Tinder works in mysterious ways [FMF]

***disclaimer: English is not my native language so forgive grammatical errors please***

Apparently my intro got a bit longer then I expected so for the guys and girls only interested in the real sexy parts, scroll down to the ***

I should probably first set the scene. Last year a ladyfriend of mine wanted to to strip through Spain and I was happy to tag along. About a week in our trip we split up. She would go meet some friends and I went for some rock climbing with a buddy. Our first hike lasted exactly 30 minutes and ended up at the emergency room. I kid you not. My buddy fell, even before reaching the climb, and dislocated his shoulder. So there I was, back in this medieval Spanish city flying solo after dropping him off at the hospital.

With no plan what so ever and a whole night in front of me I decided to go and have a drink. After about 2.5 minutes alone at the bar I was bored to my core and decided to give the ole’ Tinder a swipe or 2. It had been years since I used the app but figured it would be a fun way to kill time before bed.

There I was swiping left and right when from outta nowhere this voice asks me: “are you lucky?”. I turn around and there’s this Spanish girl sitting next to me at the bar. A gentle smile, this beautiful sun colored skin, black, thick hair and a ring through her nose. She was cute. Not the most beautiful girl in the world but cute. She had this alternative, sexy vibe going on with a colorful long skirt, a tanktop and a shitload of bracelets on her arm. She had a tattoo in her cleavage that my eyes kept focusing on. At that time I also noticed her nipples through the shirt. Obviously she was wearing no bra and I could see the shape of her beautiful small tits and nipples perfectly.

She repeated her question: “so, are you lucky?” 10.000 answers went though my head but apparently the one my brain chose was: “not really but I don’t mind, I’m not really looking actually…” yeah I know…

So I asked her what she’s doing here and apparently “are you lucky” was the only English she knew. And since my Spanish is about as useful as a chocolate teapot you can imagine how that conversation went. After about 20 minutes of awkward hands, feet and all other body parts being used to make conversation, in walks this girl. She walks over to us, greets my new friend and looks at me funny clearly thinking: who’s this guy.

Apparently the both of them planned to meet up and have drinks but the second girl was late so the first one started talking to me to kill the time. For the sake of the story I will name the cleavage tattoo girl Lisa and the second girl Maria.

Now Maria was something else. Where Lisa was this cute girl next door, Maria was the girl every guy fantasized about in bed. She wore these high black leather boots with jeans shorts and stockings underneath. A Motörhead tshirt was torn and hang of one shoulder showing her red bra underneath. She had obviously fake, dark blonde hair (the yellow ish kind), dark red lipstick and fake, long Matt black nails. I remember those… She had this sexy and slutty thing going on but not in a vulgair way.

After looking at me and probably asking Lisa who I was, Maria looks at me and asks me: “who are you”. I explain my entire situation and behold, she understood everything I had said. Maria spoke English and would be the interpreter for the rest of the evening. A get together for 2 girls became a fun night out with the 3 of us. And drinks came and went fast…

Although I liked Maria more for her looks, because of the extensive 20min history I had with Lisa I was more invested in her. We talked, for some periods I had my hand on her side pulling her in when I wanted to say something, her hand would linger on my back when she passed to go to the toilet,… you get the idea.

At last call it was obvious Lisa and I were going home together. When Maria went to the toilet Lisa made clear she would “get rid” of Maria and we’d go to my place for a night cap. Since I didn’t wanna be there for that conversation I faked a toilet visit as soon as Maria returned. To my surprise Maria was still there upon my return. Apparently they both decided the night was young and they would both join me for a nightcap.

Upon arriving at my rental appartement I got busy in the kitchen making us some cocktails with the liquor I bought at a night shop. I could hear Lisa and Maria discussing on music.


Next thing Maria walks in the kitchen and comes up to me asking what I see in Lisa. I’m kinda dazzled and say something in the words of “I don’t know, she’s fun”. She comes even closer, her face is now inches away from mine regarding she’s a foot smaller then I am. She looks up and asks me what I see in her. I start my sentence with the wonderful “eh” and before I can voice another word she kisses me on the mouth. Softly biting my lower lip and licking my mouth when she’s done. She smiles as she walks away and I could hear her say “I got my answer”.

Part two follows shortly 😉

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/vhrigl/tinder_works_in_mysterious_ways_fmf