The Pact of the Witch. [Ch.02] [F/m] [Fantasy] [Dubcon] [Femdom] [OC]

Kami’s heart finally stopped racing. Her body felt strangely light, in a very pleasant way. She stood up slowly, taking in the room. Something was different, but she could not quite tell how.

*You are feeling the changes. As our bond grows, we will become more… alike.*

“Can you read my mind?” Kami asked the incubus. He, too, looked different. Where there had been only one tentacle before, two new ones had grown. They were much smaller, writhing more quickly.

In a way. In time, we will be able to fully link. For now, it is more of a vague set of loose sentiments and feelings I can hear.

Kami nodded, slowly. She looked around the room again. “I can see in the dark!” That what was what different. The faint moonlight suddenly gave her a much clearer view of the little hut. The blood on the floor seemed to almost glow, and she could make out every detail of the fat man on the floor.

“What should I- we, do with him?” Kami felt uneasy about the way she had tricked the man. She couldn’t just leave him here and risk him starving to death if no one happened to check in on the little hut.

*Well, that’s up to you. You are the mistress; I am just your bondservant. But, if I might make a suggestion, you could use him to practice your new magic.*

The incubus, Rast, seemed very much to enjoy the new situation. He hung right above Kami’s shoulder, occasionally stroking her neck gently with a tentacle. Kami bent down and picked up the grimoire. It dealt mostly with different pacts and ways to become a witch, but there were a few spells as well. She sifted through the pages, looking for something interesting. Most of the spells required rituals or rare ingredients, but there where a section called “everyday charms and jinxes for the magic adept” that seemed to suit a brand-new witch like Kami just fine.

She pointed to one of them, and Rast floated closer to see. Or sense, or whatever it was that the little orb did.

*Ah, yes. A Suggestion Charm. Merciful and wise, mistress Kami, but risky if his mind is stronger than yours. It might not take. But let’s try it, shall we?*

Kami nodded. She was more nervous now than when the incubus had spoken about entering her, which seemed silly. She took a deep breath, calming herself, and knelt down by the man. She removed his blindfold and his ball gag. He was still sleeping, which made Kami giggle nervously. She shook his shoulder, and he slowly came to, blinking rapidly in the dim light. She thought for a moment as she waited for him to wake up fully.

“Wh… what happened?” He said blearily. He was in his thirties or forties, with a big, bushy beard. He was not ugly, just a bit fat and scruffy. Kami made the sign described in the grimoire, a small rune shaped with her thumb and two fingers.

“I suggest you remember this as a night of sweet lovemaking, when a beautiful girl took pity on you and took you to bed. I suggest you forget you were ever bound, and instead cherish this moment. I suggest you travel on, never telling a soul of me or the night we shared.”

The man’s eyes glazed over as Kami spoke. She could feel a strange, unfamiliar surge of something warm in her chest as the spell travelled through her body. The man just nodded slowly; his eyes transfixed on Kami’s fingers.

“Oh yes, what a night we had, my sweet dove. I shall cherish it always in my heart,” he said, puckering his lips as if ready to receive a kiss. Kami could hear Rast the incubus chuckle in her head, and she herself let out a small giggle at the sight of the bound man.

She shrugged her shoulders, glancing at Rast. She gave the man the kiss he wanted, a swift peck on the lips, and started to undo his bindings.

*Well, that worked beautifully, didn’t it? You have power in you, my mistress.*


Kami’s boots made a crunching sound on the gravelled road. She and Rast had been travelling all day, leaving the village behind. Kami had said her goodbyes to no one, for there was no one left whom she loved or even liked.

Her new companion had proved a pleasant travelling companion, chattering away the time, very much enjoying leaving hell behind him.

*Ah, the mortal plane is as fascinating as ever,* he told Kami has he floated up to a perfectly common roadside flower, touching it gently with a tentacle. Kami snorted, amused by his happiness.

*I think I hear someone. Perhaps I should hide myself again?*

Kami nodded, holding out her arm. She had been worried about travelling with a dark, floating orb on the roads, but Rast had proven that he, too, had powers. Every time they had heard or seen travellers approaching, Rast would use his magic to merge with Kami’s skin, transforming into a twisting rune on her arm. They could still talk, and Kami rather liked the look of it. Like a sailor’s tattoo, she had told Rast.

Rast floated speedily towards her, merging with her skin. It tingled pleasantly, sending a shiver down Kami’s spine, and she found herself shuddering on the road. She stood there, listening. “I can’t hear anything, she said, looking both ahead and behind her on the road. It was getting dark, and she couldn’t see much of anything, either.

*Not on the road. Someone is prowling around in the forest. I can’t hear much, but I can smell… Oh, no.*

Kami was about to speak, but her lips froze in an o. From underneath a tree an orc stepped out, so close that Kami couldn’t understand how she hadn’t heard him. Kami’s body froze up. There were, of course, friendly orcs. The forest-dwelling brown orcs had sometimes travelled through her little village, trading fur and antlers as they went. This was no brown orc, however. His skin was a pale grey, almost white. A mountain orc. They worshipped a dark god, and pillaged and murdered in his name. Kami felt a cold shiver down her spine. The orc smiled, taking another step closer.

