No More Incest Stories

Incest stories are now banned. There are way too many of them that are underage or of dubious age, so we’re banning them.


We’ve had some questions and requests about content in the comments. I promise to get these addressed as soon as I can. If you have a question or concern and I haven’t gotten to yet, shoot me a message. I’ve been trying to keep up, but honestly it’s been a shitty day, and I’m drained. Thanks for your patience.



  1. This ban will be as effective as the ban on Covid 19 references

  2. There have been a few good ones but my god the amount I have had to scroll through.

    Thank you mods

  3. Could you ban the rape stories too while you’re at it, please??? That is not erotica, it’s violence, and especially heinous violence at that.

  4. Honest question… How can a story have “dubious” aged character that appear to be underage without actually mentioning their age?

    Really happy to see you mods keep an eye on this. Thanks!

  5. Good. Incest is not right. I assume this will count for step sibling stuff?

  6. I don’t like incest either, but banning it means sensorship. I’m against that.

  7. Thank you. Thank you, thank you! We all love a good story to ignite our imaginations. But let’s look outside of our family for that adventure.

  8. 😂 everybody thinks „cmon maaaan whyyy“ and write „yeah much better, go away with that kind of incest guys“

  9. Are all non-con/dubcon gonna be banned too? Since it’s the same thing

  10. Fucking thanks. I started avoiding this sub because of all the incest stories. Thank all you creative people in advance.

  11. The amount of kink shaming in these comments is disgusting.

    And to be clear, I’m talking about the incest shaming, not the underage kid thing. That’s a felony and not okay.

  12. Honestly I have no problem with incest stories, it’s just the underage part that was the problem

  13. Ooh good!

    Was going to leave because it seemed like story after story was…that.

  14. While I agree with this, series like SSC (Step Sister Corruption) which have clearly stated ages in the first episodes have been getting removed so it would be nice to see a resolution to that.

  15. Thank you, not because of the age but because it’s just freaking weird in the first place, i don’t know how incest became so popular in this subreddit

  16. Anyone have other subs I can post to that allow this content? Thanks.

  17. Thank god. I am so tired of seeing those. Maybe they need their own subreddit

  18. Anais Nin, House of Incest.
    Song of Ice and Fire…. Cersi and Jamie.

  19. Coming from a slightly different community, I’d like to suggest a tagging system including trigger warnings.

    To be very clear, I don’t condone underage activity… even in fiction like this.

    Any violence or implied violence should always come with a trigger warning to let people opt-out from seeing that material. Some people want to read that, and that’s on them, but it should never be a surprise.

  20. will incest stories already on the sub that are completely fine otherwise be deleted or will they stay?

  21. But they are just stories. Who cares what age the fictional characters are, no one is forcing you to click on em. Use tag or enforce the use of tags like Ao3. People don’t magically have sex at 18, honestly the idea that teens aren’t sexual when they hit puberty sounds downright puritanical and something one would expect from christian boomers back in the day.

    Erotica can explore fantasies and situations best left fictional in nature. If an incel or someone else can’t distinguish reality from fictional works, then its a problem for them and not the authors or mods.

    Does this rule apply also to links or if I have stories published that include underage characters ? Like If I linked to my Ao3 and the link was for my Homer/Mindy erotic fic but right below that story on my profile is my Jonsa (Game of thrones), fic that has Jon snow at 16 and Sansa at 13. I mean they were raised brother and sister but are cousins but still it would violate rule but its not what is being linked.

  22. I don’t get it. Removing the whole subgenre because of some people posting underage stuff under it, instead of removing just the underage stuff seems like huge overkill. I’m also confused with mods explanation. Some of the mods comments here imply that they don’t have a problem with incest stories per se, only with minor stuff and “dubious age” stuff in incest stories (and can’t be bothered to separate that from decent incest stories). Other comments seem to be having a problem with whole incest subgenre. So, what’s the actual mods position?

  23. thank you so much

    i kinda stopped browsing thsi sub because whenever i looked here there were incest stories at the top and it fully kills any jood for me

  24. I understand the issue with underage characters but you don’t have to have to ban incest entirely. You can also try asking for defined ages in stories since underage can creep into other genre. Just a thought tho

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