Monsters Among Us: Breaking the Heroine

Enough time had past since her clash with the Crusader to no longer worry about him. Enough time spent convincing the local superhero group she could never become more than only slightly better than human, and not suited for crime fighting. She could go back to her normal life.

LJ pinched her thighs together. The math of the exam was enough to distract her mind, but the neglected needs of her body, left incomplete with the vibrators earlier demise, were becoming a serious distraction. She spent all the energy she had left from the exam shutting out her enhanced senses and body awareness. She needed to stick this exam. Boosting your GPA when you were already a 3.96 was almost impossible, so almost perfect was not enough.

It is perhaps forgivable that she took 3.2 seconds to process the fire alarm and sprinkler activation. Her senses were on ignore, but the instincts of a Hyde would catch the first taste of fire, like the smell of poison or explosives, no matter the level of distraction. The fire alarm and sprinkler activation without any sound of internal alarm switches or any scent of fire caused her that small 3.2 seconds of disconnect.

In that time, biofilm laced water was already descending from the sprinklers. If she moved then at full speed, she could have made it free, but so deep was her need to hide among the herd, to pretend to be just human, if minimally enhanced by a power belt that barely made her super, that she prioritized pretending to be normal over making her escape.

To compound things, she used what reaction speed she had to rip the gum from the student in the next seat’s mouth and use it to affix her test paper to the bottom of the examination desk. Rather than escape, she preserved her mid term exam paper. This would be one more mistake than she was allowed.

The doors boomed open, and Crusader appeared.

Lillith shot to her feet, wiping the slimy water from her eyes to clear them as The Crusader stood in the doorway and summoned his flaming sword and crown. With a gesture, his flames cut across the exam hall and burned a cross into the wall where the exam proctor guarded everyone’s bags and bellowed his challenge.

“Unnatural female, for the crime of defying God and his chosen Crusader, you will be taught your place today in front of the whole world. You and then the other women here will see a woman’s place, you will learn under the hands and cock of your Master, The Crusader, before I turn you over to my Patriarchy Army to learn that even superheroines are beneath the boots of even common men.”

On cue, the other doors kicked in and the Patriarchy Army goons with submachine guns moved to cover the students from all sides.

LJ looked, there was no way she could get to all of the submachine gun holders before they fired. They were not targeting her, the laser sights painted red dots on the bodies of the other students. Mouth open in a feral snarl, she felt the rage boil up inside her. All she wanted was to be left alone, she didn’t want to be a heroine. She didn’t want to be a monster. She wanted to write her test and go home!

The Crusader grabbed the nearest girl, and held her in the air by her neck.

“On your knees to be bound, witch, or I will begin killing these other feral females before I discipline you. You will end the same, but you can save their lives at least.”

LJ felt the hunger of her blood rouse. Her mother’s blood remembered the taste of Crusader’s power. She had almost consumed his whole life force out of the awakened desire in their last battle. He had hurt her and in response she had used the skin to skin contact to drink his power almost dry to heal and empower herself. If he wanted to make her submit, the fool was begging to be drained like a juice box. Fine. You want the monster? You get her.

Lillith’s face was cold as a marble statue as she stood, and then carefully knelt, hands knitted behind her in her hair, and ankles crossed. The Patriarchy Goons took the time to place massive manacles connected with tow cables on her hands and feet. LJ felt a stir of reaction as she could feel the life in them but only faintly. She wasn’t scared, as she didn’t try to drink from the minions yet. The Crusader must be neutralized first. She must be the only focus of the Patriarchy Army before she could act to save the other students. Her mother’s stories were very clear on the fate of captured superheroines, and why doing it to a succubus was how she got her name Femme Fatalle.

“Bind her to the desk, her destruction commences. Make sure the lighting is perfect. I want the cameras to record the moment she surrenders to her base nature, and I strip that unnatural power belt from her.” The Crusader laughed.

LJ’s eyes flew wide. That could be bad. If he knew how to depower an Aphrodite through sexual release to remove the power belt, he ran the risk of removing all trace of Lilliths human self, and leaving one of her monster natures in ascendence. The Succubus might kill, Hyde would paint the walls in blood and entrails, laughing all the while.

The fear in her eyes shattered her mask and she began to struggle. She was stronger than the mere mortal men, but when Crusader grabbed her arms and slammed them to the table, allowing her to be bound, she was shocked to find she could feel the power in his flesh where it touched hers, but she COULD NOT REACH IT!”

Not knowing about the biofilm, she didn’t know her skin was coated with a molecule thin layer of absolute protection, already drying to a perfect skin tight layer.

“Cut the bitches clothes off. I want the world to see their so called superheroines are nothing more than sluts designed for the pleasure of men. If a woman is designed to please a man, than a superheroine is designed to please an army, AND I BROUGHT ONE!”

The Crusader laughed and his men grabbed their crotches and wagged their tongues at her suggestively as they prepared for the gang rape and beating they had planned for her breaking. Worse, the Crusader pulled out a huge white vibrator, looking like someone took her magic wand and ran it through a supervillain enhancement gadget lab. Holy crap, what a bad morning for her own to crap out. She could feel her sex swelling with need right now. She wanted to escape, but she wanted release more!!

