[FM] Amanda’s Saturday Part 3: The Emissary

Amanda stared at the little bottle of green pills as Harry’s car neared her home.

“You said the alchemist who made these was one of those Ishtar worshippers?”

“Rogue Ishtari. He got out of the group, but he still has all the knowledge he learned while he was in there.”

“These are incredible Harry. After a night like last night, I usually need a bump of coke every 30 minutes at least. But now I feel like I could go all day on that one pill.”

Harry smirked at her, “That will wear off, you’ll need another hit eventually, but not as many as you’re used to.”

Harry’s car pulled into Amanda’s neighbourhood and pulled up to the gates to Amanda’s Mansion. The gates detected Amanda’s presence and opened automatically. Harry drove up the tree lined driveway until they reached the front of the house. As soon as they cleared the trees they both saw a gaudy, yellow and pink Lamborghini parked, with a vanity plate that simply read ‘ALECTA’.

They spoke simultaneously, “Shit.”

The front door opened and the toned, petite form of Erica appeared. Erica had tightly cropped, bright pink hair, on both her head and her crotch. She was naked, aside from her heels, with her dress from last night clutched in front of her – she had not taken the time to put it on. Her small, perky tits swung wildly as she ran to the car, a look of relief on her face, stopping by the door.

“Amanda, lovely to see you! George was great! I’d love to stay and chat, but you know how it is. Harry, can you get me home, now?!”

Amanda opened the door and stepped slowly out of the car. The nervous energy from Erica was palpable as she waited for Amanda to clear enough room for her to dart into the passenger seat, and slam the door behind her.

“Don’t tell her about the pills,” Harry called out as the wheels of the car squealed, as Harry drove down the driveway and off the property as quickly as possible.

Amanda took a moment to steel herself, then she purposefully strode in through the front door of the house. Just inside the door stood Jacob and Jasper.

They were two of the indentured servants Amanda and George currently owned the rights to. They both wore the house uniform, a black leather collar, with a leash hanging from it, tucked into the waistband of a loincloth. Their bodies were completely hairless, their muscles freshly oiled.

Jasper was bald, 6 foot tall, lean with taut, wiry muscles. Jacob was taller, with long black wavy hair and a goatee, and he was powerfully built, with huge bulging muscles – when he was off shift he spent almost all his spare time in the gym working on his physique.

Jasper held a tray in front of him with an espresso shot, Jacob held one with a glass of champagne. Amanda grabbed the Champagne and downed it, then the espresso.

She was still horny from the effects of the pill and thought for a second about dragging Jacob off for some fun, but snapped out of it when she remembered who was in the house.

“Where is she?”

“Mistress, she is in the study with your husband,” Jasper replied.

“Jacob, take his tray, Jasper come with me.”

She fished the lead out of Jasper’s loincloth and led him off down another hallway.

“How much longer do you have left in your service to us Jasper?” Amanda asked as they walked.

“Just another month, Mistress,” he answered nervously.


They arrived into the study to find two figures standing in front of the desk in conversation. As soon as she entered the room, Amanda felt her nipples stiffen and a twinge in her crotch.

The first was George, Amanda’s husband. He was standing there, completely nude, his beautiful thick cock, rock hard, sticking up out of a neat tuft of pubic hair. His dad-bod belly gave way to muscular shoulders, and a handsome face framed by grey hair and a neat grey beard. He looked good for a man in his sixties, even though he was much older than that.

The second was Alecta. A 7’ tall succubus. She was nude too, facing away from amanda. Twisted, pearl white horns elegantly curved up and out from her head. Her fleshy wings splayed out from her back, each as wide as she was tall. Her scaly tail flicked and darted impatiently, lifting to display her perfectly toned buttocks. Long cruel stiletto spikes jutted from her heels to increase her height, like a grotesque parody of the high heels Amanda wore.

She turned around, giving Amanda a view of her enormous, perky breasts, before Amanda eyes travelled up to that beautiful face. She was smiling widely at Amanda, displaying two rows of sharp, pointed teeth. Somehow it added to the beauty on display.

Amanda fought the desire to go to her, to kiss her lips, to taste her pussy. It took her a second but she suppressed the urge.

Jasper’s willpower wasn’t as strong as that of his mistress. His cock hardened suddenly, pressing against leather, and he couldn’t stop himself from making a dart towards the demoness. A sharp tug on his lead from Amanda brought him crashing to the ground, on his back.

“I’m sorry Mistress….. I thought I was ready for it….”

“It takes some getting used to,” she said soothingly, before turning to hold the gaze of their guest. “Hello Alecta.”

“Amanda, darling, how are you?”

“I’m doing well my lady. And you?”

“I’m simply sensational my dear!” Alecta sniffed the air in amusement “Amanda, do I smell the taint of Ishtar on you?”

“No, my lady, of course, I am a loyal servant of Astarte!” Amanda protested, perhaps a little too nervously.

