Allie’s Subway Encounter [M/F] Pt. III

See Parts [I]( | [II](
Allie had taken the subway to work from Brooklyn to get to her place of work in Manhattan one cloudy, uneventful morning when the train became stranded in a pitch black tunnel underneath the river. The car was packed but a stranger behind her began interacting with her in ways she had not planned on. His overtures had gone from incidental touch, to massage, to more.

Now, the announcement rang over the PA:

“Attention, the crews are now reporting back that their work has gone faster than planned. The power could be returned at any minute, so you should have light back again. Thank you for your patience.”

Allie’s heart skipped a beat and she immediately pulled his dick out of her mouth and scurried to put her clothes back on. Putting her clothes back on was a bit of a misnomer as technically, she hadn’t removed any clothing. It had only been unbuttoned and or slipped down. The stranger’s dick went limp as he heard the emergency announcement and rushed to zip his pants back up. Allie struggled to her feet with her slacks still down beneath her knees. She was disoriented and soon thereafter the car lurched forward from a stop without warning.

Everyone in the car began to gasp and some people were even yelling. Allie reached to grab on to a railing or something to secure herself. The car clattered down the track when another announcement came over the PA: “As you can now obviously tell, we have re-gained motion. However, the power to our auxiliary lighting system has not yet been restored.” The car carried on through the tunnels and shortly thereafter the collective mood began to lighten.

Now, they were moving and who knew how long they’d have. For a moment, Allie had completely forgotten about her interaction with the stranger. Allie was shy and never quite realized it but she was very cute, in a nerdy sort of way. However, take off her slim-fit librarian-like clothing and reveal her lingerie and various piercings and even a tattoo or two, and she was an outright vixen.
Now, the car was moving and she wasn’t sure how much longer they’d have. Out of nowhere, she felt a strong hand reach onto the side of her chest. The other hand reached underneath her shirt and began massaging her back up and down. The car was hurtling through the dark confines of the tunnel now. The stranger moved his hands to her supple 34B breasts and began squeezing her right one with his right hand. He seemed to in particular be feeling the stud that pierced her nipple. For some reason, Allie felt very vulnerable with him touching that part of her body.

After all, she realized that she had no idea who was behind her. Maybe, just maybe she should tighten up her clothing again and put an end to it. But, she wanted to know what would happen next. She would just wait until the next thing happened, and then she told herself, she could stop it if she wanted to. Just. One. More. Act. She also recalled she’d briefly taken him in her mouth, but, she’d given blowjobs on first dates before, so how different was this?

Then, the train started to round a corner, and the high-pitched whirring noise began to slowly reduce and get lower and lower pitched. The realization finally came to Allie that the train was stopping. Another groan came from the car.

PA: “Attention all passengers, we have hit another roadblock. There is work progressing on the area of the track directly in front of us. I regret to inform you that we will be stuck here for the foreseeable future. Thanks for your patience.” The speaker crackled and the voice faded. Now, Allie was pretty certain she’d have a little more time. Her clothes were mostly on but her bra was still unclasped. She had managed to pull her pants back up, however she hadn’t zipped them up yet.

She stood and waited to see what would happen next. The stranger then leaned forward and started to neck her. He breathed deeply into her ear and began nibbling it. She had triple-pierced ears so he couldn’t get too close to the skin. This was OK she thought. He’s just breathing on my neck. What was the next move she thought to herself?

The next thing she noticed was that his hands were starting to work their way down the inside of her pants. Her pussy was smooth. Again, he unzipped her pants to gain better access. Ok, she thought to herself. He’s just massaging me down there a little bit. Her slacks were tight enough that he couldn’t really access all that much. Now that they had more time, she felt his hands on her sides and he began to slowly pull down her pants. Here we go again, she thought to herself, but she had promised herself to see what the next thing was.

She was surprised when he started pulling them down that he didn’t stop once they got below her butt. He kept pulling when they came down to knee level. Ok, fine, she thought. Then, he reached down and gently grabbed her shoes. He motioned for her to lift her feet off the ground which she did. First, he pulled off the left shoe and then the right one. “Ok, this is kind of weird”, she thought to herself. She wasn’t even sure where exactly he put her shoes. While he was still crouching, she felt his hot breathe on her butt. Her butt was now directly in his face!

