Platonic Friends 08 (fiction, M/F, Con, Friends. Roommates)

I stood frozen my mouth latched on Emma’s breast my tongue resting on her hardened nipple.  

My hand had already traveled lower for my *evil idea* during Emma’s apparent orgasm when I heard a feminine voice **outside** the shower.  

I don’t know about Emma but when I heard the voice I instantly froze like if I made any move I would suddenly wake up from a dream that was currently being **too** good to be real.  

I mean for all I knew this **ALL** could be a dream including last night as the entire time I’ve been Felicity’s roommate she had **never** worn what she wore before she **demanded** I fuck her.  

Though I *highly* doubt I dreamt the conversation before now mainly because I *could* imagine things but the conversation was too much detail that no amount of imagination I highly doubt that was a dream.  

But last night and now….was too much it **had** to be a dream.  

I mean it is *possible* I could have knocked myself out when I stepped in the shower as I *probably* slipped and hit my head and I was laying the shower bleeding.  

And all this was a death dream as I slowly bled out.  

It could happen…..especially with my luck.  

My mouth still latched onto Emma’s tit looked through my periphery to see Felicity sitting on the counter in the bathroom….with no clothes.  

I detached my mouth to look at Felicity as I spoke through the shower, “What are you doing here?  Thought you were searching through your feelings?”

Felicity smiled, “I can do that *and* watch the show,” as she winked at me.

She lightly looked around, “The only thing I’m missing is a toy, a drink, and popcorn.”

She held up her finger, “I’ll be right back don’t get too far.”

She hopped off the counter and ran out of the bathroom.  

*What the fuck?*

*Yep definitely dreaming.*

I looked over at Emma who was still pinned against the corner right where I left her as she looked at me.  

I spoke, “So should we wait?”

Emma looked at me and I could hear the sarcasm in her voice, “Sure we can wait.”

*Good point*

I grabbed ahold of her breast causing her to lightly *Yelp* as my other hand reached down and lightly petted her pussy causing her to moan….loudly.  

I smiled as I spoke, “Yeah that was a *stupid* question now wasn’t it?”

My finger slipped into her lips and started gliding along her inner labia as I spoke, “Now where were we?”

Emma’s hips naturally started gyrating back and forth as her face was stuck in an *O* face as she breathed heavily.  

As my finger glided along her labia my finger tip found her opening and quickly hooked in as I spoke, “Ah yes we were *teasing* isn’t that right?”

Emma whimpered lightly, “*Ass*!”

Then her hips spastically started humping forward and back causing her to groan loudly.  

*Did she just orgasm again?*

I raised my eyebrow at Emma who had just seemingly orgasmed again in just mere moments as I knew there was a smile on my face.  

Emma lightly shuddered but looked at me defiantly but her voice was shaky, “W-what?”

I smiled, “Someone is sensitive.”

Emma blushed but spoke still shaking, “Three years.”

I smiled as I let go of her breast and hooked my hand behind her back about to do something as we heard a feminine voice.  

“All right I got my toy, some lube and some popcorn.  What did I miss?”

Felicity stopped as she looked into the shower to see the *scene* as she smiled, “Oh my!”

She propped herself on the counter and spread her legs showing she wasn’t wearing shit and I *finally* got a look at Felicity’s nether region to see she is a *shaved* girl.  

Felicity cooed, “I haven’t missed the main attraction yet?  Have I?”

I looked back at Emma and pulled her in as I lowered my mouth onto her neck while renewing my *come here* movement on Emma’s labia causing her to moan.  

I moved lower on Emma’s body kissing the top of her breasts before moving lower as my mouth latched on Emma’s nipple causing her to moan loudly while my *come here* movement was slowly making her hips buck and grind along my hand.  

I only spent a few moments on Emma’s nipple before I decided to continue going lower as now I was kissing Emma’s semi slender tummy causing Emma to coo as she finally spoke, “I think I’m gonna like where this is going.”

I got down on my knees and kissed Emma’s trimmed hair mound as Emma started rubbing her hands through my hair on my head encouraging me to continue.  

I slowly stuck out my tongue as it traveled along her lips causing Emma to gasp as she felt my tongue travel until it was fully extended.  

Then with minimal pressure my tongue slipped up into her labia and I retracted my tongue back into my mouth as it dragged along her labia causing Emma to groan as her body slightly trembled at the sensation.  

