Groped, Betrayed, Blackmailed…Beyond the epilogue, A new chapter. [Blackmail] [NC] [C] [Same Sex] [Bondage]

This is a continuation of a 16 part series, by the same name, that I had intended to end with the epilogue. However, several readers had questions at the end that they wanted answered. After re-reading the story myself, I’ve decided to continue the storyline. For anyone interested, in my profile are links to the other stories ( kinda hard to find the first few in order, but you can figure it out), along with a few pics of my wife for visual reference. That being said…

Part 1

After leaving the resort, as soon as they got back on the interstate Vicki reclined the car seat and pretended to take a nap. Earl was lost in his own thoughts, and didn’t disturb her. She had so many things churning in her mind concerning the past week. Chiefly among them, at the moment, was Bruce Wilson.

She couldn’t help worrying about him, in spite of his part in what happened to her in his “friends” Ben and Colleen’s room. She had told her husband once that she had never intentionally hurt, or enjoyed seeing, another person be hurt, in her life. That still hadn’t changed. As she was fleeing, she saw the terror in his eyes as he was being made to deep throat Ben’s cock, just before Colleen plunged the dildo in his exposed ass. He had enjoyed watching, and participating in the abuse inflicted on her body that night. He had enjoyed fucking her the night prior, after Earl had “suggested” to her she should spend some time with him. He had left the resort very soon after, as had Ben and Colleen. She and Earl had stayed a couple more days, allowing her to recuperate physically and emotionally.

She also needed to sort out her conflicting emotions concerning all that had happened to her during the week.
Earl was still blackmailing her. That was why she was there with him. That was why she had spent a week at a nudist and swingers resort. She had lied to her husband again about where and why she was going away for a week. To spend time with Mr. Earl. Never in her life would she have planned such a getaway. Never would she have done the things she had been forced to do. The tingling in her loins said otherwise.

As she rode along with her eyes closed, thoughts of what occurred in Ben and Colleen’s room bombarded her mind. She had passed out briefly, waking to find her arms and legs tied to the bed frame. Then her legs were loosened and held while Ben shaved her bush. She still had to think about what to tell her husband about that, for the second time in several months. Then, being held down while Ben raped her, and Colleen finishing the job with the strap on. All these thoughts flooded her mind like a movie reel, and although she tried to fight it, she could feel herself getting aroused.

The trip home was long and monotonous on the interstate. Before she dozed off her thoughts turned to her husband, Will. She had made up a story about spending time at the beach with an old friend. He had believed her, telling her to have a good time and to tell her friend Diane hello. Now, besides explaining why she was returning from a trip, for the second time, with a shaved cunt, she would have to explain the all over tan, that while not overly noticeable, certainly showed up on her fair complexion. Before, she had been so adamant about using sunscreen whenever she spent time in the sun. The tan was a result of the “fuck it all” attitude she had developed the last few days at the resort. She regretted it now, one more thing to explain away to Will. As her eye lids grew heavy, instead of the truth, she would tell him the hotel had tanning beds and Diane had talked her into it. She soon passed out from exhaustion.
She was woken some later as the car bounced over the rough road that led to Mr. Earls shop. Thats where, per his instructions, she had picked him up a week earlier. There was little traffic on the road, making it unlikely they would be seen. Unlikely, but unfortunately, not impossible. Set back off the road was the woodworking shop. He didn’t spend much time there anymore, but when he wanted to be alone it provided a nice retreat. Pulling Vicki’s car around back to lessen any chance of being seen, he parked beside his truck.

