Step Sister Corruption Part 284 – Day 140 Free Use Vacay Pt 28 (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


Fuck me getting into porn sounds difficult.  

And running a porn studio is even more difficult.  

I had been talking to Trin, Scarlet, and Dillion for roughly 30 or 40 minutes and my mind has been swimming with more questions than answer’s.  

Well technically I was getting answer’s but I was only left with **more** question’s.  

In the few minutes I’ve talked with the trio, mainly Dillion, they pretty much shattered any idea that porn was ‘*spontaneous*’ and ‘*fun*’.  

Apparently there was a lot of work **BEFORE** the camera even gets set up.  

Technically I *knew* girls didn’t live in those gorgeous spacious house’s and the ‘*pizza boy*’ doesn’t really wear tear away clothing.  

Or a guy doesn’t go driving and ‘*randomly*’ pick up a girl and immediately go towards sex.  

There’s apparently, thanks to Dillion filling in the gaps, **A LOT** that goes on behind the scenes that most people don’t exactly realize.  

Things like paperwork, such as tax documents per *talent*, record’s, permit’s, and other things that instantly made me trail off and not really listen.  

Or that the *talent* needs to be registered in the Porn Guild where their records are kept including STD record’s.  Or ‘*talent*’ has to be scouted or unknown’s rising in the ranks.  

You would think that something as archaic like keeping record’s for STD’s would be abolished with all the advancement that Muschi and the other companies have done to pretty much cure all the STD’s in the form of a pussy ball but I guess the record’s is more of a form to show who has slept with who in case a **new** STD presents itself.  But typically a girl or guy simply goes to a testing machine 24 hrs prior piss in a cup and have the results ready prior to the shoot.  

Then there’s the sticks at the shoot.  

Apparently there’s sticks that both the girls and guys have to pee on and within 30 minutes a girl can find out **IF** she has an STD though highly unlikely, as more commonly a yeast infection, or is randomly pregnant while the guy can find out if he has the same things though a guy being pregnant is highly unlikely.  

And finally another test after.  

Between the three testing gives each person the piece of mind that their bodies aren’t compromised with an illness.  

Then there’s the supplement’s that freely flows and supplemental aids like Everwood and pseudo cum.  

Then there’s the metric fuck ton of planning that I had a hard time not drifting off as I tried to focus.  

Finally after our long discussion I got the one key bit of help I was looking for when Dillion smiled at me, “If you’re that interested I could talk to my brother and see what we can do to,” she looked at me hungrily as she licked her lips, “‘*help*’ you.”

I smiled knowing where this was going.

I looked at Kel who seemed distracted in her own world.  

Then I looked at Summer and I could tell her own gears were turning as she listened to everything.  

I was about to look over at Trin and Scarlet but Summer spoke, “What kind of ‘*help*’ would you and your brother provide?”

*That*……is a good question.  

*Why didn’t **I** think of that?*

Guess all the things I learned that goes into *making* porn leaving me dumbfounded…..and shattering my feeble mind….and maybe squashing some ‘*notion*’ that sex was spontaneous.  

Yes I know sex in a porno isn’t really ‘*spontaneous*’ but it’s what my teenage mind thought when I discovered it.  I just ‘*appreciated*’ it when I found it… more ways than one.  


You try telling me that when **you** watched porn you didn’t ‘*appreciate*’ it and **didn’t** let your *lust* and *horniness* guide your *need* while watching it?

Yeah I thought so.  

I’m sure in my teenage, like I’m not a teenager now, years while I *appreciated* porn that there was more that went on behind the scenes.  But this level was completely insane.  

There was an absolute *ass* ton of things that ***need*** to happen.  

And just like that I realized that my little website would only be like any other independent adult site…..minuscule and unimportant.  



We spent a fair amount of time with the trio girl’s that acted as judges in our *games* to only find out that each of them held a unique role at various porn houses.  Though two were both *talent scouts* while the other held a unique role of *co-founder*.

They had basically filled in the gaps in how porn is made and I could tell from Gabe’s various expressions….mainly confusion, that there was a plethora of things that happen when porn is made.

For the most part I caught the jist of everything from how porn is made, though I really had *no idea* that so much work went into making a porno.

I just thought someone wrote up a chessy script or reused the same fantasy, talent was called in, and everything was shot.

Sounded logical in my mind.

Didn’t really factor in nearly half of the shit Dillion and the dual scouts made it sound like.

