[27F] I’m “that girl with big boobs” and I let my roommate’s bf cum on my tits [FFM]

As a little bit of context – I get pigeon holed into “**that girl with big boobs**,” and I totally embrace it! At some instinctual level, I love the attention they demand in a crowd, the inevitable stares, and the idea that someone is going home and masturbating to the memory of my body. I like when my partner plays with them, uses them, obsesses over them, and objectifies me for them. Anyway, I say this all as context because my roommate loves to comment and joke about them. It’s just kinda become the embodiment of me.

For those that have read my previous posts, you know that in recent weeks, my roommate, her bf, and his 3 guy friends jerked off to my tits while we were watching The Circle. Spoiler alert, RIP Parker. But anyway, **as a quick recap for those that missed out on last week’s action – my roommate and her friends basically peer pressured me into letting them all see my tits, which eventually led to all the guys jerking off to to my tits**. All eyes on me as I just dutifully sat there on my knees kinda just nodding around. It wasn’t fancy, it wasn’t a prescribed thing, and it certainly wasn’t elegant. But just in a very matter-of-factly kind of way, I sat there on my knees letting them jerk off to the visual aid. I’m like a girl in the zoo and they get to look, but not touch.

A few of you asked me about the post-nut clarity on the guys and what happened in the aftermath. Well, it was quiet. 4 guys cleaning up their cum with a wad of tissues is… well, crude. The Netflix screensaver is just rolling on the TV unacknowledged, we’re basically sitting there in deafening silence, my roommate is shuffling around in her house slippers with a box of tissues, and I’m just sitting there on my knees and I have no idea where my eyes are supposed to go. Are we supposed to just finish the episode now together? Another spoiler alert, we did not. My roommate’s bf left to go take a shower in my roommate’s bathroom and I guess with his semi-departure, his friends naturally sort of took their cue and started to mobilize to leave.

As they were leaving, there were certainly pleasantries, gentle thanks, mentions that they were the biggest they’ve ever seen, and that maybe we could explore future possibilities another time. I didn’t really know what to say to that, so I just kind of smiled and nodded along. We hugged goodbye, but even after everything we went thru – it was still just one of those awkward side hugs where you don’t want to impose on the other person’s personal space. Ironic, but also seemingly appropriate that we can’t cross every social boundary in 1 night. My roommate helped usher them out and as she closed the door behind them, gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. And she gave me a reassuring squeeze and said I hope I had as much fun as she did. And then she skips off into her bedroom. I presume to rejoin her bf.

My roommate and I later texted that night about it when I assume her bf went to bed and I explained I felt a bit dirty and cheapened from the whole experience. That the air of awkwardness was this oozing tension that would permeate everything now. She instead countered how it was empowering. That I harnessed my sexuality in a very controlled way and I allowed these guys to glance thru a window and experience a part of me. That ultimately they wanted me, badly. And I was the one with my hand on the wheel controlling this gift I could imbue onto them. And that made me feel a lot better, frankly. It made me feel precious, scarce, worthy, empowered, and so on.

But anyway… that’s a long way of saying that basically a week later, the extension of this adventure led to my hangout with my roommate and her bf this Friday in our apt.

We were all in our pajamas already and hanging out in the living room together. They had gone out for a date night out to a sushi restaurant nearby and I was just hanging out at home alone. It was my first time seeing my roommate’s bf since last time’s “grand unveiling,” we’ll call it. And so of course after enough prior discussion, he eventually bridges to the elephant in the room. In like some pre-conceived coordinated effort, my roommate and her bf talk about how great it was and how sexy and attractive I must have felt in the moment. They’re doting on my body and how guys would have killed to be in that situation.

They advance the conversation to what we could do next. **And before I could even rebut or counter, my roommate is talking about doing something similar, but letting her bf cum on my tits.** And as you know from last time, I’m not good with peer pressure. It’s charming, it’s disarming, and of course the affirmations make me feel good about myself. I’m only human…

**Before I know it, I’ve lifted up my shirt again and I’m on my knees at the foot of the same couch from last time. A large oversized t-shirt pulled up above my breasts, exposed chest for him to stare at as he furiously jerks off above me.**

It’s just the 3 of us this time, so in this more intimate 1×1 type setting, he gets to be more vocal. He’s telling me about how much he was thinking about me, that the guys have been texting each other incessantly about the experience, about how he and my roommate roleplayed threesome scenarios in bed with my involvement, etc.

