Clementina, Part XXIX [GORE, extreme, sf/horror/fantasy, monsters, non-consensual, transgender, anal, lactation, TFFF, incest (m/s)]



As with the previous installments, if this sort of thing is not your cup of tea, please do not read any further. I want readers to have fun – not be disturbed and sad. Please heed all warnings!

If you’re the kind of person who ignores warnings and regrets it later, have this: r/eyebleach

There are transgender people in this story, there are monsters in this story, and there are transgender monsters in this story. I AM NOT IMPLYING TRANSGENDER PEOPLE ARE MONSTERS. I am just having fun with genders, ‘cause, after all, ain’t that the point?

This story assumes you have read all previous parts. If you haven’t you will probably find some of this bewildering.

This part continues chapter 6. This part begins immediately after Part XXVIII ends.
The Clementina story line is approaching its logical climax. There will probably only be a few more episodes before we wrap this thing up.

I appreciate all your comments and feedback in the comments section and read every one of them. And if you have been paying attention, more than one reader suggestion has made its way into the story…

Clementina, Part XXIX

Chapter 6: Sigil [continues]

I stood over the newly-purged dark queen, slime slipping out of my asshole and my cunt, milk still trickling from my pendulous tits, my cock still hard as a rock and pumping semen. I tried to look intimidating. I knew that in our world, purging the dark phallite returned you back to “normal” light phallite status, but I didn’t know what would happen with this strange dark queen from another reality where the phallites were immense. She had rolled over onto all fours and was vomiting on the Nexus floor.

Slowly her heaves slowed and she slipped back onto her haunches, kneeling in the slime, looking up at me. The red glow was gone from her eyes and I could already see the thick lines of black fading from her skin.

“Are you okay?” Clementina asked standing up next to me. My mother joined her and all the others gathered around – including the three cave spirits.

The woman nodded, then looked for a moment like she might heave out more slime, but the feeling passed.

“What’s your name?” Clementina asked softly.

“Jenna,” she said.

“Do you have a last name?”

“Jenna Galbraith.”

“Jenna Galbraith?” Clementina and Ona said almost simultaneously. Then Clementina added “That would make you my great aunt.”

“Your great aunt?” Jenna said. “What year is this?”

“2021,” I said. “What year was it in your time?”

“1943,” she said.

There was a very awkward moment, followed by the strangest family reunion I had ever witnessed. Ona and Clementina embraced Jenna like they were long lost relatives – though they were from entirely different timelines and entirely different time periods. For a few minutes they seemed to forget the urgency of the current situation, but when the conversation had a lull, I tried to bring it around to weightier matters.

“So you’re a nazi?” I asked.

“Pah!” Jenna said, spitting into the slime. “No chance. Those people came to our farm in the middle of the night, killed the men, and locked me and my sisters up. They forced me to take on a dark phallite. They have been using me and my sisters for experiments.”

“Wait,” I said. “Where were you when you crawled through that portal?”

Jenna gestured around the nexus. “In one of the doors here, that one.”

“But this is America,” I said.

“I don’t know your history, but in my world, the Germans and Japanese attacked America first, not wanting the Americans to enter the fight on the side of the other European powers. They landed ships on the American shores one night and, with air support, had captured New York, Phillie, DC, and SanFran nearly unopposed. Americans were wholly unaware until it happened. We managed to hide up at our farm for a couple years until one day the German monsters showed up at our doorstep and started experimenting on the phallites – and on us…”

“Jesus…” I said. “It’s the whole Nazi occult thing. How did you know to come through that portal? How did you know it was even there.”

Jenna pointed at the strange sigil we had found in the attic of the house.

“It’s that thing. It has power. I sensed it – I still can sense it. Once you opened the Portal of the One, I could feel it. Then a few minutes ago, I could see the portal, so I climbed through. I didn’t expect what was waiting on the other side – but I’m glad you were here and knew what to do.”

She climbed to her feet. Much of the dark queen marking on her skin had faded, so she was starting to look more and more like just a normal phallite female – big bust, narrow waist, heavy hips. She reached out and hugged and kissed me, pressing her pendulous breasts against mine and her heavy, meaty labia and clit against my still pulsating, semi-erect meat. Our slick skin slid across each other. I found myself getting aroused again – something I wasn’t ready for yet. I gave her one final squeeze then gently pushed her away, turning my attention back to the cave spirits – Bathory in particular.

