The Right to Breed. [Cuckolding] [Breeding] [Tribal] [World Building]

The Tribe of Kundal is a land based upon the dynamics of power and ancient tradition. As soon as a boy reaches coming of age he is scrutinized by the Tribal Elders. Every detail from his strength, speed, stature, even the size of his Manhood and fertility is taken into consideration when deciding what his role shall be within the tribe.

Those who excel in all forms physically, athletically, and intellectually are granted the title of a Kundali warrior. These Men will spend their lives training, learning, and building themselves up to become protectors of their people and go on to expand their domain.

It is not an easy role, in fact the training they undergo is known to be some of the most brutal and intensive out of any known tribe. Training that would make weaker men perish in all but days. Yet these Men do not yield. Embracing the challenge as well as the responsibilities that comes along with it.

Due to the role the Warrior plays within the tribe and how much dedication it requires, Kundali warriors are not permitted to marry. As family life would only serve to take them away from their duties toward their tribe. Instead, these Men have full authority to bed any woman they desire. Even if that woman is already married to a Kukti (Kundali for “lesser man”).

Kuktis are the boys who didn’t make the cut to become warriors. More often than not they are small, meek, and weaker males who do not compare to the warriors of the tribe.

They handle the jobs that only serve to waste the Warriors talents, and while they are not allowed to hold any positions of authority within the tribe, they are permitted to marry if the woman they desire agrees to marry them.

There are conditions however. Upon being marked as a Kukti, each of these males undergoes a sterilization process. Effectively rendering their seed worthless. And while they are permitted to go to bed with their wife, it is impossible for a Kukti to have children on their own.

In order to conceive, they must seek the assistance of a warrior to bed their wives and provide the couple with children. Some married Kundali couples even make an event out of this process, publicly holding the conception in a temple where it is said it will lead to a blessed child. Others prefer the privacy of their wedding beds.

Regardless of how the couple chooses to hold the conception, once the woman is impregnated by the warriors seed, her body is marked as his domain, and will soley belong to that warrior alone until he chooses to relinquish his mark over her.

The Kukti must now request the Warriors permission, not the woman, to go to bed with his wife. He must obey all of the warriors commands as well as ensure all of his wife’s needs are met during and after the pregnancy. Not allowed to turn down her orders.

In fact, it is said that a Kukti that nurses his wife’s sore and aching womanhood with his tongue after she’s had a long night with a warrior brings good luck to the couple and ensures an easy delivery once the child is due.

Often, conception isn’t planned to begin with. As Kundali Warriors are fully permitted to take quarter in a Kuktis home and must be treated as the guest of honor for the duration of their stay.

The Warriors duties are heavily taxing. From traveling long distances and fighting battles. Therefore It is the Kuktis duty to ensure that the warrior has the best of care while residing in his household. Giving them not only their marriage bed to sleep on but their wife’s body to keep them comfort during their stay.

Once the child is born it is the responsibility of the Kukti and his wife to raise and take care if it. Many on the outside believe that the life of a Kundali girl is difficult due to these circumstances, but the reality couldn’t be further from the truth. As they live out their lives in a bliss of pleasure with their docile husbands always at their side and service.

This is only a small part of the many traditions this tribe holds, and perhaps in due time, I will teach you more.



  1. Interesting to know about this tribe..I haven’t heard of this before.

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