Monsters Among Us: Monster’s Ball

Justice and Gauntlet raced towards the campus at a speed that belonged on Formula 1 racetracks. Justice moved with superhuman agility and danced between cars like a leaf on the wind. Justice punched walls and kicked off against parked cars like a self directing wrecking ball to match the pace of his partner with power rather than agility. One of their trainees, a girl with potential but so little power at her conscious command that the Special Branch that trained, directed, and covered for the actions of the state sponsored heroes had determined she was not worth wasting time training, was currently being gang raped on live stream. There were about eighty hostages and about two full platoons of heavily armed assailants, and a supervillain whose power had not been fully scoped. Two schools of thought in analysis were in deadlock. Observed power levels of his strikes matched those of Omega class, literally walking strategic weapons. He got his ass kicked, and indeed was full on punked by a totally untrained superheroine whose tested power performance was just beyond that of a male Olympic athlete (if someone competed in unlimited class powerlifting, sprinting, gymnastics, and marathon), but at the extreme low end of superhuman.

The problem Justice and Gauntlet had is that they were both troubled by the fact that Lillith always seemed to just fail every assessment. No matter where the bar was set, she almost met it. It was almost like she had enough control to adjust her output to always be just below the requirement. Even an experienced hero deliberately faking their test results usually showed a few seconds of true performance before successfully masking again. If that was true, then Crusader was not just a dangerous misogynist rapist with a room full of potential victims, but an Omega Class threat that a full team should be dispatched to face.

Justice mind was split between plotting their course and raging as his student, a quiet shy little girl who only wanted to be left in peace was being gang raped and tortured on camera. He was going to have to work hard not to kill anyone when they got there. Heroes don’t kill, but sometimes it seemed like they should.

Gauntlet’s mind was split between trying not to hit any occupied vehicles, and working out what would have to happen when they hit the exam theater. There were too many hostages, but the gang rape had served to draw almost all the guards to the atrocity, and left only a handful armed and guarding the hostages. Take out the guards, get the hostages out, then turn that rapist piece of crap into wall paste. He was supposed to be really tough, he would almost certainly survive.

In the exam theater, Lillith was barely holding on to her sanity. Humanity was the thin line of light between the cold empty darkness of the Succubus hunger, and the raging blood red fury of Hyde.

Crusader rammed his cock into Lillth’s asshole, her Succubus blood reaching out to drain her assailant of life and power to heal herself, but the biofilm and his condom prevented it. The pleasure of the assault empowered her Succubus blood to ascend, even as its frustrated hunger clawed at her sanity. At the same time Crusader rammed a cattle prod into her vagina and triggered it. She screamed around the cock in her mouth and spasmed. The spasms caused Crusader to empty his balls into her ass, or into the condom over his cock. The pain caused her Hyde blood to rise, almost forcing itself into control, the control she would not be able to take back, only the chance of one of the Patriarchy guards sucking on her nipple and rubbing her clit to force another humiliating orgasm from her at her own degradation allowed her Succubus blood and thin layer of remaining humanity to deny Hyde’s ascendence.

Crusader tossed his minion aside roughly, and forced his hand into her mouth. He held her mouth open and drained his condom into her mouth, forcing her to swallow the hundredth load from her assailants. In his post orgasmic bliss and gloating arrogance, he thought her ardent sucking of his cum covered fingers was a sign of her surrender, not noticing the inside of her mouth, not being coated with the biofilm that blocked her absorption, allowed her to drink just a little of his power through his fingers, and give her enough strength to hold on.

Justice slotted behind Gauntlet as they approached the doors. Entry was what Gauntlet did, and Justice left him to it. Gauntlet blasted through the doors and the two guards posted at it and blasted out with both fists to pin two others at the back door to the walls with the telekinetic punches thrown by his enhancement gauntlets. Justice stopped in the doorway and screamed out.