“How did this happen?” I asked the bat-winged spirit. “You said the Portal of the One only worked one way. You said they couldn’t see or detect us until we stepped through, but we could see them. What happened?”

“That sigil you found in the attic. I don’t remember ever seeing it before. I don’t know what it does.”

“Was there anything in any of the journals about it?” I asked the twins.

“We weren’t looking for anything about sigils,” Athena said. “I guess it’s back to the books.” She nodded to her sister, Demeter, and the two curvy goth twins headed down the front corridor leading back to the house.

I glared at Bathory, then at Makala and Alura.

“We’ve been following everything you guys say, bringing about freakish changes to our bodies, taking dangerous chances with unknown creatures. But now, when we are reaching the end of this freak show you throw us this curve?”

The three cave spirits all frowned and looked down almost in unison, then Bathory spoke up.

“I have never seen that sigil before, I don’t think it is from our timeline.”

“Then where did it come from?” I asked.

“I am guessing some other timeline, and it somehow found its way here.”


“I don’t know.”

I swore. “Do we even know that the Sigil of the One is on the other side of that portal?”

“Oh, it is,” said Jenna. “Is that what you seek? I can take you right to it right now. I am the dark queen, the Nazi freaks do what I tell them now that I’m creating their little dark phallite army for them.”

“I don’t think they are going to do what you say anymore, now that your dark queen markings are fading,” Clementina pointed out.

“We can get body paint,” I said. “We can paint them back on, I think that’s the least of our worries. I’m more worried about what else these three got wrong.” I glared at the three cave spirits.

I was angry, no denying it. I needed to calm down. I stormed out of the nexus, through the barn, and outside, leaving Clementina to deal with her time-traveling brethren. I walked up the hill to the ring of trees we had planted to remember my father and the other people who had died at the hands of Ona’s dark queen.

I sat down on a rock in the center of the ring and put my head in my hands. What if everything we had been doing up to this point was wrong? What if the cave spirits were misguided? What if all these physical changes that had been wrought on my body were all in vain? And what about my mother? Or Clementina? Or the others? And not to mention Olympia, Athena, and Demeter…I was the one who had recruited them.

I wanted to cry.

The snap of a twig behind me made me turn. My mother was approaching. She sat down in the grass at my feet and looked up at me.

“Are you having second thoughts?” she asked.

I nodded. “You?”

She looked off int the distance.

“Actually, no,” she said after a moment. “I think there are some unexpected twists, but no, I have having no second thoughts. This will work out, I promise.” She put her hand on my knee.

“I wish I could have your faith,” I said.

She climbed to her feet and hugged me.

“It will be okay,” she said. “Want to go for a swim and relax?”

“You go ahead,” I said. “I just need a little more time to myself.”

My mother nodded and sauntered down the hill to the pool. I looked up at the sky. I wanted to have faith that what my mother said was true, but I just wasn’t sure. I slipped off the stone and lay down on the grass in the shade of the trees. I must have drifted off, because the next thing I knew I was waking up with the goth twins, Olympia, Clementina, and my mother standing over me. Alura and Makala were hovering in the background.

“Wake up,” Athena said. “We’ve got something from the journals.”

“Okay, shoot.” I said.

“The sigil was found at the bottom of Alura’s main well, the one in the room with the tentacle labia statue. Some other things were found there as well. In fact, the journal speculates that there is some kind of a portal at the bottom of that well that connects to some other place and time.”

“There is definitely something odd about the bottom of that main well,” Alura said. “I usually don’t go all the way to the bottom, I branch off on the side tunnels where my rooms are.”

“So does the journal give any idea of where it might go?” I asked.

“No…but…” Demeter started, but Makala interrupted.

“You should only be able to open one portal at a time in any given place,” she said.

“So…what does that mean?” I asked.

“It means that the portal at the bottom of Alura’s well – regardless of where it may have pointed in the past – should now point to the reality where the Sigil of the One is.”

“So now we have two portals to the Sigil of the One. Does that change the metrics at all? Can we take extra people with us when we go?”

“Doubtful, but I don’t know.”

“Okay, so let me try to sum this up. We now have two portals, and a former dark queen who can lead us straight to the Sigil of the One. What’s stopping us from going tomorrow and getting this done right away?”

