I’ll Be A Better Wife [M/F]

Betrayal. That’s all she’s done. My own mother.

She and my father got together when they were 15. She got pregnant and my father, being the great man that he is, stayed with her. He got a job, while still going to school, and struggled to provide for me because my grandparents, my moms parents, didn’t want anything to do with him.

When they graduated, they got married. Dad joined the Army because he didn’t know what else to do.

But mom? Well, she liked being the center of attention. She liked being chased. She liked the intensity of it all, and she liked being the object of affection.

My dad did everything in his power to make life for me, for us, better! Bearable, livable, all while he fought in wars and battles! He came home a changed man. Little things would make him shake. Loud noises causes him to cover his ears and shiver in fear, but for the most part he was fairly stable.

But I still loved him!

What did my mother do to repay him? She slept around. She had affairs. She used his money, lived on his kindness, and she repaid him by sleeping with men she met online, through dating apps, in bars. She’s young, she was only 33 when I turned 18. I know what she’s done. I sometimes laid awake in my room, listening to her and some random guy have loud sex in my fathers room! All while he’s out there fighting for us! For our country!

But I couldn’t tell on her. I couldn’t tell my father. Why? Because it would break his already fragile heart. It would drive him insane! I’m afraid for him.

But how did he find out. I got injured, and, out of curiosity, I asked what my blood type was. My doctor said I’m AB.

My dad perked up a little. “Strange. My blood type is O-negative.”

I watched the doctor suck in his lips. “Well, um… in any case, we’ll get you taken care of Abigail,” and she hurried out of there. My dad stared at me and mom for an uncomfortable amount of time.

“I’ll be right back,” he said as he left. Mom tried to follow, but a look from him told her not to do so. Dad was never a mean person, he was never abusive or anything, but there is always this intensity with his stares that told us to never try him.

When he came back, he came back with a nurse in tow and a cheek swab. Mom tried to fight him over it but another glare from him told her to not even try. The nurse swabbed my cheek and then his own cheeks.

That’s when mom started sobbing. Uncontrollably but silent. She knew her choices are catching up to her. The years of cheating, and yes, she cheated on him almost the entirety of their relationship, is finally catching up to her. It’s a miracle that they never got another kid, God knows my mom slept around with so many men.

On the drive him, there was cloud of tension that I could cut with a knife. Dad didn’t speak, mom kept crying, and I sat in the back and looked out the window.

When we got home, dad locked himself in his office. Mom tried to stop him, pulling at his arm, but he didn’t stop walking and left her behind.

Little did we know, Dad had already started thinking of life as a single man.

He didn’t know. He couldn’t have known. Whenever dad was home, mom was the perfect wife. She doted on him, gave him all of her attention, but when he goes out for work, she would turn into this harlot that would sleep with random men.

I should’ve told him. I’ve known since I was 16 when I found a guy leaving their room.

But dad was… distraught. After a couple of weeks, he got the result and… I’m not his daughter. The apple of his eyes, his treasure, was not his blood. Again, his heart broke, and he shut down.

Dad divorced mom, and since I’m 18 there is no child support. Mom tried her best to stay with dad, to stay married to him, but he wasn’t having it.

“How long?” He asked and she couldn’t answer. “How long have you been lying to me!?”

Never once did he raise his voice at us, at her. He never shouted, he never needed to. I was a good daughter, he told me so himself. All mom could do is cry and beg for forgiveness.

“I killed myself, over and over just to give you and Abigail a good life! Every time I go out, a little of me dies just so you two have a roof over your head and food in your stomach! And this is how you repay me!?”

She begged for him to reconsider, to give them another chance, and again dad asked the hard hitting question: How long and with how many.

“Since we were 14,” she bitterly said through tears. “And I don’t know with how many men.”

I was crying, listning to their argument. Dad howled in agony, then I hear the door slam and my door open. I see my dad with tears rolling down his cheeks. He gave me a hug, and I hugged him tightly.

“Abby, listen to me. Go and take my guns. Take it, and hide then, okay? Can you do that for me? You know where they are, right?”

I could only nod with tears staining my cheeks. I went to his office and got all of his pistols and hid them away. Dad was never a violent man, he had to be violent because of the battles he fought.

Life was never the same after that. Mom moved away, back to their home state. She didn’t ask for much, just enough money to get back home to my grandparents’ home. She wanted to take me with her, but I declined. She asked me why I didn’t want to go with her.

