My boyfriend openly spanked me 25[F] in public

I just turned 25. I’m sure most of you have heard of getting spankings on your birthday to match the age you are turning. This isn’t something new we’ve always done it it just usually if more playful and definitely more private.

So he took me out of town for the weekend. It’s hot outside so I wore shorts and a midriff not thinking anything of the day. The first one came as I was getting in the car, just a playful swat accompanied by my boyfriend saying “One.”. It was innocent enough and they progressively got more and more deviant. I’ll share some of the more memorable ones.

The fourth one came as we checked into our hotel room. Standing at the counter my boyfriend took our room keys before saying thank you and smacking my ass in front of this poor guy. My face I’m sure was bright red as he steered me away, his hand never leaving my butt.

Six and seven happened while I was on the balcony and were loud enough to draw attention from the people walking below. I was barely able to contain my moans with those.

Nine came after lunch as we left the restaurant and was accompanied by him whispering in my ear “You’re such a good girl taking this in front of all these people. I like them knowing you’re mine.”

As the day went on I was on edge. Part of it was the anticipation of when the next smack would come, part of it I was incredibly turned on and the last part was the embarrassment. I was loving it and that alone made me feel dirty.

Eleven was in the aisle of a small grocery store, where the sound seemed to echo off the walls, the sting of which I swear I can still feel now.

Fifteen through twenty, probably the most memorable happened after dinner. I had changed for dinner into a dress that I may have worn to get a rise out of him. It was short, black and form fitting around the hips accompanied by a black thong underneath. We were going back to the hotel when we got into the elevator he told me to put my hands on the railing. He pulled my dress up over my hips and spanked me right in the elevator. The thought that it could stop at any moment and another person would see was thrilling. My thong was soaked as we reach our floor and he secured my dress back down.

The last of my spankings came later in our hotel room and were probably heard in the rooms around us. The rest of the weekend turned out to be just as eventful.
