It’s a Sin – Part 1 (DubCon, Date Rape, Repressed Lesbian, Oral)

Ivy spent the whole morning trying to focus on her studies Monday, but it hadn’t helped any more than praying for forgiveness in her church the morning before. Nothing could put the guilt of what she’d done with Anna on Friday out of her mind. It hadn’t just been stupid – it had also been a sin. Even worse than either of those things was how good it had felt though. People had seen – they had to have. Even now they might be gossiping from one to the other that Ivy the Ice Queen had made out with another girl at a party. By the end of the week it would be all over school, and in a couple more weeks someone in her bible study group or one of her sisters might hear about it. She shuddered at the thought. She was an 18 year old senior in high school. People should be talking about how smart she was as a freaking honor student, or how well she’d done at the last track meet, not how hot she looked with Anna Palmer’s tongue in her mouth.

Even though she was in class she wanted to scream at the injustice of it all. She’d spend her whole life protesting gay marriage and abortion clinics with her parents and siblings and now she discovered she liked kissing girls? It couldn’t really be true, could it? That would just be too awful. She couldn’t dwell on it though – not now. She needed to do something to get out ahead of this rumor so people wouldn’t believe it when they heard it, but she was at a loss for how to do that until she saw Brian come into class late.

Brian was captain of the football team, and perpetually single, but he’d been trying to go out with her for years. She’d always turned him down of course because of his reputation of course. Not because she was gay, she quickly corrected herself. She’d dated lots of guys, and had even kissed a few, but none of them had worked out. Brian wouldn’t either of course – he just liked getting drunk and one night stands, but if she actually dated him for a couple weeks then that would be the rumor, and no one would believe that she and Anna had actually done anything.

So she spent all of lunch and the rest of the afternoon arranging to cross his path. She gave him every chance to flirt with her, or strike up a conversation, but he never did. She even caught his eye and smiled at him, but he acted like he didn’t see her. Had she finally told him no enough times to make him decide she was a lost cause? Was she finally free of his pestering at the worst possible time? It was a terrible irony, but exactly the sort of divine punishment that she should expect for what she’d done. The answer, as it was with most things, was humility.

She was at wit’s end by the time classes were over, and considered finding another guy to fill Brian’s roll, but the only one shocking enough to cause their own rumor were pretty questionable guys. No, she decided, it had to be him. As she got in her Mom’s minivan she decided she would send him a snap when she got home. She was sure she could get his attention somehow.

In the end she decided to take a picture of herself in an outfit that was just a little too tight to be cute. At first she chose one her older shirts on the edge of being outgrown. It wasn’t quite tight enough to show off her breasts the way she meant for it to, so in the end she borrowed a blue top from her sister that contrasted against her pale skin and made it look like she had cleavage even if she didn’t. Finally she added a pair of jean shorts that she loved, but that had so many holes that they were no longer decent enough to wear in public. Then she took a selfie in the mirror and looked at it. Ivy wasn’t sure she’d ever dressed so slutty before in her whole life, and she wasn’t sure how to feel about it as she added a quick caption of ‘What do you think of something like this?’ before she added Brian to the message and hit send. Thirty seconds later she followed it up with another message that said ‘Sorry! Wrong person – don’t worry about it.’

After that she sat back and waited. She couldn’t imagine that someone like him who pretty much only thought with his dick would be able to turn her down after he saw her like that. She’d looked prettier, and more beautiful in other pictures. She’d even looked sexier in that innocent school girl sort of way, but she’d never looked quite so easy as she had in that shot. Something about the way her dark hair fell loosely past the halter top that showed off both her midriff and her nonexistent cleavage put her sexuality front and center and made it seem like she was asking for it, which she supposed she was honestly. She was freaking begging for it, but in a PG-13 sort of way.

It took longer than she thought it would, but twenty minutes later she had a notification. She opened it to find ‘Running into you even in my DMs. What a coincidence Ivy – I didn’t think you were into guys anymore – at least that’s the word on the street…’

Ivy wanted to curl up and die after she read that, but not answering would be the same thing as agreeing to it. ‘Just because I don’t let guys get into my panties on the second date doesn’t mean I don’t like men.’ she answered defensively. ‘I don’t generally care what kind of rumors people start about me.’

