Supergirl vs Superwoman: Part 1 (M/F, F/F, oral, non-con, choking)

(New story, definitely a bit of a slowburn and room to do more. Lots of story to this one, but hopefully people appreciate it and how it builds to the smut!

If you want to talk about potential ideas for part 2 or another story drop me a message (M4F) thanks.)


“Everyone, once again give it up for National City’s hero. Supergirl!”

The crowd exploded with cheers and clapping as the Mayor finished his speech. What had it been this time, saving a plane from crashing on the outskirts of the city? Foiling another robbery? A break in at LexCorp labs? Rose looked through her thin spectacles at Supergirl soaking in the cheers. A goddess amongst mortals she thought to herself with a smile, she figured Supergirl must be around the same age as her, mid twenties, she bet she never had to put up with any of the same problems Rose had. Mediocre job, mediocre partners, mediocre life… She snapped out of it, she was supposed to be making notes. The latest fluff piece for the National City Enquirer, she didn’t even get to write any of the fun stuff (even though she knew she would be good at it) no sexy scandals, it was mainly “City loves Supergirl” level crap to fill the page count. Rose was a mousy redhead, potentially attractive but with no real style or confidence. Just another face in the crowd of people cheering on the city’s greatest hero. To an outsider she looked just as mediocre as she felt about her job, partners and life. But that would change soon.

“So, how did I do?” Kara had landed through the skylight window of her apartment with Lena and Alex waiting to greet her. She stood there in her Supergirl costume, looking every inch the pristine, invulnerable superheroine everyone thought she was.
“Could have used more smiling and waving” Lena deadpanned from the sofa,not looking up from her copy of the Enquirer.
“Oh don’t listen to her. You were great as always, the people love you.” Alex replied giving her sister a hug.
Kara quickly changed from her costume into more casual clothes, jeans and a T-shirt and they headed out for some lunch bantering back and forth. Kara had good friends, an adoring public, a great job (that had been kind enough to give her the afternoon off) and not a worry in the world. But, that was soon to change.

Later they sat over lunch discussing life, Alex and Lena questioned Kara about the man at her work that she had been crushing on. “No news there I’m afraid.” Kara said with a sigh. “By the way what was the award for this time? Another cat rescued from a tree?” Lena teased. “Plane crash averted this time. Hundreds saved. Just another day at the office.” Kara replied with a wink. It was strange Lena thought to herself, Kara was so powerful, able to do impossible things like it was nothing, but she got so shy and nervous when it came to talking about men. Probably one of the reasons she never asked Lena any questions about her love life, it would positively scandalise her.

Alex asked about plans that coming weekend and as Kara listened suddenly a loud sharp ringing started in her ear. She cringed, it was loud enough to be slightly painful, she could see a dog barking. It must be at a frequency only they could pick up. Then a voice started. “Supergirl, apologies for the theatrics but it’s not like you have a phone number I can call or an email I can write to. I’m assured you’ll be able to hear this message. This is Lex Luthor and I have a proposition for you. No tricks, nothing to be concerned about I promise. Come up to LexCorp tower later tonight around 7pm. I have a business proposal that could make you, or a charity of your choice very rich.” Kara’s ears were ringing as the sound disappeared. “Kara-Kara, hello. Were you listening to a word I was saying.” Alex was getting her attention. Lena was shouting at the table next to them to shut the dog up. Kara debated telling them about what had just happened, with Lex you never knew what he was up to, but decided not to. Mentioning Lex around Lena wasn’t always a good idea and Alex would only worry. Besides she could look after herself, she was Supergirl after all.


Supergirl flew through the air surveying the city below. Her city. She had a pretty tight hold on crime these days she thought to herself, criminals still tried things all the time but she felt in control of most things. There were still supervillains, but time had shown that even if she lost a few battles here and there she would always come out on top. She spotted something on the street below, a mugging. She flew down to see what she could do, in short order taking out the mugger and returning the bag to the red headed young woman that had been hassled. “You know miss, you really should be careful walking around here on your own” she said before giving her a taste of her winning smile and flying off. It had been Rose the journalist who had been in the middle of being mugged, Supergirl’s line about walking alone had meant to be friendly advice. Rose didn’t take it that way, as she watched the gorgeous heroine fly away Rose muttered “condescending bitch” and then gave her mugger a quick kick before moving on.

