The Depraved Photographer [FM]

Beth was in dire need of headshots for her new blossoming career in modeling. She’d met a promising agent and all she needed was a solid photoshoot to get her name out there.

After an exhaustive search, most out of her price range, she noticed a great deal from a new headshot startup. She reached out to the photographer for some samples. What she received was pretty good. The price was suspiciously low, but she figures he’s just starting out and might need to build his client list. Cash was tight and samples were good, so she went ahead and booked a shoot.

A few days later Beth heads to the address the photographer gave her. She is a bit unsettled as she turns into an abandoned business park. There are no cars, no running businesses, and some of the windows were broken. The windows from suite 400, the one she was given, were intact but completely blacked out. There was no telling what was inside.

She drove by slowly, and she felt in her gut that something isn’t quite right. But she parks, gets out, and walks to the door anyway. She gives it a weak knock just to tell herself she tried.

Before she can turn and leave, someone answers.

The door opens and a tall greasy man with chest hair popping out of his half-way unbuttoned shirt. He smiles and puts his fat, hairy hands on her shoulder, grip strong. A gold watch on his wrist jingles slightly as he releases his grip and pats her shoulder, a grimy grin sliding across his thick face. guides her into the mostly empty warehouse.

“You must be Beth. I’m Jay. Come inside,” he said. It wasn’t a question. His hand grasped her shoulder and led her inside the door into an empty warehouse.

Threads of fear branch across her body sprouting goosebumps along her skin as she entered the empty warehouse. But her fear breaks when she sees bright lights and a set for a shoot on the backend of the warehouse. It looks cold and out of place against the concrete floors and metal support beams, but she figures that’s the cost of a cheap shoot.

“You’re even prettier than your profile. You chose good. I promise this will be an unforgettable shoot, and guarantee you’ll be so satisfied you’ll be back for more,” Jay says as he closes the door behind her. She lightly winces as the lock turns and clicks into place.

Jay compliments her again and his large hand slides down to her lower back as he ushers her towards the small shooting area. As they get to the setup, Beth takes out her phone. Jay grabs it and takes it away. He waves his finger at her and shakes his head.

“No distractions. You need to be in the moment. And relaxed. These things always go better when you’re relaxed. We wouldn’t want to force anything, now would we?” he says, a slimy grin etching up across on side of his face. Beth shook her head, not wanting anything to be forced. Jay nods, winks, then turns to walk over to one of the two boxes near the edge of the set.

He opens the lid and reaches inside.

Beth looks around, panic rising in her as the culmination of unsettling feelings began to take shape. She eyed the locked door on the other side of the warehouse. She wondered if she could get there before Jay. If she could break the window with something if she needed to.

She was prepared to flee at the next whisper of doubt. She watched Jay fumble around in the box, and as Jay begins to pull something out Beth turns towards him.

It’s a beach ball.

Her shoulders relax and part of her anxiety washes away. She lets out a heavy breath and cracks her knuckles. Maybe she was overthinking it. He might have a bit of an off-putting approach, and an odd location, but the cameras looked legitimate, and the lighting looked professional. Maybe that was why he was so cheap, and she just needed to loosen up. She begins to brush off her alarming thoughts as overthinking and paranoia.

“Let’s get some fun pictures to get that tension out,” Jay said as he tossed the beach ball over to her. She catches it, then bumps it up and lets it float down. He pulls out a few other props, an umbrella and a backdrop of a beach and sets it up.

Jay begins to take pictures of her enjoying the beach ball, telling her to do various poses with it. He tells her to make love to the camera and seduce the flash. She begins to relax as Jay takes out a few more props and unravels her tension into a playful, bubbly mood that matched her usual personality.

As she grew more comfortable, so did Jay. Jay grows increasingly hands-on and is not afraid to put her into various positions or correct her poses. He’d adjust her arm, move her legs, rotate her waist, and even cupped her breasts a few times to bring out the cleavage she seemed shy to expose. He seems to touch and graze her body a little too often, and for a little too long. But she dismissed it as part of the job. He was trying to get the pictures just right.

Jay goes to the second of the two boxes and tells Beth to move over to the wall. He tells her to close her eyes and lean up against the cold cement. She does, backing up against the wall, its cold surface sending a chill down her spine.

She feels Jays strong hands grab her wrists and bring them up above her head. Then she feels two rings of cold steel around her wrists as something clicks into place. She opens her eyes and looks up.

“What is that?” Beth asks, shocked as she sees her hands cuffed together and linked onto a small but immovable hook embedded into the wall. She jerked her hands a few times, but it was useless.

“This is the real photoshoot. Now that you’re nice and relaxed we can get to what you came here for. You may want to leave this part out when you tell your husband though,” Jay said. Beth pulls at the cuffs, but they don’t move. Her hands are stuck, and she begins to feel vulnerable and helpless.

“The real shoot?” Beth asks, concerned.

Jay walks back towards the cameras and begins to rearrange some of the equipment and point it towards her against the wall. He arrays the equipment to get all sides and angles. He flicks a few switches, presses a few buttons, and little red dots come on the cameras that weren’t there before. She knew they weren’t taking pictures anymore; they were taking video.