“Relax sweetheart. You and your husband are among Astarte’s favourite children, hence your good fortune, and standing in our society. You are allowed to indulge yourself with that rabble of a cult a little.” She bent down, so they were face to face, “But just a little. Understand?”

Amanda nodded, not daring to speak.

“Wonderful” Alecta responded, as she turned and strutted towards George’s desk, before sitting, crossing her legs, staring silently out between the others in the room.

Amanda took a deep breath before speaking “My lady, while we are deeply honoured by your presence in our house, I have to ask what is so important that you had to pay us a personal visit? We could have come to the palace?”

Alecta grinned widely. She reminded Amanda of a predator playing with its food. She ignored the question when she eventually spoke.

“You drew the male initiates last night? They will make a good addition you believe?”

“Yes my lady,” Amanda answered nervously, “The men are talented hedonists. Their wife seems to be too, though I haven’t had the chance to sample her fully yet. It is my judgement that they will please Astarte, and I suspect they are open to our ways. It will not be difficult to fully convert them.”

“Hmmmm. The lady Astarte is keen to induct them in some form, but they are replacing the Jennings’. Their unfortunate disappearance opened up only two places in our society, not three. We do not have space for all of them. If another couple were to leave us, and we allowed all three in, how could we fill one spot? No, the foundation of our society is matched pairs. One will likely have to be sacrificed. The other two will be allowed to join.”

Amanda stared at her in shock, “My lady, it’s my judgement that all three would be a fine addition. If space could be found, Astarte would be pleased, I’m sure of it. The hedonistic possibilities that a marriage of three would bring to us would be enormous. The whole society would benefit from exploring them.”

Alecta looked amused, “Are you lecturing me on hedonism, Amanda?”

Amanda was dismayed, she wasn’t able to keep the look of fear from her face, “No, my lady, I simply, I…”

Alecta leapt from the table, her great wings spread wide to carry her to Amanda. Before she could think, Amanda was struggling for breath, held aloft by her throat in Alecta’s outstretched hand, her legs dangling.

Amanda gripped Alecta’s hand with both of hers, as Alecta brought her close to her own face. She kissed Amanda on the lips, slowly, sensually. Amanda felt like she was floating as bliss overcame her, the touch of Alecta’s tongue on hers was the most wonderful thing she had ever felt in her life. Amanda kissed back hard, passionately, she couldn’t stop herself.

Alect broke the kiss suddenly and placed Amanda gently on the floor. Amanda felt weak and empty all of a sudden. She gripped some strands of her auburn hair and held them in front of her face – where they were pristine a moment ago, they were now shot through with greys.

“I’ve taken a month of your life, darling. Try and lecture me again and I will take more.”

George was behind Amanda now, and she collapsed into his arms, resting on him “Alecta, my wife just likes these people, she doesn’t want harm to come to them. But we will of course respect and help to enforce whatever decision Astarte comes to.”

Alecta shrugged and settled back to sit on the desk again. “As long as that’s understood. The other item, I have the terms of tonight’s challenge.”

Alecta held out her hand and a contract appeared suddenly in a flash of flame.

“Now, Ginger has signed this already, with the proviso that she is not holding you to the years element. She wants you to reconsider that.”

“No,” Amanda responded harshly. “If she doesn’t want to die she can withdraw her challenge. Besides, if I go easy on her, every whore between here and Wisteria Lane will challenge my position. It will be to the death.

Alecta was amused.

“You would think you’d have some sympathy for the girl, since she’s just trying to do what you did to get all this?”

“Yes, and George’s previous wife walked the same path, as did all his many wives before her. The ones that lasted more than a couple of months knew that they had to be firm. They knew the risk. They knew it was worth it.”

“Very well, if you insist. It will be combat by champion, bare handed, to the death of the champion of course, and the winner takes it all. If Ginger wins she gets your husband, your home, your position and titles in the society of Astarte, and the remaining years of her life will be added to her own. If you win, you get all of her years……. It sounds like an unfair wager, but then she is much younger than you……”

Amanda walked over to George’s desk and picked up a letter opener. She unsheathed it, baring its blade, and pricked her finger tip. She held her finger over the document and let a single drop of bright red blood fall onto the parchment. A gout of flame sprung up when the blood hit, and Amanda’s black signature appeared where the drop had fallen.

“Very well, that concludes our business.” Alecta said brightly, “Except, of course, as you know it is customary for members of our society to offer a meal to any emissary of Astarte. Once I’ve eaten, I will be out of your hair.”

“Of course, my lady Alecta. Allow me to present Jasper. I hope this fine servant brings you as much joy as he brought to us.”

Jasper’s eyes went wide with fear, and he threw himself onto his knees, at the feet of his mistress, to beg, “Mistress? No, I have but a month of service left! I’m almost free! You can’t make me do it, I won’t”


Amanda slapped him hard across the cheek, sending him flying back to his knees. “Silence slave! You will do as you’re told! Your life is mine for another month, it’s my right to use it how I choose.”

“No.” Came Alecta’s voice from behind them.

