishly.

“What?!” Mike replied, “Well that’ll have to change today!”

“Um… i don’t know… I…” I stammered a bit, caught off-guard

“Pffft, come’on.” James chimed in, “I can mix you up something sweet and tasty!”

“He does mix some good drinks.” Luke admitted.

I was feeling the peer pressure something fierce now, “Uhh… well ok, I’ll try. But just a little ok?”

“Great!” James chimed in happily, “You’re an awesome sport Kate! Promise you’ll love it!”

“Come’on I’ll show you where my parents’ bar is.” Luke offered and he and James went inside.

Mike laughed as they went inside, “He got a job as a bartender just after graduation. He’s super excited to show off his stuff.”

“Ohhh ok,” I replied, “that explains it then. I was wondering. So how does it feel to be done with college?” I followed up with, to make conversation.

“Doesn’t feel real at all!” Mike said as he settled into the lounge chair next to me and kicked off his sandals. “I need to get a job already before I go crazy.”

“You haven’t had much luck?” I asked.

“Oh, well I only started sending out resumes a couple of weeks ago. I have a zoom interview at a place next week though.” He sounded upbeat about the prospect.

“Oh that’s exciting,” I responded, “what’s it for?”

“Just an entry-level job in their finance dept.” Mike laughed, “I’ll be a paper-pusher at best.”

“Oh well, it still sounds promising, you have to start somewhere.” I offered, “Good luck with the interview!”

“Thanks!” He replied, looking over at me. “What about you? You know where you’re going to college yet?”

“Oh, no…” I admitted. “I still have some time to decide though. I’d really like to go somewhere out of state, but I don’t want too much in loans either…”

“You should just go to the local community college so we can all hang out still!” James interrupted as he emerged from the doorway holding a tray with drinks on it. “Just a little something on the rocks for my bro, and a Tequila Sunrise for the beauty in the bikini here.”

“Oh wow, that’s big.” I said, looking at the glass.

“I get that all the time from girls,” James laughed.

I gave him a slightly annoyed glance.

“Just a joke,” he backtracked, “Drink is mostly juice honestly, just a hint of alcohol like you wanted. Besides, we can’t have you getting dehydrated out here in the sun.”

“Ahh ok, thank you.” I replied as I admired the drink a bit. It looked really colorful and vibrant. I just wanted to stare at it honestly, but felt like that would be rude. “It looks so pretty.”

For his part Luke was already diving back into the pool to swim some more. “Wait for me!” Mike said. He took a sip of his drink and tore off his shirt. A second later I was making a yelp and his large splash narrowly missed me.

James grabbed Mike spot beside me, “Try some, you’ll like it.” He said, taking a big sip of his own drink.

I nodded, “right, of course.” And grabbed the drink in my hand bringing it slowly to my lips. I’d still barely ever had alcohol, save a touch of wine at a holiday with my parents around, so I was feeling a bit nervous as I took a sip.

It was good, orange, fruity, with a slight burn.

“Wow!” I said in surprise.

“See, I told you!” James laughed, “bottoms up!”

He reached his glass toward mine, and we clinked glasses, and I took another sip.

The morning began to pass away now. Me and James mostly chatted while the other two boys swam. We all joked and laughed and had fun. Each of us taking turns sunning ourselves and cooling off in the pool. It was like we were kids again. After a few hours we felt it was quickly getting too warm on the patio though. Luke suggested we head into the den and play games in the AC for a bit, and we all agreed that sounded like fun.

Having finished much of my drink I headed to the restroom for a moment, while the boys gathered stuff and moved inside. I was happily enjoying my light buzz and hummed to myself in contentment as I took care of business. By the time I rejoined the boys they were all already settled downstairs.

“Hey, there you are beautiful. I topped off your drink!” James called to me as I threw my towel over a beanbag chair and joined them, as my swimsuit was still a bit wet.

“Ooo thanks!” I said, as I took a good long sip; I was really liking this drink. “What are we playing?”

“Mario Cart?” Mike suggested, “Something non-violent and fun for our lady friend here?”

“Ooo ok sure,” I replied, “Don’t forget I kick butt in that one!”

“Pfft you’re on!” James replied, grabbing a controller while Luke handed me his other.

I demolished him in the first race.

“Woo! Oh ya in yo face!” I laughed and taunted him, brimming with self-confidence. James just rolled his eyes and tossed his controller to Mike.

“Your turn dude, avenge me.” he joked.

“Not happening,” I grinned, as I took another sip of my drink.

