My (M25) Student (F19) Unknowingly Fulfills My Fantasy [MF]

Class was ending. It was nearing the end of the semester and I was ready to abandon campus in the form of a two week nap. It was the final Thursday recitation for freshmen (and rather, those avoiding to take Intro to Psych). I, a second year graduate student, would finally be teaching his own classes when the year renews. First, I had to get through finals week. And since most of my work was done, that meant spending my non-grading hours playing with the average-sized cock (approaches 7 inches but big enough not to be noticeable as “big”) that resides between my thighs.

Now, I’m not a deviant that would embarrass my mother. I’m earning my PhD in cognitive psych as well as dealing with an ocean that is anxiety. At that time, the kinkiest thing I did was slam an ex down on my cock in cowgirl while we were dating. Feeling and seeing a female take her hand and personally stroke the length my cock was a remote fantasy, let alone a routine friends with benefits. My fight-or-flight would kick in before my hormones even had a chance to know there was beautiful females who thought my brown, curly hair was cute.

But the one thing I did have was the pornucopia of the internet and my anxieties in private didn’t get in the way of, what I would call, my pretty cock. Though average, my favorite memory is of a girl seeing its silhouette in the blue light of Netflix and whispering, “fucking beautiful” as her thumb spread pre-cum on the glans of my proportionally larger head. So with a beautiful cock and a sex drive that hasn’t slowed down since puberty hit at fourteen, I spent my hours after class fantasizing about the prospect of being seduced by a student in many contexts. Getting my cock sucked for extra credit. Having an orgy instead of class. Hooking up in one of my student’s dorms after class. Fucking my students in the locker room of the rec center. Eating my students’ out in front of empty lecture halls. Only, only, if these fantasies were to come true and the sex god inside me would throw off the chains of anxiety.

But, today, Nadine would lock my anxiety in a closet while she took advantage of my body’s animalistic adaptations. In fact, Nadine was the one student over my two years that I would consistently think about. She, like I, had tattoos. Although I out-inked her with a chest-sleeve piece, she had the patchwork of ink against pale skin that made my eyes stare. Her figure was slim but she had curves that tapered to her stature. B cups that would be held in place under a band tee. Her legs, beautiful as they were scarred, were usually hidden behind a ripped pair of skinny jeans that would have made her ass flop out like a dick. Seeing her skin with nuanced blemishes bracing to escape from those straining threads made….me….insane.

I still remember her coming in that day with these ugly short-shorts. Halfly admiring her ass and halfly wondering why the hell she would be wearing dad jean blue short-shorts with Walmart designs of paint streaks in public, I couldn’t help but think about picking her up and fucking her against the wall as a class presentation, her ugly shorts around her ankles where they belong.

Nadine was, well, not a great student. She was floating in the tails of my grading distributions consistently. Her assignments were consistently late but consciously or subconsciously, I always gave her a second chance to improve her work. Approaching the end of the semester, she was free falling to take the course again and my life vests weren’t going to work. So when she approached my desk another time after class, I was kind annoyed that she would be requesting another.

“Hi Nadine. What’s up?”

“Ummm. Professor, I don’t think I’m going to be able to get the paper in on time.” she mumbled in her seemingly unconfident way.

“Nadine. First, don’t call me professor. I don’t have a PhD and it makes me feel awkward. And second, I will see what I can do. But like I’ve said previously, I have given you a lot of passes. Usually those become few as the semester ends.”

“I know, I know. But I can’t fail this class. It will be my third F and I will be put on academic probation. You know a lot my time has been spent taking care of my siblings at home. I don’t have a lot of time outside of school.”

“Listen, Nadine, I get it. Life gets in the way. I give flexibility to everyone. But that flexibility can’t be overstretched. What do I say to the students who did turn in their assignments on-time?” During this diatribe rehearsed often as a teacher’s assistant, I was traversing the classroom ensuring everything I turned on was now off. Unbeknownst to me, when I was walking back up to the front of the room to gather my bag and laptop, Nadine had managed to close the door, close the blinds that covered the sole window peering in from the hall, and was now walking towards her teachers assistant with a clear moose knuckle in his skinny jeans.

“Uh…Nadine. What are you doing?”, I nervously ask with my backpack dangling from my fingers.

“So, I know that I have asked for help multiple times this semester.” She is now 20 feet from me, throwing her backpack on a classroom table as she turned to walk up to the front of the room.

“We both obviously have the same vibe.” Ten feet now, she removing a hoodie that pulls up her Nirvana band tee revealing a toned tummy slowly fashioned at the rec center.

