Me and My Best Friend Fucked High School Grads in Europe [MM22/FF18]

After graduating college, I went on a trip to Europe with my best friend, Ryan. Some of the trip was just us exploring on our own, but other parts were more structured. We were with a tour group in Italy that took us through the Piemontes, stopping in small towns to sample the local cuisine as we went. At night, we’d usually get a small room with two beds in a hostel with a bunch of other young people around. I wasn’t a huge partier and liked to get adequate sleep, so the hostel environment could be hit or miss for me.

I’m just about 6″, slim, with dirty blond hair and brown eyes. Ryan is 5″, a little more muscular with darker hair, facial hair and brown eyes. We were very different, but couldn’t be closer. We complimented each other well. Me, with my charming anxious humor, and Ryan with his friendly nature and confidence. We were also affectionate friends, never shying away from a hug or saying, “I love you.” Part of this physical comfortability was also a show for girls. We played it up sometimes, to flirt.

In Italy, we found ourselves in a tour group with a bunch of girls from California. We were both from Maryland outside of DC. They seemed to be from wealthier families, had just graduated high school, and were exploring the world a bit before entering elite colleges. I didn’t think we’d find much in common to talk about with the girls, but Ryan is so easygoing and friendly that we got us all chatting away.

It helped that we both had girlfriends, so all of our flirting was done with a little reckless abandon, knowing nothing would come of it.

Because of my height, I sometimes wind up walking ahead of groups by accident. Or subconsciously. I never really know. But today, I was in pretty deep conversation with one of the girls, Izzy. Izzy was almost as tall as me, and a bombshell. I imagined Christina Hendricks having this kind of body when she was 18, but Izzy had dirty blond hair and was tan. You know, SoCAl. Once we got talking, I realized I had a lot of preconceptions about rich girls from SoCal and I had been unfairly assuming she’d be an airhead. We talked philosophy and art, made each other laugh, and when we were more comfortable, starting sharing more about our personal lives.

“I was so ready to graduate college.” I confessed. “I feel weird about that. Most of my friends were so sad. I think I just felt suffocated.”

“Great, can’t wait for the fall.” Izzy, said, sarcastically.

“Oh my god, don’t even listen to me. You’re gonna have an amazing time.” I said, realizing she was about to head off to a four year institution herself.

“I’m just messing with you.” She said, laughing. “I’m going to a bigger school than you, so I’m not worried about feeling suffocated. You should have just done that.”

She was poking fun at me and I loved it.

“Yeah, yeah, you’re right. I also regret going into college with a girlfriend. Should have broken up beforehand, but whatever. Hindsight.”

“Yeah…I’m thinking the same.” She said. “I’ve got a boyfriend, but I don’t know how much longer it’s gonna last.”

“Oh no?!” I asked, surprised.

“Yeah, he’s cute but kinda clingy.”

“Damn. Breakups are never fun though.”

“Meh.” Izzy sounded like she wasn’t worried about it.

We all spent the day learning the history of the Piemontes and eating amazing food. I noticed Ryan’s attention was captured by one of Izzy’s friends. They were talking and laughing, poking fun at each other just like Izzy and me. Her name was Claire, I think. She was smaller than Izzy, but really cute. Pale with brown hair, sizable chest, and huge blue eyes. Like Bambi. Too soon it was time to call it a night.

Ryan and I got to our room, quickly showered and got into sweats and tank tops. Our feet were sore from walking all day, but we were excited to grill each other on the respective buddies we had made.

“Her name’s Claire, right? She’s stupid cute.” I said.

“I know. She’s my type too.” Ryan responded.

“I know, Ry. Hehe. Too bad you’re taken.”

“Yeah, well, so be it. I love Lisa and we’ve been together so long now.”

“She’s not your normal type, is she?”

“No, but I still find her attractive.”

“As attractive as Claire?”

“No.” He laughed.

“What about Izzy though.” Ryan said, putting the focus on me now to *divert.*

“She’s really cool, man. Way smarter than I thought.”

“She’s also fucking hot.” Ryan added.

“Yes, this is true. I’m normally more into girls like Claire, but I’m definitely attracted to her.”

At that moment, we heard a knock at the door.

“Yeah?” We both said, simultaneously.

Ryan and I were both lying in his bed, almost cuddling, of course. So when the door opened, we heard, “Ohmygod are you guys *making out?!”* as we sat up. It was Izzy and Claire, giggling.

Ryan decided to mess with them.