Justice stopped in the doorway and screamed out. “Light of Justice!” As he did, a light brighter than any flashbang went off and blinded everyone in the room except Gauntlet who had both arms over his face, and Crusader whose fiery crown absorbed the energy, as it did all energy directed at him, without any effect.

Crusader laughed. “You come to save your little hero bitch? She will pay for it. Patriarchy Guard!” Crusader commanded. “Torture the bitch until these two surrender or die. Let them see what she suffers for their interference. Let her see what happens to those who stand in my way.”

Gauntlet hammered two kinetic punches at Crusader, but something ate them before they struck. In return Crusader lanced out with a sword of fire and only his crossed gauntlets were able to stop the blow from bisecting his torso. Even so the force put him into the wall hard enough to drop him to the ground stunned.

The Patriarchy Guards laughed and closed on Lillith with their cattle prods. One already in her vagina was triggered, and another was rammed into her anus. Two more grounded in her nipples and they laughing men triggered shock after shock, enough pain to kill a dozen cattle or two dozen humans lanced into her. They left her mouth free to scream, and what tore from her mouth was inhuman in its agony.

Justice closed faster than sound, but his swinging fist met only a crossing block from the smiling Crusader. A foot sweep took the speedster off his feet and a crushing blow to his back put Justice into the ground with the force of a falling anvil.

Picking up Justice like a limp sack of potatoes, Crusader used him like a club to smash Gauntlet into the ground, before he reached out and ripped the powerful foci off Gauntlets arms, and tossed them away. Laughing in triumph, The Crusader roared out his victory.

“Do you see, super slut? No one can save you. You are nothing but a toy for me to amuse myself with, and throw to my men when I am done. Accept your place, and beg my forgiveness. I may allow you to live.”

Behind him, the howls changed, became something far less human. The Crusader smiled cruelly as he imagined the last scraps of her humanity stripped away, and the proud woman reduced to nothing but an animal to be trained by superior men.

He was almost right.

Lillith writhed in pain with no pleasure. Just pain, pain, pain to call on Hyde and nothing to feed the Succubus. There was fear, fear that Justice and Gauntlet would be killed in front of her eyes, and there was rage. So much rage.

For her entire life, the child of two monsters pretended to be human. For her entire life Lillith Jeckel hated her Succubus blood and feared her Hyde blood. She clung to the thin fragment of humanity that tried to balance the two against each other. But now that humanity rebelled.

Now that thin scrap of humanity did not strive to hold back Hyde, did not strive to keep the Succubus asleep. Now that thin scrap of humanity that was all Lillith had for sanity screamed in despair and reached out for any power that could make this stop. Lillith reached out, and dragged Hyde into the light.

Her flesh tore, her bones broke. The cattleprods in her ass and vagina shot out as her body reshaped itself. The manacles on her wrists and ankles that were rated to tow tanks snaped like rave glowsticks and bounced off the walls with the force of their shattering.

Lillith began laughing. Not a human sound. Like the mad cackle of a hyena, like the roar of an incoming tsunami, she laughed a primal laugh of a wolverine fallen into a nest of blind baby bunnies and no exits.

Her body swelled, growing massive, thickly muscled, taller, brutish in form no matter how tall, looking almost squat with the thick heavy slabs of muscle. A wide white grin that would shame a wolf split a face almost too angelic to surmount such a beast. Her breasts were now enormous, her nipples erect and excited as some cartoon porn creation. Her sex open and hungry with a lust that combined blood and worse.

Lillith reached out and grabbed two Patriarchy Guard and smashed them together. With a wet broken sound they both fell. A third emptied his submachine gun into her naked back in a single long trigger pull. Lillith spun, letting the bullets stitch a line across her back, and belly as she reached out and dragged the gunman in for a kiss.

Her new body having expanded beyond the limits of the biofilm, her Succubus blood could finally sate the hunger driven beyond all reason, and she drained the life from the soldier like draining a shot glass. He fell in a coma that would take weeks, if not months to resolve, but the power flooding into Lillith allowed her Succubus blood to transform her as Hyde’s blood had.