I repeated my process a few times of sticking out my tongue.  Push it up as it enters Emma’s labia and drag it back into my mouth.  

After the fifth or sixth drag I found a nice extended nub hiding at the top of Emma’s lips closest to my actual lips as I imagined this was Emma’s clit.  

I wrapped my lips around the extension causing Emma to groan and I felt her body shudder confirming my suspicion that I had found Emma’s clit.  

With my lips around the sensitive organ I couldn’t help myself as my tongue swirled around the organ to see how much pleasure it would bring Emma.  

Short answer it didn’t take much *pleasure* before Emma was moaning loudly as her hips moved and her body was shaking before Emma groaned….in her throat.  

While Emma was obviously orgasming I thought I heard an *echo* of moans but didn’t pay it much mind as Emma was firmly holding my head against her clit and grinding herself against my face and beard.  

After a few groans and body shivers Emma finally let go of my head panting too much as her legs were now in a state to where she couldn’t stand very well with assistance.  

*Perfect* I thought.  

I stood to see Emma’s face was in a state of satisfaction.  

I smiled feeling cocky, “So you think you’ve been *teased* enough?”

Emma panted, “Depends?”

I smiled widely at her, “Yes.”

Emma pointed down at my *friend*, “Am I getting him any time soon?”

I stepped into Emma so there wasn’t much room between us as I grabbed my swollen member who I had been ignoring for the most part until now.  I grabbed my cock and lightly smacked it against Emma and without looking I had hit a nerve with Emma as the smack landed right at her exposed lips which caused a loud *Yiiiieeeeee!!!* out of her.  

I quickly spoke, “Did I hurt you?”

Emma shuddered and took a second to slowly shake her head side to side before amending her answer, “Well sort of but it’s ok.”

Emma pushed me away and somehow turned around on her shaky legs. She bent forward and looked behind her smiling pulling her ass cheeks apart exposing both holes with a seductive smile, “You can make it up by fucking me.”

She added before I made my move, “Be gentle it’s been awhile.”

I breathed out and nodded as I grabbed my manhood as he stood at attention.  I guided him towards Emma’s exposed holes until my tip kissed Emma’s pussy lips causing her to coo.  

Then her demeanor changed as she gasped and grunted a loud ***HOLY FUCK!!!*** as soon as I pushed myself into Emma’s willing entrance but hit resistance as my tip was larger than her entrance.  

We heard Felicity laugh as she spoke, “I remember that feeling.  Relax girl.”

Emma gritted her teeth, “I AM RELAXED!!!”

I grunted, “Maybe some lube?”

Felicity spoke, “I gotchu.”

I turned my head and watched Felicity hop off the bathroom counter with her toy lodged in her.  She grabbed a bottle.  Walked the two steps from the counter to the door of the shower and opened the door.  She stuck her arm in and offered a bottle of semi clear liquid that was a little smoky.  

Felicity spoke, “Just use a little of this and you two should be good.”

I grabbed the bottle with a smirk, “Thanks.”

I opened the bottle and poured a healthy pool into my hand which Felicity spoke, “I said **a little** not a fucking **pool**!!!”

I blinked at her, “What’s the difference?”

Felicity sighed, “It’s extra slippery so you only need a little.”

I held up my hand with the *pool*, “And this much?”

Felicity smiled, “Be prepared for a slip and slide.”

Emma yelled, “Just apply the fucking **lube**!!!!  I’m horny as hell over here!!!”

I looked at Felicity who simply smiled grabbed the bottle from me and closed the door on me.

Then she resumed her spot on the counter and resumed using her toy as she winked at me.

I looked down at the *pool* and shrugged internally as I rubbed my dick in to the pool of lube feeling a slight tingling the moment it touched my dick.  

Not really caring of why I was *tingling* and a few strokes of the lube over my dick I figured it was slathered enough to easily slide wherever I put it.  

With the remaining lube I carefully rubbed the pool in my hand into Emma’s pussy and making sure my lubed finger explored Emma’s insides noticing that my fingers were sliding along her with minimal effort. 

I smacked Emma’s ass, “You ready?”

Emma shuddered but simply nodded.  