This time it was a close race thanks to those darn bouncing green shells but I managed to squeak through with another victory. I shook my head a little after the race, as my mind was feeling a bit foggy all of a sudden, but still managed a big ol grin.

“Damn, you are good at this.” Mike laughed. “Okay Luke, you’re our only hope.”

“Oh stop it,” Luke rolled his eyes and laughed as he took his turn.

I took another long sip of my drink, and the race began. I was on fire, weaving and dodging, but wow the turns seemed to come very fast now, it was like my cart was lagging. I still totally won though.

“Wow man, no one can beat her huh?” Mike joked.

I just giggled and took another sip. It was like my head was spinning now, this was weird. I drank almost the whole other drink and had barely felt tipsy. but now my head was spinning and I hadn’t even had a quarter of this one. I guess I reached my limit? Just one more sip then that was it until I felt normal again I decided.

“I want another go,” James spoke up.

“Why? Still gonna lose…” I joked.

“If I don’t, you owe me a kiss!” He announced and smirked at me.

“Wha…?” I looked at him dumbfounded for a second, not really sure I heard what I thought I did. The race started before my addled brain could find a witty retort, and I was late off the starting line.

The race went downhill from there, of course, I’m not sure if it was just me drinking too much, or if I was suddenly nervous. My heart was pounding quite a bit, and it felt like I was missing every corner.. I finished dead last.

“Woo!” James yelled triumphantly. “Come lay some sugar on me girl!”

I laughed, “I didn’t agree to that!”

“Pfft, I didn’t hear no objection.” He pointed out. “Now come on, don’t leave me hanging!”

I sighed and dropped my controller, then stood up and stumbled awkwardly across the room to him. Wow, it was harder to keep my balance than it was just a few minutes ago. “Just a little one on the lips.” He joked pointing to his mouth. The other two boys just laughed.

I rolled my eyes and bent over to give him a quick peck.

James wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled me down onto him. I screamed in surprise as I fell forward onto the sofa straddling him. He took advantage of the moment and I found my head wrapped tightly against his with his tongue deep in my mouth.

“Hmmfff! Nmmmm!” Leaked out my mouth in surprise. I was beyond surprised, why was I letting him do this?

Then he let me go and I fell over breathless next to him on the couch.

“Damn tasty female this one is,” James claimed with a smug grin.

“You… little jerk!” I called in reply. We all laughed a bit, though mine was done to help hide a bit of disgust, which the others didn’t seem to have.

“Hey my turn, I want a chance to win some of that!” Mike said, reaching across me to grab James’ controller. Luke grabbed mine from the towel where I left it and handed it to me.

“Wait, no no no! No more kissing!” I objected.

“Awww…” Mike moaned, “Fine, what do you want? Unlike James, I’ll be a gentleman and make it a fair wager.

That seemed more reasonable, I thought for a second. “I want to kick James in the nuts.”

“Wait what?” James said in surprise.

“Seems fair to me,” Mike joked, “Now if I win…”

“No kissing!” I warned him.

“Absolutely not,” Mike promised. “If I win, you have to stand by the T.V. and try to chug down the rest of your drink in one go, while I film it on my phone.”

I thought for a moment, I had decided I was done drinking, but a chance at revenge on James was really really tempting…

“For the record I object to this,” James chimed in.

“I’m not losing bro, besides even if I do you owe me anyway, remember?” Mike mentioned.

“You serious? You’re bring that up now? Well shit…” James trailed off, “We’re even though, after this.”

“Well, what do you say Kate? That a tempting enough offer?” Mike asked

“Ok, I’ll do it,” I replied, taking the plunge.

“Sweet,” Mike said and started the next race.

“Man you better kick her ass.” James mumbled from next to me.

The race was on. I was all serious now, motivated and determined to win! But ugh, missed that ‘?’ box, and oof, seriously that banana peel came out of nowhere. “Really, another shell?” I moaned as I tried to force myself to focus. No use though, I was a distant 2nd to Mike.

“Damnit!” I cursed as I finally crossed the finish line. I looked up to see Luke handing me my glass.

I sighed as I reluctantly took it and went and stood by the T.V. “So ok, I just stand here and drink it?” I asked.

“Hold on!” Mike said pulling out his phone, “Ok now, let’s see our bikini cutie down this in one go!”

“Nobody else sees this video, ok?” I warned Mike.

“Ha, you sure? Bet you’d be popular in college with this footage.”

“Mike!” I warned in a stern voice.

“Right, right, I promise cutie, our eyes only.” He replied.

“Good!” I said, not sure I believed him, but a bet is a bet I guess. I took a deep breath and started drinking.