“I don’t know if you know,” she stutters out as reality seems to slow her every step and word. “Every time you wear these jeans,” confidence seems to enter her as she now traps me against my desk with her hips, placing her hand right above where I can’t hide my balls in skinny jeans “we can see exactly what you have behind here.”

I try to maintain professional composure by defusing the hot situation “Nadine, I don’t know if we should be doing this….”

“Shut. the fuck. up.” With those four syllables, Nadine had unbuttoned my jeans, ripped the zipper down, and ripped my jeans to below my knees. She had me trapped in front of the classroom against the front of a desk, dense bulge encased only in the threads of my briefs. If I would have walked in on this scene, I would have came right there.

I now had a split-second choice. Do I risk my future? What if we get caught as she is slamming her ass down my shaft? Even worse, what if we get caught when I have her positioned such that only gravity has the power to move her up and down my cock until I choose? Obviously, nature won.

I immediately dropped my bag to pick her up by the waist, my jeans still around my knees causing me to waddle.

“Now Nadine,” I stammer as I try to come to terms that my genitalia may very well be out in a public space in mere seconds. “I want you to know that this will not be a factor in your final grade.” It seems as if I had borrowed some of Nadine’s confidence as I had formulated a quick plan. I knew exactly my script. “However, I think it is an important fact that you should know.” I had waddled Nadine to the edge of the nearest table that put her at perfect height to minimize muscular strain. As I laid her down softly, flashes of her glasses being quaked off from the forces of my thrusts pushed me over the edge. Leaning down while curling her knees up, my chest wedging her between me and the table until my face hovered above hers, I whispered “These shorts hide an ass that even your dad is proud of.” Having placed her in a position that left her waistband free of external fixation, I release the stressed position simultaneously as I pull those ugly shorts to her ankles.

“Now there,” I get up from the crouched position such a maneuver required while throwing her shorts on the table beside her backpack, my fingers grazing up her delicate thighs that lead to the ass I’ve been imagining about for months. “We are even.”

The jeans that were once clinging to the sweat of my thighs were now around my ankles. The tossing of the shorts guaranteed that I would be fucked given a random janitor walk in with a hot thonged freshman laying down on my classroom table. But fuck it, when else was I going to be able to bury my cock in a consenting student?

After stepping out of my jeans, teasing Nadine by playing with my briefs-covered cock-and-balls shit-eating grin included, I gently told her to clasp my fingers within hers, albeit loosely. Keeping her on the edge of the table, I used the leverage of our clasped hands to bob on her clit like a tiny dick. Not too hard but also not too soft such that the pressure releasing dopamine into her teenage brain would be constant and screaming for more. Clit too sensitive? Let’s do some massage-work using the lips of the labia, purposefully avoiding it. I’ll see how long that lasts.

Soon she was pulling our clasped hands upward, forcing my teasing to an end. phallic cortex completely overrides my prefrontal if a goth girl wearing nothing but a graphic tee is before me. I had that, cumming on my face, in my classroom that anyone could walk in. When I finally had to come up for air, my cock and balls were not only begging to be released but they were also drenched. The average length of my penis appears to have been substituted for an increase in the production of pre-cum. Years of edging to prolong the pleasure of releasing ejaculate from the tip of my cock has led to a consistent release of pre-cum during foreplay and my boxer briefs were soaked in pre-cum.

Still kneeling and peering up at Nadine as the waves of orgasm twitched through every inch of her body, I slowly get back up slyly placing the tip of the head of my swollen cock so it peered over the waistband of my grey soaked briefs. “Hey Nadine?” I teasingly ask as I lean over her placing my hands on the table on each side of her waist. “I have something for you.” I had positioned myself over her such that she could see the preview of my cock using my adolescent trick.

In the one move that will forever be in my fapbank, Nadine, like a child who just received a bag of candy, swung up from her position laying down, grabbed two handfuls of my boxer briefs’ waistband, and ripped them down my legs so forcefully that they ripped, all-the-while giggling like a school girl. My cock, in all its glory, flopped out. Nadine was the first of her class to discover what was behind the formation of my moose knuckle. And she was the first to make me proud of my rather low-hanging balls, as she made sure to pop each one in her mouth.

At this point, we had traded spaces. She, still in her black graphic tee, was now between my legs ensuring I could see her play with my balls. Using nothing but her mouth, she showed me how the pliable skin of my testicles stretched, trying to steal each nut using nothing but suction until you could see her saliva glisten. Nadine, in that moment, was queen. “Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me”, I groaned as Nadine looked up at me while playfully teasing my balls with her tongue.