“I don’t want to live with you,” I simply said. I wanted to stay with my dad. I wanted to stay with the man I called my father for 18 years. Mom, I guess, simply gave up and left me with him.

That was two years ago. I’m 20 and my dad is 35 now. He hasn’t dated since, he never got over her I guess. Mom was the love of his life, he told me so, and that’s why he sacrificed for her so much. He thought he got her pregnant, that’s why he stayed with her and that’s why he joined the Army because he didn’t have any other choice at the time.

Dad was never the same after that revelation. I begged him to go to therapy, or at least go for his PTSD, but he just smiled and says he’s fine. He would give me a forehead kiss and asks me about my day, or my studies. Even though I’m not his blood, he still sent me to college. I’m going for my Bachelor’s of Science Nursing degree so I can take care of people and my dad.

I have to come clean to him. So, one night, I went into his study while he was doing some paperwork. I’m obviously distraught; the guilt is heavy in my heart. It’s going to be so hard because I look like my mom so much. That’s why he thought I was his kid, at first, because I looked like mom so much.

I told him that I knew mom had been cheating on him ever since I was 16. I knew when I saw some random guy coming out from their room, and he was working hard for us. My dad cried with me and hugged me, and instantly the stress fades away. I was afraid he would be so angry with me, that I didn’t tell him the truth. He apologized to me, for carrying the burden for so long. It’s something no child should know and weigh in their heart.

I left his office. Soon after, he called Mol and gave her an earful. He wasn’t shouting, but I could hear him talk loud enough to know it was with Mom. “Did you know that Abby knew? Ever since she was 16? You cheated on me while our child was in the house? How shameless could you be?”

Mom is such a bad wife. I swore to never be like her. To never become like my mother. I want to be the best wife.

I guess he started to drink again. About 10 PM, I checked his room and didn’t see him there. I checked the office and saw him on his big chair, with a bottle of whiskey open and a quarter of it gone.

“Dad, you said you wouldn’t drink again,” I softly scolded him. I swung his arm over my shoulder and helped him up. He leaned on me, a little heavy, but I managed to help him up and walking.

Dad kept his army body. He’s 35, he’s still young and he’s really fit. He would be a really good boyfriend if I’m being honest. But the emotional and physical PTSD is something that needs getting used to. It used to be bad, but it’s gotten better now.

“Rose,” he said, my mom’s name. “Why, Rose? Why?“

“I can’t answer that, Dad,” I answered.

“I love you, Rose. I love you. Do you wanna go to prom with me?”

Prom? What? Does he think they’re still teenagers? That’s hilarious.

“Yes, you can take Rose to prom,” I laughed as I sat him down on his bed. He gave me a goofy smile and then a hiccup.

“Really? Thank you, Rosie,” he laughed. Prom would have been when they were 18, so I was at least 3 years old, or maybe 2 I don’t know. Dad told me that his parents took care of me until he got settled in life. It’s obvious because I felt closer to them than I did with mom’s parents. I can’t even call them my grandparents because they never acted like it.

“Rosie? Rosie baby?” He giggled childishly. “Rosie, will you marry me?”

“Yes, Rosie will marry you,” I played along as I got his shirt off. I marveled at his chest, how chiseled his body is, the scars on his chest and even some bullet scar on his shoulder. He has so many wounds but I’ve never seen him go to a hospital for anything.

Then, he wrapped his arms around me as he laid down and I fell on top of him. He kept laughing, I’ve never heard him laugh like this before.

Then, I felt his hands go down my body. Is he…? Does he really think I’m mom!? I want to get off him, I have to.

But, truth be told, a part of me don’t want to.

“Rosie’s here, don’t worry,” I said.

“Rosie. My beautiful Rosie,” he went on. I felt his hands continued down, further and further. He started kissing my neck and my cheeks. I felt hot. I felt aroused and turned on.

He’s my father, but technically he’s not. This is so wrong, so wrong! But, I want to make him feel good. I want to make him feel better.

“Rosie will take care of you,” I said.

“Rosie. My beautiful Rosie,” he repeated. His eyes are glazed over, I don’t think he fully knows what’s happening.

Then, he started crying. “Don’t leave me, Rosie! Don’t leave me!”

I shushed him. “Rosie’s here! Rosie’s not going anywhere, okay?”

“Rosie! Rosie! Why…? Why? Why!? Why!? Where were you? Where were you!?”

At this point I could feel his grip tighten around my hips. “You left me, you left me for Branson! For that prick!? You left me, why? Why!? Why!?”

