Huntress and Prey (MF, BDSM)

It’s been a long night and this event is starting to annoy me. Most here are friendly enough but not my usual interest. I make my way towards the door when my eye connects with a gentleman dressed in a nice suit. Holding eye contact only for just a few seconds, his posture instantly tells me he is prey. And just like that this event has become something of interest.

I walk around the room making casual chat with people I know. For now things are kept to the weather so to keep polite but interesting. I stalk my prey with my eyes as conversations with some people are becoming boring. He’s still watching me here and there with glances as if he wants to run but curiosity has gotten the better of him.

I shake the hand of someone new and pay attention to his investment information. He’ll be interesting in projects to come but I don’t find his bold boastfulness interesting. I make sure to introduce this person to the right people in my business and move on. I can’t be impolite while I stalk my prey now can I.

Half way through the crowd I find I have lost track of my prey. Something I am not happy about but I keep a poker face. It is my close friend who notices in my stance something is up.

“Hunting again? Bet I know who it is.” She says with a grin of mischief.

“Maybe…what do you expect during one of these vanilla events? I’m trying hard not to let my mind numb about how nice the weather is.” I take a sip of my champagne just so I can scan the room again.

“Part of networking and growing dear. How else are we going to reinvest what we have made and continue to paint the town red whenever we want.” She nudges me and glances at the back of the room. “He’s prey alright but from the looks of him…he won’t be easy.”

“Girl, you better stop it. That one triggers enough of the hunt that I was to chase him now. Did you set this up as a test to see just how much control I can keep?”

“Darling, I didn’t set up the invite list. But I know who did. And yes I know him. I just won’t spoil the hunt for you.”

“Thank you for confirming he’s prey. It’s a vanilla and business event…I will play nice. It’s the play party I wonder if he is attending.” I slip off my friend’s arm knowing all I need to for now.

There he goes again making the rounds to people it seems he knows. The evening is drawn out in an elegance dance of introductions and polite chatter. I’ve lost track of time in this dance yet I have made enough strategic connections tonight that I am finally happy enough to find a quiet booth to rest.

“Miss, may I keep you company?” I glance up right in the eyes of my prey and grin like a Cheshire cat.

“You may for as long as I choose to sit.” He sits not in the booth but next to me on a separate stool which puts him in a slightly lower position to sit than me.

“Thank you. How are you enjoying today?” Something in the way he asks and his posture has me answer honestly.

“Well, until you walked in, I found it just a bit boring. May I ask what brings you here late?” I made it a point to put a little harsher tone with “late” just to see if his submissive side would react.

“Technically I am an hour early. See, I know your friend’s partner and was invited to dinner and fun after this event.” Oh really now. I can tell by the mischievous smile and his open posture that he isn’t scared. But the quiver of his knee tells me he is also nervous.

“Hmmm, I will have to thank them both for delivering such interesting prey to this evening’s plans.” I’m shocked at just how easily those words were said from my own mouth and straighten up in my seat.

“This chase has been enjoyable tonight. May we continue with a drink and see what else we connect with, Miss?”…

To be continued
