[F/d] How It Began [Part 10] [18]

So deeply involved in my endeavor, I hadn’t noticed my door opening, and the girls entering my room.
When at last Sam spoke up, I almost had a heart attack.
“Shit, you girls almost scared the shit out of me!”
“Hi daddy, are you two having fun without us?”
Leaning forward Kim came within inches of Tom’s face, asking him how it felt to get butt fucked?
“Kim, I love it, I never knew how amazing this would be, I feel so full, and the pressure is driving me insane!”
When Tom had finished this, Kim locked her lips onto his, and played tonsil hockey with Tom.
“Daddy, don’t cum inside him, I want to see you cum all over his ass, when you are ready.”

Ten strokes later, I was unable to hold off any longer.
Pulling out of Tom’s bottom, Sam grabbed my penis, and stroked me until I shot rope, after rope of cum all over Tom’s cheeks.
While Sam kept her hold on my penis with one hand, she rubbed my cum all over Tom’s bottom.
“Daddy, that was amazing, I have never seen you so animated!
Watching both your, and Tom’s face was a treasure to behold.
I think later when the two of you are rested, and rejuvenated Tom should return the favor.”

“Sam, after I am rested, I think I will need another rest, from this weeks adventures.
We have only two days left before the three of you return to school.
After that I won’t be able to see you until summer break.
That being said, I want to make the most of our time together, is there anything you, and the others want to do, or explore?”
While the reality of this sank into my daughters brain, she jumped from the bed, and took Kim, and Tom in hand, and made a bee line towards the backyard.
“Daddy, if you don’t mind, I think Kim, Tom, and I will have a little conference, we will let you know our thoughts later.”

Leaving me with my thoughts, the three of them headed outside.
I could have cracked open the window a bit to listen in on their discussion, however I thought it best to wait for them to come to me with their ideas.
Fifteen minutes later, I stuck my head out of the sliding door to the backyard, and told the kids that I was going into town, and I would be back later.

Driving into town, my mind was occupied with how I was going to surprise them with going away gifts.
Pulling into a parking spot, I headed towards the adult toy store.
As I entered, my mind was whirling, what to get them that they would use, and enjoy.
Grabbing a basket, I rummaged through the assortment of plugs, and dildos.
Picking out a few I thought they would like, I also bought an assortment of lingerie, and sexy panties for the girls.
Tom on the other hand needed something special, something the girls would have a use for.
After a few minutes of searching I found the perfect item for him.
Stopping at the counter, I payed for the items in my basket, I asked the girl at the counter if they would wrap up my gifts, she was more than happy to oblige.
On my way back, I kept wondering how Tom was going to accept my gift.

Pulling into the driveway, I entered the house to silence.
They must be in the back, I thought.
Yes, I was correct, the three of them were engaged in an epic water fight.
Sam had broken out the super-soaker squirt guns, and they were doing their best to score hits on each other.
I must admit that the sounds of laughter that came from the group was such a wonderful sound.
All I ever wanted was for my daughter, and now her friends, was to enjoy their life, and never have a moment of sadness cross their paths.

It took them a few minutes for my presence to register, and once spotted, I was the dubbed their next victim for the firing squad.
Within seconds, I was soaked from head to toe.
Stripping off my wet clothes, I dropped my packages on the table, followed by my world famous cannon ball dive.
The resulting tidal wave from my dive sent a torrent of water rushing over the three kids.
By this time everyone was in stitches from laughter.

Wading over to me Sam jumped into my arms, while peppering my face with kisses.
This wasn’t lost on Kim, who followed up with a like treatment.
Tom wasn’t quite as affectionate as the girls, yet he did manage to give me a nice hug, as it was I couldn’t help but give his bottom a nice squeeze, after all it was such a nice tight little bottom.
“Daddy, what’s in the packages, what you bring us?
Can we see?”
“Sam you are the worst, you have no patience, and no sense of the dramatic.
I was going to give you three your gifts now, but now I think everyone will have to wait until I am ready.
As those words left my lips Kim, and Tom gave Sam the stink eye, for forestalling the gift giving.
To show their disapproval, they grabbed Sam dragged her over to the other end of the pool and began to dunk her until she cried uncle.