He cried. He cried and I just hugged him. Then, he fell silent. He let me go, and I managed to slide myself off him. The sound of his snoring comforted me, but the shock and horror still clung to my very soul.


The next day, he came down from his bed with smiles on his face. “Morning, Abby,” he said as he pat my head. I made him breakfast, nothing fancy just eggs and a couple strips of bacon.

“You slept well,” I remarked and he gave me a nod.

“I haven’t slept like that in years! I don’t know what happened, but I slept like a baby.”

I guess he didn’t remember anything. “So what’s up?” I asked.

“Nothing. I’m going for a jog, then the gym, and then do some paperwork. You?”

I shrugged. I’m off from school for a bit. “I don’t really have any plans. Can I work out with you?”

He perked up a bit. “Sure, anything for my girl!” I’m glad he still see’s me as his daughter. I wouldn’t know what to do if he doesn’t. I’m glad he still took me in, still kept me. I’m glad my mom didn’t fight for me.

I forgot how shit my stamina is. 10 minutes into our jog and I’m already tapping out, while he’s still good to go. Good lord, I’m 15 years younger and I can’t even keep up with him.

When we got to the gym, I couldn’t keep my eyes off him. He wore tight shorts and a tank top. I could see his bulge, and I’m trying not to stare. But certain exercises like bench presses where his crotch is right fucking there makes it hard to ignore. I felt so hot and bothered, and not from the workout, and he’s starting to become more and more stable. Almost like the father I knew and loved.

When we got home, I just wanted to go to my room and masturbate. I furiously rubbed my clit and fingered myself, trying to cum with thoughts of my father. God, I’m so fucking horny. So fucking horny and this is all because I’m so sexually repressed, thanks to mom of course.

But dad, I guess, wanted to get that same sleep he got before. He drank some whiskey again, in his big chair, and he fell asleep. Again, I found him and carried him up and over.

“Sabrina… no, don’t go… don’t go…”

Sabrina!? Who’s that!? Don’t go? Don’t go where? I helped him over to his room again and sat him down.

“Sabrina, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry…”

He started to cry. Bitter tears rolled down his chests. “I’m sorry, Sabrina. Forgive me. I… I… I didn’t… I didn’t clear the room! I’m sorry, Sabrina!”

Clear the room? I had to look the term up. Apparently it meant that to clear the room is to make sure the room is safe of hostile. So is Sabrina someone he knew from when he was at war? Was Sabrina someone who died, and he felt it was his fault?

“I should’ve cleared the room. I should’ve cleared the room! I’m sorry, Sabrina!”

I hugged him tightly, rubbing his back like I did before. I wonder if he gets like this when he’s drunk. Well, I hope he only gets drunk at home and not out there.

I tucked him in and kissed his forehead. Part of me wanted him to feel me up like he did before. Part of me wanted to feel his hands on me again. I left the room, leaving him in the dark, gently sniffling and sobbing himself to sleep.

Again, I masturbated with him in my mind. I wondered how big he is. Would his size be something a woman would cheat over? I wonder.

I could have a boyfriend now. I should’ve had one by now. I could’ve had several. But mom, hearing her moans, seeing the men coming out of the room, I think it traumatized me. The thought of a relationship didn’t appeal to me. I’m pretty, at least I’m told I am by people other than my parents, and I’ve had boys ask me out all throughout high school and even in college right now. But I’ve declined it all. I just didn’t want to get into a relationship.

The next day at breakfast, again he commented on the best sleep of his life. Through he did remark that he has dried up tears on his cheeks. He simply shrugged it off and went on his morning jog and gym day. I would’ve joined him but I was still sore from the other day

Again, he drank at night, and again I found myself helping him up and towards his bed. This time, he didn’t say anything. His eyes are glossed over, like there’s no one back there, but then he looked towards my direction.

“Rose? My beautiful Rose?”

Before I could say anything, he grabbed my shoulder and in a swift motion he’s on top of me, looking down at me with a blank stare. “Rose…” he said again.

Then, he kissed me, and I felt so… happy. I hugged him tightly, pulled him close, and our lips and tongue went into action. I ran my hands all over his muscles back, wondering what it looks like. I felt his hand travel down and under my skirt, and I opened my legs for him. He reached down and roughly pulled my panties up and off my legs then I felt his body press down between my leg.

I felt his bulge against my pussy. I felt it grow. I felt it throb. Instantly, I stopped seeing him as “Dad” and just another man. It’s fine, he’s only 15 years older than I am. I know how he is, I’ve known him my entire life.