“You won’t get away with this, there are other heroes, they will stop me.” LJ hated the weakness in her voice as her defiance edged towards pleading, but with her power not allowing her to drain any of the men cutting her clothes off, pinching her nipples, fingering her dampening cunt, slapping her face, choking her throat, and even fastening cruel nipple clamps on a chain to her now engorged nipples, her inability to use her Succubus powers was edging her towards her worst fear. Not rape; Hyde.

The Crusader laughed cruelly as he grabbed the chain between her nipple rings and yanked, stretching her huge breasts up. At the same time, he brought the vibrator down oh her clit, powering it up to high. Lillith screamed, the combination of pleasure and pain setting off every submissive succubus circuit in her brain and body, hunger to take the sexual power being raised from all the men she could sense but somehow not touch around her clawed at her control, at her sanity. She could feel the Crusaders dominance, and that made the human and the succubus both howl in frustrated need. So long spent supressing herself in self hatred had left her vulnerable to someone who promised to strip that control from her, to let Atlas shrug, and set the world down.

The Crusader worked her clit and her nipples together, edging her again and again. He was going to make her cum, but when he chose not her.

“Look at it, the superheroine. Nothing but a set of tits and three holes to be used by any man who knows its nature. Look at her, she knows when she cums I will strip her belt and her powers away, she knows when I do I will rape her. Every man here will rape her. She knows this, and she begs me for it!”

The Crusader laughed as he pulled the vibrator off Lillith’s clit, and with a groan, she arched her back, striving to chase the vibrator as he withdrew it, trying to get the promised orgasm at any cost.

“Beg me bitch, beg me to strip your powers, to strip your pride, to strip your freedom, strip your dignity. To train you to be nothing more than three holes and a set of tits for any man who wants you!” The Crusader demanded, using his flame power to burn her skin here and there, using pain to back her off the edge, then the vibrator to bring her to it again. Training the animal that pleasure and pain come from the Master’s will alone.

LJ broke. A part of her silently knew it was wrong, but a lifetime of suppression was against her, and she had been spread too thin before the exam, she had so little control left. She was tired of fighting her twin natures. She begged.

“Please let me cum, please, I am begging you!” Lillith begged.

The goons of the Patriarchy army were already fitting condoms on their cocks, none of them needing any help getting erect thanks to the show and the magic of the Viagra they had all taken.

“Say you are nothing but a set of tits and three holes for any man to use, and you will cum. Beg me to take your belt and make you a proper whore, and I will let you cum. BEG ME SUPERBITCH!” The Crusader roared, taking a cattle prod and shocking her stomach, then pressing the vibrator back to her clit as the spasm of pain met the spasm of pleasure in her core.

LJ screamed. “I am a set of tits and three holes for any man. Take my belt, take my pride, take me, just please god let me CUM!”

The Crusader rammed the stainless steel plug he had set out lubed beside him on the desk into her tight ass as she arched off the table towards the retreating vibrator. Using his super strength to hold her in the arch, he rammed the ass stretching steel plug deep in her rectum in one painful thrust, as he brought the vibrator down on her clit and pressed it home.

Lillith came so hard she gushed. The Crusader dropped the vibrator and took hold of the golden power belt that was all she wore at the moment, and then took his hand off her ass.

The belt stayed in his hand, Lillth fell to the table, her power belt enhanced humanity now stripped from her.

The Crusader turned to the camera, and tossed her belt aside. He undid his own slowly, and pulled most of a foot of hard cock out. He worked a condom onto it.

“Look at your superheroine, your superior female. Nothing but a slut waiting, no, begging to be used. Not to worry slut, your skin is coated with a little something to keep you from draining anything but our balls. We will all be using safe sex with your energy stealing ass today. Don’t worry though, you will get to drink all the sperm from the condoms when we finish.

It is a good thing your body isn’t just human. I wonder if any normal woman could take what is in store for you.”

Crusader worked his cock into her mouth, pulling her head back over the end of the table so he was thrusting down her throat directly, his balls slapping into her eyes. He grabbed the chain between her nipple rings and made her scream around his thrusting cock as he yanked until the clamps stretched her nipples until a normal woman would have torn. The Crusader felt Lilliths tongue reach out and lap at his balls in perfect submission.

He laughed, but Lillith’s tongue was not coated, and Crusader’s balls were not protected by a condom. She drank only enough power to hold on to the edge of sanity. Could she hold out, could she stay human through the degradation they had planned, or would Hyde come out, her greatest fear made whole in her flesh?

She felt Crusader stiffen, and his balls pulsed again and again. God help her, Lillith came again as Crusader came in her mouth, caught by the condom. She groaned, needing the taste of what she was denied.

Laughing, the Crusader pulled the condom off, then turned her face to the camera, and drained it into her mouth.

“Suck it all, superslut. Show the world what a cum guzzling whore you were born to be.” Crusader laughed, and Lillith cried as she sucked every last bit of cum out of the condom. Already she felt others yanking her head back, and another condom covered cock like up at her pussy. Her control was slipping, her need to feed was frustrated by the biofilm, but the Succubus was fully in control, sex was her power, her pleasure, her feed, and she was insane with a need they were letting her almost touch. As long as they did, the Succubus wouldn’t let LJ be anything but the sex starved animal they were preparing to train on camera.

God help her, she was loving it.