‘But you sure seem to this time or is there another reason why you’re suddenly so eager for me to ask you out?’ He answered almost as quickly as she did.

‘Maybe I just thought you looked really handsome today… or maybe I don’t want to hear about what may or may not have happened after I had a couple beers for the rest of the year. Who can say?’

‘Ivy Erikson – out drinking. What is the world coming to?’ Was his reply. Ivy took it as a good sign that his tone was softening and becoming more playful.

‘Beer is proof that God wants us to be happy, hehe…’ she answered with an old apocryphal quote from a monk whose name she couldn’t remember.

‘Fair enough.’ He answered, ‘You free tomorrow?’

She waited a little bit so she wouldn’t seem over eager. ‘I am,’ she responded, smiling.

‘Because I’d ask you out… but you’ve given me the run around for like a year, so I’m thinking maybe it’s a waste of my time to invite you to the baseball game’ She sat there a little crestfallen as she read that message, but before another ‘You know – so everyone can see how totally straight and popular you are.’

‘Ouch. That’s kind of hurtful. I mean – how can I convince you to give me a chance?’ She looked at the message for several minutes before sending it. She didn’t like having him back in the drivers seat. She felt much more comfortable when he was chasing her, and not the other way around.

‘Just do what the other girls do, and show me your tits.’ his answer left her a little stunned. She sat there looking at it, at a loss for words.

‘I’m not sending you nudes Brian.’ she settled on finally. ‘I’m a good girl. I don’t do that.’

‘That’s fine,’ he sent. “I can respect that. But if you don’t figure out something new for people to talk about quick, then we both know everyone will be talking about a certain party sooner rather than later – especially since there are pictures…’ After that message came through he sent a picture that looked like it could have been from the party. It showed the side of a house, some woods, so it would be hard to say for sure where it was taken, but in the foreground were a couple guys drinking, and in the background there were two girls that looked a lot like her and Anna kissing like their lives depended on it.

She blushed hard as she remembered that night again, and put the phone down again. What was she supposed to do – send this asshole a picture of her tits just so he would help her prove that she was straight? I mean, she supposed that’s what straight girls that weren’t saving themselves for marriage did all the time, but that wasn’t really a world she was a part of, until now.

She considered asking him what other pictures he had of that night, but honestly she didn’t want to know. Anything more revealing than that had an equal chance of making her hang herself in shame or tempting her to play with herself to the memories of that night. Both of those actions were terrible sins though, and she wanted nothing to do with either of them. Instead she grabbed her phone, went to the bathroom, and locked the door. Once she was alone she took off her top and took a long look at her breasts. She’d never imagined showing them to anyone but her future husband, but she supposed that technically it wouldn’t be a sin to let Brian see them. Afterall she wasn’t going to have sex with him or anything. She was just giving him a little taste. The only taste he’d ever have of her, she hoped, and it’s not like she had anything to be ashamed of. Her apple sized breasts were pretty and perky, and topped with pretty pink nipples any guy would be lucky to see them.

With an acid taste at the back of her mouth she bit the bullet and took a picture, sending it after she verified that there was nothing in the background that would reflect her face or anything like that. ‘Just like the picture you sent me, that picture could belong to anyone.’

‘Well, anyone wearing your cross I guess, but that’s fine. I’ll see the rest of you tomorrow at six, Ivy. After that she spent the rest of the day hating herself for what she’d done, but she didn’t see another way to fix this. The only bright side was that he hadn’t saved either of the pictures she’d sent him. That was a good thing if it meant he was respecting her boundries, but if he didn’t bother because he was sure he could see even more in peerson, well… The thought haunted her, and the self hatred turned to a pure exercise of willpower after she turned off the lights to go to bed. That picture reminded her of everything she’d done the other night with Anna, and it made her weak. From the way her hair smelled while their tongues wrestled to the way her hand felt when it slipped inside her panties… Ivy eventually had to take a second, much colder shower before she was able to keep her hands to herself.

