Miss B, the camgirl pt1 (MF) (titfucking)

So, iv been working as a delivery driver for a few months, not one of the big firms, I don’t charge around in a big amazon van, I just use my car. Its only a small round so I’m usually done by lunchtime which suits me down to the ground, especially like now during the summer, I finish work with plenty of time to do other things in the afternoon sun.

Generally, the folks I deliver to fall into three groups (not including those who are out and want the package left in their porch or something), group one, the people who open the door and take their parcel without a hello and barely a thank you, group two are usually the older people who like to chat, I could be there for five or more minuets just having a little chat, and then there’s the third group, these are just your normal, everyday, happy people, they are always pleasant with a bit of small talk or a joke. Over the months I have become on first name terms with some of these folks.

Miss B is in the third group (that was the name on most of her parcels), her actual name is Beth. She must be in her late twenties or early thirties, very pretty, olive skin tones, emerald green eyes, delicate features, full lips with an easy smile, lots of long dark hair, if I had to guess, id say she had some Latin heritage. The odd thing though, every time this lady answers the door she is wearing a big, ugly, grey but obviously comfortable looking dressing gown, when I first started, at the back end of winter, this wasn’t odd, but summer is hear and I’m sweating in shorts and a t-shirt. Now, I’m not saying she looked like she had just got out of bed, far from it, she never had bed hair and always had a touch of make up on, she was just wearing her comfortable but ugly dressing gown, its just the heat that makes it odd.

Anyway, a couple of days ago, iv got two parcels for Miss B (her street is usually my last, if she isnt my last drop ill only have a few more), its a little before midday as I walk down her path, the front door opening before im even half way,

‘morning’ I call cheerily,

‘good morning Bert, how are you?’ Beth replies before popping back inside, talking to somebody maybe. As I reached the door she was back with a smile, as we did the whole parcel scanning and digital signing thing she asked ‘ahh, are you nearly done for the day Bert?’

‘almost’ I replied ‘two next door and the last one is a few doors down’

‘if you don’t need to be anywhere when you finish, would you mind coming back?’ she asked a little sheepishly, ‘I’d like to ask a favour?’

‘of course not’ I answered ‘give me ten minuets then I’m all yours.’ I thought she probably had some furniture that needed moving and thought I might get a cup of tea out of it. Move a table, cup of tea with a pretty woman, there are worse ways to spend a sunny hour or two. So I finished up my round and knocked on Beth’s door. She invited me in and introduced me to Ronnie, who I recognized as Beth’s ‘flamboyant’ house mate (he’d taken a few parcels over the weeks), he seemed like a nice chap, Indian, but his clothes were too tight and he’s very thin.

Ronnie and I followed Beth into the kitchen, she gestured toward the dining table ‘take a seat, can I get you something to drink?’ she asked over her shoulder,

‘a cup of tea would be lovely, thank you’ I said as I took a seat on the far side of the table,

She filled the kettle and turned it on before saying to no one in particular ‘I think I want something a bit stronger.’ she turned to Ronnie and asked ‘is it too early for a glass of wine, Ron?’

Ronnie declared with a grin ‘it’s happy hour somewhere,B’ before sashaying over to the fridge for a bottle of rose, and two glasses.

‘do I want something a little stronger?’ I asked, a little nervous.

They shared a smile before Ronnie slid a glass over to me and filled it, he then poured two more for Beth and himself as they both joined me on the opposite side of the table. We sat for what seemed like an hour but was probably closer to twenty seconds before I took a sip of my wine and asked ‘so, this favour? How can I help you?’, they shared another look with Ronnie urging Beth on,

‘well…’ she began before taking a gulp from her glass, her cheeks flushed and she couldn’t hold eye contact, ‘I ah, I am a ‘content creator’’ she said with air quotes, ‘if you know what I mean?’ she looked embarrassed.

I smiled and said ‘I’m sure I could guess.’