I reached down in front of his pants and found his hot, stiff cock. The first cock I’ve ever touched, and it’s his! I couldn’t hold myself back. We were still kissing while I gently rubbed his cock.

“My sweet little Rose,” he murmured absentmindedly as I feel his breath against my cheeks.

“Yes. Yes, I’ll be Rose for tonight,” I sharply hissed at him. I could feel his fingers rubbing my sensitive lips.

I’ll be Rose. I’ll be the Rose who was supposed to be faithful to him. I’ll be the Rose he deserves. I’ll be the Rose he needs me to be!

I look so much like her, so much like her, that we’ve often been confused for sisters. I resemble her only in looks, and I will never betray him like she did. No. I’ll be a much better Rose than she ever was!

I slowly guide his hand up my shirt, up my C-Cup tits and he gave them a firm squeeze while his thumb and index finger pinched my nipples. Sure, they’re not as big as mom’s, but they’re only for him. He’s the only man that can touch them.

I used my free hand, the other one is still rubbing his cock, and lift my shirt up and over my tits. He gave them a look, kissed my nipples a bit and then started to suckle on them while he gently fingers me.

“My beautiful Rose. You’re so sexy,” he went on, still in his drunken stupor. The way he looks at me as we halt our kissing, like he loves me not as his daughter, but as a lover, and it fills my heart with happiness.

But then I remember that it’s all for my cheating whore of a mother. That’s who he sees now, and my heart breaks for him. Maybe it’s a good thing he doesn’t remember anything.

I see him reach back with his hand as he slides his shorts down. I felt his cock twitch against my hand as it emerged from its hiding place. The base, I could feel it with the tip of my finger. But the head, my god, it reached up and past my wrist. Oh my, is my father so well endowed? If he is, how can my mother cheat on him?

“My cute Rose,” he dreamily whimpered as he gave my cheeks a kiss. My breathing quickened. I swallowed hard just to moisten my throat. Is this happening? Is my first time really with dad?

I’ve already decided for it, I think. I felt his cock touch my southern lips. I felt it’s heat grace if. I reached down and held the head, then I slowly guide it towards me. He gave me a stifled groan, then I wrap my other arm over his back and pull him close.

I gave a sharp groan. The pain was sharp but it ebbed quickly. He’s in! He’s inside me! I felt his hand on my thigh as he push my legs open, then his hips started to rock back and forth, slowly thrusting into me.

I softly bit my lips, trying not to make any noise whatsoever. I moaned softly through it, though, but I made sure not to make any sudden movements or loud noises. Anything to jostle him from his stupor.

His dad-dick grinding into me felt so good. I measured it with my hand, girth wise at least, and he’s fairly thick. Why wasn’t mom satisfied with him? Why sleep around?

“My sweet Rose,” he droned again and his thrusting came fiercely. So much so that it’s getting harder and harder to hold myself back. I had to bite the fat of my hand and he kept kissing my neck while his hand grabbed my ass. His other hand is on the back of my right leg, holding it up and out.

I’m still fit. I used to dance in high school – we had a dance team – but I really haven’t done any sort of dancing since graduating. I try to maintain my physique, but again my stamina has gotten worse.

Well, that proved to be my undoing. He just kept thrusting into me, and I couldn’t hold onto my noises anymore.

Well, I started to moan out louder. And louder. And louder. Until I was practically grunting and screaming after each thrust. I looked down to watch his well crafted dick continuously penetrate me, slimy and wet from my dripping cunt.

Well, he suddenly stopped and I looked up, breathlessly, to find his face wracked in pure terror. Fear is stretched across his face, his lips quivering and shaky.

“A-A-Ab-Abby? Abby? What have I… what have I… what have I done!?”

He looked down at my face, hot and red from his effort. He looked down to find his dick inside of me. “What have I done!? To my own daughter!?”

“Dad! Dad, no! No, no, no!” I urged him,

“How could I do this!? How could I!? How could I rape my own daughter!?”

“Dad! Stop, no, you didn’t rape me!” I shouted at him, wrapping my arm around him. He cried, tears rushing down freely and staining my shirt. “You didn’t, okay? You didn’t.”

“How could I?” He bitterly cried out. “I’m supposed to protect you.”

“Dad, stop,” I gently brushed his back. “Stop, okay. Stop. You’re okay. I’m okay.”

“But… but Abby.”

