The Accidental Dick Pic Pt. 03 [Femdom] [Orgy] [MMMF]

*I advice you to read part I and II first.* [*They are over there*](*. Enjoy your read.*

Around one week had past by since she called me in her office. My life went on as always: Working, hanging out with friends, doing some sports. But always when I had some free time on my hands, my mind drifted off towards her: My mistress. Towards her and the amazing things she had done to, or with me so far.

On Friday night, around midnight, I was already home after spending some Friday night quality time with some friends of mine, my phone rang. It was her. My mistress. She called me for the first time. I took the call: “I want your company now. A driver will pick you up in about fifteen minutes.”

A huge smile appeared on my face. I hurried over in the bathroom. A quick shower, brushing my teeth then I jumped into a fresh set of clothes and hurried downstairs, out of the apartment building I was living in.

A huge car was parked on the street in front of my house. A driver stood next to it. He recognized me immediately. He opened the back door for me to get in the car. I hurried to get in, because I didn’t wanted to disappoint her.

The driver didn’t loose many words during our drive to the other, the rich side of the town I lived in. He stopped in front of a huge town house, more of a town villa. The driver left the car and opened the door for me. He directed me towards the huge double front door: “Knock over there.”

Then car drove away while I was walking towards the door. I knocked. The door opened shortly after. A maid opened up. No, she wasn’t wearing one of those porn maid uniforms, she had some casual clothes on her body. She introduced herself as the maid. The one that took care of the huge house. She also told me to follow her.

We went upstairs, crossing a huge lobby with lots of portraits on the wall. Then we went up a very representative stairway. The place clearly was built to impress. On the first floor we walked down through a corridor. Two doors were on each side. But we went straight ahead. Towards a gigantic double door at the end of the hallway.

The maid opened the door. She let me walk past by her. Then she closed the door behind us. With her staying in the room too. The room itself was a library. The about five, six meters high walls were covered in books. The book free side was covered by some heavy curtains. There were probably some big windows hidden behind them.

In front of the curtain there were two chairs separated by a coffee table. In one chair, she. My mistress. With a huge smile on her face from the moment on she saw me entering the room. I smiled back. I was happy to see her, she was happy to see me. She told me to sit down next to her. The show would begin soon.

After I placed my ass on the chair, she gave an order to the maid: “You can bring them in now.”

The maid left the room. My mistress said hello to me while we were alone. She also thanked me for coming. It told her that it was an honor to be here with her, in her place. And that it was more than just nice to see her. She blushed a little bit.

Then the show began. The maid came back. With a leash in each of her hands. On the leashes, two naked men in their late forties. Naked except the collars around their necks. They were down on all of their fours. They were crawling next to the maid. Their faces looked familiar to me. But in the moment, I came to no conclusion from where I knew them.

But back to the show. The maid handed me one leash, the other leash landed in my mistresses hands. The maid went back in position. In front of the huge door. Waiting for her next orders.

My mistress was the one who began to talk: “Look at those pathetic losers. Look how the crawl around. They don’t deserve to stand up like real men.”

I surprisingly knew within in the blink of an eye what she was up to. I joined in the game: “I bet those losers have done something really pathetic to deserve their treatment.”

My mistress went on: “Yes, they did. They disappointed me. The disappointed their mistress. I gave everything for them. I worked hard to turn them into better men. But they betrayed me. They were seeing something else between my back. I think I must destroy their balls to punish them. I am thinking of cutting them off. They don’t need them anyways.”

Fear appeared on the faces of the two men. They began to beg for mercy. I went on: “Real men don’t beg for mercy. They accept their punishment.”

My mistress had to hide the smile on her face. My answer surprised her in a very positive way: “Well cutting off their balls in here would do nothing but messing up the carpet. So my good boy, is there any other way how we could punish them?”

Some leashes were leaning against the coffee table. So why not using them? I grabbed one of them. She grabbed the other one. Then she took the lead. She asked her pet: “How many strikes do you deserve today?”

One of the men, her pet, told her a number: “Twenty. On my ass, my mistress.”

She doubled the number. She let him count the hits. He miscounted two times. She began from a new. She also missed half of her hits. On purpose. She hit his balls instead. The pet screamed out loud from time to time. The screams were a mixture between pleasure and pain. I followed her example. My pet got the same amount of hits. I was gentle in the beginning, she told me to hit him harder. He needs it hard. I did what my mistress told me to do.

When the punishment was done some read streams were showing on their asses, some bruises were on their balls. But their dicks were rock hard now. My, our mistress commented on it: “Look at those perverts. Getting turned on when someone beats up their ass. I bet they love to lick each others balls and dirty holes too.”

