Step Sister Corruption Part 282 – Day 140 Free Use Vacay Pt 26 – Upgrade (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


*Let’s do the ‘Aphrodite Games’* she says.  

*It’ll be fun* she says.  

Yeah right.  

In one single act I went from having two fun loving free use lovers to now I stood in front of five, count them five, women all wanting my cock.  

I guess I should back up a bit.  

We had stood around waiting for the ‘auction’ to take place though I was starving from hardly eating anything beyond a light snack here and there in between each ’round’.  The only thing coursing through my system was the massive amount of electrolytes that I had consumed in order to stay upright and not pass out from all the activity I had taken part of all day.

When the auction started they had started the ‘special’ prizes announcing the biggest prize of the night, an upgrade to the winner’s room from whatever they had to a much more luxurious room known as the high roller’s or presidential suite.  That a night with the girl judges who took part in all the activities….if the winner decides that is.

Guess who the winner was……that’s right my ass.

I kind of questioned my actual ‘winning’ of the ‘special’ prizes but one look at Summer and Kel I could tell even **they** couldn’t say no to the free upgrade to our room.  Not saying our room was nothing to sneeze at but still an upgrade is an upgrade.

Can’t really turn down a **free** gift.

The stipulation I had a problem with was the extra ‘choice’ and that was a ‘night” with the woman judges who were here representing various porn houses.

I ‘wanted’ to turn it down just because the added package of the judges but one push from Summer told me I would be stupid to turn down such an ‘upgrade’.

Besides, the judges did say it was **my** choice and all I had to do was say *Thank you but no thank you*.

So I went on stage and accepted the free upgrade and was handed the girl’s cards with their numbers.  Then I was told all I had to do was go to the front desk and they will take care of everything including ‘refunding’ a portion of our money.  That should make Kel happy she would be getting a portion of her money back after her and Summer booked this craziness.

Then the first girl came out and the ‘bidding’ started.

We waited around for three more girl’s to be auctioned off before my growling stomach couldn’t take it anymore and I complained to the girl’s I was fucking starving.

So we broke away and managed to get something to eat as I could tell Summer was thinking something…..and knowing her it will push *our* boundaries more, but I didn’t care at that moment as I needed food.

After I had gobbled my second plate of food and drank enough liquid to hydrate three people I finally spoke, “What are you thinking, Summer?”

Summer shook herself out of her thought to look at me, “Just thinking.”

He raised my eyebrow at her, “ON?”

She sighed as she looked around, “Just that of **ALL** things to give out for free would be a room?”

Kel added, “And the judges.”

Summer looked at her, “Right.”

I *tried* to make the offer sound logical though I *knew* it was bullshit, “Maybe it was all they could hand out within reason.”

Summer looked at me, “But why not hand out more money or something?”

I looked at her, “Like all the money we’ve won so far isn’t enough?”

She sighed, “I don’t know, it just sounds weird.”

I put another bite of food in my mouth before I spoke, “I mean they could have offered the ‘prize’ to someone else.”

Sure as hell would have made me feel better.

Just felt like winning the ‘prize’ seemed to be the cherry on top after winning everything like we were the power couple on the cruise…..and an outlier where people were going to be watching us more.

Really hate being the center of attention.

Like if we ‘weren’t’ on a free use cruise and there wasn’t so much security I would feel like we would need to protect ourselves….especially all the money we were suddenly carrying around.

Hell I felt weird having that much money on me.  Like I wanted to rush to the room and take a photo of the check with my bank app just so it could be deposited into my account that way the check becomes null and void so if it were stolen the paper would be just that…..paper.  Might still do that just so I wasn’t worried about losing it.

I made a mental note when we transferred rooms to open my bank app and take the photo so the funds could be transferred to my account.

Might have the girl’s do the same just so we didn’t have to worry about it.

I looked at Summer, “So what should I do about these?” as I laid down the cards from the judges.

Summer looked at the cards as she saw the girl’s names, the company they were representing and their.’titles’.  

The first was Dillion Hyland, the second was Scarlet Chase, and the last was Trin Sage.

I could tell Summer’s wheels were spinning as she looked at each card and which porn house they represented.

Kel, who up until now remained silent, spoke, “If I may make a suggestion?”

We looked at Kel and she looked like she was unsure but still spoke, “We could probably slyly pump them for information.”

I watched Summer look at Kel for a moment though I was already thinking of her ‘implication’.

The girl’s worked for a porn studio meaning ‘they’ *possibly* knew the inner workings of a porn studio.  Meaning they could *possibly* tell us stuff we don’t know beyond filming our own escapades without real knowledge beyond the knowledge we knew of filming for our ‘personal’ accounts.

Trust me there’s a difference between filming yourself with a light as you speak about ‘XYZ’ compared to fucking on camera.

And after seeing what ‘we’ have put out there was a *HUGE* difference.

I sort of *knew* that when they film porn that they take breaks so the director can tell the talent how he/she wants them to angle themselves, what will be in the scene, whether this position worked or not.  I accidentally stumbled across a behind the scenes and though it looked like a plethora of things in my teenaged horny mind I still was able to get off on watching them as the ‘talent’ kept fucking during the behind the scenes.



It’s not like I took ‘notes’ of the scene and it’s not like I remembered ‘everything’ that happened in the video.  Plus it was a *while* ago.  You know like when I was in between pussy otherwise known as one of my dry spells.