I shushed him gently. “I wanted this dad. I wanted this, okay? You didn’t force me, you didn’t force yourself onto me. I wanted this, and I think you needed this.”

I felt his dick shrink and fell out of me, and for a second a tinge of regret washed over me. Regret because now we can’t continue.

He sat up and cried into his palm. I slid my panties back on, and my shirt came down, and I sat next to him. “Dad, look at me. Look at me.” But he wasn’t. He refused to listen to me. I took a deep breath and stood in front of him, then shouted, “Hank, I said look at me!”

Mentioning his name, he finally tore himself away from his palm. I’ve never called him by name, it was always dad.

“I’m a grown woman, and you’re a grown man. I have needs, and you have needs,” I explained to him.

“But Abby -“

“But nothing! I’m sick of you being depressed over mom! I’m sorry, but you need to get over her or else you’ll just keep beating yourself up over and over! You’re 35, you’re still young, and you need to be with a woman that respect and admire you!”

“Abby. I don’t know if I could… oh my god, what have I done!” He wailed helplessly.

“Hank!” I shouted. “Listen to me, listen to me god damn it!” He gave me his attention. “I am going to give you two choices. I’m going to my room and I’m going to wait for you. Thirty minutes, okay? You either go in my room and finish what you started or stay here and wallow in self pity. Tomorrow, we can go back to how we’ve been. But tonight, I want you to see me as someone else. Not your daughter.”

I got up and walked out of the door, with confidence in my steps and my head held high. Then, I felt like shit. I put my own needs above my dad’s own. He’s hurting, he hasn’t stopped hurting, and here I am giving him an Ill-conceived ultimatum. Fuck me or don’t. Jeez what a childish demand.

I took a hot shower, lathered myself up really well and I made sure to wash the day off me. When I got into my room, I put on some fresh clothes, my thigh high cotton socks, did my hair really well, a pair of booty shorts and my tightest tank top. I sat on my bed, waiting

He took his time. Almost thirty minutes passed and I saw my door slowly creak open. I inched closer to the edge of the bed, letting my feet fall flat on the ground and leaned forward while arching my back. He came in, looking a bit sullen but he held his head high and nodded.

“Good boy,” I said while biting my lips. “C’mere. I’ll be Rose tonight, okay?”

“No,” he replied, “just be Abby.”

He inched a bit closer and I pulled him roughly towards me. I have no idea what has gotten into me. I’ve never had sex before tonight, never did anything remotely close to naughty with someone else. My dance mates thought I was gay for not having any interest in boys, or perhaps a prude.

How degenerate have I become to lust after my own father. The man who raised me for 20 years. The man who went to hell and back, and then back into hell, just so I can have a healthy life.

I pulled his shorts down roughly, letting his rising cock softly flick me on the chin. I looked up at him while caressing his balls and softly stroking his dick.

“Wow,” I said.

“Oh, what happened to my daughter,” he clenched his eyes and moaned.

“She grew up,” I answered, “and she saw you suffering. She wants you to be better.”

“Abby… I…” he sighed heavily. Then, I hear him mutter softly under his breath. “Please, God, don’t let her be like her mother. Please, God.”

“Don’t worry, dad. I’ll never be like her,” I grinned while letting my tongue slither out from my mouth. I bent down and took a taste of his dick and he groaned with longing.

“Oh, it’s been a while,” he moaned softly. I know it’s been two years since they divorced, but I don’t really know *exactly* how long.

“How long?” My curiosity got the better of me.

“At-at least 5 years. She and I didn’t really -“ he shivered a bit as I took the head into my mouth then he swallowed hard again, “- really have sex a couple of years before we divorced.”

A couple of years? They had a dead bedroom? I didn’t notice, well I knew when I saw a man coming out of their room that is definitely NOT my dad, but before that I thought they were having sex regularly. I mean, she was all over him when he was home and so was he.

“I-I-I don’t -“

“Dad, just relax alright? Jesus, stop being so uptight. You’re not in the army anymore. Just enjoy it, alright? I’m giving you my first time, that should mean something.”

“Your first time? Abby, Abby no! We shouldn’t do this!”

I laughed. “Oh, dad that’s too late. You already took my virginity earlier,” I grinned deviously.

Now, I don’t have any sexual experience. I’ve never had any experience with a dick, let alone one as big as his. He’s not huge, like porn-guy huge, but he’s big and thick enough. I think he’s about 7.5 inches long and thick enough for my finger to go around it and have my fingertip touch the first notch of my index finger.

He’s perfect, is what I thought.

