I (19F) got broken up with by my ex (18M). Long story short he was super toxic and insecure. Specifically insecure about a guy I was hooking up with before I even knew him and started dating him. This was the reason for our fights. After he broke up with me he said I had to choose between him and the guy, let’s call him Dave, he said if I fuck Dave then we couldn’t stay friends. I said “Ofcourse 🥺 our friendship is more important than a one night stand!”
Lol 2 weeks later Dave is fucking me in the back of his car blowing my mind in ways my ex couldn’t. Also he bought me an egg mcmuffin.
Lol suck it Robbie.
Me – 1
Ex – 0
Lol no bitches
Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/vm0moe/mf_hot_girl_summer