College lesbian experience for conservative Mormon girl [FF]

I was raised strictly Mormon and had a very sheltered childhood growing up. I never so much as kissed a guy while in high school and tried to be the perfect little girl my parents would be pleased with; however, at the age of 18 I took the next step in what honorable Mormon daughters are supposed to do and left for the large national church college in our state.

When I got there it was more of the same, just hours away… constant Mormon teaching, sheltered environment, etc.

My roommate was a committed Mormon girl but in a little bit of time I fell in with the “wrong crowd”, the popular girls who were all much wilder than I ever dreamed of being.

These girls lived in another dorm, but I found myself spending more time with them than my own place because I just enjoyed their company so much the more.

Though I have always been straight throughout my whole life, it was during these years that I had my absolute first sexual experiences… and all of them were with girls.

The many rules prohibiting contact and interaction between members of the opposite sex drove us to these lengths, looking back.

It all began one day when four of us freshmen were trying on each other’s clothes and one of the “wilder” girls just took her top and bra off altogether and looked at herself in the mirror with the three of us girls looking on.

Us girls tried to pretend that weren’t staring at her tits, but all of us would be lying if we said we weren’t. Her young hard body, only 18, was rocking a perfect set of breasts with large erect nipples that would make even the most chaste of girls soaking downstairs.

A moment later, another girl took her top off and then I did the same. Soon the dorm was filled with four young Mormon girls all topless staring at each other’s naked breasts through a standing mirror.
We began commenting on each other’s shape, size, perkiness and general appearance.

My breasts were the largest of the group and without any hesitation, my friend says, “I’m envious of these girls” and proceeds to squeeze my boobs.

I felt so conflicted, so violated, so wrong, and yet so turned on! I nervously laughed and quickly left. I later heard that the remaining girls got a little “too carried away” after I left that night.

A few weeks later, while most of the school was gone for a holiday weekend, my friend who had squeezed my breasts decided she would sleep in my dorm for the weekend since the college was nearly vacant and my roommate was gone away.

As we got ready for bed, she said, “I’m afraid of sleeping in ____’s bed… she’s so weird! Do you mind if I sleep in your bed with you?”

I was aroused by the thought and told her sure.

A handful of minutes later, I was lying on my back with her topless on my chest. She raised my shirt up and began rubbing her tits against mine.

Both of us were largely sheltered when it came to sex and that first night we ended up sleeping topless together and just playing with the other’s boobs.

After our play session, she laid down beside me and we both pretended to be sleeping while we subtly masturbated our own pussies… looking back, it’s hilarious that after having done what we both already did that we would hide this next act or be embarrassed, but we were.

The following night, went much the same, only this time, when she was on top of me rubbing my tits, I began grinding my pussy against her clothed leg. She followed suit and I had my first orgasm with another person that night by grinding myself against another girl’s leg.

We kissed and made out that night and sucked on each other’s tits. It was the most erotic event of my life.

Prior to getting married, I kept this secret from everyone, including my husband to be. For years, I was ashamed of my deeds until one evening when I broke down and told my husband. Instead of him being disappointed or mad at me, he became rock hard instantly and asked for as many details as I could remember.

Just about every time we make love, he brings it up and talks of how he’d love for me to reunite with my long lost collegiate friend.



  1. I really like the innocent gone wild nature of this story. Thanks for sharing it with us.

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