A Question of Kink [MF][Oral]

Maddie chewed the top end of her pen as she waited in the conference room. The *Physical Inventory* binder sat askew across her lap unopened for the last ten minutes or so. It was heavy, useless and heavy. *Why the hell wasn’t this automated?* she bemoaned to herself.

Her sullen thoughts of the entire uselessness of their outdated inventory system came to halt when she felt the plastic bit of pen suddenly split between her teeth.

She scoffed, scrunched up her nose, and tossed the pen aside.

She chose the largest conference room, even though there were only supposed to be three of them. She just preferred to have the space. The large table in the center took up most of the floor, but the chairs were comfortable and equipped with casters, and there were multiple power outlets. So, if they decided they were going to build this thing out on some proper spreadsheets, this would be the place to do it.

Maddie and her project-mates were supposed to meet up and conduct the inventory together. Aaron said he was on his way nearly twenty minutes ago, when she first sent out the text message, and to her utter disappointment Caleb hadn’t responded at all.

Conducting a company-wide inventory was already a terrible prospect, the fact they had to do it on a Saturday made it so much worse. The only silver lining in her mind was the opportunity to spend a little time with Caleb.

She grumbled to herself and dug into her pocket for her phone. A second later the door swung open and Aaron walked in.

“Sorry I’m late,” Aaron announced as he stepped into the conference room, “but, I bought donuts…” He shook the heavy, grease-stained paper bag in her direction as he walked passed her.

Aaron wasn’t really her type. He was pale and a bit lanky, his thick, greasy dark hair was more often than not springy and untamed. He wore thick black-rimmed glasses, and he usually dressed like some sort of vampire accountant. Today, he looked different, maybe a little tired. His chin was a bit stubbly. He looked almost comfortable. He wore a thin black tie, a white collared shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbow, and a pair of black chinos.

What made her feel different around him was how he looked at her. She caught him ogling at her ass on more than one occasion. He wasn’t the most confident person, and the way he seemed to get all embarrassed when he got caught was kind of endearing.

Maddie peeked inside the bag after he tossed it on the table, “You brought donut holes, not donuts…”

“Same, same,” Aaron countered as he took up the chair across from her.

“There’s a difference…” Maddie pouted, “have you heard from Caleb?”

“Nope, he probably feels he could get away with not showing up, he’s one of the owner’s nephews or something like that.”

Maddie’s shoulders slumped forward and she rubbed her eyes with palms in frustration, “Right…” she sighed.

“Don’t even worry about it, the inventory won’t take long,” Aaron assured her.

Maddie retrieved the heavy binder from her lap and tossed it on the table with a heavy thud, “All that won’t take long?”

“You’re just going around checking serial numbers… You’re just upset Caleb isn’t here…” Aaron countered.

“What …what makes you say that?” Maddie stammered. She could feel heat raising in her cheeks.

“The whole office knows it,” Aaron sighed, “Your eyes linger, you laugh at all his lame-ass jokes, and you’re always in his space.”

Maddie huffed flaring her nostrils, “Please, he is funny, and I just like his company… it’s not a big deal.”

“Good. You don’t want to go out with Caleb…” Aaron insisted.

“And why not?” Maddie asked, hoping the question came across as hypothetical.

“Well, for one, you’d be dating a dude from work, also he’s like four years younger than you, and well I’ve heard… or rather I know for a fact… he’s too kinky for you,” Aaron said flatly.

“What are you talking about?! He’s twenty-six and I’m twenty-nine, that’s not that big a gap,” Maddie countered feeling suddenly flush, “and how would you know if I’m kinky or not?” Maddie asked, her shrinking voice fell from commanding to a mousy objection.

“Well, that reaction for one,” Aaron pointed out, “for two… it doesn’t seem like you have as much experience as our boy Caleb.”

Maddie took a deep breath, “I’m experienced, and I’m plenty kinky,” she scoffed. It was a showy scoff, she folded her arms beneath her puffed out chested and snared at Aaron, practically daring him to say otherwise.