*GLUCK GLUCK GLUCK Ahhhh…!* my throat went as I tried to take his cock all the way in.

“Abby, Jesus when did you -“

I hummed happily while looking up to him with his dick in my mouth. “Hmm? What was that? Were you about to ask when did I learn to do that?”

I stood up to face him, I’m about as tall as him, and he couldn’t look me in the eye.

“Dad. Dad, look at me,” I said and he hesitated. “Hank, look at me.”

When he finally looked at me, I leaned into him and kissed him. I pulled him in close and let my lips and tongue relay what I felt. His hands raised up and he hugged me. I took his hands and I placed them right on my ass. His eyes popped open, and I just went back to kissing him. I took my top off and I saw him look down at my tits, then back to me.

“Dad, sit on my bed,” I told him as I gently guide him over. He sat there, his dick sprinting up to greet me. I straddled him after removing my shorts.

“Abby, are you sure? I… I’m still -“

“Shhh. Dad, it’s fine,” I purred softly, “I want this, okay? I want your big, fat dick inside of me.”

“When did you start having such a dirty mouth?” He wondered, and I just laughed.

“Your little girl is grown up, okay? Your little girl wants a big dick in her tight, little pussy.”

I raise my ass up a bit and reached down and held his dick with my fingertip. I carefully placed it under my pussy and then slid myself down. “Oh, fuck! D-Dad, oh fuck!” I moaned loudly while he moaned with me.

For a sexless virgin, I’m acting clearly out of character. I’ve been known as cold, calculating, and hard to approach all throughout high school. I wasn’t that interested in sex, mostly because of thoughts of mom and her many sex friend.

Watching my dad’s face wracked with pleasure fills me with joy. He needed this, probably not from me but he’s not making an effort to find someone else.

But right now, let me be the woman for him.

“Dad, I love your big dick inside of me,” I said.

“Abby, please don’t say things like that. I’m already having a difficult time as it is,” he moaned softly.

“Oh, come on, can’t you just enjoy this?” I purred again as I pull him against my chest. “Just let it go, okay? Come on, be bold. Do something that you’ve always fantasized but never wanted to do.”

I watched the battle in his mind rage on. I watched while I gingerly slide up and down his thick cock, while biting my lower lip and enjoyed him.

His hand went to my hip, his other hand went to my back, and he leaned forward and latched his lip onto my tits. “There you go! Oh yes, ravage me! Give it to me, I want it!”

I watched him suck my nipples, giving the flesh around it some love bites. I felt the hand on my hip go south and grab a handful of my ass, squeezing it tightly.

“Get on your knees,” he said with a tone that I hadn’t heard in a long time. It was one of confidence, determined, and firm. He felt commanding and all I could do was nod and promptly got on my knees between his leg.

He grabbed the back of my head, the base of my long ponytail, then he pressed his forehead against me. He stroked his cock while I gently massaged my chest and pinched my nipples for him.

Then he pressed his cock between my tits, and I sandwiched it between them. I gave him the sultriest look I can do while slowly rubbing his dick with my tit flesh. “You like having your dick between your daughter’s tits?” I asked with a wink while licking my lips.

“Do you like your father’s cock between your tits? Do you like rubbing it with your tits?”

Oh, he’s turning it around to me? “Naughty,” came my sultry response. “Having your big dick between my tits is making me more wet.” My nipples started to go hard, and I craned my neck down and sucked on the head while the shaft rubs against my tits.

His breathing became faster while he fucked my tits faster and the head kept going in and out of my mouth, the underside of the head rubbing roughly against my tongue.

“Oh shit! Ahhh, fuck!!”

He held my head down and I felt his dick twitch.


Then, I felt an explosion occur inside of my mouth. I tightened my lips around the head and felt it contract over and over. I tasted his creamy spunk splatter against the back of my throat and my tongue, and he tasted wonderful. I swallowed it all, I swallowed it greedily with a satisfied moan while he kept shooting more and more down my throat.

When he was done, he gave a deep sigh of relief as he laid back. “I can’t… I can’t remember the last time-! Ho-Holy shit, it’s been a while!”

His cum was creamy and thick. It was tasty, and I enjoyed it. While he laid back, I kept myself on his dick and gently sucking, refusing to let him go soft. I climbed over him and straddled him again, reached between my leg and found his stiff dick and slid myself on him again. “Oh, fuck,” he moaned while I followed suit.

I jumped on his cock. My bed groaned and protested from the abuse I’m giving it. His hands were on my hips while I painted his cock with my pussy, and my hands were on his chest.