Wings broke forth from her back, and a tail. Her brutish body extended, becoming taller, becoming leaner. Where a beast had stood before, now towered a dark and angry goddess. The mad rage of Hyde, the endless hunger of the Succubus, and the soul deep anger of Lillth Jeckel spoke for the first time as one being.

“Oh Crusader, enough foreplay. Now I am going to make you my bitch.” She laughed as she came for him.

Crusader called upon his men. “KILL HER!”

Those that could directed weapons at her, and everything from .50 caliber antimaterial rifles, through squad automatic machine guns roared at her. She tossed desks and broken Patriarchy guards at the shooters with casual unconcern.

Running her hands over her breasts, down her belly, stroking her sex, she cooed as she slowly, languidly stalked towards the Crusader.

“Oh I have such an appetite. I am going to hurt you, then heal you, so I can hurt you some more. I am going to make you love me, then break you. Then heal you and make you love me again, just so I can break you again. Before I am done, you will beg me to hurt you, you will live only to be hurt by me, imagine no pleasure greater than being hurt by me. You will be broken so badly you will crawl on your belly before any woman and beg her to inflict even the shadow of what I am about to do to you.”

Lillith wasn’t sane, wasn’t human, and did not care.

The Crusader called forth his sword of fire, called upon his Shield of Light, and his Crown of Glory and went to war.

“I am the Fist of God, and I will bring you to your knees Jezebell!” The Crusader roared as he charged.

Lillith slapped his sword wrist with one wing, caught his leading leg with her tail, and spun behind him as he passed through the space she used to occupy. Her clawed hands struck, not at his flesh, but at his holy mantle. She ripped it off, revealing his muscled torso and shorts.

“Is it my birthday? Is it time to unwrap presents? I love unwrapping presents!” Lillith laughed and clapped, taking up another Patriarchy Guard and kissing to drain him of almost all his life in a single kiss. Tossing him aside like a used condom she faced the angry Crusader.

“Unnatural witch, I am the Fist of God, I am the Crusader and you will kneel before me!” The Crusader swore, charging behind sword and shield, a corona of power wrapped him and shone like a captive sun.

Lillith wrapped herself in the darkness of the Succubus, but when the Crusader charged home, sword raised for the kill stroke he faced a shock. Wings flapping and legs uncoiling, Lillth struck with the speed and fury of Hyde and punched the shining shield of the Crusader back into his chest with the combined force of two charging freight trains. The Crusader had the augmentation that drove his body beyond all human limits, but it was artificial. Lillith was a child of the Succubus, was a child of Hyde. What she was, she was. Her body was hers, had always been within her. It was the realization of everything she had ever felt inside her, a power she knew from fighting to contain it every single day. She wasn’t fighting against it anymore, and it had never been anything but part of her.

She was smoother. He thought and struck, she simply moved. He called forth power and blasted, she simply struck. He struck or grappled, she simply flowed around him, caressing and leaching strength where he moved past her, hammering into and through his flesh with blows harder than tank main gun strikes where he moved against her.

He felt fear touch him at last. Each exchange left him wounded, weaker. Each exchange left her stronger, and more healed. She hurt him and he cried out in agony, he hurt her and she came so hard it sprayed down her legs, laughing as she rode that joy into another attack against him.

He drew his sword for a thrust to her heart as she closed, but she fell backwards and guided him over her. Rolling on top of him she pinned his arms above his head. Her breasts pressed into his face and she mothered him in her pale white perfect breast flesh.

Lust and helplessness rolled up in him. He bucked but she rode him laughing. She slapped his face again and again with her breasts, each touch caused lust to spike higher, and a strange feeling of submissive hunger at how easily she mastered him fought with his righteous rage.

“Suck me, you little bitch. I know you know how, I taught you last time!” Lillith laughed as she directed one of her breasts to his mouth. Crusader knew he should bite her, should punish her, should deny her, but his mouth fastened on her breast and he suckled like she was his first woman, like she was his last woman, like she was the only woman in the world.