“Get out and come inside” he barked, as soon as the engine died. His tone of voice, though familiar, startled her. I need to be getting home, my husband is”… “your husband can wait a little longer”, he said, cutting her off.
She knew it was useless to try to reason with him. Inside the closed up metal building, it was sweltering. There was no air conditioning just a few windows and fans. He opened a couple of windows and turned on the roof vent fan. The moving air itself was blistering. Inside the shop was an array of saws, drill presses, large sanding machines, and assorted hammers, clamps and such. Sawdust was everywhere, on the floor and covering the numerous work benches and tables.
“Now, get out of those clothes”, he barked again, loosening his own belt. Vicki felt like she had been punched in the gut. At the same time, she felt the now familiar tingling between her legs. “We don’t have time for this, my husband”…again he cut her off. “Old Will can wait. It’s gonna be awhile before I can enjoy your charms again. I’m sure he won’t mind us fucking one more time before you go home to him. Now, strip out of those clothes or I’ll rip them off”.
She started unbuttoning her blouse. Before taking it off, she removed her shoes and socks. She knew by now that Mr. Earl wanted her totally naked. Still, she took off her clothes slowly and methodically. It was instilled in her to take care of her belongings. So each sock was carefully placed in a shoe. As she removed the blouse from her shoulders, she looked for a clean place to lay it in the cluttered surroundings. Seeing no such place, she carefully placed it on the nearest work table. Next she unbuttoned and stepped out of her shorts. Brushing the sawdust off the legs, she then positioned them over her top. Her bra was next, then her panties. Again she shook the sawdust off, and neatly folded them before adding them to the pile. Earl watched intently. He was in no hurry, and was enjoying watching her discomfort as she disrobed. He knew as soon as she felt his touch, she would be like putty in his hands. She didn’t want what was about to happen, but at the same time she did.
Vicki stood naked before him. She could feel the tears welling up in the corners of her eyes. She could also feel the beginnings of a wetness building in her crotch. Taking her hand he led her to a worktable. Pushing various tools aside, he instructed her to bend over, laying her tits in a mound of sawdust. Hers arms reached to the other side of the narrow bench. She wrapped her fingers around the edge and held on. Loosening his belt, Earl moved and stood behind her. Vicki heard the sound of a zipper being ripped open. He dropped his pants to his knees and lined up his throbbing dick with her glistening slit and placed his hands on her hips Just as he expected, there was plenty of lubrication to ease the entrance of his thick organ into her waiting cunt. She was already panting in anticipation as he slowly entered her. She let out an audible gasp as he stretched her married pussy to accommodate his girth. Earl savored every inch as he pushed his member inside her, only stopping when he was balls deep. Vicki, panting harder now, tensed up around his throbbing dick, waiting for the coming assault. After a few slow thrusts, bringing his cock out till just the head was still buried in her, and slowly burying it again to the hilt over and over, he quickened the pace. As his pace picked up, so did Vicki’s moans, in intensity and decibels. Over and over he pounded her inviting pussy. The harder his thrusts, the louder her moans became.Too soon, he felt the pressure building in his loins. Vicki felt his cock starting to throb and get harder. She knew he was about to fill her with his cum. She always loved that moment, when she could feel the mans semen hitting her insides. She loved the sensation when she felt the hot liquid filling her vagina. Suddenly they both heard a voice coming from outside and a loud knock on the door. “Earl, Earl, are you in there ? Vicki tried to pull away, but Earl grabbed ahold of her hips harder and held her down till he had given her his load. Only then did he pull out and let her go. Vicki had a look of absolute horror on her face. Who in the fuck could that be ? she thought to herself. She grabbed up her carefully folded clothes and looked for a place to hide. She saw none.

Whoever it was had tried to come in the front door. They heard him trying to twist the door knob. Finding it locked, he came around to the back, finding that door unlocked. When Earl pulled out with a loud (to them) plop, Vicki felt his cum gushing out of her. Not finding anywhere to hide, Vicki turned her back, slipped her shirt on sans bra, and pulled on her shorts, without her panties. It wasn’t her first time dressing in a hurry, but it had been quite awhile since she’d had to do it. Slipping her shoes on with her back turned away from the doors, she was buttoning her shirt when the intruder stepped inside. She had no idea what he may have heard or seen. Earl jerked his pants up and greeted the man, drawing attention to himself. Vicki managed to kick her bra and panties and socks out of sight. Earl hurried around the table and put out his hand, “Arthur, whats up ?”.

