Diary of a Cadet Ch. 2: First fun with Chase [MF] [F18]

Diary of a Cadet Ch. 2: First fun with Chase [MF] [F18] [18,18]

Hey everyone! This is Chapter 2 of my not so safe for work diary as a cadet at a Senior Military College. Be sure to catch up with Part 1 for a lot of the back story! Without further ado, please enjoy Part 2! <3 Taylor

The morning after my explicit email to Chase, detailing how I masturbated in the shower thinking of him that lead to a confession that I wanted more for us than just a date, I was nervously awaiting my first class of 4 today with Chase to see what he would do in person. In each of the classes, he was his polite, friendly, charming self and made me laugh and smile with every interaction. But he didn’t ask the question. Over email last night we had talked about being a couple and he said tomorrow. Well tomorrow is now today and you still aren’t my boyfriend do what’s wrong? Did you have second thoughts come the light of day? I sat through 4 frustrating classes with the question left unasked and went to practice somewhat perturbed, but I couldn’t show it because the rules say I’m not supposed to be dating anyway.

By the time I met Chase at the entry to the library for our post-dinner homework session, I was tense. How long would we not talk about this? Instead of taking us up the stairs to the 3rd level and our usual study spot, Chase leads me down the stairs to the basement floor of the library, a deserted level that has a low ceiling that makes you just feel slightly claustrophobic. We set our bags down at an empty table in the far corner of the floor, furthest away from the stairs and then Chase breaks our prolonged silence. “Taylor, will you be my girlfriend?” Are the first words out of Chase’s mouth as he looks down into my eyes standing at the end of a row of shelves. I immediately pull him into a bear hug and squeek out an excited”yes!” as I rest my head against his chest and he rests his chin on top of my curly brown hair pulled back in a neat bun. I look up at him smiling and he takes my chin in his hand and plants a firm but loving kiss on my lips and I melt. Two more soft kisses follow behind and I don’t want to break apart, but remember where we are and pull away. I’m breathlessly smiling, taking in my new boyfriend that has to remain a secret until after we finish training in January, 4 long months away.

Chase and I don’t get much homework done, but we talk and talk. I tell him how Julie and I have agreed to help each other’s romantic exploits and I tell him how much I wish I could do more with him. We promise eachother to figure it out. In the mean time I ask him if I could maybe see a shirtless picture of him that’s just for me so i don’t have to keep using his publicly available Facebook beach vacation album to see my boyfriend out of uniform. He quickly agrees and says I’ll get a present from him the next time his roommates are out and he gets a free moment of time with his computer in the absence of his phone. Totally understandable and I promise to return the favor if that’s something he’d like. As it approaches lights out time, when we have to be back in our rooms, I reluctantly pack up and give my boyfriend one last kiss for the road before we walk back to barracks. I can’t help but smile when I see Chase look over to my room when he gets around the back side of the landing to his, making sure I made it back to my room without getting yelled at by a random patrolling member of cadre.

The next 2 days of classes go by in a blur of excitement that I have a boyfriend, Cadre ramping up the pressure at inspections and college classes becoming more and more like you hear…difficult. Practice is going well and I’m excited for my first collegiate race coming up in just over a week…Chase is probably even more excited about it than me because “my girlfriend is a college athlete and I’m a band geek”….easy Chase, I’m a runner…we’re like the band geeks of college athletics lol Chase gets to march in his first full dress parade, where the whole student body marches out, goes through some rifle drills, and then marches past the Superintendent in a formal pass in review before heading back to barracks. As a drummer, Chase has a really big part in this because all 1600 cadets march to the drum, not a cadence being called like you hear in military movies. I’m down at practice so I miss out but I sneak a visit to Facebook and watch some clips of it and I’m so proud of him. He’s legitimately talented on the snare drums in ways I can’t even wrap my head around.

After the parade, I get an email with pictures of Chase with his white dress shirt unbuttoned without an undershirt underneath, a second with the shirt removed completely, and a third with his black leather belt undone, his pants unzipped and riding low on his hips teasing me. Hot. So hot. I don’t know how I’m going to compare to that. Seriously, military college isn’t exactly full of lingerie and sexy outfits so I’ve got to figure out some creative sexy. I opt to go in the same vein as Chase, also starting off in my white, short-sleeved dress shirt open down the front without an undershirt, letting him get a peak at the plain white bra holding my B cup breasts. Next I remove my shirt and undo the belt and zipper on my white dress pants, posing in my bra, and finally, I ditch the bra all together, push my pants and generic black athletic briefs down my hips to the lowest I’d ever wear a pair of bikini bottoms, and while covering my breasts with a hand bra, blow Chase a kiss and send him and email telling him how hot I think he is, and the things he does to me. Within minutes, I get an email of how I’m the hottest woman alive. Thanks Chase, you’re very sweet, but I do blush, loving the feeling of being wanted.

Julie is craving the same thing I want with Chase with Eric. Alone time. But how? Between no real privacy in the barracks and no way to just escape for a day, how are supposed to get time to even just make out or something, let alone take things further. That’s when it dawns on me. Running. Going on some of my runs, there’s definitely trails through the woods around campus that I’ve never seen a soul om. What if one evening, we went on a quick run while all the upper classmen are out in town for the evening. It could work? Worst case I get to go on a run with my boyfriend. I shoot Chase an email to meet me at the trail head after dinner instead of heading straight to the library like we usually do. Ever the nervous band geek, he makes me promise that no cross country workouts will be involved. I laugh out loud and tell him not to be a baby.