Supergirl returned to the skies, glad to have helped another of the city’s citizens. She closed in on LexCorp tower and could see Lex in his penthouse office, balcony doors open, waiting for her.

She landed inside the penthouse, cape fluttering in the wind. Instantly she was on alert and quickly surveyed the room with her super vision for surprises. No lead, no one hiding behind a secret door, no surprise weapons. Just Lex and his shiteating grin. “Hello Supergirl, I really didn’t think you’d come.”
Supergirl’s face didn’t crack a smile, “After that stunt today I should put you through a wall. Never do that again Lex.”
“Noted” replied Lex with a smile. “But before you put me through the wall can I offer you a drink. Tea? Water? Soda? We have the new line of Lex Cola just in.” Supergirl started to let her guard down. She didn’t trust Lex, since LexCorp had moved into National City there had been several times she had been sure Lex was funding crime within the city. Kal had always warned her not to trust him too. She accepted a tea and within moments Mercy Graves entered the room with her drink. She scanned it with her super vision. “Just milk and water I promise.” Lex said to her with a chuckle. She took a sip and let him talk through his proposal.

It was simple, she was National City’s greatest hero, he was the city’s greatest business mind, why not team up. In essence become a sponsored hero, a corporate superheroine. Supergirl cringed at the thought but let him continue. “I mean what do you do all day when you’re not saving cats out of trees? Come do some work with me.” He didn’t elaborate on what type of work and Supergirl soon found herself standing up and getting ready to leave. The money was astronomical, but the damage her reputation would receive from working with Lex was far from worth it. She politely but firmly turned the offer down. For the first time Lex’s mask slipped. “You know if you don’t someone else will, you’ll have some competition.” Supergirl laughed lightly “If you can find someone, I can always use the help Lex. Thank you for the tea but it’s a no.” Then she turned her eyes towards his desk and let out a short burst of heat vision. Lex could see she had melted the device he had used to contact her earlier in the day. She flew off giving him a little wave, wearing her own shit eating grin this time.

Lex watched her fly away as Mercy approached. “Looks like it worked boss” she said. Lex looked down at the tea cup and ordered her to take it down to the lab. With any luck Supergirl would have left just enough DNA on the cup for their purposes. If he couldn’t buy Supergirl, he would make his own.


Weeks later Rose made her way into the lobby of LexCorp tower, she had forced her way through the crowds outside, gawking at Supergirl flying overhead. God, she was sick of the sight of her, Rose thought to herself. But today things were going to be different, Lex Luthor himself had reached out with an opportunity, she didn’t know exactly what the job would entail but she was pretty much ready to accept whatever he offered.

She had to wait for an hour in the lobby before being allowed up to the penthouse office, via private elevator. Lex took a look at her, crumpled pants suit, mess of red hair, glasses, a few pounds overweight, short. She was perfect. He explained to Rose what he was offering. It was a job at LexCorp and an opportunity, one filled with risk but if it paid off she would be rewarded handsomely. She was intrigued and he took her down the private elevator to the LexCorp lab and explained further. Lex was looking for a new superhero under the LexCorp banner, existing heroes had rejected him but with the science he had at his disposal he would create his own. He wanted Rose to be that hero. “But why me?” she asked. Of all the people to respond to LexCorp’s ad she had turned out to be the best candidate. He explained he had looked into her background and everything screamed “wasted potential.” He explained they would give her powers that would surpass Supergirl’s own powers. She would be the superheroine this city truly deserved. He was about to tell her to think it over but she excitedly agreed to it there and then.

Lex and his scientists had been able to recreate Supergirl’s powers from a small amount of saliva left on her tea cup. “Science is amazing, isn’t it?” he asked with a grin. He explained it got even better, somehow they had reverse engineered things, using a small amount of kryptonite they had been able to add an immunity to kryptonite to the powers. The powers themselves would be at least twice as strong as Supergirl’s. All Rose had to do was to survive the procedure. It had not been tested on any humans and in truth Lex thought many would die before it fully worked, but he didn’t tell Rose that.