In the morning she couldn’t remember her dreams, but the fact that she needed to change her panties told her all she needed to know about them. School wasn’t much better, but at least there she finally started to feel like she’d done the right thing. She knew people were gossiping about her now, from the way they glanced at her and back as they continued their own private conversations between classes and at lunch. Honestly anything less than this plan probably would have been a complete failure. She thanked the lord for teaching her to be humble and kept her head down until it was time for Brian to pick her up for their date.

He showed up dressed like a perfect gentleman so he could introduce him to her parents without issue, and if he was disappointed that she chose a skirt and blouse that was a lot less revealing than the picture he’d sent her the other day, he didn’t show it. Instead he drove her to the game, and flirted with her publicly enough that she felt confident enough that all of this was going to blow over by the end of the week. Sure, he occasionally crossed the line, and she had to move his hand back from her mid thigh to her knee a couple times while they sat in the bleachers, but on the whole he was well behaved enough that she didn’t have any real concerns.

Their school won handily as the Condors trounced the Wildcats 4-1, not that sports had ever really been her thing, so as they walked to his car it felt like the perfect end to a perfect evening. It was only when she realized that Brian was driving away from her home instead of toward it, that those thoughts faded along with the last remnants of the setting sun.

“Where are you going?” she asked innocently enough. “I have curfew in a couple hours, and its a school night so…”

“Don’t worry Ivy – I got you covered.” he said, “We just have to make a couple stops first. You want some totally heterosexual rumors to spread about us, don’t you?”

“Yeah, but—” she nodded.

“Well then I got a reputation to maintain, so we need to go to at least one after party when we win like that.” he interrupted, flashing her a smile. “Those are the rules.” She smiled back, but said nothing. At least she knew that he wasn’t up to anything weird. Getting seen with him at a party wouldn’t exactly be the worst thing in the world either,

Ten minutes later though, he was pulling over on a small side road in the middle of nowhere. “Uh Brian – where’s the party?

“That’s the second stop” he said, turning off the car and getting out. “But people who drive straight to the party after the game are pretty much losers. You need to disappear for a little while, so people think you’ve been up to something you shouldn’t, you know?” He opened the car door, and hesitantly, she got out. The town was currently hidden behind two hills, but there was a lovely moonrise reflected in the reservoir which they see just past the treeline from their lonely viewpoint.

“Alright, but no funny business,” she said curtly, She was sure he’d taken plenty of girls here, but she was equally sure it worked most of the time. A handsome guy like him, with a beautiful view. It would be the easiest thing in the world for a girl like her to give into a guy like him. Not that she was going to though. She might be straight, but she definitely wasn’t easy.

“Of course not,” he said, walking up behind her and putting his hands on her shoulders. “Just totally normal hetero teenage things.” She stood there, feeling his powerful hands effortlessly massaging her, and unsure of quite what to do. She didn’t really want him to touch her like this, but then he wasn’t actually touching anywhere bad yet.

“Brian—” she started to protest, but that was when he kissed her. As soon as she turned halfway towards him he took advantage of it and closed the rest of the distance. For a moment she was too stunned to stop him, and he managed to force his tongue into her mouth before she pulled away.

“Brian,” she said again, this time a little more sharply than she meant to. “This isn’t what I want.”

“Oh, I know that princess,” he said, slowly advancing toward her even as she retreated. “You want to show everyone how straight you are while you leave me with big blue balls – just like you did with all the other guys you’ve dated this year.”

“That’s not how I would put it,” she said, swallowing hard at how uncomfortably he put it.

“But what I want,” he said, ignoring her answer, “Is to be able to tell the truth when I tell my buddies that you and me parked for a while and had a good time. That shouldn’t be a problem if you’re just a straight girl who is saving her pussy for marriage. Only a dyke would have a problem with a little kissing, right? Or are you saving your mouth for marriage too?”

“Brian…” Ivy sighed, but she was trapped now, literally and figuratively as he backed her against a tree trunk. This time when he kissed her again, there was no escape. She kept her mouth closed against his advances, but once he grabbed her breasts through her blouse, she gasped in surprise, and after that his tongue was wrestling with hers. It was the single most aggressive kiss of her life, and so rough she couldn’t help but contrast it against the wet, sinuous kiss that Anna had practically forced on her the other night. She thought she liked a man that took charge, but not like this. It lasted for almost a minute, but when hands wandered down her stomach and then started to slip up under her top, she pushed him away enough that she could speak.