“Madeline… I’m not trying to be mean, Caleb just isn’t going to be interested… the kid is banging a different chick nearly every week… I know because, we’ve hung out a few times. If you were barely legal with a slew of daddy issues, then you’d probably have a shot… You’re too smart and mature for him…”

Maddie pushed herself away from the conference table and stood up, “You are being mean…”

“I’m sorry,” Aaron said softly, “We should just get started on the inventory…”

Aaron was just being obnoxious. *It wasn’t any of his business anyway?* Maddie knew exactly how to put him in his place.

“…Also, Caleb’s not even here to defend himself,” Maddie pouted, pivoting on her heel, and cocking out her hip with just enough force to cause her pillowy, round ass to jiggle beneath her sweatpants. She looked over her shoulder, her lips curving into a coy little grin. He was silent, his eyes glued to her plump, little rear end.

“…and you’re telling me YOU”RE sure there isn’t SOMETHING about me he’ll like?” A flood of heat rushed to her pussy. Her point was proven.

Aaron instantly broke out in a sweat, his cheeks were rosy and he mumbled something so hoarse and dry it barely sounded like English.

“I’m sorry sweetie, you’re going to have to speak up…” Maddie said teasingly.

“Well, Ummm. Wha- I mean…” He stammered, “What- I mean is… of course… you’re a catch Maddie, but Caleb and I are different people.”

Maddie furrowed her brows curiously and scrunched up her lips, it was her thinking face. The expression made him smile.

Hmmm, I dunno,” she said hamming up her performance, “most guys I’ve met at least have one thing in common.” She said giving her hips a subtle shimmy.

“They all love your butt?” he questioned.

“Exactly…” Maddie answered.

“It is pretty nice,” Aaron agreed, “…but I’m telling you… Caleb… gets a lot of women…” Aaron said, his voice dropping to a grating whisper.

Maddie turned back around approaching him slowly, using a practiced swinging gait, placing one foot in front of the other, and after a few short steps, she was standing right in front of him.

Maddie reached out and began to loosen the knot in his tie, her fingers gliding down the length of the fabric before she began twirling it between her fingers.

“Aaron… you don’t know me… I can be a whole lot kinkier than any girl fresh out of high school,” Maddie insisted in a lust-heavy rasp.

Aaron swallowed hard, “Are you going to show me?”

“Now why would I do that?” Maddie asked teasingly, as she finished loosening his tie just enough to pull it over his head, and then lower it over her own. She grinned at him impishly as she brushed her brunette locks out of the way and pulled the tie tight around her neck.

Aaron looked dumbfounded, “I’ll finish the inventory on my own… and maybe… maybe… I’ll talk you up in front of Caleb?”

“Oh… I’m pretty sure I can get Caleb on my own, Aaron, now tell me why?” Her eyes studied his face. Her voice was lusty, but with underlining nervous energy.

Aaron was practically shaking in his seat… “Maddie…” He answered swallowing hard, sweat leaking into his brow, “I’ve had dreams about this…”

The confession made her smirk, “I’ll tell you what,” she said as she began to unbutton his shirt, “I’ll give you a quick little blow job… and you give me an honest kink rating …and you finish the inventory?”

“A kink rating for a bj?” Aaron questioned.

“Yep, let’s say on a scale from 0 to 10?”

Aaron grinned from ear to ear, she’d never seen him or any man smile that wide, “Simple enough,” he agreed.

Wasting little time Aaron began working his trousers, as he glanced up at her. His deep brown eyes were wide and glossy. He leaned in, and gave her a quick peck on the lips.

“Don’t try and get all romantic on me,” Maddie scolded with a grin, “…and don’t be nervous,” she added reassuringly, though her own fingers were anxiously shaking by the time she reached the last button on his shirt.

His cock tented up through the fly of his trousers, still constrained by a pair of dark gray boxers briefs.

Maddie turned around her thumbs hooked into the waistband of baggy sweatpants. She slid them down, her panties awkwardly rolled up and briefly clinging to the tops of her thighs, before she pulled those away as well.

“Fuck…” Aaron whispered approvingly, as the rounded curves of her bare ass came into view.

Maddie leaned back pressing her round little ass against his crotch, his steeled erection still clad in cotton hot-dogged between her cheeks as she gently bounced against his crotch.