He could feel his power leaching away into her, and she laughed as he sucked her breast as she sucked him dry. As he began to lose himself to lust she broke her own spell by pinning both of his hands in one of hers and taking up his sword in the other.

“Fist of God you said, well I will be your god, and there will be fisting.” Lillith smiled with cruelty that hell would flinch before, and rammed the Crusaders sword through both his hands and into the floor.

“Glory glory hallelujah, you are crucified. Isn’t that what you were after Crusader?” Lillith laughed.

Yanking off his shorts, she looked at the raging hard on that was before her and laughed again.

“Glory be to me, He is Risen!” Lillth laughed and raised both Crusaders legs, pinning his knees to his chest with her wings. Taking his cock in one hand, she began to suck his cock like it was the finest popsicle ever made, and as he rolled back his head, she began to work a finger into his ass.

Then two, he began to beg, to plead. Three fingers, then four. He came in her mouth, but she kept sucking. She worked her fist into his ass, and pulled her mouth off his cock, leaving it rock hard and jutting skyward.

Pumping his ass with her massive fist she demanded of him, as he had demanded of her earlier.

“Tell me you are just a worthless piece of ass, a bitch who begs to be taken by anyone. A bitch who begs to be beaten, to be spat on, a worthless little cumrag who begs only to be punished.” She demanded.

The Crusaders inhuman vitality worked against him. He could take it, he could take the punishment that would have killed any other man. What he could not take was the jets of cum shooting out of his cock. He was being used as her bitch and loving it.

“YES,” he roared. “I am your bitch, I am any woman’s bitch. I am a cum rag, a pain slut, please hurt me, please use me, please fuck my ass!” Crusader screamed and came, and came, and came until he passed out. Too drained of life, drained of fight, drained of purpose and dignity. He was broken so deeply that he could never summon his power again. Broken so deeply in fact they had to make sure no female guards worked his prison wing or he would beg on his belly for them to beat him.

Lillith stopped before killing him, but the damage she had taken was too much, the power she had burning in her was too much, the hunger inside her was too much. There were so many students here, just little sacks of hunger and want that she could take, could slake her hunger with. She could use then to death, or leave them slaves to her desires for life, it would be so easy! Why shouldn’t she?

She wasn’t human, she was done pretending to be. Why should she stop?

Justice and Gauntlet picked themselves up and began to usher the students from the room, before zip tying Patriarchy Guard’s hands and feet. They put some sort of manacles on the broken, gaping assed Crusader as Lillth stood in panting sexual and killing frenzy, trying to hold in the rampage that needed to happen.

They had come for her. They had come to save her. Justice, Gauntlet. She had lied to them, tricked them, and yet they had come to face Crusader to save her. She looked at them and hunger of a new kind grew.

“Justice, Gauntlet. Only you can save them. Only you can save everyone here. Are you strong enough?”

Lillith moved forward with a slow casual sexually charged but unmistakably predatory walk.

“Are you man enough?” She reached down and stroked Gauntlets bulging tights, before reaching out and kissing Justice’s neck, leaving a bright red hickey.

“Sweet Justice!” Whispered Justice.

“Oh fuck me gently” Groaned Gauntlet.

Hours later, an inhumanly powerful foot kicked open Lillith front door. A towering succubi, muscled like an angry goddess strode through the front door. There was a naked, painfully erect man cast over each shoulder.

“MOTHER, FATHER, I NEED THE DUNGEON, AND LOTS OF FLUIDS!” Lillith roared as she headed for the sex dungeon where Femme Fatalle and Hyde played sick and dangerous games for the last century.

Femme Fatalle’s eyes teared up, crying out softly in maternal pride, “My baby!”

Mr Hyde threw back his head and laughed the loud satisfied pride of an apex predator.

Justice and Gauntlet? They had no complaints, lots of fluids, and in time the swelling went down.


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