Arthur Lee had a satellite TV business in town. He knew everybody, everybody knew him. He also had a habit of poking his nose into other peoples business all the time. Will, her husband, had been friends with Arthur years ago, playing golf and just generally carousing around with him. He and his wife had spent a lot of time at their house, and vice versa. The friendship cooled after awhile and they rarely saw each other now. Earl had been having problems with his TV receiver and had called to have it looked at two weeks prior. Arthur had finally gone by his house, and finding no one home, came out to the shop looking for him. When he came in, after speaking to Earl he recognized Vicki from behind. “Hey Vicki !, is that you ? how have you been, how’s ole Will ?” She had no choice but to turn around. She hoped he couldn’t tell she was braless, and hoped Earls cum wasn’t running down her leg. “Hi Arthur, it has been awhile, Will’s good, working all the time”, she answered in a cheerful tone. “He must be, haven’t seen him around in ages”, Arthur responded, eyeing
her up and down. She and Earl were soaking wet from the heat and exertion. Arthur noticed her shirt clinging to her skin. “Vicki, tell Will I’ll get with him about that little job. Shouldn’t take long”, Earl said, in an effort to explain her presence. “Arthur, are you ready to look at my satellite? “We’re about to finish up here, why don’t you meet me at the house.”
“Hey, no problem Earl, Vicki, tell Will I said hello”, again eyeing her far too long. Finally he left. As soon as he pulled away, Vicki broke down. “Oh my god, I’m dead”. There were no tears, just uncontrollable shaking. Taking her by the shoulders, Earl said, “don’t worry about it. I’ll talk to him some more at the house. I don’t think he suspected anything. I’ll handle it. Finish dressing while I get my things out of your car”.
She gathered her bra and panties and socks off the floor, shaking the dirt and sawdust off the best she could. Undressing again, she found an old rag and wiped the cum from her leg where it had been oozing out of her. She pulled on her panties, bra and socks. She was about to put her shorts on when Earl reappeared, startling her. She jerked the shorts up to her breast in an effort to cover up till she saw who it was. Shaking her head, she finished dressing and walked toward the door. First step she took, she discovered she’d missed some of the saw dust in her panties.

Vicki was in a daze as she drove to her house. She had no idea what to do next. She had talked to her husband earlier and told him about when to expect her. It was too early for him to be off work, unless he left early. She hoped he hadn’t, but as she pulled into the driveway she saw he was already home, waiting for her.
She sat in the car, looking in the mirror, trying to make sure she was presentable when Will came out the door to help unload. He leaned over to give her a kiss, and drew back. “Wow, you look… different. Are you ok ?”
Her heart was beating wildly and she felt faint, but she smiled weakly and said, “I’m fine, just tired, it was a long trip back”. “Oh?, why is that?”
When she left, she told him they (she and her friend Diane) were going to Destin, about an hour and a half away. As soon as she said it, she knew she’d screwed up. “Uh, just a lot of traffic, and already tired, you know”.
He told her to go inside and he’d unload the car. With some hesitation, she agreed. Walking in with her luggage, he noticed bits of sawdust on the floor, leading to the bathroom, where Vicki was already in the shower. Sand, he would have expected her to track inside, but sawdust ?

Inside, Vicki ran a bath, and got out her old douchebag. Filling it with warm water, like she had in her youth, she inserted the end of the hose in her pussy and washed out what remained of Earls cum. Her legs were sticky where it had dribbled out of her and dried, as were her panties. Stuck in the crotch was the sawdust she had failed to shake out when she put them on in Earl’s shop. Likewise in the cups of her bra. She threw the dirty underwear in the hamper. She would deal with it tomorrow, never suspecting Will might snoop around before then.

End of Part 1