Then, again, my shitty stamina is catching up to me. I want to do more, perform for him, but my breathing became harder and ragged. I fell to my side, laughing, while he got on top of me, kissing my chest then my belly. Then my crotch. Then he started to eat me out.

He wrapped his powerful arms under my thigh and then over, pulling me closer to him. All I could do is enjoy it, enjoy my father’s gentle lips around my pussy. I hear the slurping and I could feel his lips squeezing my own south lips. I could feel his teeth softly gnaw at me. Then, I felt his lips enclose around my sensitive clit and suck. He gently sucked on it first, then used his tongue to prod and poke it, then the suction became harder.

I still can’t figure out why mom cheated on him. Better yet, how did she NOT become pregnant? I’m their only child, well, as far as I know, I’m their only child.

“D-Dad! Dad, st-st-stop for a second,” I squirmed as my orgasm was slowed. I saw his head rise up from my crotch and he raised an eyebrow. I swallowed, moistening my throat again. “Why did you and mom never have any other kids?”

“Why? Hmm. I guess I never could. I mean, I tried. I tried for so many years, but I never got her pregnant.”

I laid back again, “I… Okay. Okay,” I sighed. I’ll have to talk to mom again to get to the bottom of this. It makes no sense why she didn’t get pregnant when she’s sleeping with so many men. Was she on the pill? Did they wear condom?

Then my dad pushed a finger in and wriggled it around. That felt so good, and it snapped me out of my musing about mom. I arched my back as I caught up to my lost orgasm and I could feel it start to wash over me like hot water. My arms and legs were tingling, like electricity ran through it, and then he did something that made the feeling even more intense. My back arched again. My mind went blank and all I could feel was intense. It was all-consuming, like my mind focused only on my orgasm. It was euphoric, and I briefly understood why many women desire it over and over again. All the tension in my body, the tension building up ever since we started, suddenly released and shot out from all direction.

I can’t really describe it. It’s like happiness. Like the first time I went to Disney World as a kid. It was similar to that, the joy that I felt back then.

“D-D-Dad! Dad! I-I-I-I Just c-came! I just came, dad! I just came!” I shrieked. I wanted to hear him. I wanted to hear his voice. But no, my dad kept fingering and sucking on my clit. He slid his fat thumb in and wriggled it with such strength that I immediately started to feel it again!

Then, it started again. Little orgasms pounding into my very soul. Into the very fiber of my being. One after another, it came, relentless and all consuming. I shouted and grunted, twisting my hips and my thighs, squirming on my bed as I try to contain the feeling. But I couldn’t, and once again it consumed me, and all I could do is give a heavy moan that was held back by my hands clasped over my mouth.

“Ohhh. Ohhh fu-fuuckk!!!”

I saw stars. Literally, bright, yellow stars. The orgasms, the smaller ones, their little explosions came one after another and the intensity would mount until my body is overwhelmed.

“Ohh… D-Dad… F-Fuck, I’m cumming again. I’m c-cumming again!”

Then I felt this pressure emerge from my crotch. It felt familiar. It felt dangerously familiar. Dad kept fingering and eating me out and then I just had this sudden urge to.


“No! S-Stop! Dad, stop!!”

I couldn’t help myself. I know I didn’t have anything in my bladder because I peed before I took a shower. I Shouldn’t have anything in there! But here I am, splattering his face with this clear fluid. But dad didn’t relent. He only looked at me, looked at my face, and he kept his face buried against me while the clear liquid kept pumping against his face.

“Fuck! Dad! No!”

He stood up, suddenly, then wiped his face with the back of his hand. He looked down at my writhing form, still reeling from my orgasms. Then, he just left my room. I watched his tight, muscular body, marred with scars, walk out. The sound of his footsteps receding told me he went down the stairs. I dunno, dad’s weird sometimes.

I laid there, in a small shock at what just happened. My father just made me cum. He made me cum, hard. I mean, I’ve listened to my classmates talk about their sex life. How amazing it feels when your man fucks you. The girls would giggle and snort at every sordid little details.

Even in nursing school they talk about sex! I’ve got a group of friends who likes to talk about sex and what they like to do for their partners. Sometimes I get jealous when they talk and I can’t contribute, so I just listen.

I hear his footfalls ascending and then my door swung open. He tossed a bottle of water over to me, opened his and chugged it. “Drink up,” he said then added, “you need to hydrate.”