Amanda turned confused “I’m sorry my lady? You typically take a male as tribute?”

“I do sweetheart, but I don’t want this one. There was a better slave in the entryway before. I would have him.”

“Jacob?” Amanda asked cautiously.

“Yes, Jacob. He looked like a proper meal, unlike this scrawny thing.”

“But, my lady, Jacob is my choice for my champion tonight. I need him. Please,” Amanda begged.

Alecta suddenly looked severely at her “I will not ask again. Give me Jacob, or I will take your husband. Or maybe both of you.”

Amanda sighed, defeated and called out “Jacob. Come.”


Amanda, George and Jasper waited outside the door to the study and listened to the erotic sounds the succubus and the slave made. A short time had passed when Alecta opened the door and smiled brightly at all of them, “That was simply delicious darlings. I love coming here, you always provide the most wonderful meals.”

Alecta walked off towards the entrance hall. Amanda, George and Jasper couldn’t stop themselves from peeking around the door, at the desiccated, ancient corpse of Jacob laid out in the center of the room. Amanda sadly glanced at his once wonderful cock. She would never sample its delights again.

They all hurried to catch up with Alecta, walking her to the door. They stood and watched her make her way into her Lamborghini. “See you tonight darlings,” she said with a wave, as she somehow elegantly slid her massive frame into the tiny car. She closed the door, started the ignition and the car disappeared in a fireball.

Amanda and George both gave a sigh of relief. George looked at his wife, “Well, that could have gone worse.”

Amanda cursed “That fucking bitch. She knew what she was doing. She wants to get rid of me, I know it! I don’t have another meathead who can take on that biker Ginger seduced.”

George smirked “I think she just wants to make the whole thing more interesting for her. You’ve had Jacob lined up to defend you in one of these since you got him to sign on, she probably thought it would be fun to fuck with your plans.

Amanda gave him the side-eye “,She’s still a fucking bitch.”

George nodded “,Yep. She is.”

Jasper was shifting uncomfortably from leg to leg, his cock straining the material of his uniform almost to breaking point. “Master, Mistress, I must…”

Amanda sighed, “Alright, go jerk yourself off, but then clean up that mess in the study.”

“Thank you, mistress.” He said with a bow, before running off to take care of himself.

Amanda sighed tiredly “Maybe I could nominate Jasper as my champion? I’d lose, but at least I’d get to see that useless piece of shit beaten to death first?”

George chuckled and pulled her towards him in a hug “It’s ok babe, you’ll figure something out, you always do.”

Amanda relaxed into his arms, then glanced down at his still rock hard cock. She took it in her hand and started to slowly stroke up and down the shaft. “You need a hand? That stupid cunt always gives men blueballs with her aura.”

George smiled at her. “I can get one of the girls to do it if it’s too much trouble.”

“Nonsense, I’m your wife.”

Amanda leaned in to kiss him as she stroked him gently. George reached down and gripped the bottom of her dress, pulling it over her head, and throwing it on the ground. He ripped her G-String down, leaving her naked, then he picked her up.

Amanda jumped into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist, and they continued to kiss passionately. George carried her upstairs, to the master bedroom and carried her onto the bed. He dropped her on her back, pulled her to the edge, resting her feet on his shoulders. Then he lined his cock up with her cunt and thrust it inside.

He fucked her hard and fast, pounding her with all his might. Amanda egged him on.

“Are you with me, or are you imagining you’re fucking that bitch Alecta?”

George grinned, “Bit of both.”

“You want to fuck her again, don’t you?”


“Mmmm, my pussy can kill too, you know?”

“Oh, trust me babe, I know!”

He turned her over and jammed his cock up her ass. He pounded her harder and faster, doing his best to hurt her. Amanda screamed, “YEAH! YEAH! LIKE THAT! OOH, FUCK MY SLUTTY ASS!”

Amanda came, her body tensing up, her asshole tightening around George’s cock.

George let Amanda come down from her orgasm, then withdrew his dick, turned her around, and roughly rammed his cock into her mouth, forcing it down her throat. Amanda enjoyed the mixture of tastes from her pussy and her asshole, along with Erica’s pussy coating her husband’s cock.

“You like to fuck all the guys in town you slut, but only I get to fuck you like this!” George told her, roughly fucking her face. He thrust once, twice, three times, four times… he held it there as he came, spewing his hot load down his wifes mouth.

Afterwards the two of them spooned in bed, George holding Amanda by her waist. “George, am I your favourite wife? Out of all the ones you’ve had?”

“Of course you are darling.”

“I’m going to figure out how to beat that bitch by tonight. Tomorrow, you’ll have a younger, hotter wife, but it will be me.”

George kissed her neck. “I know darling, I know.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/vnjmt0/fm_amandas_saturday_part_3_the_emissary

1 comment

  1. I’ll be honest, I didn’t anticipate this story going in quite this direction when I sat down to write it, but, it’s what I ended up wanting to write about. I appreciate this is a bit weird, any feedback is appreciated, thanks for reading!

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