Have You Ever?

Tell me, have you ever fell in love with a woman, a woman that somehow completes you? A woman with an unbelievable knack, to make you feel like every other relationship, you’ve ever been in was null and void or those relationships were somehow senseless?

Well I’ve met this woman, and I’ve known her for most of both our lives! Thing is most people don’t get to choose when, or to whom they fall in love with nor the time it happens. I’m no exception to this, as I didn’t plan nor did I predict, the feelings I ended up having for this extraordinary woman.

Imagine finding out, that your true soulmate has always been in front of you the whole time.. I can’t explain all of it, but to make it make sense to all of you right now, I’ll have to try.

Her name is Wendy, “alias to protect her identity”. Wendy stayed at our home with us, when we were kids. As both of her parents had full time jobs, which made it easy for her to attend the nearby school, with my siblings and I.

Back then I never looked at her in the way that I do now! Nope nope it never crossed my mind that I would fall in love with Wendy. Heck back then we were too young even understand that emotional bond.

Fast forward approximately 20 years later, via the power of social media, Wendy and I found each other online. As fate would have it, my then fiancé and I got invited to Wendy’s wedding! We were very excited to attend, for me it would be the first time, I would be seeing Wendy in person since we were kids.

The big day finally came, when we drove several hours to attend Wendy’s wedding. My fiancé and I found a suitable parking spot. We entered the elegant wedding reception venue. While in the hallway, we met my aunt and uncle who we embraced with long hugs. I haven’t seen them since I was a kid, now I’m a grown man, as tall as my uncle and now I’m towering over my aunt. I was just so happy to see both of them.

The moment came when I finally got to see Wendy, all I remember was saying “wow, damn oh my my my” in my head but clearly showing how happy I was to see my lil stunning cousin Wendy!

Yes Wendy is my cousin and damn she looked so beautiful in her wedding dress, she’s all grown up now. The few social media photos I seen of her prior to then, didn’t do her justice. My eyes thanked me by not taking any blinks, so that I could savor Wendy’s every sultry step towards me.

Our inevitable hug was a reunion of so many years apart. A rush of flashing innocent childhood memories, of playing with marbles. Memories of going to the beach, running around our yard. It was all the joyous memories of our childhood packaged in our long embrace.


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/vn5hfj/have_you_ever