“Brian – I-I Ahhhhh…” she gasped as he pinched her nipple roughly making her gasp in the sudden unexpected mixture of pleasure and pain. “You need to stop it right now. This isn’t whaa… what I want.” He didn’t stop though, even as she struggled. He just backed off a little bit, switching from torturing her poor nipples into just mauling her breasts as a whole.

“Are you sure you that’s what you wanted?” he asked, the edge of sadism obvious in his voice. “Afterall, why would a girl like you show my your tits unless you thought they needed some extra attention.” She was cowed by his bravado, even as he started to lift up her shirt so he could see her sensitive breasts for the first time in person. She was glad he was no longer hurting her, but the fact that he was ignoring what she wanted scared her more than she could say.

When he finally brought his mouth to her right nipple and began to suck too hard she cried out, “Ahhh, please don’t do this.” He didn’t stop right away, but after a few more bites that made her shudder and struggle he finally stopped. Then without another word he turned around and started walking to his car.

“Well,” he asked after he opened the car door. “Are you coming, or did you want to walk home?’ The fact that he’d finally stopped did nothing to calm her pounding heart as she stood there shaking in fear and humiliation. She felt completely violated.

“You’ll take me home?” she asked finally, taking a few cautious steps forward, “Instead of going to the party?”

“Of course”, he said, sitting down and closing the door. When she got in and started driving he continued. “I’m happy to take you home instead – after all, I wouldn’t want to be caught dead with a cock tease like you.”

“Wha-what do you mean?” Ivy sniffed, stung by the suddenness of the insult.

“I’ll just find some other girl that actually wants to spend time with me,” he continued, brushing her question aside. “And when someone asks me what happened to my date I’ll just tell them that it turns out the ice princess plays for the other team.” Moments before he said that they turned on to the rural state highway and she’d started to feel better, but as soon as he threatened to make things worse, her heart sank into the pit of her stomach.

“No,” she whined, “You can’t do that. Please!”

“I can’t, can I?” He sneered. “Where did you become the expert on all the things I can and can’t do Ivy?”

“I mean…” she paused, trying to take on a more humble tone. “Please. Please don’t do that. I’d never live it down.”

“If that’s the way you feel then maybe you should have been nicer to me when you had the chance.” He answered.

“No, please, we can go back and—” She pleaded.

“And what?” he interrupted. “You’ll let me grope your tits and make me late to the party?”

He laughed then. Long and loud enough to make her want to curl up and die. When he finally stopped she asked, “What do you want? What can I do to make this right?”

“I’ll tell you what,” he said finally. “We’ve got ten minutes until we get to the party at Rob’s house, and another three after that to your house. If you suck my dick on the way over, I’ll let you attend with me and make sure all the guys know just how straight you are.”

“You want me to… to what?” she gasped. “You want me to suck your… But I’ve never done that before… Good girls don’t do that sort of thing. Especially not on the first date.”

“Doesn’t matter to me either way at this point,” he smiled. “Heads I get to shame you in public, and tails I get to do it in private. I win either way.”

“I won’t…” she whispered, feeling the rage building up inside her. “I can’t.”

“Probably not,” he said, not bothering to take his eyes off the road, “I’ve dated plenty of virgins who let me fuck their mouth or their ass as long as I save their virginity for their wedding night. The difference between you and them isn’t that they were bad girls but you’re a good one. The difference is that they were straight and you’re gay.”

“I’m not,” she pouted, “Why won’t you believe me?”

“Ivy,” he said, “It’s 2022. I don’t care either way. If you want to be gay I say let your freak flag fly. I’m not the one who’s ashamed here. That’s all you.” Sadly he realized that he was right about at least one thing. She was ashamed. Ashamed that she might actually be a homosexual, and she was the only one who could do something about that, and that as distasteful as it was she needed to do something about that.

Without saying another word she undid her seatbelt and then leaned over to Brian’s lap and started trying to figure out how to undo his pants.