“Mr Luthor, this might be the start of a beautiful partnership” said Rose as she shook his hand.


Later on Lex leant back in his chair watching the skyline, whiskey in hand. Soon he would have his own super powered toy to order around, he would destroy Supergirl and take over the city. The procedure was tomorrow, the girl hadn’t even asked for any money, so delighted at the idea of having all that power. He couldn’t wait to see how it would go.


Rose fucked herself with her vibrator, fantasising about Lex, about Supergirl, about all that power. Tomorrow she would finally become somebody, her dingy apartment would become a thing of the past. She would dominate that perfect blonde bitch. She felt herself cumming as she thought more about slapping Supergirl around…


Kara had been walked home by her date, the handsome man from her office. She was kicking herself for not asking him in, she’d had a lovely night and felt a connection with him, but not even a kiss. She knew men (and women) fantasised about her as Supergirl all the time, she had closed down more than one porno parody in her time, but she struggled to find that same sexiness and confidence when she was just Kara. Tomorrow was a new day though, she thought to herself.


Rose arrived at the LexCorp tower through a secret entrance (all the better to for deniability on Lex’s part of things went wrong) and prepared. She was dressed in hospital whites as she was taken into the room, it a complicated procedure that involved strapping her down in a chair in a specially designed room. Lex wished her luck as the work began.


Across town Kara and Lena watched as the cities newest bank was opened, Kara was there on assignment, a quick fluff piece for CatCo on the new bank followed by an interview with its owner. One of her questions was to do with the security, hypes as being as secure as it gets. She hoped so one less bank to worry about when the inevitable robberies were attempted. As the speech drones on Lena asked Kara about her date the previous night, each question making Kara more uncomfortable, something Lena seemed to enjoy. Suddenly an explosion rocked the bank. “Saved by the bell” Kara thought to herself. “So much for that security” Lena grinned to herself. She looked to her side and realised Kara was already gone, ducking out to change into Supergirl.


In the LexCorp lab the power surged, scientists ran around in a panic, Rose screamed. Lex simply stared at her. Scientists shouted that they were losing her, vital signs dropped. Rose stopped screaming, her head fell. Silence. Then her eyes started to glow red.

An explosion occurred in the room, smoke filled it. As it cleared Rose was hovering above the floor. Taller, slimmer, sexier and much, much stronger. “It worked” Lex finally said out loud with a smile on his face.


Supergirl flew straight into the bank to see what had caused the explosion, not even bothering to scan ahead with her super vision. Whatever it had been she was going to be able to handle. “Stand back” she ordered a crowd of onlookers as she walked in, putting out fires with her frost breath. “Hello? Is anyone hurt?” she asked. Then she saw him, the reason for the explosion right in front of her, her heart skipped a beat as she slowly recognised him. John Corbin, aka Metallo. The man with the kryptonite heart.

Through the smoke she started to see a green glow get stronger as he moved towards her.


“How do you feel Rose?” Lex asked.
“Taller” she replied, looking at herself in awe. Lex clicked his fingers and a scientist brought out a metal briefcase, he opened it. Within it was a costume, all black spandex, cape, S shield in the centre. Lex explained he had saved this as a gift for her “try it on, Superwoman.” She smiled and quickly changed into it in front of the entire lab, brushing her red hair out of her face. Now perfect following her transformation.

Lex smile and then asked “how do you feel about heading out there and taking your powers out for a spin? Word is there’s trouble at the bank opening. Might be a great place to debut the city’s newest heroine. Superwoman smiled and in a flash was gone. She was certainly as fast if not faster than Supergirl, Lex thought to himself, but how would her other powers perform?


Supergirl had faces Metallo before and lost, in no time at all she felt her legs quiver with weakness. The kryptonite slowed her down, hurt her and made her weak at the knees. She turned to try and exit the same way she came in but Metallo grabbed her cape and pulled her close to him in a bearhug. Kryptonite pressed against her back. She cried out, too weak to break the hold.