When the had made their point, Sam was allowed up.
Sputtering, and laughing the three made their way back to my end of the pool.
“OK you three out of the pool and inside right now.”
Once inside I had them stand in a line in front of me.
Dripping water onto the tile floor of the kitchen wasn’t a problem, it mopped up easily.
Grabbing a towel, I proceeded to dry off my daughter first.
Spending a few extra minutes drying her bottom, and her private areas, I wanted her hyped up for her gifts.
Moving over to Kim, I repeated the same drying methods.
The same was done for Tom, when I dried off his penis, I spent a couple of moments bringing it to full mast, god I loved this boys little penis, so small, yet so ridged.

Reaching into my bag, I first took out a couple of packages for Sam.
Nodding my approval, I motioned for her to unwrap my gifts.
As the wrapping fell away, Sam found a couple of plugs, and a new dildo/vibrator.
Her other package held a few panties I thought would look very sexy on her.
Once again my face was coated in slobber from Sam’s kisses.
This was repeated after Kim received her gifts.
Handing Tom his first gift, he discovered much the same as those of the girls.
“Tom, I have a last gift for you.”
Reaching into the bag, I withdrew a smaller package, however I handed it to the girls rather than Tom.
“Girls, I want you two to open this one, but don’t let Tom see it yet.”
Taking the gift, the girls turned their backs away from Tom’s sight, they unwrapped it.
All Tom and I heard was the girls doubling over in laughter.
When at last they were able gather themselves, they turned around Tom’s gift held in Sam’s closed fist.
Followed by Kim saying, “Oh that’s so cool, this is going to be a lot of fun.”

“OK girls let’s show Tom his gift.”
When the girls turned around Sam opened her hands for Tom to see his gift.
When his eyes focused, there was an astonished look upon his face.
What caught Tom’s attention was a stainless steel chastity cage, think of a small bird cage that bends downward, and has a lock attached to the base.

“What is this thing, I mean I know what it is, but why are you giving it to me?” Tom asked.
“Tom, you have had your mind expanded this weekend, and have taken everything in stride, like a trooper.
This is just one more experience for you to embrace, don’t be afraid of this, in the long run you will thank me.
Girls I want the two of you to attach this to Tom’s penis, and balls.

Kneeling at Tom’s feet, the girls began to inspect the cage, and how it needed to be attached to Tom’s penis.
The entire time they were debating how the chastity worked, Tom’s penis kept dripping pre-cum.
Carefully pulling his balls through the ring, they began trying to fit the cage over his penis.
His erection was causing them a problem, to that end Kim flicked her fingertip a couple times against Tom’s balls, this had the desired, and immediate effect of Tom’s penis dropping to a flaccid state.
Once this occurred, they were able to slide his penis into the cage, followed by Sam producing the small padlock with which to “seal the deal”.

“Damn, that is the sexiest thing I have ever seen.” Sam said.
“I agree, now that my boyfriend is locked away, what ever am I going to do for fun?” Kim asked.
Looking over at Sam, was all that Sam needed to hear, she leaned over, and began kissing Kim with a passion.
“Kim, we can just keep him locked away until we are really horny, and decide to have mercy on him, after all haven’t we done perfectly well without a flesh and blood cock to play with?”
Pushing Kim onto her back, Sam dove into Kim’s pussy with her lips, and tongue, bringing forth a series of erotic moans.
As this was taking place Tom’s penis began to strain against the cage surrounding his penis.
“Girls, I don’t know if you are aware of this, but your driving me insane with lust.
Under normal circumstances that would be fine, however this cage is preventing me from getting an erection, and it hurts a lot when my penis is straining to burst free from it’s confines, hearing this the girls decided to have mercy on Tom.

Breaking away from each others embrace they stood up, and stood on ether side of Tom.
When both girls reached down to cup his balls, and penis Tom nearly fell to his knees from the pain.
“OK girls, I think you have teased Tom enough for the moment.”
Reaching into the box that held the chastity cage, I removed a pair of keys that would unlock the cage.
Handing a key to each of the girls, I told them that they were now in charge of Tom’s erection.

Taking the keys from my hand, the girls looked at each other with a gleam in their eyes, and raced upstairs to put the keys in their back packs.
Returning to the living room, they dragged Tom by the arm, and ran out to the pool.
Tom followed them with a crest fallen look upon his face.
“Kim, that’s not fair, how long are you and Sam going to keep me locked up like this?
What am I going to do when I have to be in the gym for training, you can’t expect me to wear this full time, do you?
What about after training, how am I going to take a shower without everyone seeing me caged up?”
“We’ll figure it out as we go along, now come on, let’s jump in the pool to cool off.” Kim told him.