They followed their mistresses order. They took turns on licking their dirty holes, on licking their balls. They moaned out while doing so. This time, I commented onto it: “Look at those animals. They disgust me. We have to separate them before the begin to fuck each other.”

Again a smile appeared on my mistresses face. This time, she didn’t hid anything: “Yes, you are a good boy. I think they need a few strikes with the leash. To calm them down.”

They got a few strikes on their asses. Their bodies were trembling with each one. But they didn’t learned their lesson. They were onto each other again after a few seconds. We separated them again: “No. Stop. Behave.”

Their dicks were more than just rock hard. Pre cum was dripping out of them. They clearly wanted each other. My mistress and I, we might be cruel, but we have a heart too. So we let go. We let the leashes drop to the ground. We even handed them some lube.

They fucked each other. They drowned one dick in lube, then he went up the ass of the other guy. Moaning was filling the room. Sex noises were filling the room. My mistress and I were sitting on the chairs, watching them. When all of a sudden she came up with something. With the most ordinary, the most calm, somewhat sorry voice you can imagine: “I am a terrible host. Excuse me please. Do you want something to drink?”

It took me a few seconds to figure out what I wanted. In the end, I stuck with my favorite drink: “A huge glass filled with ice cold sparkling water would be nice.”

She passed the order to the maid. She added a “make it two, please” to it. The maid left the room. The two men were fucking the shit out of each other. The fucked themselves towards an orgasm. The fucker took the fucked one hard and deep. The didn’t mind at all that we were watching them. I think it made them go even wilder.

When the maid came back with the order, she placed it on the coffee table between the chairs. To my surprise, the maid had a bulge between her legs. A huge one. We thanked her for bringing the drinks. Each one of us took a sip.

Meanwhile two fucking men were close to an orgasm. My mistress and I looked each other in the eyes: “We have to separate them. Fast.”

We grabbed the leashes and pulled their two trembling, sweaty bodies apart. They both let out a more than just frustrated moan. We interrupted them in exact the right moment. A few seconds before they would have cum. They were trained right, so none of them even dared to touch themselves.

We kept them apart for some time. The frustration, the horny was written on their faces. Then my mistress told them to switch roles. The fucker would get fucked now, the fucked one would have to fuck. They complied.

Again, a dick was drowned in lube. Again, a dick went inside an asshole. Their moaning, their fucking noises filled the room again. This time, only a few gentle thrusts. Then they fucked hard. Sweat was running down their bodies. Their moaning got more intense with every thrust. Tension was building up. Then they came together. Their bodies trembled. One load went up an ass, the other one landed on the floor. They two men collapsed onto each other.

My mistress gave them a few minutes. Then she ordered the maid to take them out. This time the maid didn’t return. Now my mistress gave all her attention to me: “Thank you for showing up. I hope you enjoyed the show. It is my Friday ritual when I am in town. Those two men, they really are into that stuff. They are business partners of mine.”

I told her that it was a nice and pleasant surprise. That it was an honor for me to be with her. That it was an honor for me to dominate those two men with her. That I enjoyed the show. That it was by far the best Friday night that I had since an eternity. Hearing my saying put a huge smile on her face: “Yes, you are a good boy.”

We sat in the library for some time. Together, next to each other. Enjoying the atmosphere of the room. Sipping our sparkling water. Talking about everything and nothing. But after about an hour, she had to excuse herself: “I have a busy schedule tomorrow. I have to go to bed now. Unfortunately. You can stay here, in one of the spare bedrooms. Or my driver will bring you back home. Choose what you want.”

Then she stood up, came over to me, bent over and gave me a kiss on my cheek: “A good night to you, my good boy. I will call you again.”

I blushed. I had butterflies in my belly: “A good night to you too, my mistress.”

I decided to stay at her place. To be as close to her as anyhow possible. The maid took me to an already prepared room. She had a huge smile on her face: “I have never ever seen a that happy expression on her face like in the moment when you entered the room. Don’t fucking dare to hurt her.”

The next morning the maid woke me up. She told me that she, my mistress was already out of town. She told me that I could take my time. Then she gave me directions towards the kitchen. She would be down there for the next two, three hours.

I thanked her, then I took a shower, I brushed my teeth, I jumped in my clothes and headed towards the kitchen. I made my way down from the second floor to the first. Then around a few corners. Then I landed in the kitchen. The maid offered me some coffee. She even served me some breakfast. The driver was sitting next to me at the table: “I bring you everywhere you want after you finished your breakfast.”

I asked him to drive me home. Were I collapsed on the sofa. To think about the previous night. To find out more about the two men: They were very influential businessman. A couple. So I had seen their faces before. Probably in some magazine, or in some newspaper. in the end I ended up thinking about her, my mistress. With a huge smile on my face. I was hoping that she would call me again soon. That she would find some time to spend it with her good boy.



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