She dipped down, effortless pulling her tank top over her head, as she continued to bounce and sway.

When she popped back up, Aaron grabbed her hips and pulled her back into him. She steadied herself against the arms of the chair. Aaron’s fingers reached up and clawed at her bra. He nipped at her neck. She could feel his fabric-shielded shaft throb against her asshole. The heat of it buried between her cheeks.

She slid up and down, the waistband of his underwear flipping and rolling back up as she worked her ass against his erection. Her own teasing brought on a sudden surge of arousal. An involuntary moan tumbled through her lips. Her nervousness slowly shifted to baser instincts.

“Get on the table.” Aaron moaned softly into her ear.

Obediently, she pushed herself off of him and climbed up onto the table. Aaron rose up behind her, his belt and trousers fell to the carpeted floor with a muted thud. Given no other direction she positioned herself on her elbows and knees, wagging her perky heart-shaped ass in his face. The lower bits of her tits were gracelessly pinched beneath the bottom band of her bra, but she dared not interrupt her performance to adjust it.

Her pussy felt hot, and her clit was begging for attention. Her wagging ass, slowly transitioned into a bounce, flicking her hips, and popping her booty back with enough force to make her firm cheeks jiggle. Her efforts were award with a heavy swat on her left ass cheek, the slap echoed through the conference room, and it was sure to leave a reddening palm print on her cheek.

Maddie sucked in a breath with a hiss, “fucker… that STUNNNN—”

Before she could finish the word ‘stung’, Maddie felt his face bury into her ass, his hot tongue lapping at her asshole.

Maddie threw her head back and moaned. She could feel the heat of his breath pour over her. His wet tongue desperately attempted to worm inside the taut little hole.

“Fuck, you’re dirty….” Maddie moaned.

The surprise tongue caught her off guard, she was a little embarrassed, she hadn’t quite prepared for something like this. Aaron didn’t seem deterred at all. His hands reached up and gripped her ass cheeks spreading her open so he could force his tongue deeper.

Maddie whimpered a little, her clenching asshole, slowly winking open as his slippery tongue darted at the tender little hole.

“Aaron…” Maddie sighed anxious but needy, “Aaron, you freak…” She groaned, her objecting tone slipped away as Aaron’s thumb fell on her clit.

A jolt of electric excitement traveled straight up her spine. Maddie couldn’t clench anymore, she moaned and bore down on his tongue, his thumb encircling her clit as the slippery invader finally poked through the rim. Afterwards he was sucking her asshole and probing into her as far as his tongue would go. Maddie squirmed a little, whimpering and moaning as he strummed her clit and tongue-fucked her asshole. Her pussy went all tingly in a matter of seconds.

“Aaron, I’m going to CUM…” She announced breathlessly.

Aaron moaned into her ass, his tongue spearing the ring and lapping at her insides. He pressed a little harder on her clit and the heavy pressure in the pit of her stomach suddenly exploded. Her pussy gushed, coating his fingers with slippery nectar. Her asshole clenched down on his tongue and then began to spasm.

Maddie let out a long wet moan, her hips writhing as she rubbed her ass into Aaron’s face. The moment was instantly seared into her brain as one of the hottest things she’s ever been through.

He kept tonguing her hole and working her clit until the overstimulation forced her to pull away. She fell forward, her face resting on her forearms, “Fuck Aaron… I wasn’t expecting you to do that,” she conceded between breaths.

“Good,” Aaron replied hoarsely, “now it’s your turn to surprise me.”

She could hear the smile on his face. She pushed herself to her palms and knees and spun around on the table. Her thighs were still shaking from the orgasm, and her face was still flush.

Aaron’s chin was glistening wet, and his cock was so hard it was twitching. It was pink and thin, but tall. The bulbous tip of it was aimed directly at her.

Maddie gave him a lopsided grin. She gripped the edge of the table and leaned forward, her heart-shaped ass arched high above her head.

He stepped closer, his cock a mere inch away from her lips. She lolled her mouth open, gazing up at him.

“You ready?” The question was clearly rhetorical because he simultaneously slid his cockhead into her mouth causing her to gasp before her lips wrapped around it’s edges.

