Kidnapping Chloe (intro) [MMMF] [nc] [bondage]

**This is my first draft, I’m open to all suggestions! Let me know if y’all would like a part 2!**

Chloe felt a tug on her arm. She sluggishly turned her head to the side as Mia motioned to get out of the crowded bar. Chloe followed, as Mia led through a dense cluster of people. Chloe’s head swam and she concentrated on walking in a straight line.

As Chloe stepped out into the brisk night air, she was trying to recount how many drinks she had that night when she was struck with a right hook to the side of her head. She landed hard on her back, ears ringing and vision starting to blur. The last thing Chloe saw was Mia drunkenly walking around the corner on the other side of the block, to drunk to pay any attention to what was happening to her friend right behind her. And just like that, everything went dark.

Chloe woke up with a jolt when the car she was in drove over a pothole. She immediately opened her eyes and started looking around, the details of the night before flooding back to her. She tried sitting up to assess her situation, but quickly realized both her hands and her feet had been tied behind her. There was also another rope tied around her neck, which was secured to a hook in the floor of the car. Her heart dropped as she turned her head to the right to see three large men sitting across from her. She recognized the one on the left to be the bouncer at the bar her and Mia were at, remembering how his gaze lingered over her body before handing back her ID. He must’ve been watching Chloe all night.

“Good morning, princess” the man on the left said in a deep voice, his eyes looking cold and dark. “How did you sleep?

Chloe opened her mouth to scream, but she choked when she realized a dirty rag had been shoved in her mouth and wrapped around the back of her head. It tasted like oil and smelled like grease. She tried screaming again and all that came out was a quiet grumble.

The man on the left laughed at her attempt to cry for help. “Don’t worry honey, soon you won’t have a need for that. We’ll be far enough away from people where you can be as loud as you would like without disturbing anyone.” He started to sneer after he finished speaking and started to inch a little closer.

Chloe tried wiggling out of her bindings with no luck. The man with the dark eyes was right over her before someone hissed “not yet” behind him. He turned around and rolled his eyes at the bouncer.

“Don’t worry, I wasn’t going to do anything” the dark-eyed man said. He slowly moved back to where he was sitting before.

Suddenly, the car came to a stop and the dark-eyed man and the bouncer grabbed Chloe by the arms as they opened the trunk of the car. Chloe realized they had been driving in an old delivery van as she was lifted out of the back. They had stopped in front of a house surrounded by corn fields. There wasn’t another single house in sight. Chloe started to panic. She squirmed and kicked and did everything in her power to be released from her captors’ grips.

All that seemed to do was make them more angry as they proceeded to drag her into the farmhouse. The bouncer looked down at her and grinned, “welcome home honey” he sneered. “If you decide to be a good girl, you will find that living here will certainly satisfy all your needs and more.”

Then, the third man chimed in saying in a low voice, “and if you can’t manage to be a good girl, you’re going to really regret getting drunk last night.” He had a long beard and a thick neck. His muscles bulged against his tight shirt. He winked before helping the other two men untie the rope connecting Chloe’s hands and feet. Any fight she had in her was deterred by the muscles on the men that were holding her body down.

Her wrists were tied again, this time in front of her, and the bouncer started lifting her arms up above her head. Chloe had to stand on the balls of her feet as he lifted her arms higher. She stopped reaching when the tips of her big toes were barely touching the ground and the ropes that bound her wrists were secured to a large hook in the ceiling. Chloe’s shirt had ridden up, exposing her pierced belly button.

The three men took a step back and hungrily stared over her curvy body. Chloe squeezed her eyes shut as tears started falling down her face. The dark-eyed man looked at the other two saying, “well boys, are we ready to break her in?” He took the lead and lunged toward Chloe, the other two men following close behind. Chloe closed her eyes as her muffled screams filled the room.


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