Just Friends [MF] [Straight Sex] [Interracial] [Busty] [Facial] [Oral Sex]

“You guys have to try and work it out,” Drake said as he stared at me on our lunch break. “I can’t have this going on.”

“I have no idea, what’s going on,” I shrugged.

“Work it out, soon!” Drake said, slightly annoyed.

“This weekend, then?” I asked.

“Sure,” Drake said as he walked away from me.

I shook my head, I had no idea why his girlfriend was annoyed with me or had started to ignore me, but I took it as a hint and started ignoring her and avoiding them.

Drake was my work buddy, sure, we hung out sometimes outside of work, but mostly we spent a lot of time together at work mainly because we lived in the same area. We always rode together when it was time to travel out of town or the state.

His girlfriend Bailey was just like me, a workout hog. That’s how I met her, not through him, but at the gym. We went to the same gym and were there twice a day. One day, when some guy was hitting on her, I pretended to be her guy, and she went along with it, and we started talking and exchanging numbers.

It was nothing big; she had a guy at the time, and I was with my ex. We hung out and went on a few double dates, but nothing serious. That’s when Drake came into the picture, Bailey broke up with her ex, and we were all at a party.

Drake is the funny fat guy with the long beard. Instantly Bailey fell for him and started asking me questions about him. She was tired of dating the in shape, muscular guy and wanted to go for the guy with a dad’s body and beard.

That was just over a year and a half, and they had been together since. My ex and I separated mutually. So, I became the token third wheel.

There is one thing about Bailey that everyone notices, She’s a knockout ten on the man scale. No guy that has ever dated Bailey has been the “guy”. It’s always been “You’re Bailey’s man?” with the question mark.

From head to toe, she’s a knockout. Blonde natural hair that goes down to mid-back, green eyes, the perfect lips, knock out body, which she works on daily.

No fast food, no junk food, she might splurge on the holidays with a few drinks and some bar food, but just like me, she is back in the gym hitting it hard the next day.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Drake says, we have to sort this out,” I said as I was over at Drake’s house as he was throwing a basketball party, his team was in the semi-finals, and all of his mates were there, some of them from work.

“Yeah,” Bailey said as she stared up at me.

Bailey is five foot three, and I am six-foot-seven, so she always stares up at me, and we always look funny when we stand together.

We were outside of the house on his deck. Multiple times Drake had asked Bailey to move in with him, and she always said no. She liked where she lived, and she wasn’t ready for that type of commitment just yet.

“So, what’s going on?” I asked.

We had a few arguments over the time we knew each other, and most of the time, it took a few weeks, and we were back talking to each other.

Bailey crossed her arms over her impressive chest as she stood in front of me.

“Look, you promise not to make this weird, or make a big deal out of it?” Bailey said as she stared up at me. “And promise not to tell Drake or any of the others?”

“Of course,” I nodded.

She shook her head and sighed again. “I dreamt of you,” Bailey shrugged.

“Okay,” I shrugged. “We’ve been best buds, for nearly three years now, I have dreamt of you, what’s the big deal?”

“No, not like best buds dream, I mean dreamt, like the other kind,” Bailey said.

It took a minute for the light bulb over my head to turn on, but when it did, “Shit,” I said.

“Yeah, and if that’s not bad enough,” Bailey said as she looked through the sliding glass doors to ensure Drake was still sitting on the couch. “I thought of you, while, you know,” she motioned towards Drake.

“No!” I shouted.

“Shut up!” Bailey said as she punched me.

“That’s not good,” I said, shaking my head.

“No shit,” Bailey said.

“Why?” I asked.

“I don’t know, it just happened,” Bailey shrugged.

We had been friends for three years, been on vacations, and went to Vegas together, but we were never intimate. I can say for a certain surety that I had never thought of Bailey other than a friend.

Sure, the first time I saw her, I had some thoughts, but the moment she stated that she never dated outside of her ethnicity, all of that went out the window. She was just Bailey.

“But you,” I started to say.

“Davon Daniels,” Bailey said as she stared at me.

I knew she was serious when she called me by my full name. “Sorry,” I nodded.