She continued ‘my subscriber’s like to send me clothes or underwear which I then strip off for them, either as a video upload or a live stream…’ she was relaxing a bit now ‘ Ron, pass me those please’ she pointed at the two parcels I dropped off a little while ago that were sat at the end of the table, he slid them over to Beth, she passed one to me before opening the other, ‘usually its tat, but sometimes like this’ she was saying as she pulled out a pretty little sun dress and held it up in front of her ‘they get it right, this is nice, ill have a proper look at that later’ she put the dress in front of her before pointing to the package in front of me ‘open that one’ I did, inside was a black lace, French-cut bra and panties set, it was nice underwear, it looked expensive. ‘ah, that’s lovely as well’ she commented as I noticed the F cup label. Now, I’m a boobs and bum kinda guy so my eye’s instantly found Beth’s dressing gown covered chest, she noticed, when I met her eyes again she smiled and said ‘the content I create is quite boob heavy, because I have quite heavy boobs’ as Ronnie nodded in agreement.

I took a sip of wine ‘OK, I’m intrigued. But I’m still not entirely sure where I come in’ I said before asking cheekily ‘your not going to ask me to sign up to anything are you?’

With a cheeky grin of her own she replied ‘no, no of course not’ after a sip from her glass she continued ‘iv been using dildos for a while now but a lot of the big tippers want to see me with a real cock’ she blushed again as my own cock grew with some extra blood of it’s own, I tried to play it cool and finished off my wine ‘ but here’s where the problem is’ she paused ‘I’m gay, I haven’t had a boyfriend or held a real dick for ten years’ I don’t mind admitting my heart dropped a little hearing that ‘Ronnie offered, but as I’m sure you might have noticed, he’s gay too and just not attracted to me’

‘guilty!’ Ronnie exclaimed like a nineties drag queen,

I began to say something but she cut me off ‘I have some straight friends who would be more than happy to help me out, but it would make things a weird with them’ she finished her wine and Ronnie topped us all up she continued ‘and besides, no one knows I do this’ she looked at Ronnie ‘just Ron, he helps with editing and occasional camera work, my sister and now you’

she looked me in the eyes with a smile as Ronnie stated ‘we need your dick…’ I turned to face him as Beth laughed ‘let me rephrase that, she needs your dick’ he corrected ‘as long as we like it’ he added with a wink

After a nervous giggle I asked ‘so, ah, two questions, first off, why me? And second, what exactly do you want me to do?’ before adding ‘don’t get me wrong, I’m pretty sure I’m gonna say yes, I’d just like it laid out…’

Beth took a drink before replying ‘we’re asking you because your basically a stranger, but not a complete stranger, you seem like a nice guy, good looking, I know your single so there’s nobody to upset and Ronnie likes your hands’ as she explained Ronnie was nodding in agreement ‘it was Ron who suggested we ask you’

‘you can thank me later’ he added knowingly

‘your second question…’ she continued with a grin ‘well, you don’t really need to do anything, the tipper’s want to watch someone make a mess of the bras and panties they send’ her grin widened as she explained ‘I just need you to sit back, relax, let me do all the work and when the time comes, cum’

They both sat there for a moment looking at me before Ronnie asked ‘so, are you interested?’

I was a bit speechless until my cock reminded me that I was very interested ‘well, in the spirit of honesty’ I began ‘I’ve been sat here with a boner for the last ten minuets and never seen you without your dressing gown’ they both looked Beth up and down.

‘well’ Ronnie coaxed as he nudged Beth ‘show him the goods’

As she stood she explained that ‘usually when you arrive I’m in the middle of filming and as good as naked’ she removed her gown and draped it over her chair before saying ‘today its a school uniform fetish’

‘wow’ was all I was able to say as she gave a little turn, dressed in knee high socks, a tiny tennis skirt with a blouse that she couldn’t button up above her belly, finished of with a school tie nestled in some more than ample cleavage, I never really understood the school uniform thing but right now I couldn’t remember why. ‘wow’ I repeated ‘ill thank you now Ronnie’ Beth laughed at that while Ronnie nodded with a smug little smile on his face. Beth took her seat again and I couldn’t take my eyes off her full and apparently braless breasts.

‘and that’s why I answer the door in my robe’ Beth said

I raised my eyes to meet hers, she was grinning ‘I’m sorry, I was just thinking about making a mess’ I sputtered.

She laughed again ‘don’t be sorry’ she said while she bounced in her seat, another button on her blouse gave up ‘I’m dressed like this for a reason, and id like to think that anybody who saw me dressed like this, would also be thinking about making a mess’ she took my hand ‘that’s kind of the point’ she said with smile.

Ronnie asked Beth ‘would now be a good time to find out how photogenic his dick is?’