Through the fog of the kryptonite she heard him mutter about how much he had been paid to do this, how much he enjoyed taking her down a peg. Then she heard him talk about how he was going to “fuck her, right here in front of the world.” Even through the fog of the kryptonite that got through and she panicked, she could feel how hard his cock was through his jeans, pressed against her ass. She get his hand start to explore her body, over her abs and then roughly squeezing one of her tits through her costume. She tried to power up her heat vision, but it fizzled out almost instantly, she struggled weakly against the now one handed bear hug but still couldn’t break free. All she could do was weakly say “no” quietly pleading with him to let her go.

He let her go and she couldn’t keep her footing, she fell forward onto all fours, she began to crawl but he grabbed her leg and pulled her back towards him. Her overconfidence had cost her, let him get in too close before she even realised the trouble she was in. Metallo grabbed her skirt and started to pull it down. Then suddenly he was hit with a burst of heat vision, someone else’s heat vision.

Metallo dropped Supergirl and quickly put his attentions towards his next opponent. Superwoman. Her powers may have been new but they made short work of Metallo, she knocked him away from Supergirl and smashed him over and over before pulling the kryptonite from his body. She quickly threw it far from Supergirl and knocked Metallo out with one last powerful punch.

Superwoman approached the downed Supergirl, through the fog of the kryptonite (which was starting to wear off a little) Kara saw the ‘S’ shield, her ‘S’ shield on the body of this new heroine. “Come on, let’s get you up” Superwoman picked her up into her arms easily and began to walk outside. Supergirl mumbled “No…. The press…. Can’t let them see me like this” but Superwoman ignored her. She walked out of the hole in the side of the bank, looking like the hero who had rescued the city’s favourite hero, all of which was caught on camera. She sat Supergirl down on the curb and spoke to the police, every moment caught on camera. “Officer Metallo is in there. There’s also some kryptonite if you could deal with that too. I’m Superwoman, I’m here to help.” She winked into the camera and flew off looking like a million dollars. Supergirl was just getting to feet shakily as she watched her rescuer disappear at super speed into the clouds.


Over the next few weeks Superwoman became beloved by National City. The redhead caught the public imagination and always seemed to be in the right place at the right time when accidents happened. In part because Luthor set them up so she could swoop in and be the hero. Kara was still out there as Supergirl, but was definitely losing in the popularity stakes. “I don’t like her using the shield” she told her friends. Since that day in the bank Supergirl had not been able to get a minute alone to speak with Superwoman, her attempts to find out more about her had failed too. She was too fast to keep up with and seemed well aware when Supergirl had tried to spy on her, find out more about her. On the flip side of this Superwoman had been able to find out EVERYTHING about Kara. Her name, secret identity, friends, job, how she spent her days. Lex had almost busted a guy laughing when he found out, all these years and she’d been right there, the geeky reporter at CatCo.

Rose and Lex had been fucking since her grand debut where after the adrenaline had worn off she realised she didn’t know where to go. She had headed back to the LexCorp penthouse and bent over a desk for Lex there and then. In all her years she had never felt more desired and as Lex fucked her hard from behind she broke his desk in two with her super strength as she climaxed. She had never been fucked by someone as powerful as him, she played with her clit afterwards, cumming again on the floor of the office just at the thought of Lex fucking her. She was careful not to break him, letting him use her however he wanted, almost always horny after saving the day one way or another. His hard cock slipping so easily between her wet cunt, letting him come inside her when he wanted. Taking loads down her throat when he wanted that instead. She still fantasised about Supergirl or Kara as she now knew her to be. With Lex they planned together how they could break her, tear her down and make her theirs.


Kara was typing up her latest story when her editor stood in front of the bullpen and made a quick announcement. He asked everyone to welcome Rose to the team. She walked in, white shirt, black pencil skirt, perfect red hair, glasses. There was something familiar about her that Kara couldn’t put her finger on, she was snapped out of her thought when the editor explained how Rose had been hired. An exclusive interview with Superwoman, the city’s new protector.