Like I didn’t know in a ‘shoot’ the director *may* stop the shot to ‘*direct*’ the talents because they were messing up camera angles…..or fix makeup.


I don’t know.

How am I supposed to know?

I don’t do porn as a living or anything like that so how would I know.

And here **we** were trying to create a ‘studio’ from the ground up and think it will all go smoothly?

I know I know if I believed that then someone has a bridge to sell me.

It’s not like most of this was *common* knowledge.

But the longer **I** listened, sure as fuck was listening more than a big dicked idiot who let his mind wander off when **he** heard everything, the more I wanted to help….more than I already was.

One thing was certain was we were going to need some **MASSIVE** help if we were going to start up a website.

I was trying to figure out *how* we could get some help when Dillion licked her lips and *offered* to ‘*help*’ with Gabe’s *endeavor*.

This was a perfect opportunity as I’m *sure* Gabe will fail to ask the important question so I had to.

I opened my mouth and spoke, “What kind of ‘*help*’ would you and your brother provide?”

I looked over at Gabe and could see he was back to thinking with his top head and not his lower head.

*Ok….I **may** have had the same problem.*


Scarlet is *kind* of hot and I *may* have undressed her with my eyes…..and *may* have imagined what she *may* taste like.

Ok I **definitely** did imagine what she tasted like.  

Sue me.

I’m still adjusting to the fact that I like girls now.

They have this whole… do I put it…… unique quality that is hard to deny.

But let’s get **one** thing straight OK.  I still **LOVE** men…..ok just one thing that makes me tolerate men……well most men.  Gabe is a rare exception…..barely.

If it weren’t for the fact that I loved him and how he makes me feel on a constant basis I would have never stuck around for half the shit I have stuck around for.

Like if any other guy were to cheat on me with another girl I would have stapled his nuts to the wall and let him hang upside down….then go after the girl.

Now it seems like I was going against my character by *allowing* Gabe to bed so many girls and wander off as much as he does.  But he always comes back to me and makes me feel like the only girl in **his** world.

OK he does it to both Kelly and me but you get my point.


There I go again drifting off just like Gabe always seems to do.

Focus Summer Focus.

I looked at Dillion and spoke, “Well?”

Dillion looked from Gabe to me as she blinked out of whatever she was fantasizing about….though it didn’t take much to *guess* what was going through her mind at the moment… was hard to not guess it as I was having a hard time controlling myself at this very second to **not** sit in Gabe’s lap and let what normally happens happen.

Dillion spoke, “Well like I said I can *talk* to my brother that is all.”

I looked at her incredulously, “But you’re a co-founder?”

Dillion nodded, “That’s true but **we** make decisions together as a **team**.  **WE** don’t go willy nilly and make deals behind each other’s back.”

Gabe spoke, “Really?”

Dillion looked at Gabe and nodded.

I spoke, “Not even once?”

Dillion looked at me and I could tell she was beginning to get mad but she somehow collected herself and remained stoic as she spoke, “Not even once.”  She enunciated each word like it should be obvious and not challenged.

I smiled at her and spoke, “But **you’re** willing to put *yourself* out there **without** your brother’s approval.  Now aren’t you?”

Dillion opened her mouth and quickly closed it without saying a word as she turned a deep crimson.

I smiled knowing I had gotten to the bitch, “So **you** mean to tell **me** that **your** brother would agree to **you** letting yourself be used by another man?”

Dillion looked at me for a moment and spoke evenly without sounding menacing or any type of affection, “I’m allowed to sleep whoever **I** want.”

I shrugged, “And all **we’re** asking for is assistance in **our** endeavor.  Nothing more nothing less.”

I decided to rub salt in the wound as I continued, “Or you know your fellow comrades are free to have a go at **my** man while you simply watch.”

That did the trick as Dillion eventually sighed and spoke sounding semi defeated, “Fine you win.”  She looked me in the eyes, “I will help you and *your* **man** with his endeavor wherever I can.”

I smiled but Dillion held up her hand with two fingers extended, “On two conditions.”

I raised my eyebrow at her but didn’t say anything.

She spoke, “I will speak to my brother and help persuade him to help but I want,” she pointed to Gabe, “**HIM** to fuck me like he did to you two earlier.”

I looked at Kelly as she looked at me before she shrugged.

I looked at Gabe and could tell he was fine pounding her into next week….or until her hips give out.  Whichever comes first.

I looked at Dillion and nodded, “And the other?”