Beth asked me ‘can we do a quick screen test?’

I replied ‘do you mind if I jump in the shower, maybe borrow some clippers for a bit of a trim? I’m not sure what your expecting, but id like the little fella to look as good as possible…’

Beth was visibly relieved ‘yes, of course’ she said as she got up and held her hand out ‘follow me’ I took it and followed her upstairs. On the stairs I noticed she wasn’t wearing panties under her tiny skirt, which made me smile. At the top of the stairs, Beth retrieved a fresh towel from a cupboard and pointed to a door before saying ‘that’s the bathroom, there are some trimmers by the sink and a robe hanging on the door. ill meet you in that room when your ready’ she pointed to a door at the end of the hallway, she squeezed my hand before adding ‘thank you’ with a smile.

In the bathroom I trimmed (not too short, I am quite a hairy man), showered and worried about my chubby and pale belly. After about a quarter of an hour I was done, so I grabbed the robe and made my way to the end of the hallway and entered a room that on one side was a bedroom but on the other was a studio. Both Beth and Ronnie were there, Ronnie was holding a phone and Beth asked ‘do you want to film or would you mind if Ron did?’

At this point I really didn’t care that Ronnie was was in the room ‘that’s up to you, I’m just gonna sit back, but ill film a PoV if you want?’

Beth handed me her phone ready to record before explaining ‘this is just a test, were not making ‘content’ I just want to see how good your dick looks in my hands’ then apologetically she added ‘sorry if this all sounds a bit mechanical, but don’t hold back, when your ready, just let it go…’ she oiled her hands and drizzled a bit down her cleavage (still in her school uniform) and sat on the end of the bed and beckoned me over, my rock hard cock was already poking out of the robe, when I removed it all together and stepped between Beth’s thighs she gasped and smiled as she took me in hand and began stroking. ‘ahh, that feels much better’ she said, I wasn’t sure if she was talking to me or Ronnie (honestly, I didn’t care). With her free hand she pulled her blouse apart and unleashed the most beautiful pair of tits I have ever seen as she proceeded to jerk me off against a hard nipple and then into her oiled cleavage.

After five minuets or so, I was already on the edge, when she first slipped her plump lips down my full length, I almost popped, every bob of her head, every swirl of her tongue brought me closer and closer. When she broke eye contact, I suddenly remembered I was supposed to be filming, so I started to pull up Beth’s phone when Ronnie took it off me (to be honest, I had forgotten that Ronnie even existed).

In a moment of clarity I asked ‘so, where do you want it?’

After one last, strong, full length suck, Beth and Ronnie looked at each other before looking at me and said in unison ‘tits’, Beth held (not squeezed) her huge yet firm breasts together, rolling her nipples between her fingers, when she added ‘I want you to cum between my tits’. I slipped my cock through her cleavage, barely seeing the tip as I fucked those beautiful tits.

It wasn’t long before my first rope of spunk reached her neck, each stroke through her cleavage releasing another until I was done, but even after I was spent Beth continued to push and pull, slowly, with an odd expression on her face. When our eyes met we both smiled. She leaned back on to her elbows, her boobs splayed out a bit with my seed splattered around her chest.

She was biting her lower lip when she looked up, grinned at me and said ‘you made a mess’

I didn’t have a witty come-back so I just smiled at her. I didn’t realize that I was now stroking my still fairly hard cock until I noticed Beth watching, with that same, odd expression, when Ronnie offered me a fresh glass of wine I wondered how long she had been watching. I took the glass, put the robe back on and joined Beth (now with a glass of her own) on the end of the bed. ‘well, considering you haven’t touched a cock in the last decade’ I began with a smirk ‘that… was fucking awesome’.

Yes, I know, she prefers women, I know that I deffinately enjoyed that more than she did. However, she did look rather pleased, so did Ronnie (and weirdly, I didn’t find that weird). Beth and I dressed and we all went back down to the kitchen where we chatted for an hour or so (about nothing in particular), I finished my glass of wine, we exchanged numbers, I said my goodbyes and hugged them both like we had just been hanging out for the afternoon before leaving.

I must have sat in my car for at least a few minuets before starting it up ‘what the fuck just happened?’ I asked myself as I pulled away…

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/vju98z/miss_b_the_camgirl_pt1_mf_titfucking