So in ‘theory’ I knew there was a lot that happened behind the scenes during any porn shoot how much I was completely unaware of.

So if Kel was right and we could *possibly* ‘pump’ the girls for information we could *possibly* take said information and transfer it to how we do our new website.

Which reminds me I need to check on that.  I knew that the girl’s would be going to the studio and start an actual photo shoot soon so they’re images could be posted and the website could be more than a splash page and an icon stating it was the ‘new’ *Circle of Fun* website.

Maybe I should call Jesse or something to see if the girl’s had scheduled some time with her to start doing photos.  Last I heard, before we left, was that Jesse handed off a shopping list of makeup to my mom to order for all the girl’s and that mom had ordered said makeup.


Just another thing on my ‘to do’ list that never seemed to stop coming in.

Still I watched Summer as the wheels in her head probably turned at the same rate as mine as she looked at me and spoke, “Could be a valuable resource.”

I nodded and acknowledged Summer’s statement, “That it could.  A very valuable resource.”  I sighed, “Though I doubt they will *willing* supply information about the business we are trying to break into.”

Summer then gave me a wolfish smile and spoke, “You let **me** take care of that.”

And that’s how we got here…..though I skipped a couple of steps.

Like Summer went to the room to grab **ALL** of our shit while Kel and I checked in at the front desk to notify them of my ‘special’ prize and we did the whole ‘upgrade’ process.  And because we hardly did any damage as the housekeeping staff had already cleaned up our mess from the night before so the only thing left was our stuff, I was refunded my ‘damage’ money back to my credit card.  And we were upgraded.

We were in our ‘new’ spacious and luxurious room that made our already nice room look like it was meant for the bargain shoppers or something less than we had.

I felt like I was in some presidential room that I’ve only seen on videos and made our ‘house’ at home look like a shack.

I’m not kidding.

The bathroom alone was so big I could put my entire bedroom and bathroom in this bathroom.  It was **THAT** big.

Just to give you an ‘*idea*’ how massive this bathroom was.  The shower I could possibly easily fit an entire football team in and still have room to spare.  The bathtub I could fit myself, Kel, Summer, Morgan and maybe Karinna in it and still have room.

I had my own fucking steam room.

Let me say that again the bathroom has it’s OWN **STEAM ROOM**.

Then there was the bed.  It was like they took 4 or more King beds and put them together.  If my current circle of girls were to sleep on this bed there wouldn’t be any ‘cramp ness’ as we could all sleep in it comfortably.

That was just the BEDROOM and BATHROOM.

Ok I *may* be exaggerating a *little* bit but it was fucking huge.

Let’s just say the room was massive and leave it at that.

After we got settled in and by settled in I mean drop our bags before Summer was dialing on her cell.

And twenty minutes later the ‘judges’ appeared in our new ‘room’.

All three ‘judges’ stood roughly about the same height though they were maybe millimeters or centimeters in difference but I easily towered over them….just like I towered over my girls. If I had to guess they were about 5’2” or 5’3”.  

They all had roughly the same body type being petite and essentially having nearly identical builds with *possibly* near identical weights but how much I wasn’t entirely sure.  Definitely over 90lbs and under 130lbs but I was just guessing. 

That’s were the similarities stopped.  

Dillon Hyland, the judge from Nix and with the unique title on her card of being co-founder….whatever that meant.  She had mid back length brown hair and hazel eyes.  

Though Dillion was currently clothed in a modest casual clothing you could tell she had fair skin.  And with her clothing style the best I could tell she either had a big B cup or small C cup breasts.  

Scarlet Chase, the judge from BB Entertainment with the more typical title of being a talent scout on her card, had her sides shaved with long stylized white hair that had black and red highlights that draped over her face to highlight her tempting blue eyes.  

Though Scarlet was wearing dress slacks, she wore a vest, if you want to call her top a ‘vest’ as the back covering was near non-existent but it showed a unique back tattoo and full arm sleeves that showed her real interest…..she was an anime freak.  

Her back and arms, up until now that were covered with a dress shirt hiding under the vest, had various anime murals.  

Her back I could *easily* tell it was from an anime that I watched more than once as it was from ‘I am Light!’  

Her right arm has a wicked dragon in smoke with orange orbs and in the smoke were silhouettes of the main characters of the show.  Between the dragon, the orbs and the silhouettes it was easy to tell which anime it was from.  

Her left arm, much like her right, had another popular anime series but was more unique as it looked like a graveyard with various unique swords and in the reflection was the associated character that wielded the sword.  

Though Scarlet was sporting the slutty ‘vest’, though I’m guessing on her actual ‘size’, I was fairly certain she hid a modest B cup.  

And finally Trin, the judge from Evol was like Scarlet…..a talent scout.  

She had short shoulder length strawberry blonde hair with brown eyes. 

Though I didn’t see any real markings on her as she was dressed more casual it was easy to see she either was mindlessly hiding or didn’t care that her rocker shirt showed she was a little less endowed compared to Scarlet or Dillion.  

If I had to guess she either had a large A cup or small B cup breasts.  

The three stood there in our new massive room as we stood in complete opposite of each other.  

Us being nude and them being clothed.  

I looked at Kel who looked at me to see she smiled at me and nodded.  

I looked over at Summer and could see she was ‘sizing’ the girl’s.  

I looked at the judge’s and spoke, “So I bet you’re wondering why you’re here?”



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