Friends Give In: Chapter 1

Disclaimer: All characters are fictional, and any semblance to any real person is a coincidence. All sexual activity takes place with characters over 18

Mallory and Oliver had first met freshman year in geography class. Mallory was an awkward young skinny redheaded girl. Oliver was a quiet boy who played the guitar in his free time and didn’t attract much attention. After a while, they struck up a conversation.

Through the turbulence of high school, COVID, exams, rough tests and university applications, they grew closer and closer. Talking in geography class turned into casual texts between classmates. Those casual texts became late-night Facetime calls. Soon enough, they were in love. Bystanders thought they were a couple. Oliver’s friends told him to man up and ask her on a date, but he never did find the courage. Mallory knew she was in love with him, but she outright refused to admit it.

By March of their senior year, Mallory and Oliver had changed. They have reached the age of 18 and grown into their adult bodies. Mallory has become a stunning young woman with a petite figure and wavy red hair down to the middle of her back. Her boobs, once mosquito bites, have grown to stunning perky B-cups and her butt has firmed up from her work as a lifeguard at the local pool. Oliver has become stunning in his own right, sporting a chiseled 6-pack and a sharp jawline. But one thing never changed: Since freshman year, they’ve both been head over heels for each other.

Eventually something is going to give. It has to. Two 18 year olds can’t continue flirting like this forever.

Later that month, Mallory is watching TV with her friend Alyssa. They eventually reach the topic of prom. Alyssa asks Mallory who she’s going with, and Mallory replies “I don’t know”.
“What do you mean you don’t know?” Alyssa says. This was foreseeable. Alyssa was popular and undoubtedly had found herself a date far in advance
“I don’t think I’m going to bother with a date,” Mallory replies.
“Why not?”
“I can’t think of anyone that would go with me,”
“You’re fucking kidding me, you and Oliver have been obvious forever,”
Knowing she fingered herself to a picture of him earlier that day, Mallory turns a bright crimson red. “That’s not true, Oliver and I are just friends”
“Don’t give me that shit, I think you two are fucking behind everyone else’s back” The blushing in Mallory’s face intensifies. She wishes it was true, but it’s not. Mallory quickly excuses herself and rushes off to the bathroom.

Mallory has completely lost her composure. It’s the first time someone’s directly asked her about her relationship with Oliver. She grabs her face cloth from her shower and splashes cold water over her face to try to cool herself down.

As she does, she thinks of something she saw a few months ago. Oliver and Mallory had gone swimming together at a wave pool. Mallory wasn’t ready for the waves when they knocked her over. Oliver caught her and helped her up, but she noticed a bulge in his pants afterwards. It’s an image that has been burned in her head since that day. If she was right, which she’s sure she was, Oliver has a long thick cock with a slight upwards bend. Thinking about the cock that her longtime crush must have never fails to soak Mallory’s panties.

Resigned to her fate, she opens Oliver’s Instagram and lays down on the floor. She wraps a towel around her vagina to catch the inevitable squirt that should be coming out of her shortly. She’s done her research and apparently many guys are into that kind of stuff. She hopes Oliver is one of them. She scrolls through Oliver’s Instagram to find a picture of him surfing. His hard abs are clearly visible and there’s nothing Mallory wants more in the world than to feel him all over before he puts his hard cock into her. She feels her pussy getting wetter and her nipples getting harder. She pulls off the crop top that she’s been wearing and watches her soft breasts jiggle as they’re released. Her soaking wet shorts and panties are next, as she discards them off to the side to make herself completely naked. She reaches her right hand into her soaking pussy and spreads her pussy juices over her body. Mallory covers her boobs and thighs with the juices from her pussy and begins caressing and squeezing her boobs. She squeezes and twists her hard pink nipples and lets out a loud moan. Shit. She suddenly remembers Alyssa is still out there, in the bedroom. There’s no way she doesn’t hear what’s happening in the bathroom. Mallory pushes that thought to the side. It can be dealt with later. Right now, she needs to orgasm. Mallory, now fully naked in her bathtub, brings her right hand down to her swollen pussy. Unable to hold herself back, she starts rubbing vigorously at her clit as she plays with her tits with her left hand. She feels the pleasure building inside her, she won’t be able to last much longer. Suddenly, she erupts. “Oh my god yes Oliver!” she screams. Mallory collapses into post-orgasmic bliss. Her breathing slows and deepens and she realises she’s soaked through the towel and soaked the floor of the bathroom and the clothes she was wearing.

Whatever. She can’t really go out naked to Alyssa. Mallory puts her soaked crop top back on. If it didn’t smell like her vagina, you’d think someone dumped a bottle of water on her. Her panties are still soaked from earlier but at least her pants are mostly dry. When she steps out, Alyssa is sitting in front of the TV. “Mallory I heard that, you need to talk to him,” she says. Alyssa walks out before Mallory has the chance to respond. She decides Alyssa is right and decides to Facetime Oliver immediately.



  1. That was cute. The build up was great and the details were titillating. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Awesome! Stay on it. I’ve lost my motivation so I started perusing here again. Look forward to seeing what comes next.

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