The boys whistled and cheered, as my face turned red with embarrassment. It was still all in good fun I told myself, but I did feel like I was making a bit of a spectacle of myself. Standing here in my bikini, head tilted back, kinda feeling wobbly, gulping down an awesome fruity drink. I wondered if sober me would have done this? Was I drunk? Is this what it was like? I always imagined it’d take more. I needed to be careful now, I thought.

I gagged a little and held up my glass triumphantly, “That’s all you wanted?” I joked.

“That’ll do miss, thank you!” Mike smiled and put down his phone, and I plopped back down on the couch between Mike and James again.

“Okay, well then. Luke, you want one more chance to beat Kate? You’re the only one who hasn’t won yet.” James asked him.

“Oh, um up to you Kate. You want to race again?” Luke asked.

I nodded, “okay sure.”

“Come’on man, now what’s the bet?” James asked.

“Oh no bet,” Luke said, “just a friendly race.”

“What?” James objected, “naw dude, gotta keep us entertained here!”

I looked at Luke, curious to see how he’d respond. He kinda stared back at me, lost in thought.

“What do you want to do Kate?” He asked me after a second.

“Um… I’m fine with whatever.” I replied.

Luke nodded, “Okay, we’re gonna have Mike make a dance video of us. Winner chooses the song.”

I laughed, it seemed innocent enough “sure, why not?”

We started and I knew right away I was in trouble, my drink was starting to really hit. I’m not even really sure how I finished that race, but I did. Things were becoming a blur now. I knew I lost because Mike and James were offering song suggestions. Luke helped me up and we were both laughing as we stood in front of the twins there by the T.V.

There were more suggestions, more laughter, my laughter. We were having fun, and then my world tipped over.

James was kneeling by my side when I opened my eyes. His hand was caressing my back. I was laying on the couch now. How did I get up here?

I started to sit up.

James put his other hand on my shoulder and eased me back down while he kept caressing my back.

“Easy there girl, you just took a little tumble,” he comforted me.

“Uhhh… what are we dancing?” I asked, trying to remember.

“Shhh…” James whispered again and brought his face close to mine. Then our lips touched, and we kissed. I kissed him back too, this wasn’t expected, but kind of nice.

James didn’t pull away, he began to kiss me harder. His gentle caress on my back slowly morphed into a hungry gasp, his hands were all over my back. That felt good too, I thought.

Then I could feel a tug, and my bikini top loosened. One of James’ hands was immediately on my breast. He gave it a slight firm squeeze. Oh, that actually felt kind of pleasant too…


“Uhh, we need to dance,” I pushed James back off my lips and blurted out, trying to reach through the fog and grasp at something, whatever it was this small voice in my head was saying was wrong. I knew I should be doing something other than this.

“Forget the dancing baby, we’re going to have you singing instead.” James whispered in my ear, and I felt his lips on my neck.

“I… can’t sing though…” I said, a little confused.

“Don’t worry I can teach you,” James replied and crawled up on the couch. He used his knees to shove my legs apart, and laid down on top of me. His lips never left my neck.

I could feel his hands on my breasts, his lips on my neck. It felt, well actually kind of nice. Though, this wasn’t really what I wanted to be doing right now. I think? I wasn’t so sure. No it wasn’t right. What wasn’t right about it? I should be singing?

“What should I sing?” I asked, feeling a bit confused, but grateful for his guidance thus far.

“Just sing a high note girl,” He suggested, “Like Ahhhhh!”

I giggled, “That’s not a song!”

James laughed too, and occupied himself shuffling around with his swimsuit, and with mine? Why was he adjusting my bikini bottom? My mind was telling me I should be more worried about this, but in my haze it didn’t seem such a bad thing.

“Say Ahhhhh!” He laughed.

“Ahhhhhhh!” I laughed as I sung the note.

We both giggled.

“Ok, one more time, ahhhhhh!” James chuckled as he tried to hit the note. He wasn’t a good singer.

“Ahhhhhhhhhooowwwwccchh…. nnngg!” As I started my note there was a sharp pressure between my legs. This pressure, it was pushing my folds apart. Then it was more than pressure, it hurt!

“Huhhhnnngg!” James groaned as he pressed his hips forward.

“Oh… ahhnn!” I winced in pain. This didn’t feel good at all. Part of my mind was screaming, it was frightened. I was frightened. What was happening?

“James?” I asked fearfully. I couldn’t see anything but the ceiling now. James was laying on me, I couldn’t get up. James didn’t respond though. He just grunted, again and again. Each time he did he inched forward, up my body. My legs were pushed apart, and I could feel this unwanted terrifying pressure. My face was even to his chest now, I couldn’t see the ceiling anymore.