She smiled looking almost sinister as she spoke, “**IF** he pleases me tonight.  I want him **AND** only him to come out for a visit of my choosing for however long **I** want.”

I instantly shrilled upon hearing Dillion’s last *request*, “**THE HELL HE WILL!!!!**”

I didn’t need to look at Kelly **OR** Gabe as I instantly made **our** decision to Dillion’s ‘demands’.

Dillion smiled and shrugged, “Then you’ll have to accept that I’ll simply **talk** to my brother about your ‘little’ endeavor.  **BUT** if you want me to sway my brother’s decision that is **MY** price.”

I looked at Dillion and instantly hated this bitch.  I wanted to do *violent* things to this little bitch all because she wanted Gabe and wanted him **AWAY** from us.

Dillion smiled but spoke, “Tell you what I’ll sweeten the ‘*pot*’.  I promise I won’t keep him longer than month…” she thought about it before she continued, “two tops.”

I shook my head and spoke for *us* again, “No way.  Na huh.”

Dillion shrugged.

But then something happened…..Kelly spoke.



I couldn’t help myself after watching Summer and this ‘Dillion’ banter back and forth about Gabe.

I blurted out, “Why?”

I could feel Summer’s shocked expression on me but she had too quickly denied Dillion’s request and *normally* I would be right with her on immediately denying such a ridiculous request but Summer wasn’t doing something that I felt like **I** had to do……I was asking **WHY**.

Why did this ‘co-founder’ of porn…this…..

I sighed as I couldn’t think of any other word than the obvious.

this **bitch**!

Why did this bitch want Gabe all to herself?

I mean I would *love* to have a weekend….or hell even a month with Gabe all to myself.

As I’m sure Summer would love a month with Gabe all to herself.

But there was one difference between why Summer and I wanted a month with Gabe to ourselves and this bitch.

Because we **earned** it.

We were **his** lovers.  His loves.  

And he was our lover and love.

This Bitch hadn’t earned it.

So why would she want Gabe all to herself for a month….or two?

Was there some type of meaning to why she wanted him that long?

Was it something simple?

Or something more complex?

Was it for personal?

Or business?

There had to be a reason.

Hell for all *I* knew was that Dillion’s reason for the extended length was for more than **one** reason.  There could be multiples.

And without knowing **WHY** we really couldn’t make an informed decision.

For all **we** knew if we said no flat out.  When this trip was over and Dillion spoke to her brother he could probably just laugh and told us to go away.

Or if we said **YES** and she was able to persuade her brother into helping us it might be the thing we need to make our site successful.

I don’t know what influence Dillion and her brother carries and I’m sure Summer nor Gabe knew either.

For all **WE** knew they could **MAJOR** players and be the help we need to take Vuse down.

Or they could be just like us……small fish in a BIG pond.

And one of us had to think with our heads and not our hearts.

Though usually Summer was the one who thought with her head…..and her heart.

This was the first decision that came our way that would take Gabe out of **our** lives for such a long time.

I had to know *WHY*.

I looked at Dillion without faltering to Summer’s and Gabe’s stares at me.

Dillion looked at me for a few moments as I could tell she was deciding how she was going to word her answer without pissing us off too much.

Eventually Dillion spoke, “Let’s just say that I find your *man* here intriguing and would like an opportunity to prolong my chance with him if he pleases me tonight like he showed he was capable of earlier.”

Huh that was a safe of saying ‘*That’s for me to know and for you to not know*’.

I sighed as I spoke, “Then no deal.  I don’t know if you know *but* Summer and I are a little *attached* to **our** man.  So much so that I doubt either of us would last long enough without being nervous wrecks.”

I chuckled, “Hell if Summer here couldn’t last nearly two days without **our** man as you put it.  A month would be disastrous….two we’d have gone crazy.”

I looked at Dillion, “So thanks but no thanks.”

I turned to Gabe and kissed him on the lips and started to ignore the trio as they no longer had any useful information that I cared about.

I grabbed Gabe’s standing member and started to lightly stroke it while our kiss began to deepen.

It didn’t take long before our entwining tongues was enough to make my legs become rubber and I started to melt into Gabe’s lap.

The only thing I cared about was me and Gabe while everything melted away.

After my *long* **hard** day of useless dicks that *tried* to pleasure me there was only one thing that would make this craziness seem alright…..and I got what I wanted when Gabe helped me swing my leg around him and felt that pleaser of his enter into me and my world became complete.  



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