Silence greeted my question, so I continued.

“I choose Jenna, Olympia, and Makala to come through the portal with me, Clementina, and my mom. Tomorrow we paint Jenna up like the dark queen, then we go through, grab the sigil, and come back. Easy peasy. Any debate?”

More silence.

“Great, then let’s do this.”

The rest of the day was a buzz of activity as we began getting our gear together for the next day’s adventure. And bright and early the next morning we were all up, brimming with nervous energy.

It took a couple of hours for us to get Jenna painted up like dark queen, and some halloween-costume red contacts gave her eyes the necessary cast. When we were done, she looked like a reasonable facsimile of how she had looked when she came through the portal. I hoped it was enough.

So finally we stood in front of the portal, my mom, Clementina, Olympia, Jenna (painted up as a dark queen), and Makala (in her human form). The other stood around us.

Since we were trying to pass as Jenna’s acolytes, we wore nothing and carried nothing.

Jenna was the first to step through the portal. She slipped into the room beyond, then peeked out into the hallway. She gestured us through the portal and the rest of us stepped through. I was the last and as soon as I was through, the portal closed behind me. Nothing but a blank wall with a Nazi propaganda poster lay that way now.

Jenna gestured us into the hallway and we crept down the passageway towards the nexus in that strange other place. About halfway down the passage, Jenna held her hand up for us to stop. The sound of a voice came from the nexus – speaking in stilted, accented English.

“That’s the commander,” Jenna whispered.

“Does she have a phallite?” I asked.

“No, she and her second are the only uninfected in the place. There are some uninfected scientists and doctors up in the barn as well, but they are the only two who come down to the nexus.”

“Will she be able to tell we’re different?”

“Probably not.”

“Will she let us into the room with the Sigil?”

“Probably not.”

“So what do we do?”

“The commanders here definitely take advantage of the infected for their own personal purposes. And they’ll love those cocks you guys have. So we just get them naked, then kill them.”

“How do we kill them?” I asked. “Will they let us near enough to their weapons for us to grab them.”

Makala spoke up. “We’ll kill them by impaling them…”


“Do I have to spell it out?” Makala said.

I suddenly realized what she meant. I looked over at Olympia and my mother.

“Are we ready for this?” I asked. “Going all the way through on a normal human as a way to kill them?”

There was a moment of silence, finally Olympia spoke up.

“Based upon what we know already, I am.”

There was another moment of silence, then we all nodded.

“So I guess whoever can get their cock inside the Nazi women, do what has to be done.”

It terrified me that I felt by cock stir, and a fresh load of slime slip from my cunt and asshole as I considered killing these Nazis by impaling them on my meat. But I guess when you are confronted by absolute evil there is a certain joyful pleasure in killing it.

I took a breath and we all followed as Jenna walked down the hallway into the nexus.

The nexus in this world had only a light layer of slime on the floor. Off to one side was a slender woman in what looked like a commander’s uniform. Next to her was another slim woman dressed as a soldier. They were talking when we entered.

When Jenna stepped into the nexus the two women glanced over but didn’t respond much. When the rest of us followed – myself and Olympia with our cockgirl-and-cunt arrangement, Makala with her cockgirl (no cunt) body, and my mother with her tentacle labia, they turned and stared.

“What are these?” the commander asked Jenna in a thick German accent.

“New arrangements,” Jenna said. “I haven’t seen them before. Perhaps we should have one of the scientists take a look.”

The commander had moved over next to us and was looking us up and down. She reached out and felt my breasts, then squeezed my cock.

“Whoa,” she said as she moved onto Olympia and repeated that performance, then did the same with Makala. When she arrived at my mother, she paused.

“Whoa,” she said again, and reached down, feeling my mother’s tentacles.

“Wow,” she whispered, then returned to me.

“We should have the doctors look them over,” the commander said.

“Yes,” the soldier, apparently her second-in-command said. “I want to watch them do the dissection.”

“Agreed,” the commander said. “Except vivisection, not dissection.”

“Yes, commandant.”

“But not right away. I think we should have a chance to look them over ourselves.”

“I agree, commandant.”

The commander unbuttoned her coat and tossed it to the side, then reached down and began stroking my cock. She glanced to her compatriot.