Taking Tom by the wrist, Kim dragged Tom outside.
Upon his face was a crest fallen look, a look that at a single glance told you, here was a guy that had given up.
Walking behind Kim, and Sam, Tom followed the girls out into the backyard.
When the girls jumped into the pool, Tom stood at the edge watching the girls splashing around.
Try as they might, they were unable to coax Tom into the pool, he just stood there looking for all the world like a guy who had his masculinity ripped from his soul.

Walking outside, I placed my hand upon Tom’s shoulder, turning him towards me I asked him to take a walk with me.
Leading him out the gate that leads to the woods behind my house, we began following the path that I knew so well.
“Tom, why the look of defeat?
You know that the girls are just having a bit of fun, yes it’s fun at your expense, but there isn’t a bit of meanness in their teasing, in fact both the girls are madly in love with you.
It wouldn’t surprise me if the three of you get an apartment near the university, I know this because Kim, and Sam came to me the other night asking if I knew anyone in that area who could find them a place.
Now I wasn’t supposed to tell you this, I think they wanted to surprise you, so don’t go saying any thing to them about this conversation.”

As we walked along, Tom would stop every so often to look around the wooded area we were traveling.
Watching him, I was struck by how beautiful his little penis looked caged up.
Turning a corner we had to climb over a fallen tree that blocked the path.
When Tom began to climb over, I placed my palm against his bottom to help steady him.
God what a tight little body he had, I would be happy to just hold that bottom, and feel his muscles flex as he walked.
Soon enough we arrived at the moss covered glade that had hosted us in the past.

Reaching into the fanny pack I took with us, I produced the key that would unlock his chastity cage.
Kneeling on the ground, I inserted the key into the lock.
The second I turned the key, it made a sound that everyone knew, that of a padlock opening.
As the front of the cage fell away, I was watching Tom’s face undergo a transformation.
What was once a look of defeat, now was one of peacefulness, and strength.
Seeing that I was already on my knees, I gave in to the temptation, and took Tom’s penis between my lips.

I have to admit to myself that I was in love with this boys tiny penis, it felt so soft, yet so hard at the same time, it’s small size slid across my lips, and tongue while pouring pre-cum into my mouth.
Wanting this encounter to last, I pulled away from him, leaving him to object to my halting his oral treatment, I told him “never fear, we aren’t done yet”.
Standing up, I lightly pushed Tom down to his knees, needing no further encouragement, Tom opened his mouth and took my penis between his lips.
He may have had little, or no experience in giving Bj’s, but he made up for that by his enthusiasm.
For the next few minutes, I was on the receiving end of a world class Bj.

Before I climaxed, and brought this to a premature end, I backed away from Tom.
Laying him face down upon the soft moss covered ground, I straddled his legs, and began giving him a long slow back rub.
When at last I began to kneed the cheeks of his bottom, Tom began to moan, and groan his delight.
Running a finger between those cheeks, I placed a few drops of spit onto the little ring in his bottom.
Working a single finger into his bottom, was causing Tom to buck his hips in time with my probing.
Withdrawing my finger, I poured more spit onto his bottom.
Lining up my penis with his little hole, I began to work my way inward.

The very second I breached the barrier of his little ring, I sank into his bottom to the hilt.
By this point Tom was moaning up a storm, as well as him saying “Daddy, fuck me, fuck your little slut boy!
Please fuck me hard, and deep, I need this so bad.”
While I was pounding away, Tom kept up the dirty talk, telling me that I was his to use as I pleased.

Reaching underneath his body, I took hold of his little penis in my fist.
Each time I drove into his bottom, Tom’s penis was thrust through my fingers.
Over, and over I drove into him, in turn Tom’s penis began it’s journey towards his orgasm.
I could feel it pulsing with desire as we began reaching our mutual climaxes.
“Tom, I’m cumming, cum with me, cum with me now! I shouted.
Seconds later I began pouring my cum into his bottom, while at the same time, Tom began spurting his cum into my closed fist, my god there had to be a gallon of cum pouring through my fingers.
Collapsing atop him, while trying to recover some semblance of my strength, the two of us our breath heaving from the depths of our bodies.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/vo99od/fd_how_it_began_part_10_18