Cold water therapy [M/F] [gfd]

“Stand under the water.”

M looked at S timidly.

“Like we talked about…”

He did as he was told.

The water was lukewarm. He felt exposed.

He looked up at her in anticipation, wincing as she reached for the tap.

“Close your eyes.”

He slowly lowered his eyelids. His hand instinctively covered his genitalia.


He let his hands hang at his sides, his muscles fraught with tension.

“Deep breaths.”

He tried to focus himself, breathing.


He breathed in apprehensively. She reached out to hold his hand.


He held the breath in his chest for a moment, his grip tightening around her hand.


He exhaled as deeply as he could, steadying himself with a pause.

She turned the tap to its coldest setting. He yelped.


Icy water shot out of the fixture over his head, pelting his body in freezing, continuous streams.


His body was shuddering, his face anguished in pained horror. He felt a desperate panic as she let go of his hand. He tried to shield himself from the torrent.


His face was sullen, his posture slumped in defensive alert. He felt like he might cry.


He felt horrible and pathetic. He took a pitiful breath.


His teeth were chattering, his lips beginning to tremble.

“Eyes open.”

He slowly forced his eyes open.

“On me.”

He looked at her face. The same frigid water poured across her body. Her face was tranquil.

“Remember what we talked about.”

M felt a strange confusion. She reached out to hold his hand again.

“With me.”

He tried to catch his breaths. They were shallow and panicked.

“M… with me.”

She squeezed his hand.

“Let the cold in.”

He felt a mourning pain in his chest.

“Be a good boy for me.”

His lips bent downwards at the sides, shame swallowing him up. He desperately wanted to be held.

“M… I know you can.”

His muscles were tight and frantic. He whimpered.

“Stop trying. Let the cold in. Deep…”

He mustered the last of his scattered attention and channeled it into his rib cage.

He slowly began to inhale, looking at her. She seemed invincible.

“I know…”

Her voice was silky.

“I know…”

He exhaled his breath. He felt a strange sensation.

“Let go.”

He began to relax his muscles, his posture righting. Her eyes glowed.

“Good boy…”

Her words blanketed him like a shield. He began to breathe more freely. She squeezed his hand.


He found himself beginning to smile. She beamed back at him with a cute grin.

He relaxed his spine. Tension flowed out of him like water over his skin. He felt the cold soaking into his bones, yet he somehow didn’t mind.

She made a funny motion like a dance, their hands held together.

“Just… *singing* in the raiiiin.”

He smiled widely, his mind clearing.


He nodded. His body was still.

“Okey… that’s enough.”

She reached over and turned the tap back to hot. The water began to warm as she turned to him, gently nudging his shoulder for him to spin around. He did so obediently.

She came up behind him and wrapped her arms around him, pressing her skin against his body as the water steamed over them.

She held him close as he relaxed into her, intense relief rolling through his nerves, his eyes gently going slack in pleasure.

“You were such a good boy…”

He whimpered and nuzzled himself into her.

“I’m so proud of you…”

He felt as though he were melting.

“Doesn’t the water feel nice now?”

He nodded lovingly. The droplets tingled on his skin, his senses charmed.

She began to caress down his abdomen. He sighed in satisfaction to be touched.

“Good boy… good boy…”

Her hand came to rest on his testicles. She wrapped her fingers around them and began to squeeze and massage them. His heart was throbbing with affection in his chest.

“Good boy… I’m so proud of you…”

His cock began to fill and inflate. She reached her left hand down and groped it possessively, tenderly kneading his balls with her right.

“I’m so proud of you… my good boy…”

He felt lightheaded and dizzy with happiness.

She gripped his hard cock firmly with her soft hand, pressing her body against his as though trying to support him. He relaxed himself into her embrace. Precum began to ooze out of him as she gently stroked his shaft.

“Now I’m going to milk you…”


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