Beth begins to panic, pulling and tugging at the cuffs. Her struggle only brings pain and discomfort. They were on tight. There was no getting out of them without Jay’s help.

Jay finishes setting the equipment up. Now there were several red dots with cameras all pointing towards her. They were all recording.

“Let me go. I didn’t ask for this. I never asked for video,” She says, voice cracking.

“Just relax and go with the flow. If you struggle it’s going to make things a lot more difficult and I’ll have to resort to force. And you don’t want me to resort to force,” Jay says turning towards her and rolling up the sleeves of his silk shirt.

Her mind was racing, but she couldn’t form words. She couldn’t speak. Her mind seemed disconnected from her mouth, and she was at a complete loss. She’s never been in a situation like this. She couldn’t even get herself to scream. She was in complete shock.

Jay strides over to her, a predatory gaze penetrating straight to her soul. He comes in close, reaches one of his fat fingers under her chin, then pulls it up to towards him. She can feel his hot breath on her, the stench of stale cigar smoke on his breath as he leans in next to her ear.

“Relax. This is the fun part,” he says, then grabs her pink top with both hands and rips it off. His hands grab hold of her white bra and rip it apart in a single rough pull, the straps whipping around as he tosses it to the ground. He takes a step back and looks hungrily at her half-naked body, her bare chest open and exposed to the cold emptiness of the warehouse and his lusty stare.

Jay’s rough, thick fingers grab hold of her soft supple breasts. He squeezes and gropes them. Not in a warm, sensual way, but in a mean, aggressive one. Like he was choosing sandbags at a gun store. He gropes them, fondles them roughly, then puts her nipples between two of his fingers, and pulls.

Beth lets out a yelp that sounds slight scream, and slight moan. It was painful, but it wasn’t unpleasant. It hurt, but not in a completely bad way.

It was something she’d never experienced before. It was nothing like how her husband, or the other few lovers that she had ever treated her, let alone her body. They were always so sensual, so warm, so loving. They made her feel like she was their partner. Their equal. Their loving companion. She was always safe. Secure. It felt good like that.

This was something else entirely.

This made her feel like trash. Like she was a piece of meat at market and he was testing how much of her was worth selling. There was no love. There was no humanity. She was below him. She was there to do with as he pleased. The pain, the humiliation, it was nothing like she had ever felt before. It was cold, and aggressive.

But despite herself, she didn’t hate it.

She wanted to hate it. She wanted it to be the most distasteful thing she’d ever experienced. But in a sick and twisted way, it wasn’t. There was a part of her that enjoyed it. That wanted more. That told her it felt good. It felt exciting. Thrilling.

As Jay leaned in and put his mouth on her nipple and sucked aggressively, she wanted to spit on him. To bite his head off. To rip his grimy hands off her. To kick and scream. But she let him.

It felt good. And she hated herself for it. She hated herself even more when she let out a moan. Jay pulled himself off then looked her in the eye.

“You like this? I knew you were a dirty whore the moment you walked in. You are a nothing but a disgusting slut,” Jay said, turning back down and putting his mouth on her other nipple, then sucking hard as he pulled her pants down and groped her ass and the rest of her nearly naked body.

He sucked hard and flicked the tip of her nipple with his tongue. Then pulled himself off and flicked both of her wet, erect nipples hard. She moaned in pleasure despite herself. Like he was pulling her moans out of her.

She looked down at her nipples, embarrassed at how hard and wet they were. How erect they stood. It was cold, but she knew it had nothing to do with the cold. She knew the real reason they were harder than they had ever been.

Jay draws her eye to his. He reaches one hand down, grabs the thin lace of her panties, then rips them off then puts his fat calloused hands up against her bare pussy like she was some animal, some toy to be played with. To be used.

She squealed in a strange mix of fear, panic, pleasure, and thrill. She wants to tell him not to touch her there. That her pussy is off limits. That it’s not for him. That it’s for her husband and only her husband. But the words don’t form, and a thrilling sense of excitement and shame wash over her. He was going to take what wasn’t for him, and there was a part of her that wanted him to.

She knew how wet she was. She was ashamed of how wet she was. Why was she so wet? Her vagina was not for him. It was for her husband. She shouldn’t be turned on by any of this, yet her body told a different story. And Jay had just uncovered her dirty little secret.

“You’re drenched you dirty little slut. You want this,” Jay says, a perverted smile spreading his lips as he rubs her pussy with his middle finger, getting it nice and wet, then slides it down and plunges it inside of her. Beth squirms and lets out a little moan. “You’re so fucking tight. Does your husband not use this? That’s fine, I’ll stretch it nice and good like a real man should.”

Jay thrusts his finger as deep as it could go, and she feels every inch of it as her vagina wraps night and tightly around his thick, calloused finger.

She hates it but loves it at the same time. unwelcome stranger to her sacred home.

Then, without warning, he pushes another finger inside of her, not bothering to get it wet before pushing it inside of her. Then he wiggles them both inside of her, making a squishing sound and causing her to quiver and shake in pleasure at the sensation.