He slid in a little deeper then jerked forward before slowly pulling out. The first portion of his cock smoothly sawed across her velvety tongue with savoring intent.

He was staring down at her, his eyes locked onto hers. He was obviously enjoying it, but Maddie could ignore there was sudden shift in the power dynamic.

Maddie tried to smile with her mouthful of cock, and then began to wiggle her head. Her chin angled down she fell forward swallowing half the length of his dick, before she gagged, spraying his cock was spittle.

Aaron moaned, his fingers falling into her hair. Maddie felt a shiver climb up her spine. She rocked back and forth on her knees, wagging her ass teasingly behind her. That’s were his eyes were she could sense it.

His cock slid deeper and then more shallow as she throat fucked herself with his dick. She could taste pre-cum when she swallowed, and some saliva was dripping from her nostrils as she tried to breathe.

“Fuck me… your mouth feels so good…” His voice was a low gravelly roar.

Maddie smiled with her mouth full, wagging her tongue below his dick, lapping at the opening of his urethra as she pulled back.

“Fuck… Maddie you’re so good,” Aaron praised again, as he leaned over her head, cramming more of his dick into her mouth.

Maddie groaned, the noise vibrating through his cock.

Without another word, Aaron’s hand fell across her tailbone and she felt a slick digit press against her asshole.

He encircled the taut little ring with gentle pressure, with the tip of what she assumed was his middle finger slipping just beyond the rim and slowly churning about. Maddie shuddered and let out short “O” sound reverberating the pleasure moan through his twitching cock.

“Maddie, that ass is so tempting,” he growled before abruptly pulling his hand away.

Spurred he started to thrust into her throat a bit more vigorously. He placed a hand on her hip and pushed more of his length inside her. The force was almost enough to make her eyes bulge and tears began streaming down her cheeks. He moaned softly and his firm stomach bounced off her forehead between thrusts.

Maddie closed her eyes there was a gentle quake echoing from within her pussy.

She heard some rustling noises, and she forcibly pulled away from his cock spitting a foamy mixture of saliva and pre-cum on to the carpeted floor below her.

“Really?” Maddie asked still gasping for breath, as she glanced the chocolate donut-hole in Aaron’s hand.

“You-wanna-snack-right-now?” Maddie rasped, her fingers idly reaching out and stroking Aaron’s slippery meat rod. Her voice was so wet and hoarse that she could barely speak.

“Maybe,” Aaron answered.

Maddie popped the tip of his dick back into her mouth and suckled, cranking the slippery hot shaft into her lips. Drool was hanging from his balls, strings of spit, splashed everywhere as she worked.

Maddie was so focused on the task at hand, that she didn’t realize Aaron’s hand was hovering over her ass until she felt a strangely soft, crispy, greasy ball pressed between her ass cheeks.

“What-are-you-doing?” Maddie asked as he distracted her mouth away from his cock again. A mouthful of spit leaked over her lower lip, all the while her fingers kept working his twitching cock.

Slowly but firmly he pressed the sugary dessert sphere against her puckered asshole.

“You said you were going to be kinky,” Aaron replied.

He was so focused on working the donut-hole into her ass, that she could feel his cock softening between her fingers.

She decided not to protest right away, it was obviously too big and too soft end up inside her. He pressed the sugary fried dough until it started to flatten out a bit. Her puckered sphincter was unwilling to budge an inch.

Just when she was about to explain to him, it wasn’t going to work, her teased little ring seemed to ease open on its own and hungrily swallow the half-smashed treat with little resistance. The sudden intrusion made her clench down so hard her ass nearly swallowed the tip of his finger. Maddie gasped, sucking the air between her teeth, and mewing in objection. It was a strange, and uncomfortable feeling. She wanted to run to the bathroom.

He paused, moaning loudly and she felt his dick harden and lurched between her fingers.

“Fuck, I think I might cum…” He growled interrupting her sense of mild irritation.

“Jesus, that’s what does it for you?” Maddie bemoaned.

Aaron simply shrugged.

Maddie tried to ignore the unexpectedly large piece of fried dough churning just beyond the rim of her asshole and went back to sucking his cock. His dick twitched slightly each time her lips dove down its length, but it was hard to focus with cringe-inducing pressure in her rectum.