“I know what you were going to say so zip it, I know, what I said before and like I said, I don’t know why it happened or did happen, but it did, and still happens,” Bailey said, shaking her head.

“Still?” I asked.

“Last night and the night before,” Bailey said, shaking her head as she stared inside. “He can’t know, alright?”

“Definitely not,” I nodded.

“No one else knows,” Bailey said as she looked at me sternly. “So, if this gets out, I know who to blame.”

I nodded. “So, what now?” I asked.

“Nothing, like I said, not a big deal, it will blow over,” Bailey said as she grabbed the door handle. “We good?”

“Yeah,” I nodded.

Bailey returned to her place with her boyfriend, and I went back to my corner, drinking, trying to pretend that I didn’t hear what I heard.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Thank you,” Drake said a week later.

“For what?” I asked as we worked on our project.

“Bailey told me, you guys worked things out,” Drake said.

“Yeah, no big deal,” I said, “Just a misunderstanding, you know how things are between friends.”

Drake nodded, but I could tell something was up.

“What?” I asked.

“That obvious, huh?” Drake asked.

I pulled him to the side and stared at him. “What?”

“Promise not to tell the others,” Drake said as he stared at the other guys.

“Definitely not,” I nodded. Drake was the only one of these idiots I talked to regularly. I saw it as a job. We came to do a project, knocked it out, and went our separate ways.

“It’s Bailey, she’s been acting weird lately,” Drake said as he shifted as he stood. “Like really weird,” he said as he stared back at the others.

“Spit it out,” I said.

“I know she doesn’t you know,” Drake said.

I nodded. Bailey didn’t like Oral sex. To say she hated it was an understatement in all caps. It was the one thing she told every guy she dated if it went past the dating stage. Which had given her the dubious reputation of being a cock tease or a prude.

“Yup,” I nodded.

“But now it’s everything,” Drake said. “We haven’t been together in over a month, and she never sleeps over anymore.”

“Did you ask her about it?” I asked.

“She just says it’s a phase and she’s going through some things, so be patient,” Drake said, taking off his hard hat, which on a job site was a huge no. I quickly motioned for him to put it back on his head. “She gave me a fucking handy to make me feel better, a fucking hand job.”

I felt sorry for him, but I didn’t know what to say. “I mean, I can’t go up to her and ask her, that’s between you guys,” I shrugged.

“I know,” Drake said. “You think there is some other guy?”

“Dude, she’s a fucking nurse, she works out like every fucking day, and when she’s not,” I said.

“I know,” Drake nodded.

Bailey barely had time in her schedule for one relationship, let alone two separate ones.

“Tell you what,” I said as we returned to our spots. “I will poke around and see what’s going on, see if there is something troubling her, then I will let you know, cool?”

“Thanks man,” Drake said.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Fuck no!” I yelled as I spoke to Kelsi, Bailey’s co-worker, over the phone.

“I am telling you,” Kelsi said. “She’s been daydreaming and messing things up pretty badly.”

Bailey was usually the rock at her workplace. She was the one others leaned on to get shit done. So, when Kelsi called me and asked if I knew what was bothering her friend, I was shocked to hear about it.

“She was up for a promotion, but she messed up bad last week, with some reports and I don’t know,” Kelsi said, shaking her head.

Kelsi was the person that always video-called people. Not once had she regular called me or texted me.

“You’re her closest friend, talk to her or she’s going to lose everything she’s worked for, seriously.”

“Damn it,” I said.

Bailey had worked hard for that promotion. She was putting it in multiple overtime shifts and working on her days off. This behavior was not at all what I expected.

“I got it,” I nodded.

“Seriously, soon,” Kelsi said. “I tried to talk to her, but you know how she gets.”

“Don’t, she will cut you off quicker than a butter through knife,” I said, shaking my head.

We hung up, and I immediately called my boss and told him I had an emergency and had to return home. He understood as I never called him to get out of work. He told me he would arrange for a ride home for Drake.

I texted Drake and told him I was going home to handle stuff. And I left it at that. Even when he tried to question it, I didn’t reply.