She began to show signs of sweating, another thing that shuts my prefrontal cortex down. Imagine the look right after a girl wakes from bed on a Saturday in a relaxed state as to not rush her beauty routine. Sexy. as. fuck. Now, envision a drop of sweat dripping down her forehead because you’ve been fucking? Now add your sweat dripping onto her as she moans. Auto-cum.

So in order to fuck this goddess of a woman by not blasting all over her black t-shirt first, I leaned down so she would look up at me and lose focus on milking my balls. Here she was, honestly, a cute girl from South Dakota who graduated high school a year ago born from a broken home seeking to better her lot at college. A girl with big brown eyes advertising innocence but opaque desire. Brown hair that could change color but look just as beautiful in my grip. Small hands that made her smile exotically cute when she looked up at me while stroking my cock. And with that, she looked up at me with slightly fogged glasses, my cock still in her hand’s grasp and a thumb “thumbing” the head:

“So are you going to fuck me,” winks, “professor?”

With that, I grabbed a nearby chair for support because I knew I wouldn’t be able to hold this position for too long. But fuck, I was going to fuck her in it if it was my last dying wish. I grabbed Nadine by the waist, placed her on the table, and ordered her to turn over. As she did what she was told, I helped her keep her balance as this position would require she sacrifice all control to gravity and, well, me. I scooted her to the end of the table until she was on the edge of no return. Thankfully, my height makes most tables just above dick-level for me which makes the physics of this position my favorite.

At the point that Nadine would fall not given my support, I positioned my hips so that in order to get off, she would need my assistance. Due to the horizontal workings of it too, Nadine was at a perfect angle to control how fast I wanted her to ride my cock. So when I could tell Nadine was at the table’s edge as signaled by the pressure of her weight being put on my quads, I stopped my hips, placed the head of my cock to the lips of her labia, and waited for her to slowly slide down the length of my cock using her own juices to ease the trip down. When I felt the engorged head of my cock create a seal between Nadine and I, I knew it would be a matter of minutes before the room was filled with sounds of her ass cheeks being slapped against my groin.

It is then that I gently gathered her hair into a ponytail, removing the stray hairs tangled in her glasses while softly kissing every bone on her back that jutted out. I needed something to distract myself from cumming when the lips of her pussy completed the warm seal at the base of my cock. Ignoring the creeping pain of wall sits, I calculated when Nadine would complete the slide down my cock, thus being balls deep. I didn’t want her to experience the entirety of my cock for too long, as I wanted her to vocally beg for it. So after a couple seconds when I felt the skin of her plump cheeks touch the bare skin of my groin, I slowly lifted her up with my arms so only the glands of my cock peaking inside her.

Smiling, I say “bounce in little circles” hoping that my sexual naivety wouldn’t show. She looked back at me, knowing I had complete control over her movement, “You think I don’t know how to fuck?” and collapsed any support she had that was keeping her up. The ‘thump’ of her pussy swallowing my cock nearly killed me as she saw my eyes roll back into my head. “There’s more where that came from” she said smiling.

If she wanted to fuck, then she was going to fuck. With that, I grabbed Nadine’s waist with both of my hands and used her. On her upswings, I’d give just a small bit of support to give her a few more milliseconds in free fall to come down harder on my cock. On her trips down, the edges of her t-shirt would flare out making me meet her on the way down. I began systematically guiding Nadine up and down the full length of my cock using various rates so her body wouldn’t get used to it. First was slow, to hear and feel her breath in reaction to my cock. Then as I felt her juice drip down my thigh, I animalistic accelerated the rate of my pumps. At the same time a hint of Nadine’s daddy issues emerged, a mumbled “Daddy. I’m sorry.” whimpers amongst the echoing slaps of our bodies. (This caused me to develop a daddy kink lmao)

“Punish? This isn’t punishment” I grunt in between my braces as she reaches the base of my cock. There comes a point in a fuck, esp as a man, when you know you are going to cum, so you begin to prepare the load’s exit strategy in a matter of seconds. Great men are able to pull out in the face of God and I had seen his face.

Immediately as I finished the word “punishment”, I attempted to pull Nadine off my cock as gently as possible as well as forcefully as possible. I felt the engorged head of my cock “pop” out of her pussy as it shot ropes of cum on the back of her shirt. The picture of my cock flopping out of my student’s pussy to shoot ropes of cum on her will always be ingrained.

After catching our breath and post-sex necessities, post-nut clarity made me realize the actual consequences that could occur if an administrator found a student covered in her teacher assistant’s cum at this moment. I cleaned her and I up with some towels I had brought for the gym (Her post-fuck makeup is still hot af to mentally envision). Shot some Febreeze to get rid of the sex smell. Before we parted ways, I let Nadine know that she had passed and would not need to retake it next semester.