“Pick one,” she said. “Have fun.”

The soldier girl also tossed off her coat and approached Makala. She knelt down on her knees in the light layer of slime and pulled the cave spirit’s cock into her mouth, stroking Makala’s thick meat. As she sucked, she undid her blouse and tossed it off, followed by her bra.

Makala was clearly holding back on her erection, not letting it reach full potential. She seemed to be keeping it at just under a foot. The soldier girl was sucking on her meat, deep throating it like a pro. I didn’t know girls back in the 1940’s did that kind of thing, but you learn something new every day.

The commander, meanwhile, was pressing herself against me and stroking my cock with her hand. She leaned up and kissed me on the lips, then ran her other hand down my chest. I felt a load of slime slip from the end of my cock and another trickle slide out of my asshole.

Jenna stepped behind the commander and began unbuttoning her top. The commander was so engaged with me that she let Jenna strip her all the way to the skin, revealing medium-sized breasts and a slender waist. Her hips and ass swelled a little, but were still mostly slender. She was definitely not a phallite carrier.

The commander, now nude, pressed her smaller breasts against my pendulous phallite tits, sending thick streamers of my milk trickling down her body. She leaned down and pulled my long dark nipples into her mouth, sucking down the licorice-tasting liquid. Meanwhile she kept stroking my cock.

Taking my queue from Makala, I kept my cock just under a foot, but got it fully erect, standing up straight and pressing against the commander’s stomach as she sucked at my milk-engorged breasts, going from one of my dark, hard, long nipples to the other. I felt my asshole gape and my anal sheath prolapse partly out, hanging down past my knees, trailing thick globs of slime down onto the floor. The cunt-like end of my cock gapped, gushing out several loads of slime that slipped down the shaft, past my thick, gaping labia, and trailed down my legs.

The commander pulled her lips from my mommy tits after a few moments and kissed me, pushing a mouthful of my phallite milk past my lips. I sucked the fluid from her mouth and then passed it back to her, along with a load of slime. She sucked it down and swallowed it all.

She smiled and knelt down on the floor of the nexus, pulling my cock up to her mouth and sucking it down. I glanced over at Makala. The second-in-command was still working over her meat, too. Makala and I locked eyes and a look passed between us.

As horrible as I felt about what I was getting ready to do, I have to admit that a thrill passed through me and I know a similar feeling shot through the cave spirit. Killing someone is never easy, and killing someone the way we were getting ready to was awful. But the commander’s comments about vivisection made it a little easier and there was an incredible thrill coursing through my being.

By this point, the commander had her mouth all the way down to the base of my meat, taking my full almost-foot-long shaft down her throat. I felt a load of slime gush from the end of my cock and she gagged roughly around it, expelling the slime – and maybe even a tiny bit if vomit – around my thick meat. It felt incredible as her throat muscles convulsed and I was having a harder and harder time keeping my cock under control.

The commander slid her lips from my meat then pulled the shaft between her breasts. She slid her tits up and down the shaft of my cock, eliciting a groan from me. Behind me, I felt my mother suck my anal sheath into her mouth and then press her lips against my gaping asshole, pulling loads of my anal slime into her mouth and sucking it down.

I looked back at her and glared, but she just winked and smiled and went back to sucking my asshole. To make matters worse, she slid her entire fist into my cunt, pushing out more of my anal sheath and slime. I moaned as the commandant simultaneously pulled her mouth off my cock and began teasing the sensitive spot under the helmet with her tongue. A fresh load of slime slipped from my cock, from my asshole, from my cunt. I coughed and choked as a huge load filled my throat and mouth. I spit the slime from my mouth onto the head of the commandant, who was now sliding her lips back down my cock on the way to deep throating me.

Meanwhile, the second-in-command was laying her back on a stone in the nexus floor and Makala was sliding her cock into her cunt. I could tell that Makala was also having trouble keeping her cock under control, and she gave me a pleading “can we finish this please?” look. I nodded.

“Don’t you want to feel my cock between your legs?” I asked. The commandant looked up at me with doe eyes from her position with my cock down her throat. She gagged again, sending more streamers of slime and a little puke down her chin, then slid back. She rolled over on all fours and spread her pussy lips.

“Fuck me,” she said.