I re-did my approach as my tip quickly kissed Emma’s entrance causing her to lightly moan and the magic of lube did its thing as when I pushed my tip easily slipped into Emma’s entrance in which she gasped.  

I slightly imagined her eyes going wide as my tip easily slipped in but that was just my imagination.  

With the hard part pretty much done now all I had to do was **push**.  

I grabbed a hold of Emma’s hip and helped myself to sliding my dick further into Emma’s velvety confines.  

And thanks to the lube from Felicity I easily slid into Emma. 

Emma groaned a throaty ‘*YASSSS*’ as she felt my dick slide to the half way point. 

Emma cooed, “God you feel amazing!!!”

I slowly kept sliding as Emma felt more as she looked back at me, “Wait!!!  You’re still going???”

I answered by sliding more and I actually watched her eyes cross before they rolled up as I hit 3/4.  

Then at 7/8 her body started to quiver.  

And when I hit 100% I felt Emma’s insides tighten around me as Emma groaned in her throat.  

*Did this bitch **just** orgasm…..**again**???*

I had to keep reminding myself that it’s been **three years** for Emma but this level of sensitivity can’t be *normal*.  

Maybe Emma was naturally sensitive and *maybe* me teasing her for as long as I did just made her **extra** sensitive.  

I only momentarily thought of Emma’s sensitivity while she endured her orgasm due to insides nearly slamming tight around me.  

Once I felt her insides had finally relaxed enough to where I could move I started sliding my dick in and out. 

Felicity was right this lube definitely was like an internal slip and slide as my dick glided along Emma’s insides with ease while Emma moaned and whined the entire time begging for more.  

I looked over at Felicity who was smiling as she watched the show while **she** masturbated and was undergoing her own orgasms as I caught one of them as she slapped her legs together and I faintly heard I shrill of delight.  

I lightly wondered how many orgasms she had brought herself to but it obvious she was enjoying the show.  

I grabbed onto Emma’s hips and spoke, “Before this goes any further what should I do with my,” I coughed, “*ahem* cum?”

Emma turned her head to look at me, “Are you *really* asking me where you can cum?”


It’s bad enough I stuck my dick in a girl I *barely* know let alone knowing *what* she might carry but my dick was already **in** her so that ship has sailed.  

If Emma *has* any infections or anything like that luckily I can go to a Muschi Pharmacy and get a pill to cure just about **every** STD….even the nasty ones that seem to have mysteriously disappeared ever since they found the various cures for all the known STD’s.  

So an STD wasn’t what was on my mind.  Ok it *kinda* was.  

The **BIG** question was **if** she was protected like Felicity told me she was.  Still have *no idea* what *plugged and balled* fucking means.  

My main point is *if* I cum **in** Emma and she’s not protected then my life would drastically change.  

I nodded.  

Emma huffed, “I don’t care *where* you fucking cum.  It can be on my back, on my stomach, in my hair, **in** my pussy, or *hell* even in my ass.  **JUST** get to **fucking** ***ME***!!!”

I spoke slowly, “So you’re protected?”

Emma growled, “***YES***!!!  I’m fucking plugged!!!  Now…”

That’s all I needed to hear as I started pounding Emma as she let out a shrill *Yyiiiieeeeeeee!!!* closely followed by a guttural *OH GOD!!!*.  

A few slaps of our flesh later Emma groaned ‘*Yes that’s the spot*’.  

A few slaps later Emma grunted as she tensed up and her legs began shaking.  

*Great another orgasm*

I looked over at our *audience* to see Felicity was now slamming her own *toy* while fondling herself.  Her eyes barely paid attention to us.  

*Great!  I’m surrounded by orgasming girls.*

*Fuck it might as well join them.*

I grabbed a hold of Emma’s hips and spoke through a grunt, “Get ready for a cum baby.”

There was a momentary bit of confusion from Emma as she moaned, “A huh….*Oh Fuck!!!*”

And I went for it.  

I used every muscle to push and pull Emma’s hips against my body as our slapping got louder and louder while I tried to not slip on the wet floor.  

Emma went through various stages of euphoria as her body experience pleasure again after three years as she moaned, groaned, and used every expletive in various combinations.  Her body…and legs more than once shuddered and shock.  

And Emma’s pussy…and insides received one final *stretch* as I slammed myself one last time into Emma’s pussy as she experienced exactly how much cum hid in my over sized nuts.  


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