Kara read through it and gritted her teeth, mentions of saving a powerless Supergirl from Metallo, how she was more powerful than the Maid of Might, how embarrassing the short skirt was. Superwoman was demeaning her in the eyes of the public and her work was printing it. Kara looked over at Rose, she was flirting with Kara’s date from before. Things had fizzled out soon after, but Kara had been hopeful they might pick up again. She listened in with her super hearing just in time to hear him give Rose his number. Kara quietly seethed to herself, snapping the pen in her hand.

Later after she calmed down, she introduced herself. She was surprised with how cool and cold Rose was to her, barely acknowledging her. Rose quickly changed the subject away from introductions and her interview with Superwoman, towards the handsome man she’d just been flirting with. She told Kara they were going to have a drink after work at a local bar “and then, who knows?” she said with a wink before walking away leaving Kara speechless.

Later that night Kara couldn’t help herself, she was jealous. She hovered above the bar and watched Rose and her date flirt with her super vision, she watched them walk to his apartment and Rose invite herself in. She watched as Rose drew the curtains, thrown for a moment when it looked like she was staring right at her. She flew off in tears after watching Rose get on her knees in front of him. She could hear her begging to gag on his cock. She was embarrassed and felt dirty for having gone so far with her spying. She wasn’t feeling good about herself, upstaged as a heroine, upstaged at work and now the man she’d been attracted to for such a long time was with someone who, if she was honest with herself, intimidated her.


Days later things escalated with between Supergirl and Superwoman. Kara had jumped into action, this time an asteroid of all things about to collide with the city. She had flown into the air and collided with it, catching it and pushing back with all her strength. Out of nowhere Superwoman collides with the asteroid, destroying it, sending pieces of rock flying everywhere which she quickly dealt with, throwing it all back into space and also sending Supergirl flying.

Supergirl impacted the street below and left a small crater, but she wasn’t hurt, she was angry. She got up just in time to see Superwoman speaking to the press, speaking to the LexCorp media team and explaining how she had destroyed the asteroid and used her speed and strength to throw the rocks back out into space. Supergirl approached her “Hey, what the hell was that? Didn’t you see me up there?” Superwoman stopped, a small smile on her face as the cameras turned towards the angry Maid of Might. “I’m sorry Supergirl, what are you asking? All I saw was a danger to the city that wasn’t slowing down and that I dealt with. Wait, are you saying you were up there too?” Supergirl took a moment, embarrassment flushed on her face, she shouldn’t have confronted her so publicly. “That’s… that’s exactly what I’m saying. You knocked me to the ground. How could you not see me?” Superwoman’s smile grew wider, “perhaps we could talk somewhere more private?” Before Supergirl could reply Superwoman was in the air having headed to a skyscraper roof above. Supergirl stood for a moment unsure what to do as reports threw questions at her and then flew up after her.

“So, let me get this straight. You’re pissed because what? I saved the day when you couldn’t? That’s quite childish isn’t it Supergirl? Maybe this is one of the reasons National City seems to be loving me a lot more than they’re loving you these days. Your lack of maturity.” Superwoman had a big Cheshire Cat smile on her face. Supergirl chose her next words carefully having calmed down. “We don’t need to be enemies Super… Superwoman. But you’ve come to my city, trying to undermine me. Wearing my symbol-“ Superwoman interrupted her “it’s not your city Supergirl, not any more at least. And as for the symbol, are you going to stop me wearing it?” The two stared each other down, before Supergirl started to take a step back. Before she flew off, Superwoman hovered up herself and slowly started to fly away “Be seeing you… Kara.” The mention of her secret identity left Supergirl cold, but before she could respond Superwoman had flown off, so fast Supergirl lost her almost instantly.


Rose sat in Lex’s penthouse, cleaning his cum off her chest. “You know, she has a sister.” Lex was zipping his pants up “I’m sorry, who are you talking about?” Rose explained that Supergirl, Kara, had a sister. Alex Danvers. Since their clash of egos earlier, Rose had been thinking of more ways to needle her, to get under Kara’s skin. Attacking her family seemed as good an idea as any. She knew about Alex, the DEO all of that, she also knew where she lived. Perhaps the Superwoman could pay her a visit she suggested to Lex. Lex smiled.