“I dunno, *maybe*.” He said, and we both laughed.

“Damn, we’re gonna have to tell your girlfriends” said Izzy at the doorway.

“Oh, they already know.” I added. “No one can stop our love.”

“It’s the bromance of the century.” Ryan said, hugging me. I gave him a little peck on his hairy cheek.

“Awwww, you guys are cute.” Claire said.

“Are you going to bed now?” Izzy asked.

“Maybe, maybe not.” Ryan said, coyly.

“Everyone is still hanging out, so you guys should too. Unless you’re just gonna bone each other and call it a night.” Izzy said, poking at us.

“Nah, nah. We can hang. No boning for us tonight.” I said.

“Awwww, that’s too bad for your bromance.” Izzy replied.

Ryan looked at me with feigned hurt in his eyes and we laughed.

“Make room for us.” Izzy said. “It’s been a long day. Time for a cuddle puddle.”

Ryan and I made room for the pair, each wearing an oversized men’s tee and maybe shorts underneath, but I couldn’t tell.

Izzy and Claire climbed on the double bed in between Ryan and me, facing each other, and making themselves our little spoons. It was cute. At this point, I was in a cheap white Fruit of the Loom tank and boxers, while Ryan was wearing athletic shorts and a black tee. I knew for this to stay as appropriate as possible, I’d have to keep my body a small distance from Izzy. No, not the best big spoon move, but we were both in relationships, so I thought it wise.

Izzy had other plans, however. She scooched her amazing ass back a bit until it was pressed up against me, and she started wiggling. I thought once she was comfortable, she’d stop. I used all of my Jedi mind tricks to keep from getting hard. I was with this 18 year old girl who didn’t know what she was doing, in bed with another 18 year old girl, and my best friend. And no, we’d never had a threesome or anything even close to an actual sexual encounter together. I just needed to keep it together.

But she kept going, subtly gyrating her hips and grinding her ass into me.

I felt myself getting hard against her. I got up.

“Where are you going?” Izzy chided.

“Just getting some water. Anyone want anything?”

“We good.” Ryan replied, enjoying the cuddle with Claire, similarly pressed together. I watched them for a moment and it looked like the same going on there. But Ryan had no shame. Damn.

Ryan and I made eye contact like, “Come on. It’s one night in Europe. It’s not a big deal.” At least, that’s what I got out of it. And I decided not to be a party pooper.

So I joined back, soft this time.

“I’m getting cold.” Izzy informed me. “Can you get a little closer?”

I obliged, wrapping my arms around her, trying to avoid grabbing her huge chest.

She started wiggling her ass again and I could feel myself getting hard again.

“Izzy.” I whispered in her ear. “If you keep moving like that, there’s gonna be a problem.”

“What problem?” She replied, turning and bringing her face right into mine, not moving her ass away from my pelvis. She had a mischievous grin.

“Oh my god, you’re bad.” I said, half laughing. “Seriously, I’m getting hard.” I whispered again, our faces so close to each other.

Izzy just kept eye contact with me as my cock grew rock solid digging right into her ass.

“Oh wow.” She said, biting her lip a bit.

Fuck. It felt way too good. I looked up and Claire was staring at us, hands half covering a giggle on her face.

“Ryan, you’re poking me.” Claire said.

“Sorry, can’t help it. I’m a guy.” Ryan added shamelessly.

“It’s ok.” Claire said, with a tone that said it was more than ok.

Izzy and Claire looked at each other, wide-eyed, like they couldn’t believe their plan had worked. It was like we had been played.

I was now trying not to thrust myself against Izzy’s amazing ass as she slowly ground up against me. My hands instinctively started moving over her hips, which you could really grab onto. I started grinding with her. Ryan and I looked at each other in disbelief. How far would this go? At that moment, Claire turned her head and kissed Ryan. I looked at Izzy to see her reaction, but her head was partially buried in a pillow.

I looked down at my underwear as my cock sprung itself free from the boxer fly. I stopped moving and Izzy propped herself up. “Why’d you stop?” She asked.

I looked down at my dick, which was out now and Izzy followed suit.

“Fuck, that’s hot. It’s so hard.” she whispered. Izzy stared at it as she moved her ass backwards towards it again, wanting to feel it against her. Feeling more bold, I lifted the hem of her oversized tee to see what was underneath. What I saw was a pair of small black lacy panties trying in vain to cover her beautiful ass. I took my cock and guided it between her thighs where I knew she would want to grind. Izzy let out a small gasp as she felt my bare cock against her pussy between her thighs. And she started moving again. Holy shit, it felt amazing. I started thrusting a bit and Izzy was moaning lightly.