I made a beeline for Bailey’s house and waited outside until I saw her car pull up.

“Fuck me,” Bailey said as I walked up to her. “You nearly got shot, don’t sneak up on me like that!”

“We need to talk,” I said.

“Fine, inside,” Bailey said.

I told her about my discussion with Kelsi and Drake and asked her what was happening.

“They need to let shit go,” Bailey said. “I have it under control.”

“Really?” I asked as I looked around her house.

Usually, this place was immaculate, like you could eat off the tile floors clean. Now there were scrubs on the floor, energy drinks everywhere. Fast food containers, half-open and half-eaten.

“Drop it, alright!” Bailey said.

“Nope!” I said, folding my arms.

Just like her calling me by my full name, she knew I wasn’t backing down when I gave her the look.

Bailey stood up. “I am trying not to sleep,” she shrugged.

“What?” I asked. “You know what sleep deprivation does, why would you do that?”

“Because when I go to sleep, we have sex,” Bailey said. “And not the wham, bam, thank you ma’am kind of sex.”

“Oh,” I said.

“No, not, just oh,” Bailey said. “It’s worse.”

I sat back and stared up at her. Bailey sighed again. “I,” she shook her head. “I do that thing, that I don’t like,” Bailey said, folding her arms.

“Woah,” I said as I stood up.

“No, you don’t get it,” Bailey said as she followed behind me. “Like I really do it, I mean full on head bob, throating, everything, and guess what, I liked it!”

“Well, it’s just a dream, we can take you to a therapist or one of those people that put you to sleep and they….” I started to say.

“Davon!” Bailey screamed, not yelled, but screamed so loud that it shocked me.

I turned to face her.

“You are not getting it,” Bailed said. “I am not saying I liked it, in my dream, I am saying I liked my dream.”

I stood still and then slowly sat down.

Bailey sat next to me. “Say something,” she said.

“What do you want me to say,” I shrugged.

“I don’t know,” Bailey said as she grabbed my hand and held it. “Why do you think I am trying to stay awake? I am scared.”

“No,” I said, holding her hand in mine. “No,” I pulled her head towards my chest. “Never be scared, it’s fine.”

“How? I like you, you don’t like me, and there’s Drake and….” Bailey said.

“First and foremost, sleep,” I nodded. “I will clean this mess up and when you wake up, we will talk,” I said.

“You sure?” Bailey asked.

“Positive,” I nodded.

I went upstairs with her and made sure she went to bed. Then I went like a crazy person and started cleaning. I called Kelsi and asked if she knew someone that could cover Bailey’s shift. She was happy to oblige once I told her I was fixing things.

It took most of the night to get the place back to what it was supposed to be. She had a mess everywhere.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~

“Davon!” Bailey shouted as she woke me.

“Shit, what time is it?” I asked.

“Ten,” Bailey said as she smiled at me.

“Fuck,” I said.

“I called Drake,” Bailey nodded.

“And?” I asked.

“Told him it was over, that I had to move on,” Bailey nodded. “It was the right thing to do.”

I nodded along with her. I looked at my phone at a long stream of missed angry text messages. “Yeah,” I nodded. “He blames me.”

“I didn’t tell him,” Bailey said.

“He is blowing off steam,” I said as I read them. On a few of them, he called me names he would never do in person. But as they got to the end, he started apologizing.

“I should call him,” Bailey said.

“Nope, I will,” I nodded.

I got up and went outside on her porch. The conversation was quick. I told Drake that I wasn’t the one that told her to dump him, but she had to do what was right for her. I mentioned everything going on at her job and how she was losing sleep. I didn’t say why, but in the end, he got it.

I felt bad for holding the truth back, but I figured Bailey and I had to figure out what was happening between us before I could tell him.

“So,” Bailey said as she stood before me in her jogging attire.

“Sounds good to me,” I said as I went to my truck and got my gear.

We always thought better after a run. We drove to the park and started jogging as a warm-up, then it was a full sprint through the natural hiking area. We usually ended it there, but we started going higher into the mountains.

We were both sweaty and breathing heavily before we stopped.

