[MF] Rearranging my sectional has been a hookup game changer

Hear me out. Ever since I rearranged my sectional to be shaped more like a bed (instead of a classic L-shape), it’s been a total game changer. Every girl I’ve brought over immediately gets very comfortable right away and inevitably we end up getting naked very quickly right on the couch.

Best part is that I’ve never had to move to the bedroom. We can spend all night, or even all weekend just fucking on the couch, it’s like having a bed in the middle of the living room. I’ve already had 2 girls tell me how much fun they had and can’t wait to try it out with some more.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/vlt60q/mf_rearranging_my_sectional_has_been_a_hookup


  1. A friend of the family had a smaller appt so she used the bedroom as her office and had her bed in the livingroom. Worked quite well for her.

  2. Had a friend who had a foam mattress right in the living room. Always claimed it was for friends who would sleep over after a night on the town. Never mentioned to others they were new female friends he’d acquaint his penis with.

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