My hands now moved up from her waist closer to her chest. I wanted to tease her a bit, so I didn’t grab her tits immediately. I worked my way up, massaging her shoulders and collarbones, feeling her beautiful, soft face, running my fingers over her lips, all while grinding my hard cock against her pussy and thighs, a small piece of fabric separating us from a sweet union.

Her breathing got faster and I finally started massaging her huge chest, feeling her nipples become erect at my touch. I squeezed her in closer, harder, and looked up to see Ryan and Claire. Ryan was half straddling Claire, his cock in her hand as she rubbed up and down his shaft while they kissed passionately. Ryan had lifted up Claire’s shirt revealing a milky-white perfect pair of C-cup tits that I wanted to grab. In this double bed, we were all so pressing up against each other. Taking my right hand free, I went down to readjust my cock. And while I was there, traced a finger across Izzy’s pussy, over her panties. She started trembling with desire, so I decided to move her panties slowly to the side and feel how wet her labia was, her cum starting to drip from inside her. Izzy inhaled sharply and nodded, looking at me. I licked my finger and slowly stuck it inside of her, feeling her for the first time. She writhed against my finger, needing more. I moved my thumb up to her clit and began rubbing slowly, in circles first. She was gyrating and humping against my hand as she lifted her head up and kissed me for the first time. We locked tongues and consumed each other. My cock, the tip growing slick, was begging to be put to use. When I felt Izzy approaching a peak, I took my hand away and grabbed my cock, rubbing the tip along her entrance, teasing her. She was so soft, with a light landing strip cleanly kept on her mound. Before I could do it myself, Izzy pushed herself backwards right onto my cock, taking me deep inside. I almost came on the spot but managed to keep it together.

Izzy began grinding on me slowly, taking me in and out, getting my cock soaking wet, tip all the way down the shaft. We kept kissing passionately, her tongue so adept it made my cock twitch inside her. Her plump lips sucking on mine, her sweet breath…it almost put me over the edge.

I look up quickly and see Ryan, now on top of Claire, thrusting his dick into her. She’s got her legs up propped up by her arms, almost to her head, her tits pressing in between her arms, nipples small and hard. It was an amazing sight. I didn’t see how Ryan could keep going for too long. Ryan, for leverage, reached his hand out and grabbed one of Izzy’s tits. I don’t think he meant to, but after realizing what he was holding, he kept grabbing. Seeing this move, I reached my right hand out and grabbed Claire’s tits, using the leverage to start pounding my cock harder into Izzy. Izzy let out a loud moan and with a free hand, started vigorously rubbing her own clit. She was approaching her peak and I kept pounding, knowing that getting her there would set me over the edge myself.

As Izzy came, I looked up at her face and saw ecstasy. Just then, Ryan pulled out, Claire grabbing his cock, and she milked rope after rope of cum onto Claire’s beautiful body and tits. I couldn’t take it anymore.

“Fuck, Izzy, I’m gonna cum.” I managed to get out as I shot a load into her pussy before pulling myself out, standing up, and aiming the rest of my load across Izzy’s face and chest. My cock was so tight I wound up shooting a few ropes across Izzy onto Claire as a seemingly never-ending fountain of cum left my body. Claire started to shake as she was covered in cum and began to have an intense orgasm as I realized Ryan had started fingering her hard, hitting her g-spot. Claire reached out trying to find something to grip as she began squirting all over Ryan as she came. She found Izzy’s tits, the perfect handhold, which were covered in my cum.

My balls were drained but my cock hadn’t gone down yet, so I slowly pressed myself back into Izzy’s pussy, savoring the feeling as we kissed hungrily again.

Everyone was panting, soaked in sweat and cum, all looking as pleased as we’d ever been.

“Fuck man. This trip was the best idea ever.” Ryan said.

“Hell yeah.” I panted. “We just need to keep what happened in Italy…in Italy.” I said, half laughing.

“You boys are something else.” Izzy said with a sigh. “I hope college is this good.”

“I’ll take some water now.” Claire chimed in, “And maybe a towel.”

“Good idea.” I said.

I didn’t know what the fallout would be from this sudden outbreak of intense fucking, but I knew I’d never be the same again.



  1. Excellent storytelling, grammar, character dynamics, and it’s downright hot.

    Great work.

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