She was being defiled. So thoroughly defiled. He wasn’t allowed to do this. She never gave him permission. He didn’t earn this. He is just taking it. And she was loving it.

Jay pulls his fingers out and brings them up to her face so she can get a better look. He grabs her head and tilts it towards his two soaked fingers. He rubs his pruning fingers against his thumb, showing her juices drooling off his fingers. He tells her to open her mouth. Beth hesitates, then does as he asks.

He puts his wet fingers inside her mouth, rubbing her own juices on her tongue and along the sides of her mouth. She couldn’t help herself and closed her mouth around his fingers and sucked her own wetness from his salty rough fingers. A salty, slick taste of her own vagina and his nasty fingers fill her mouth.

“Good girl. You’re ready,” Jay said taking his fingers out of her mouth.

He unbuckles his pants, pulls down his boxers, and reveals a thick, 8-inch cock. It’s rock hard and curved up in an aggressive way. Like a pirate ship, and he was ready to pillage. He pulls both of her legs up and over his shoulders, positioning his cock right between her legs.

He rubs his cock against her bare pussy, then slides himself inside if her. She moans at the penetration and continues to moan louder as he slowly goes deeper and deeper inside of her. He’s far bigger than her husband. Far bigger than anything she’s ever had. A hint of pain paired with incredible pleasure washes over her as she somehow managers to take his entire throbbing cock.

Beth is naked, hands held above her head and back against the wall with a strange man between her legs and his throbbing cock resting deep inside her tight pussy. Then he starts to thrust.

She has no control now, and she can’t stop herself from letting out a little moan every time he thrusts himself inside her. His fat throbbing cock filling every inch of her tight little pussy.

Her moans and quivers of pleasure are no longer in her control. It’s coming from a more primal place. A place that reacts and does not think. It doesn’t care that a stranger’s cock is inside of her. It does not care that her husband only had half of this size. It doesn’t care that she wants to be loyal. It does not care that this enormous cock didn’t belong inside her. All it cared about was how good everything felt right then and there.

All it cared about is pleasure. And in the end, behind all her reservations, she didn’t like it. She loved it. It was a hit of pure ecstasy. A thrill of pure intoxication.

His thrusts sped up, and she felt her own climax come closer and once it was within reach, she embraced the feeling, letting her moans blend into one increasingly loud hum of pleasure as he pounded away at her special garden. That feeling of pure bliss building with every thrust. Harder and harder he goes, sliding in and out of every inch of her vagina, stroking that spot inside her that always seemed hard for her husband to hit was now being stroked with ease, pulling that sweet climax closer and closer with each thrust.

It was going to come whether she want it to or not. And as it does, her body tenses up, then convulses a few times as the feeling of ecstasy washes over her.

A few moments later, awash in the relaxing aftermath of her climax, she feels a final thrust that pins her in place and drives his cock as deep as it can go while he finishes inside her, filling her up to the brim with his warm sticky cum. She can feel Jay’s cock convulse inside her as he releases an enormous load deep inside her.

It felt amazing, but she knew it was bad. She wasn’t on birth control, and she was more than likely ovulating now. She wasn’t sure she’d ever had so much cum inside her before.

Jay let his spent cock stay inside her for a moment, then slowly took it out. She watched in horror as his cock came out of her coated in a white milky substance. Several drops fall out and dribble down her leg as he pulls the tip of his cock out of her. She looks with disgust at his cock, and her own naked body as more of his cum dribbles out of her pussy and down her leg. There was just so much cum inside of her.

Jay walks over to one of the cameras, pulls it off the tripod, then brings it over. He spreads her legs and records his cum dribbling out of her pussy as it slowly dries up into a sticky mess along the side of her legs.

Satisfied, he closes her legs, walks back over and puts the camera back on the stand.

“Come back same time next week. This was just a trial run,” Jay said, reaching up and unlocking the cuffs. Beth slid to the ground against the wall as she brought her aching arms down to her side. She held her head down and sat in silence, ashamed of what she just allowed to happen. What she just enjoyed.

“And if I don’t?” Beth said.

“Then I show the world what a disgusting whore you are. Your husband will be the first. And I’m sure he’ll want nothing to do with a cumslut like you once he sees what you let me do to you,” Jay said, reaching into his pocket, pulling out her phone, and tossing onto the ground near her.

Beth closed her eyes and sighed. She got up, walked over to the phone, picked it up, and looked at the missed calls.

Three missed calls and a voicemail from Jacob.

Her husband.

She held her phone close, and tears starting to run down her cheeks as walked over to one of the boxes. She grabbed a beach towel and wrapped it around herself and made her way to the door. She unlocked it and walked to her car. She had an old pair of shorts and a sports top from soccer earlier in the week she would have to change into.

Her tears turned to sobs as she opened the door to her car and took a seat inside. She was crying because next time she would bring a change of clothes. She was crying because there would be a next time. She knew she would be back.

Not because Jay threatened to release the video he made of her. She would be back because she liked it. Because she wanted more.

Whatever Jay did to her, she was hooked and there was no going back.