He was tall, much taller than Kami, and as muscled as an ape. A fat, hard stomach showed scars from battles, and from his belt hung a wicked axe. He was naked except for a pair of leather pants, and he sniffed the air as he came closer.

“My, my, my… what’s a little human girl doing-”

His guttural words were cut off as a black shape flung itself off of Kami’s arm, wrapping itself around his neck and arms. Rast’s voice rang loud and commanding as he struggled against the orc’s powerful arms.

*A spell, mistress, anything! I can’t hold him, he’s too strong!*

Kami’s shock went away as quickly as it had come. She signed frantically in the air. “I SUGGEST YOU CALM DOWN!” Her spell had no effect. The orc struggled forward another step, his face starting to grow red from the incubus chokehold. Kami struggled to get the clasps from her grimoire open, rifling through the pages, trying to find the one she was looking for. In a panic, she just picked one at random and started signing, the complicated words making her stutter the first time she tried it.

*Again! Take a breath! I can hold him for a little longer!*

Kami steadied herself and, just as the orc’s strong hand closed around her wrist as if it was a twig to be broken up for firewood, she signed in the air and uttered the twisted, strange words.

Twisting, pink and purple ribbons shot out from her fingers, wrapping themselves the struggled orc so tightly that they seemed to meld with his skin. The orc stopped struggling, as if accepting his fate, but Kami could see fear in his eyes. Rast slowly let go, silently floating next to the orc.

Kami wrenched her arm easily from the now limp fingers of the orc, and stood in shock. She had no idea what spell she had just used. It had been at the very end of the grimoire, among the more complicated spells that she hadn’t dared try yet.

*How in all the hells did you…* Rast said in a whisper-like tone.

“What? I don’t even know what spell this is!” Kami said, her voice a bit shrill from the whole ordeal.

*It looks like a Binding spell.*

“Like tying someone up?”

*Like tying someone* ***to you****.* Rast had a hint of something strange in his voice. He sounded impressed, but also- frightened? Kami shook her head in confusion.

“I don’t understand. Like our bond? I thought you needed a ritual for that?” Rast came closer, as if looking her in the eye.

*Like enslaving someone, forcing them into your service.*

Kami started to panic. “I don’t want a slave! I’m not some- some monster!” She looked at the orc. He was calm now, the fear in his eyes gone. They were replaced with some new emotion, something Kami couldn’t quite place. The pink-and-purple ribbons had started to fade, leaving scar-like silvery lines across the orc’s skin.

*I’m afraid you have one now, whether you want it or not. I’m not sure though, I didn’t recognize the spell you spoke. Try it out. Command him.*

Kami hesitated. The orc looked at her with eyes as dark as coal. Kami swallowed, taking a step closer. She looked up at the orc, who was just standing there, breathing calmly.

“Kneel,” Kami whispered. It was the first thing that popped up in her head. She looked on as the large orc smoothly knelt, an animalistic grace in his large body. Kami felt a surge of strange emotion. She felt triumph, over having performed an entirely unknown spell. She felt shame, of having robbed this being of his free will. And she felt something else, too. Arousal. The power she held over the orc that had just been about to kill her, or something worse, sent a surge of warm, deep arousal through her chest and stomach, down towards her crotch.

Her lips parted in a deep breath, making her blush. Rast floated closer, a long tentacle stroking her neck.

*Perhaps this orc might come in handy, mistress? After all, we both hunger. And here we have a willing- well, more or less, I suppose, source.*

Something in Kami was repulsed by Rast’s words. She wanted to tell him how awful the very thought was, how evil, but some other, darker, part of her relished the thought as much as he. She had been powerless her entire life, beaten and bullied by people she hated. Here was the opportunity to take something back.

She stood watching the orc.

“What is your name?” She finally asked. “Grim.” His voice was deep and booming, guttural. “What do you want, Grim?” She asked, carefully laying a hand on his cheek. His skin was surprisingly hot, as if he had a fever, and softer than she had thought.

“To serve.” Kami felt ashamed. She had ripped his will away, she realized, but on the other hand he had wanted to rip something from her, too. She felt a sudden urge, a sudden heady rush of being in control, being the one in power.

“Open your mouth,” she said. She could hardly believe her own words. She couldn’t… She was not like this. This was wrong. Still, as Grim opened his wide mouth, the sight of his broad, pointed tongue stirred something in her. She hiked her skirts up and drew her dress over her head, tossing it to the side of the road. She wasn’t worried about being seen. Why would she be? She had the power to bring a large orc to his knees. Who should she fear?

Something wakened in the orc’s black eyes as he sniffed at her, houndlike. Kami’s hands looked small on Grim’s large, bald head as she gripped it by his temples. She guided his head down, making him bow before her until his head was level with her now wet cunt.

“Serve me,” she said, her voice barely a whisper. The orc obeyed.