James breathed hard and began speaking to me, “Nice warm and tight. You got it all girl. Let’s hear you moan for daddy now.”

I was supposed to do what? This wasn’t singing or dancing. He lifted his hips off me a bit, and shoved them forward again. It was uncomfortable, and I felt… wait.

“Fuck, I love how your tight pussy feels around my dick!”

“James!!?” I shouted in a panicked voice, that didn’t sound like my own. My thoughts were coalescing now, the pieces were falling into place, a light in the fog. We were having sex! He was… inside me!

Wait, was I okay with this? Did I agree to this? When did this happen? We were laughing, and kissing. I kissed James, yes. We were having fun. I’ve never had sex before. Is this what it’s supposed to feel like? Am I doing it right? Wait… no, why am I doing this at all. This is wrong. Luke? Where was Luke!? My friend could help me make sense of this. Where was Mike? Why did they leave me alone with James? I’m scared, I need help.

My mind crashed from thought to thought in a confused jumble and James’ hips crashed into my own. His hard dick was wedged firmly within my aching folds. I could feel it, spreading me open as I wrapped around it. His wet length slid back and forth. His hips were at one end of it, smashing and grinding into my own. The other end disappeared somewhere far inside my body, and that worried me. I was too scared to do anything about it though, and just laid there panicking as he continued.

James’ arms grabbed at my back, his lips sucked and chewed at my neck. His body, dripping with sweat, rubbed against my own.

“James take it out!” I was pleading now. “Please, take it out!” It didn’t sound like me, but it must be. My mind was disappearing back into darkness now, playing tricks on me. I was only feeling pieces of what was happening.

My legs, they were wrapped around James’ back. Our lips were kissing, he was kissing me. His dick felt harder than ever now, and like it was stiffening more and more. James started gasping.

“Ahhh, fuck… ya fucking…. fuck!”

His hips thrust hard into mine.


Then he jammed them forward roughly, again.


Then a third time, he pressed his hips hard against mine now, and growled softly, as my mind became lost in this encroaching dense fog again.

Next thing I knew a different body was laying on top of me. It was bigger, but similar.

“You’re a good slut aren’t you?” I heard Mike ask in a whisper.

“I’m… not a slut…” I weakly replied, I think I did at least. I wanted to. Was it Mike laying on top of me? Why is he doing that? There was a good reason I was sure, something I was nervous about? I was scared earlier, why was that? Before I could ask things became foggy again. I remember drifting, floating, through nothingness for a time.

Then the sound of arguing in the background roused me briefly, bringing me partially back. It was Luke’s voice, he sounded furious. He was screaming at someone. I could only make out pieces. Something about a drink? What did that have to do with the police? He said he didn’t want a turn, a turn doing what? He mentioned my name? Did I do something? I hoped I didn’t make him mad.

The fogginess overtook me again.

“Can you hear me?” A voice was saying now. I didn’t recognize the voice though, I opened my eyes to see him crouched over me.

“Yes,” I said weakly.

“Okay, just lay still for a moment,” A man said, as he rummaged through what looked like a first aid kit.

“Ok,” I replied, “What’s going on?” I asked, before the fog claimed me yet again.

I wouldn’t wake until the next morning at the hospital.

I learned a lot about what happened over the next couple of days. James had spiked my drink, and when Luke learned he was furious and called the cops, even though he knew he’d get in trouble for drinking. Both James and Mike had sex with me when I was under the influence of the drug. I could only remember parts of it, though that was probably for the best. Everything I’d felt and experienced while lost that fogginess seemed to fit into place now. There was no long-term physical harm thankfully, but my shattered faith and trust in others was long gone. My world was a far more threatening place now.


Hi again everyone 👋

It’s been a long time since I posted last, I know. 😬 So sorry for that! I’m working though PMs now, if you sent me one! A busy life and a bit of writer’s block kept me away. I hope all has been going well for everyone though.

As always, I’m happy to hear any feedback, thoughts, or story ideas. I hope you enjoyed my story, and you all have a fun and sexy day too! 😊



  1. SHE’S BACK!!!!! THAT’S GREAT!!! And with a NEW Story. A Very Slow-Burn realistic/cautionary tale. It’s clever that you started Her off half-naked. I can’t wait for MORE!!! SHE’S BACK!!!!!

    *acting like the Town-Crier, trying to rouse everyone from their slumber*

    SHE’S BACK!!!!! SHE’S BACK!!!!! SHE’S BACK!!!!! SHE’S BACK!!!!! SHE’S BACK!!!!!

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