Suddenly Aaron, jerked his cock away, sending a spurt of pre-cum dribbling from the tip of his urethra down to her lower lip and chin.

Maddie’s eyes were blurry, but she could see him cranking the lower half of his twitching cock, red and ready to burst.

“I want my donut back.” He declared lustfully.

“Then why’d you shove it up there?” Maddie whined in a harsh rasp.

“Madeline?” Aaron said somewhat sternly, “I thought you were kinky?”

Maddie gave him a half-hearted groan and a pleading look with her eyes, “So what do you think it’ll be kinky if I shat on the floor?”

“Jesus, Maddie,” Aaron laughed as his hand slowly worked his reddened cock, “seriously, it won’t be THAT bad… right now you’re rating like a 3 outta 10…”

Maddie groaned, but gave him a compliant nod, and wiped the spit from her chin before she turned around. With her ass to Aaron, she lifted herself to the palms of her feet and leaned forward in a sort of sort-of leapfrog position. She felt his palm reach under her pussy, his fingers gently grazing her clit. She moaned softly and bore down on her bowels.

She strained to push the donut hole back out, but it didn’t seem to want to leave. She could feel her sphincter open and she could feel the mass peek out, but then retreat back inside her the moment she thought she could relax. It felt disgusting, she was sweating, and starting to shake. After near a minute of straining she was entirely too nervous to continue.

“I can’t…” She whined.

“Don’t worry. Just push it out.” Aaron insisted.

She groaned aloud and arched her ass, and bore down on her bowels with one steady push. Then her asshole opened up and with sickening relief, the donut-hole plopped free into his waiting hand.

Maddie panted and whimpered, the muscles in her legs trembled, and before she could relax she heard Aaron’s voice.

“Turn around…” he urged in a lust-heavy tone.

Something about his voice hit her ears just right. Her pussy ached. Maybe she knew along where this was going. Without a second thought, she spun around on landing back on her knees and opened her mouth like a good little kinky slut.

He was masturbating furiously, the engorged member looked ready to explode at any second.

Aaron had the half-smashed donut hole in his palm, the rich dark brown oblong-orb was cracked all along its surface and it looked almost black between the gaps. It was glistening wet, and there were several distinctly caramel-colored pieces clinging to the surface of the crinkled sphere.

Aaron aligned his palm to her waiting mouth. Her cheeks burned fiery hot. Her mind flickered between the urge to recoil and blissful subjection, for a half-second, she wondered, *Why am I doing this?*

Then she smelled the rich, sugary chocolate in her nostrils followed by a faint scent of her own dirtiness.

Her pussy hummed, but her eyes watered, Maddie meekly opened her mouth a bit wider and tilted her head back. On cue, he tilted his palm letting the dirty, mashed donut hole tumble into her mouth. It plopped on her tongue in nearly rolling into the back of her throat. She pressed it forward and chewed instinctively. Though the act itself felt nasty and degrading, her clit was practically singing. It didn’t taste as terribly as she expected, mostly sweet and only faintly briny.

“Fuck, that’s hot.” Aaron moaned as he masturbated, inching towards her chewing mouth.

After a few seconds he let out a low throaty moan and she opened her mouth in anticipation. Sure enough, his cock erupted onto her chocolate-marred mouth. Aaron heaved, gasping as cock shot out rope after sticking rope, briefly stringing her teeth and lips together until it pooled into her tongue, his spunk melding with the half-chewed tainted treat. The last bit of dribbling out streaking across his tie. She chewed a few more times and then swallowed, presenting him with her mostly clean tongue, save some bits and streaks of chocolate residue.

“Holy fuck you’re incredible!” Aaron said still panting.

“Thanks…” Maddie swallowed again and coughed, attempting to clear her throat of the slimy bits of donut, “…and the verdict is?” Maddie begged.

“Verdict…? Oh.. of course, 10 outta 10, obviously.” He praised still trying to catch his breath.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/vn76xh/a_question_of_kink_mforal

1 comment

  1. Really good story, I might just try something like that, very sexually exciting!

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