Step Sister Corruption Part 283 – Day 140 Free Use Vacay Pt 27 (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


Gabe had just asked if the ‘judges’ knew why they were here while I looked at the girl’s trying to gauge their character. 

I had some obvious blaring question’s as I looked at the three not really knowing which one was Dillion, Scarlet, or Trin as Gabe knew who was who.  

If I had to *guess* which one was which and because they were in the *porn biz* I would assume the tatted one in the slutty business attire was Dillion.  

She looked professional and someone in my mind who would start a porn business with the title ‘*co-founder*’ though she looked maybe in her early twenties.  

There were so ‘many’ questions that I had about her.  

Then if I continued guessing the slim petite looking one in the rocker shirt was Dillion and the more innocent looking one was Trin.  

But I was just guessing at which one was which because Gabe knew who was who and really didn’t introduce us before he spoke asking the girl’s if they knew why they were here.  


I mean we did ask them over to essentially ‘pump’ them for information on ‘our’ new start up.  

Ok it was more Gabe’s new start up but I helped him….sort of.  

I mean how does one become a ‘*talent scout*’?

Both looked like they were more like actual *talent* over being a *scout*.  

And to make matters worse both *scouts* looked more **our** age.  

So how in the ***fuck*** did these ‘girls’ become scouts and not talent?

I mean all three each looked like they were *talent* and even the more tatted one looked like she could be a ‘star’ in the biz.  

And how does one become a damn ‘*co-founder*’ in a porn studio when she looked more… an actual porn star than a fucking big wig.  

Just their ‘titles’ alone and their ages was dumb founding.  

Made my job look like more dignified though I was sure being a scout probably earned them a nice bit of money and knowing this business probably made more money than me.

All their appearances didn’t add up and not entirely what expected when the judges were first introduced.  I thought all of them were talent or a star in their own right.  Not fucking scouts and big wigs.  

Dillion sure I would expect it as she dressed more ‘business’ during the judging…..even if the outfit screamed ‘*SLUT*’.  And that’s another thing that bothered me.  How was she already successful to be a ‘co-founder’?  Who’s the other ‘co-founder’?

Was she rich?

I mean looking at her she gave me a definite ‘bratty’ vibe.  

Which the ‘brattiness’ did mix well with my own personality.  

I was *kind of* bratty to Gabe.  ***OK*** I was **very** bratty to Gabe.  And dominating…..and submissive.  


Ok **he** was my yin to my yang.  

My love.  My lover.  And everything in between.  

He made me happy and fulfilled….in more ways than one.  

I felt a mischievous smirk spread on my face but shook my head as I got back to the now.  

One of the girls, I guessing the one I think is Trin, spoke, “We’re here because you want to fuck us.”

I watched Gabe smile, “More or less Dillion.”



*Dillion* didn’t look like the ‘owner’ type.  I mean she was *modestly* dressed.  

If she was the *co-founder*, then who the fuck was dressed in the business attire?


Or Scarlet?

Gabe continued, “But I figured **we’d** talk a bit before we get to *my* prize that you so eloquently offered yourselves up for.”

I watched Dillion raise her eyebrow at Gabe before she smirked as the ‘Slutty Business’ dressed one spoke, “Talk about what?”

Gabe smiled at ‘Slutty Business’, “About what you all ‘do’ for each of your businesses.”

He held out to ‘us’, “As I’m sure **my** girl’s would love to know more.”

Gabe leaned back from the sitting position and smacked Kel’s ass as he spoke, “You see this one has been offered a contract with one of ‘your’ competitor’s and I’d like to know if what they offered was a fair ‘price’?”

The Slutty Business looked from Kel to me and pointed her chin towards me, “But not her?”

The rocker shirt spoke, “And which ‘competitor’?”

There was too many question’s being thrown around to gauge each girl’s reaction’s as I was still reeling that the ‘most’ modest dressed one was the fucking ‘co-founder’ and not the Slutty business attire with the tattoo’s.  

Gabe looked up at Kel, “Go ahead tell them.”

I watched Kel blush at the attention but still spoke harshly as she said the word, “Vuse.”

This time I looked at the three girls and watched they each had their own reaction to the name.  

Dillion just gave a smirk that told me volume’s of what *she* thought of the name.  

The Slutty Business one gave a quick disgusted look at the mention of ‘Vuse’.  

And the rocker shirted one just gave a frown.  

But still they each told me enough to tell Vuse wasn’t exactly nice or a good company.  

Slutty Business spoke, “Did she agree?”

Kel shook her head quickly and spoke, “No Gabe got me out of their offer.”

Rocker smiled, “Good.”

I watched Gabe’s eyebrow raise, “Why?”

All three looked at one another like they were trying to figure out who was going to spill the beans first.  