After dinner, I change into my workout clothes, a pair of red cross country running shorts that have maybe a 3 inch inseam, a black cross country t shirt, with a plain black sports bra and a black athletic thong underneath. I slip on my Hoka running shoes and head out to the trailhead in the woods behind campus. A few minutes later, Chase comes running up the hill in his university standard black PT shorts and grey PT shirt. I tell him to keep heading down the trail as he passes, promising to catch him in a minute as I continue my stretching routine, not wanting to be seen entering the woods together by the occasional passer by. After giving him a little head start, I start off down the trail, thinking of a quick off shoot that loops up into the woods a bit before cutting back down to the main trail that might afford us more privacy. As I catch up to him, I playfully slap his butt and tell him to follow me up the off shoot. Once there, maybe 100 yards up off the main trail, I stop us and jump up into Chase’s arms, finally able to show him affection away from every prying eye and rule against relationships.

Chase catches me despite his surprise, holding on with two strong hands under my bum as I wrap my wirey legs around his waist, my arms around his back and my lips meet his in our most passionate kiss yet. Our tongues quickly intertwine and I feel rough bark against my back as Chase pushes me up against a tree to steady himself, two hands still holding my bum as I keep my legs wrapped tight around his waist. As our kisses continue, I feel Chase gently start to squeeze my cheeks and it sends shivers down my spine at the touches I’ve longed for. My fingers trace lines down Chase’s back, urging him to continue. Our tongues have been intertwined so long that I’ve started to raise a sweat in the cool evening air when we finally break apart and Chase puts me back on solid ground.

I breathlessly look up at Chase, thankful that I’ve finally gotten to really kiss my man after days and days of sneaking around. I ask him if he still thinks I’m cute outside of my class uniform, the only thing he’s ever gotten to see me consistently wear in person. He laughs a quick yes as a kiss quickly finds its way to my cheek and I blush red against the fading daylight. I ask Chase if he wants to try to go any further, feeling out his comfort level in the outdoors and outside the lines of school restrictions. I’m met with another kiss as I he pulls me into a close embrace. I take his hands in mine and guide them under the hem of my shirt, giving him permission to touch me if he’d like.

My nipples are firm nubs pressing through the fabric of my sports bra when Chase finally cops a gentle squeeze of my B cup breasts. More electric shivers down my spine as his fingers move up under the hem of my sports bra, and Chase touches my bare breast for the first time. I kiss him passionately as he caresses the pink pebble of my nipple between his thumb and index finger. Pressed close together, I can feel against my hip his hardening length in his loose gym shorts, guessing he must be your average 5 or 6 inches long. I softly as if he wants any help with this, as I look down between us and take his length in my hand from over his shorts. I genuinely want to make him feel as good as he makes me feel, so why not right?

He whispers back that I don’t have to if I don’t want to, but I do. I want this. I need to have a moment of pure not military college and this let’s me show Chase that I’m comfortable with things going forward. I slip my hand into his shorts and gently begin to stroke his firm length while I kiss his lips, moving to lightly run my tongue along the crook of his neck and whisper in his ear that “I hope you’ll cum for me Chase”, quite possibly to naughtiest phrase to pass my lips as yet.

I drop to my knees in the pine straw in front of Chase as he leans back against a tree. I continue to stroke his length as I tease the tip of my tongue around the head of his shaft, smiling as he gasps in pleasure. I take my time licking long, slow strokes from the base of his shaft to the tip again and again and again, teasing without the full release of taking him in my mouth. I begin to increase the pace of my hand, my wrist quickly working a steady rhythm around his base before I finally take my open mouth, place it over the tip of his shaft and work my way down his length until he bottoms out against the back of my throat, causing me to cough slightly while my mouth is full of his length. I slowly pull my head back up, leaving a thick coat of saliva down the length of his shaft.

After pausing for a moment at the top, lower my mouth back down as I feel Chase’s fingers running through my thick, curly, brown hair. I increase my pace, using my mouth to suck a firm pressure along his shaft while the tip of my tongue traces along his length and my hand firmly strokes his base where my lips can’t quite reach. We build a rhythm of alternating sucks and locks all while Chase continues to run his fingers in my hair, softly moaning that he’s in heaven and that I’m his goddess. I blush at the reaction I’m able to draw from his lips and minutes later he says that he’s so close. Not wanting to make a mess of myself or him, I quickly jump up and stand behind him, wrapping one arm around his waist, holding him to me while I take his penis in my hand and begin to quickly stroke his shaft, urging him to cum for me baby. Seconds later, he shoots one, two, three thick ropes of cum into the woods around us as I firmly pump his base, trying to drain every last drop of his pleasure.

With a moment to soak in the moment, he pulls his shorts back up and I adjust my sports bra from earlier, and then quickly fix my disheveled hair. Chase leans down and plants a firm chaste kiss on my lips, thanking me and telling me how perfect I am as I blush and lean into his chest, not wanting the moment to fade. Eventually we have to get back to barracks and we return by two seperate trails letting out at various entrances to the main part of campus. When I get back to my room, Julie hits me with a knowing look and tells me to spill the beans. I tell her about a 2nd trail i found that might be suitable for what Chase and I just did, letting her have her own space to have fun if she wants to sneak away. She thanks me and the room descends to girl talk about both of our men until it’s lights out and time for bed.

Hopefully you’ve enjoyed chapter 2 as much as I have! As always, please feel free to leave a critique or constructive feedback, just please be respectful! <3 Taylor

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/vl4m74/diary_of_a_cadet_ch_2_first_fun_with_chase_mf_f18


  1. And now Iā€™m done with part two. I think I need to go to my girlfriend now. She just went to bed. I need release after this šŸ˜‰

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