Tricked Teacher Into Eating Cum

Our teacher Mrs. Kendall was every schoolboy’s dream. Big puppies her sweaters couldn’t hide, a narrow waist for her age, and an ample, soft ass that stretched her tight skirts. Too bad she was an uptight bitch.
That didn’t stop us boys from fantasising, however. One guy had even received an anonymous note from a girl offering to steal her underwear after swim class, for a price.

Today Mrs. Kendall was being a royal bitch. She was making us stay until max hours on a Friday, when we normally would get off from school earlier. We wanted to teach her a lesson.

We thought it would be so hot to make her eat our cum. We were going to have cooking in Home Economics later, so we agreed to each collect a generous portion of semen each, store it in balloons and smuggle it into our cooking for her to taste during class.

Just before class we showed our ‘cum balloons’. We had tried to blow the biggest loads we could, so we had a lot, perhaps too much. We decided to also make a lot so we could share with other girls we felt were stuck up.
We managed to sneak the cum into the cream we made for in between the layers of our cake. We held our breath as Mrs. Kendall came to taste our work. Her eyes widened and she gagged hard, but then her eyes squinted and she stabbed me with her eyes. She whispered sternly: “I know your game, naughty boy! And I know it was you idea, too! I will speak with you after class.”

Then she walked off sharply to the other students. My comrades thought I was the luckiest guy alive, but I had a bad feeling about Mrs. Kendall today, and I had just pissed her off, making her breath smell like cum.
Afterwards we let some of the prudish girls taste our cake, and they wrinkled their noses and said it was gross, but didn’t know what the secret ingredient was. We would tell them later, and that would make them puke.

Finally, when all the other students had left me, I stood alone, waiting for my judgement.

“You are such a bad little boy. I need to punish you. I’m sure you got off from the idea of making girls eat your *filth*, but we can’t have that. You will come to my house at midnight. And don’t get any funny ideas that this will be fun for your miniscule penis. It won’t. I know you think I’m a bitch, but tonight you’re going to be *my* bitch.”