Warmed to the situation and more familiar and empowered by the whole exercise, I was more vocal this time too. That I wanted him to remember my tits for the rest of his life and that he’s getting this unique privilege that his friends will be jealous of.

**Our words kept getting dirtier as it went on. I would say how my body was just made for this. It’s innately in my DNA that I have these oversized tits to just be admired, experienced, and used. I teased him knowing that he wouldn’t touch me. I said how there was no way we would see his dick if he was titfucking me. And when I told him to cum on my tits, he exploded in ceremonial fashion all over my chest.**

He collapsed back into the sofa. Panting like crazy. At least this time, there wasn’t this deafening silence. You could hear audible struggling for breath as he was huffing and puffing on the couch.

**Unexpected, my roommate drops on her knees opposite me, gives me a quick peck on the lips, and then squeezes my tits together to lick her bf’s cum off my chest.** She’s hoists up my breasts and from bottom-to-top, is systematically licking upwards to lap up every drop of her bf’s cum on me. On the way up, she generously gives a few sucks on each nipple, but she’s a woman on a mission and keeps licking onward for every drop. Her bf leans over on the couch to make sure he has a good view of the sights. Not sure what to do with my hands, I sort of just put them on her knees opposite mine and enjoy the experience.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/vkhl4d/27f_im_that_girl_with_big_boobs_and_i_let_my


  1. Your dirty talk was so on point. Your roommate cleaning you up was a cherry on top.

  2. After looking at your profile…those gents are some lucky motherfuckers.

    I can believe none of them have tried to man up and date you…..

  3. wow. They are def steering you in a friend with benefits. Deep down make sure you keep it going if you can keep it in your right mindset, exploration not exploitation.

    I do want to hear more.

  4. Well I’m jealous. You have incredible tits. Hope you post more selfies going forward

  5. Very nice story and very hot! Are you considering doing more with them?

  6. Incredibly hot, if you have any more stories of guys cumming on your tits, please do share

  7. I would almost guess you were an English major with your writing abilities

  8. I already loved the first part of the story, now I’m so glad there is an update!

  9. Another great story, I’d enjoy reading anything you write about your sex life.

  10. Your roommate hates you. She is exploiting you. The way she is treating you is not natural, this whole story isn’t reasonable. She is manipulating you, because you haven’t learned to say No.
    Sluttiness aside all this would be all good if it had come from you, but it’s not. She lured you to think it did.
    Be careful. I suggest you stay away from her and everyone evolved in the situation. It can only gets worst

  11. Based on the pics you posted I can totally understand wanting to cum on your tits

  12. There is nothing hotter than watching a girl lick my cum up off another set of perfect tits

  13. I must say, these are some very lucky boys! Having visited your profile, I can see you’re a very beautiful girl, with some amazing boobs to go along with your other features! I’d certainly love to see more, if ever you were to post pics and such – if not, then I’ll happily follow along for these stories!

  14. Your writing here is incredible. Please keep us updated on how this progresses!

  15. As someone who’s quite keen on objectifying massive boobs, this is probably the hottest stuff I’ve ever read on here 🥵🥵

  16. Honestly, I feel like this is kinda abusive and that they are lightly coercing you in these sexual experiences by valuing your boobs over yourself and convincing you otherwise.

  17. Extremely hot story. Love the pics in your profile. Definitely jealous they’ve seen those beautiful breasts uncovered. Hope they feel lucky. I would.

  18. This was already an amazing story, but your roommate’s aggressive licking up of her BF’s cum of your tits made it legendary. Your roommie is a trouble maker. I love it.

  19. Lucky guy. I hope you decide to post more pics of yourself and those amazing boobs in the future

  20. Just looked at your photos on your profile and it made this story SO much hotter 🥵🥵

  21. Just, be safe. This isn’t a sexy comment, sorry. But if the threesome happens (which they might want, but you haven’t clearly indicated your emotions in this situation) be careful, jealousy can pop up at inopportune times. I’m speaking from lived experience here.

    Have Fun, but Be Safe.

  22. So hot!! I’d love to have a similar experience, but my soon to be wife be the centre of attention for a group of guys! 😈

  23. I am absolutely “that boob guy” so this story was super hot to read, but then I checked out your profile, and saw how incredibly gorgeous you are and that made it 🔥🔥 You have my absolute favorite body size and type and your smile is amazingly stunning. Definitely be proud of who you are. You seem incredible. You’re definitely the type of girl I wish I could be with. I’m going to stop now so that my compliments hopefully don’t cross the border from “encouraging” into “creepy”! Thanks for sharing part of your personal life, I certainly appreciated it.

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