A few years ago, I was an in-person sperm donor to a couple who were trying, and I ended up giving them a child [MF]

A few years ago, this couple was trying to have their first child. How I know them is a long story (friend of a friend…. etc.). His sperm count wasn’t enough, and they were unsuccessful after months of trying. Their doctor told them they would need a sperm donor, or to adopt.

She was keen on carrying a baby, and having one on their own. I look very similar to the husband, and the topic was brought up if I wanted to be the sperm donor. After a screening of my family history and health, they were both onboard.

To save cost and time, we agreed to do NI (natural insemination). In the appropriate part of her cycle, her and I had sessions every evening, for a whole week. Ended up working!

It isn’t something any of us ever plan on sharing, or telling anyone. They will always treat the child as fully theirs. And at the end of the day, I had fun doing it :)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/votnv2/a_few_years_ago_i_was_an_inperson_sperm_donor_to


  1. Beautiful story! How was the sex? Was it more just doing the motions or was it pleasurable with kissing, hand holding, eye contact, etc? Did you find her attractive?

  2. I would say the most amazing gift you could give any parents whom desire a child

  3. I was offered the opportunity to do this for a lesbian couple a few years ago, who wanted their own child. One (an old friend) was bisexual, and the other (the one I’d impregnate) was fully lesbian. It sounded a fun idea, with ongoing threesomes loosely arranged until she got pregnant (they both wanted to be there and intimately sexually involved at the conception, and I was guaranteed the opportunity to fuck both of them repeatedly until the deed was done, over however many sessions it took) but the health of the eventual potential mother suddenly got bad and the idea was dropped. I’d still happily do it 🙂

  4. Did the husband participate or watch? Did she do anything special to build a bigger load for you to deliver?

    Spill some details!!

  5. As wild as this story is… you neverrr want to take any of those genetic spit tests where it randomly linked you to family members 😂😂. It will come back and haunt you big time !

  6. While I like the idea, I’d be wary of the idea. What if their relationship sours, they separate and you get sued for child support ?

  7. “Having one of their own” is translation for “having one of her own” lmao

  8. Not doing it through a licensed and certified fertility clinic could bite you in the ass. They could come back to you for child support.

  9. Honestly this story has bare minimum details. Please elaborate on the “wild” part

  10. Reminds me of a coworker who had done NI for a lesbian couple. The couple almost has twins and the donor had visitation rights lol!

  11. >To save cost and time, we agreed to do NI (natural insemination).

    I prefer to call it “direct deposit”.

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