She laughed a little bit thinking how often most people tried to avoid having someone’s ass in their face! He started to kiss the soft skin of her butt cheeks. Her butt cheeks were so soft and smooth. She even smelled good down there. Then, he put his hands on her butt cheeks and began to spread them a little bit. It did feel good and Allie was not about to stop him now. Because her slacks were at knee level, it was a little bit difficult for her to spread her legs more. She allowed him to keep kissing her butt. It felt good.

He can just kiss my back side and flick my bean a little bit if he wants to she thought to herself. She then felt him back away. The next thing she felt was him pulling down her slacks. She was still on the subway and she could end it at any moment, but removing her pants seemed like a big step! Her slacks came down to her ankles when he again lifted up her feet and pulled them off of her, one leg at a time. He balled up her slacks and placed it in front of her. She saw the ball and was shocked to see her gray dress slacks that she’d left her apartment wearing now balled up and placed in front of her.

She looked around her and saw the silhouettes of people against the window talking. Some people were just standing, waiting for the train to move. She was now standing in a subway car with no shoes and no pants. She felt vulnerable but at the same time she wanted to see what would happen next. As she was attempting to fold her pants, she felt his hands go to her g-string panties and start pulling them down. “Oh my god” she thought to herself. She realized she didn’t even have the protection of her panties now.

Other than her socks, she was now completely bottomless and her hairless pussy and 24” waist were flapping in the breeze. Now, she was really starting to feel naked. He pulled her panties all the way to her ankles and Allie lifted first her left foot and then her right one to help him, just the way she did when she undressed herself at night.

Allie was now literally ass naked in the subway car. An announcement came over the PA: ‘By now you’re all probably sick of hearing my voice. I do have a definitive update for you. We will be here for another 45 minutes to 1 hour before the car starts moving again. Relax and be patient. Your jobs will still be there for you when you get to the other side.’ A couple of people laughed this time.

Now, she felt his hands again grab her shoulders. He again pushed down on them suggesting for her to crouch down. She complied. When she was on the ground. He spun her around. Ok, I’ve done this before she thought to herself. He was slightly more flaccid that last time. She made it a goal to see how hard she could get him. She had time so she wasn’t rushing now. Her lips encircled his penis and she began sucking his dick. She used her tongue on his frenulum for extra stimulation. He didn’t grab her head and force her down like some pricks she’d been with had done. She decided to see how much of his cock she could get in her. She went down further and further until she felt the tip of his penis against her throat.

She had never before done this but she wanted to try it now. She relaxed her throat and began to place his cock down her throat. It felt OK. She kept reminding herself to relax. The stranger held perfectly still. She got a little bit of it in but decided she didn’t feel like throwing up this morning. She then moved to his balls and sucked them one by one. It occurred to her she had no idea what this guy looked like. He could be white. He could be Latino. He could be black. It all added to the mystery that had been this morning. She started to taste a little bit of his pre-cum.

Finally she felt him pull away and gently guide her upwards. She was now facing him directly. She realized they hadn’t even kissed yet. The stranger crouched down and she felt his face awkwardly bump up against her pubic bone in the dark. She was standing and spread her legs slightly so that he could access her pussy. He took his hands and brushed them over her labia. Then she felt his mouth get closer to her lips. He tongue fucked her pussy expertly. She felt the most intense pleasure she’d ever felt in her entire life. She used her fingers to open her labia so he could get in deeper. She couldn’t help but moan. A laugh came from about 15 feet away.

“Is someone watching a porno?”, a guy said.

A couple people laughed but no one had a clue what was going on below her waistline. Finally, after she had become sufficiently aroused, the stranger came up for air. Allie considered long and hard if she should make a move and kiss the guy. It was weird that they’d already done so much yet she was nervous about kissing someone for the first time! She didn’t.

The stranger stood up but still had all his clothes on. He reached for Allie’s sweater and pulled it over her head. Up to this point she had felt semi-comfortable. Then he reached for her bra and slipped that off as well. Allie was now completely naked save for her cable-knit beige hipster snow cap. The stranger then reached down and in a final act of denuding her, removed both her socks. She was now completely naked and barefoot in the subway.
At this point, she considered stopping and putting her clothes back on. ‘Just. One. More. Thing.’, she told herself. The stranger spun her around so her ass was facing him. She felt a hand reach down towards her pussy. Then she felt what seemed like his erect penis brushing up against her pussy… ‘Oh. My. God.’, thought Allie.



  1. Daaaamn, that’s hot! Not sure exactly what it is, but I’m really vibing with your writing style


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