“So,” I said.

“Yeah,” Bailey smiled. “Me either,” she shook her head.

“Thought as much,” I nodded.

We hadn’t spoken the whole time, I had been thinking of anything to say about what was going on, and I was sure she had as well.

Then it happened, I don’t know who initiated it, but we kissed. Then it was a longer kiss, and then Bailey was up in my arms with her legs wrapped around my waist and my arms around her body.

Luckily there was no one around us at the time because they would have seen us, as she quickly pulled my pants down and before I could count to three, her mouth was on my cock.

“Holy fuck!” I said as I looked around the woody area.

“I take it, that’s a good thing,” Bailey said as she sucked on my dick.

“Definitely,” I said.

For a woman that didn’t like giving oral sex, Bailey was really good at it.

“Practice in my sleep,” Bailey said as she took my dick deep into her mouth.

“Pays off,” I nodded.

“But, that’s not what I want,” Bailey said as she stood up.

Bailey braced herself against a tree as she pulled down her tight black shorts.

I grabbed her hips and pushed inside of her. “Fuck yes,” I yelled.

Bailey’s tight hole gripped my cock hard. As I pushed into her, I pulled back on her blonde hair as I fucked her in the woods. Our bodies slapped against each other as we both moaned deeply.

I moved my hands around and felt her large breasts cupped in her sports bra.

“Keep doing that,” Bailey said as I squeezed her breasts.

“Which one?” I asked as I fucked her harder. “That,” I said, squeezing her tits harder. “Or that?”

“Both,” Bailey said as she pushed back onto me.

Bailey’s pert ass bounced off me as I fucked her. I was sure I could hear other hikers in the distance, probably on another one of the many trails that went through here.

I couldn’t care about them. I couldn’t care less if Drake himself popped out from behind one of the trees. I was deep inside a woman who was beyond my reach before today.

“Harder,” Bailey said as she took her hands off the tree and held my hands on her breasts. I squeezed them harder.

“Yes,” Bailey yelled as she started to buck backwards onto me.

Another thought entered my head as I fucked her. Drake had always complained to me and the other guys that Bailey never once allowed him to fuck her raw, not even if he vowed that he would pull out.

When I mentioned it to her one day while we were drinking, she said she never allowed any guy she had ever been with to fuck her that way.

Here I was, my first time with Bailey, and I was fucking her raw, in the woods, in public, another thing she said she would never do.

“What are you thinking about?” Bailey asked as she looked back at me.

“How can you tell,” I said with a smile.

“Your dick just throbbed, and you have a smile on your face,” Bailey smiled.

I quickly told her, and she smiled back at me. “That’s not the only thing,” Bailey said as she got down onto her knees. “Cum on my face,” Bailey said.

I was shocked. Bailey said that cumming on a woman’s face was only something that happened in porn and that it would never happen to her.

“What have you done with my Bailey?” I asked as I jerked off and aimed my cock at her face.

“You haven’t made me yours yet,” Bailey said as my cum shots landed all over her face.

Bailey wiped her face with one of the sweat towels we carried while we walked back the mountain hand in hand. She told me that she always had that side to her but never met someone she was comfortable with to show it.

“Face it,” Bailey said as we returned to my truck. “If I came out with all that stuff, guys would think I was a whore, right?”

At first, I wanted to disagree, but I heard the guy talk around the gym whenever they thought I wasn’t listening. Not only did they think she was a cock tease and a prude, some thought she was putting on a front, and secretly she had slept with a hundred guys or more, I usually quickly put them in their place, but still, I knew how guys thought, if Bailey shut them down, then there had to be a reason other than she wasn’t interested.

“Drake would have loved it,” I shrugged.

“No offense to your buddy,” Bailey said as she put her feet on my dash. “You lasted twice as long as he ever did,” she shrugged. “Wait, what has he told you?”

I told her everything about what he said and thought. Bailey laughed.

“We’ve been together for a year and a half,” Bailey said. “We have had nine seven times, not nine all night times, nine times in total,” Bailey said. “Why? Because he cums immediately, insertion, burst, every time.”