“Oh shit,” he laughed, making her blush even as reached down to help her undo his fly, “Is the ice princess finally melting, or is she going to chicken out at the last minute.” Ivy did her best to ignore him as she reached into his boxer briefs and pulled out his penis. She had no frame of reference for these sorts of things because she didn’t watch porn and had never gone this far with another man, but it seemed huge to her, especially when she realized her hand only just barely wrapped around the shaft.

For a long moment she looked at the menacing shadowy form by the light of the dashboard as she steeled herself for what came next. “It’s not going to suck itself,” Brian chimed in eventually. “Just in case you were wondering.” That was what finally spurred Ivy to act. She still couldn’t imagine trying to fit the whole thing inside her little mouth though, so instead she started attacking it with her tongue while she moved her hand up and down the shaft the way they’d discussed masterbation in health class. The sensation of soft hardness was strange enough, but the musky smell and salty taste of his skin did nothing to turn her on. She tried to ignore it, and tell herself it was just motion sickness because she wasn’t watching the road, but the very act of servicing him was making her nauseous.

Brian’s breathing started to deepen, and she thought he was getting close after a couple minutes, until he finally stopped at a stop sign, looked down at her and said, “You know princess – as good as that feels, you’re never going to get there that way. If you want me to cum you’re going to have to put my cock in your mouth.”

She opened her mouth to protest, but he chose that moment to grab her by the hair and force her head mouth first onto his circumcised dick. “Here,” he said, “Let me help you. Giving a blow job isn’t that hard you just have to watch the teeth and move up and down like im fucking your pretty little face. You can do that for me, can’t you?”

Ivy couldn’t answer though. She couldn’t do anything. She couldn’t argue or fight. She could barely even breath as he forced her head further and further down until she was gagging as his dick grazed the back of her throat. She hated this she realized. She hated everything about it. The taste. The smell. The feeling of utter helplessness, and all she could do was cry as he lifted her head back up by her hair and started to pump up and down at his desired speed.

“There we go,” he said finally, when he stopped forcing her movements and she hesitantly tried to continue the motion. “See princess? That wasn’t so hard was it?” The praise rang hollow though. She kept going, but only on a sort of traumatized autopilot. All she wanted in the world was for him to cum so she could get this humiliating experience over with. She had no idea why any woman would do this for a man. It was a disgusting act.

It didn’t stop Brian from moaning though after she’d been doing it for another minute or two. Maybe that’s why he enjoyed it, she thought acidly. Maybe he enjoyed humiliating women and that was the only way a dumb mother fucker like him knew how to get off. She didn’t stop though, and neither did he. She wanted this over with as soon as she could so she could go home and put this nightmare behind her. “Mmmmm, that’s right baby?” he groaned finally. “Just like that…”

She tensed herself ready to get off him as soon as she felt like he was about to cum, even though she had no idea what the signs of that were, but he was ready for that. “Mmmmm, that’s right princess.” he said, putting his hand on the back of her head even as he shaft started to twitch and shudder and her mouth was filled with the metallic taste of precum, “I’m going to be the first one to nut inside your body… Mmmmm… whether you like it or not.” She was struggling now, but he casually held her down as he kept fucking her face.

“And there’s nothing you can Unhhhh… do about it!” He finished talking just as the first shot of cum shot out with enough force that she could feel it hit the back of her throat. Before she could process the taste or the smell though or figure out how to spit it out, another one came out. Another and another quickly followed them, until her mouth was overflowing with this awful man’s seed. She wanted to sob and wash her mouth out with soap, but instead all she could do was swallow again and again to keep the ability to breathe.

When he was finally done, he let go of her head and she popped up like drowning victim, drawing in as much air as she could while coughing. She felt dirty, but when he looked over and gave her a sly look, asking “was it good for you too baby?” she felt even dirtier. She ignored the question, choking back all the insults she had for him in the same way she’d choked back his sperm. Telling him what she really thought of him would undo all the work she’d just done and she knew it.

Instead she dug through her purse for a kleenex as she pulled down the car visor so she could use the mirror. She was sure she looked frightful, and she had only a few minutes to do something about that before people that knew her would be around to smile knowingly and spread an entirely different sort of rumor.