Slutty Business spoke, “First off let me say that normally I *try* not to speak ill of any company especially when it comes to **this** business and I can only speak about **my** experience with Vuse.  With that in mind, when **I** was a *talent* for them though I did work with a lot of nice people and they did shower me with gifts and had most of my travel with them taken care of.  They paid **me** shit at the end of the day.”

She looked at ‘Rocker Shirt’ as ‘Rocker’ nodded.  Rocker spoke, “And Scarlet’s story isn’t the only one were Vuse paid their ‘talent’ low.”

That’s who Slutty Business was…she was Scarlet.  

Making ‘Rocker’ Trin.  

Jesus I was really off on who was who.  

Scarlet continued, “Then there’s the obligations they demand for equally shitty pay or no pay at all.”

Dillion who up until remained silent spoke, “Which is why Nix has offered contracts with ‘talent’ from Vuse and other shady production houses that have mistreated their ‘talent’.”

Scarlet smiled at Dillion, “And other companies.”

Dillion smiled at Scarlet, “Hey I think **ALL** girl’s *and* guys should be paid what they’re due.”

Trin laughed, “Which is why your company has done so well.”

Dillion shrugged, “Not my fault.”

I looked over at Gabe who was obviously in deep thought and was more than likely ignoring the girl’s banter though I had no idea what he was thinking but I could guess.  

Eventually their banter went back to Gabe as Scarlet spoke, “If you don’t mind me asking ‘what’ did Vuse offer her?”

That question broke Gabe from his thought to address Scarlet, ‘Just a possibility to star in films.”

Scarlet smiled, “But no price?”

Gabe thought about it as if was recalling what transpired at Vuse before he spoke, “We never were given the contract so I’m not sure what they would have paid Kel.”

He looked at Kelly, “Do you remember if they said what they were going to pay you?”

I watched Kelly think about that day as well before she shook her head.  

Dillion looked at us and smiled, “So let me guess you want in the porn industry?”

Gabe smiled looking at Dillion as he held out his hand towards the other seats, “Sit. Let’s talk.”

All of us girls for the most part of this conversation had been standing while the tall figure known as my lover sat at the table.  His tall form was still tall enough to where most of us ‘normal’ heighten girl’s still were looking at a near line eyesight with Gabe.

Ok we did look down at him but it wasn’t very much.

And Scarlet and Trin were leaning against one of the chairs at the other side of the table while they looked at us while Kelly and I stood next to Gabe.

All three girl’s looked at one another as Scarlet looked at Dillion as she shrugged before pulling out the chair and officially sitting down to address Gabe.  The idea of his third leg gracing them put on the side for now as we *talked*.



The girl’s sat down in front of me like I had asked them to do.

The first to speak was Scarlet, “So we’re not here to fuck?”

I shrugged, “Sure we can do that.  But like I stated, I want to know more about porn.”

I looked at Dillion, “Mainly more from you.”

I looked at Scarlet and Trin, “Though I would love to know what all you do and any information either of you can give me.”

I watched Dillion raise her eyebrow at me, “You’re talking like you are trying to start your own ‘studio’.”

I looked at her and nodded, “Website but yes.”

Dillion looked at me as I could tell she was now accessing me from more than a guy with a big dick to ‘competitor’.

I spoke, “I’m doing it because there was more than one girl that Vuse was trying to flip and use.”

Dillion didn’t change her facial expressions but spoke, “How many?”

I looked at Summer and Kel before I looked at the three, “Eight so far but I’m sure there will be more to come.”

Dillion continued keeping her guard up as she spoke the next question, “And you’re doing this to ‘protect’ them from being turned?”

I nodded.

She continued, “Though you’re ‘using’ them for the same reason?”

I looked at her and really thought of what Dillion was implicating.

Was I really as bad as Vuse?

I mean I was ‘using’ the girl’s for their bodies for the high dollar just like Vuse does.

Technically Dillion was right, I was using the girl’s for the same reason.  **BUT** *my* plan was to **help** the girl’s get **more money** for willing to sell their own bodies, *not* less.

My plan was to help them raise their profiles and at most take enough to pay for things.

I mean honestly I didn’t know how much I was going to take but in all honesty I probably won’t take much.

Maybe I should come up with an official number like keeping 15% for myself and 10% for the business while the rest is for the girl’s.  Would those numbers be enough?

I mean the site had just started and last time I checked it still had a splash page and nothing else there.

I looked at Dillion and spoke, “Yes but it’s *their* choice.  I’m not forcing them and I’m not requiring it.”

Scarlet spoke, “And the money?”

I looked over at Scarlet and spoke, “I plan on giving the majority of the money to the girls.”

That made her blink for a moment before she smiled.

I looked over at Dillion and saw she was smiling.

That seemed to be enough as it seemed the girl’s relaxed, if only by a little.

Scarlet nodded, “Alright what do you want to know?”

I looked at the girl’s with a smile, “Everything.”