Later that night Alex received a knock on her door and went to see who it was. A redhead in glasses she didn’t recognise, “not interested” she casually said loud enough so they could hear, heading back to the sofa. As she walked away from the door it went flying off its hinges. Superwoman hovered in, in seconds she had overpowered Alex and ripped open her t-shirt. As she forced a kiss on Alex she heard her approach, Supergirl had taken the bait.

“GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY SISTER!” Supergirl screamed as she knocked Superwoman through the apartment wall, Supergirl was angry and unloaded punch after punch on her for, she had never been so angry. Going after her sister like this? Then Superwoman caught one of her fists and delivered a blow to Supergirl’s stomach sending her flying into some cars in a near by petroleum station car park. One punch and Supergirl was winded and struggling to get back up “don’t… think… I’ve ever been hit so hard” she mumbled to herself. As she struggled up Superwoman came at her with super speed and connected with another punch that sent her reeling. She slammed her foot into Supergirl’s back and forced her down into the ground, Supergirl crying out in pain.

“You really fucked up putting your hands on me you know that?” Superwoman taunted. Supergirl was too out of breath to respond. Superwoman picked her up by the cape and proceeded to to hit her as Supergirl provided no defence to the blows. After a moment she dropped her to the tarmac. Supergirl defeated so easily. Superwoman put her over her shoulder and flew off.

Moments later she landed in Lex’s penthouse. She threw the battered and defeated Supergirl to the floor. Supergirl attempted to get up, but Superwoman blasted her with her heat vision, destroying part of her cape and some of the back of her costume. She pulled her up by the hair and looked at the heroines chest – the S shield.

At the this point Lex walked in on time to see Superwoman rip the shield in half, ripping open Supergirl’s costume and revealing her perky tits. She dropped her and turned to Lex, “You want some of this?” she asked with a smile. Lex responded very positively. Supergirl tried to crawl away in pain, tears in her eyes but Superwoman easily stopped her and slammed her on top of Lex’s desk. She licked Supergirl’s face and then moved down and started to suck one of her tits. With one hand she held Supergirl down, making sure she couldn’t escape as Lex joined them.

Lex groped Supergirl’s tit and then pulled her panties off and started to play with her clit. Supergirl struggled weakly and Superwoman choked to her to stop that. Supergirl could barely catch her breath as Lex inserted his cock into her tight pussy. He fucked her hard as she was held down, Supergirl’s body betrayed her and her nipples were hard as rocks. Lex kept fucking her faster and faster, slapping her ass and her tits. Superwoman whispered in her ear about them using her like a common slut, choking her and leaving marks on her pristine neck. Kara started to moan loudly and came with a spasm at which point Lex pulled his hard dick out of her now soaking cunt and they forced her to the ground. Lex covered her face in cum as Superwoman held it in front of his cock.

After that Superwoman pulled off the rest of Supergirl’s costume and forced the heroine’s face into her pussy. She made Supergirl’s lick her out, covered in cum and feeling incredibly exhausted and human for the first time. They dropped her to the floor and Supergirl tried to pick up the rags of her torn costume to cover up, but they wouldn’t even allow her that, ripping them from her.

As the night went on various indignities were afforded Kara. Lex took photos of her naked, covered in cum, red marks on her body. Superwoman whispered in her ear that this was just the beginning, talked at length about fucking Kara’s crush and how they would go back for Alex. Mercy Graves walked in with a kryptonite collar which was quickly wrapped around her neck adding to her helplessness. Kara begged them not to as they mockingly laughed at her and clasped the choker around her neck and then dragged her back up, bending her over the table. Mercy fingered her before Lex pushed her out of the way and this time fucked the superheroine in the ass. Balls slapping against her wet cunt as she gasped and moaned, Mercy choking her with a hand around her neck, Kara never having experienced anything like all of this. All the while Superwoman sat and masturbated as she watched.

Supergirl was defeated, felt hopeless and was their plaything. Could things get any worse?