I gave my burgeoning erection several strokes, bringing out a fresh load of slime, then I slid my cock into the commandant’s cunt.

She was wet and tight – definitely not a phallite pussy. I slid in, inch by inch, feeling every bump of the commandant’s cunt muscles pressing against my barely-contained cock. She moaned as I slid in, a sound that was partly pleasure but definitely partly pain.

Next to us, Makala was slowly pumping the second-in-command’s slit. The girl had her head back and was slowly massaging her tits and her clit while Makala slid her substantial meat in and out of her cunt. Makala had her jaw set and I could see it took every ounce of control she had to keep her meat from expanding.

As my stomach bumped into the commandant’s ass, I felt the end of my cock press against the muscular ring of her cervix. She moaned again.

“Too deep,” she said. “Back out.”

I glanced over at Makala. Our eyes locked. It was time for the kill.

I’m not proud of what happened next.

I had been fighting to keep my cock under control, but I stopped fighting at that point. I felt my meat thicken and grow. I kept my stomach pressed against the commandant’s ass.

“I said back out,” she snarled, moaning and trying to pull forward. I grabbed her shoulders and held her next to me as my cock kept growing.

“Stop,” she said, then froze. Inside her, I felt something tear against my cock and I realized I had just ripped her cervix free from her vagina and penetrated her body cavity. I felt a thick, hot stream of blood pour from her cunt around my still-growing cock. I tightened my cock muscles and pushed my meat deeper into her body. I’m not a doctor so I couldn’t name the organs I ruptured as I pressed my cock deeper and deeper into her body, but I could feel the soft, spongy sensation of my cock destroying her insides. She coughed once and a thick streamer of blood poured from her mouth. Still I pushed my cock deeper until I felt it pressing against her throat. She thrashed once, trying one last time to pull herself off my pulsating, thick, purple cock, then it was too late. I drove my cock up into her brain.

She convulsed once and then went slack as I came, unloading thick streamers of slime and semen into her skull. Blood, brain, slime and come poured from her mouth, her nose, her ears. One of her eyes popped out from the pressure and hung down by the optic nerve. Then as my cock gave an extra surge forward, it burst through the top of her head, popping open her skull.

I groaned. I had never killed someone using my cock before and the feeling was horrifying and electrifying all at once. I looked over at Makala. The second-in-command was hanging off her cock, the end of Makala’s bloody meat sticking out from her mouth. She was as dead as her commander.

Bloodlust filled the room. It was awful and awesome all at once. My mother moved over and stood in front of the dead commander’s body.

“We’re not done yet,” she said. She leaned over and spread her asshole, letting her thick anal sheath prolapse out. Seeing my mother’s pink ass gaping in front of me caused my flagging erection to come back to life. The end of my cock still pushed out the top of the commandant’s bloody skull sticking about six inches beyond the crushed cranium. My meat was covered with blood, brain, slime, and semen, but that didn’t seem to bother my mother. She leaned her asshole backwards and slipped it over the gaping end of my cock.

“This bitch was going to vivisect us,” my mother said. “Let’s crush her.”

The gory bloodlust that raced through us was a terrible thing to behold. I reached out and grabbed my mother’s hips on the other end of the commandant’s corpse and pulled her towards me. Olympia appeared in front of my mother and pushed. Slowly my mother slid her asshole down my bloody, gory cock, crushing the corpse of the commandant like an accordion. It was horrible, messy, and gruesome. Broken ribs pushed through the commandant’s skin, then fell out on the floor. Her abdomen cracked open like a crushed watermelon. The organs trailed out of the corpse, hanging down by tendons and tissue.

As the corpse split, Makala disconnected her own cock from the dead second-in-command and came to our side. She reached in and split the commandant’s corpse open with her bare hands. The corpse fell to the floor and I stepped over it as I finally drove my bloody cock all the way into my mother’s asshole.

The orgasm was overwhelming as the end of my bloody meat popped out my mother’s mouth and both of us came simultaneously in a nasty combination of slime, come, and the commandant’s bodily fluids. It was horrifying and amazing all at once. I loved it and hated myself. I hugged my mother to my body as both of our orgasms played out.

As our passion slowed, I slid from my mother’s gaping, blood-covered asshole.

“Alright,” I said to Jenna. “Let’s get the sigil and get the fuck out of here…”