I caught the bottle and downed it, then tossed it aside. I looked at him, and he looked at me. It’s like we’re waiting for someone to do something.

“D-Dad, I’m sorry I… um… p-peed on you,” I swallowed my pride and went first.

“Don’t worry about it,” he said while waving my concern away.

“Um, dad, I thought you wouldn’t… you know, come here. I thought you would’ve just stayed in your room.”

He gave me a dad shrug. “I need to stop feeling sorry for myself. I need to finally realize that I did nothing wrong, and that I did everything I thought was right when I was married to your mother.”

“Okay, that still doesn’t explain why you’re in my room,” I pointed out while rolling to my side. He chugs the last bit of water and then carefully placed the empty bottle in my trash can, walks over to the bottle I carelessly tossed aside, picked it up and deposits it into the bin too.

“I need to reclaim my manhood,” he started then continued, “I need to be the man that I used to be.”

“And your answer to that is fucking your daughter?” I teased while gently rubbing my tits. Again, he shrugged.

“I don’t know,” he answered, “I’m running on instinct right now.”

“Your instinct is to fuck your daughter?”

He jumped at me, pinned my hands over my head with one hand while the other one pushed my leg aside and slid his stiff cock in. “You talk way too much,” he growled as he kissed my neck.

I happily giggled while feeling his lips kissing my neck and his dick pushing into me slowly.

My legs wrapped around his hips. He released my arms, and they went over his neck while his went under mine. His hips dug into me, pumping his cock in and out of my sloppy wet pussy. Our lips and tongue frolicked with one another.

“Dad, don’t cum inside okay? I’m not on the pill, and I don’t wanna get pregnant in the middle of school,” I said while moaning against his lips.

“Sure, Abby,” he said as he looked me into the eye.

“Dad, also I wan-want to put a rule up. If I’m wearing a skirt, leggings or yoga pants, I want you to fuck me okay? Anything else means not right now, maybe later.”

“You don’t want me to ask?”

“No, just pull my shorts or leggings down or lift my skirt up and fuck me. You got that?”

He just said “Mmhm,” then went back to kissing my neck.

I looked at the clock hanging up on my wall. It’s half past midnight. We’ve been fucking for about an hour! “Dad, you gotta hurry up,” I moaned. “Come on, gimme that hot cum!”

The breaks about to end and the new semester starts tomorrow. I have no fucking clue why I did what I did that close to the new class starting! Why, why am I doing this at this time!?

I begged him, pleaded for him to cum, but he would just growl and gently bite my skin. “Dad, the new semesters gonna start tomorrow! Finish up, for fuck’s sake finish up!”

He just grunts then he got off me. “Get on your hand and knees,” he said, his tone serious and deep.


“I said, on your hands and knees.”

I don’t recognize this tone of his. He never spoke like that, with seriousness and finality. I felt scared, to be honest, so I got on my stomach and was about to put myself over my knee when I felt his hands wrap around my hip and then he suddenly slid his cock into me.

“Oh, fuck!” I yelled then he pushed my back down and I fell over to my belly. He slapped my ass, pulled it up, and then slapped it again.

His powerful hands were on my hips, gripping it firmly but not firm enough that it caused discomfort. His first powerful thrust sent my head spinning, then another, and then another. There’s a rhythmic slapping of our bodies together that soon came, followed by my cries of pleasure.

“Dad, please, please finish! I-I-I need to go to sleep soon!”

He just grunts and he kept going. My mind is in a haze, and I’m starting to melt under his hand. After another 15 minutes of him fucking me, he suddenly flips me over and then jumps up and shoved his dick into my mouth. His animal-like grunting while he held the back of my head and short thrusts into my mouth while I groaned and squeaked, and my throat making some lewd noises, replaced the slapping noises from before.

Then, he grunts with pleasure as he pumped my mouth full of cum again. He gave me this deep groan as he unloaded himself into my throat, making sure that every bit of his tasty cum is sliding down my throat. When he was done, he slowly took it out of my mouth and then wiped the slit across my lips.

“Good girl,” he said softly. “Good girl.”

“Thanks, dad,” I moaned softly. He tucked me in then closed the lights on the way out.

I’m afraid of what our relationship is going to be from now on. I hope it’s for the better, but I hope I didn’t wake up a sleeping dragon.

~ End of Part 1~

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/vluofv/ill_be_a_better_wife_mf


  1. Loved it man! Heartbreaking beginning and a lustful ending!

  2. Would love to see her get pregnant and give him a true child of his blood

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