“Then why did you stay with him?” I asked.

“Truthfully? I like the beard, and he is good with his tongue,” Bailey shrugged.

I shook my head. “Matt?” I asked as I mentioned her other ex.

“Bad tongue, good cock,” Bailey shrugged. “Jeff, horrible kisser, nothing else, should I go on?”

“No,” I shook my head.

“What about Grace?” Bailey asked about my ex.

“Horrible everything,” I shook my head.

“No,” Bailey said. “She said sex with you was great.”

“For her,” I shook my head. “She didn’t like her hair pulled.”

“Because it was fake,” Bailey said. “You know how black women are with their hair,” Bailey smiled.

“She sucked at blow jobs,” I said.

“She said she was the best and could teach me,” Bailey said.

“You could teach her,” I smiled.

We talked about many things until we ended up outside Drake’s house. We both sighed as we opened the doors to my truck and got out.

“You sure he’s home?” Bailey asked.

“Oh yeah,” I nodded. Drake’s car was still outside, and the four-wheeler wasn’t gone. Usually, the first thing he did was take the four-wheeler out for a beer run.

“You know, he’s probably going to shoot us both,” Bailey said as we walked to the back door.

Drake saw a show where everyone used the back door of someone’s house. Since then, he wanted everyone to go to the back door.

“Figured,” Drake said, sitting on his deck as we both started climbing the stairs. He took out two more beers and put them on the table. “Let’s hear it, then.”

We sat and told him everything except today’s adventure in the woods. For a while, he was just silent. “Fuck it,” he shrugged as he popped open another beer. “To the best of you,” he said. “Now get the fuck away from me.”

I nodded as I stood up.

“Your two weeks will be in on Monday, right?” Drake asked as I walked away.

“Sure,” I nodded.

“Thank you,” Drake said.

It was the least I could do; I wouldn’t want to be around the other guys if one of my co-workers stole my girlfriend. They would never let it go.

Even though she had broken up with him, it still felt like I cheated with his girlfriend.

“So, what now?” I asked as I pulled away from his house.

“Oh, I can think of a few things,” Bailey said with a huge smile.

“Well, let’s get to them,” I said as I rolled down my windows.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Bailey and I were meant for each other. We loved working out together. She got her promotion quickly after we moved in together, which took less than a month.

I got a better job at a local sight; it paid a lot more, and I had to do a lot less. No more travelling, which was good because, in bed, we were inseparable.

Drake even came around to us being together. Of course, it was after he got with Kelsi, the two of them hit it off as well, which was surprising because she was a city girl, and he was a country boy. I was shocked one day when Drake showed up at my house with a clean shave. I had never seen him without a beard.

We became better friends afterwards. It was like that saying that things happen for a reason, and I had to admit it was true.

“So,” Bailey said as we returned to our hotel room after getting married in Vegas.

“Another thing off your list,” I said.

“Yup,” Bailey said with a smile.

“Now, to take something off yours,” Bailey said. “Which I know, you’ve been thinking about, for a long time.”

“What’s that?” I asked.

“You’ll see,” Bailey said as she sat me down on the edge of the bed.

Bailey turned on some stripper music and proceeded to strip in front of me.

“I like where this is going so far,” I smiled as I took off my clothes.

“Hold on,” Bailey said as she pushed me back on the bed. “Not done yet,” she smiled.

The last thing to come off was her panties; as she pulled them off, she slowly turned around.

“It that?” I said, staring at her ass.

“Yup,” Bailey said as she bent all the way over.

I stared at the jeweled end of a butt plug. “Has it?”

“Been in there since this morning,” Bailey nodded. “Can you think of something to replace it?” Bailey teased as she looked back at my hard cock.

“Oh definitely,” I nodded as I grabbed her by the waist and pushed her onto the bed.

As I said, we were meant for each other.



***Author’s Note: This story as well as many other of my stories are on my other pages, the links to which can be found*** [***here***](https://www.reddit.com/user/Shadowforce2/comments/slx1o1/just_as_a_reminder/)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/vj38o4/just_friends_mf_straight_sex_interracial_busty