[F/MM] A Simple Arrangement – Chapter 3

I decided to skip class that day. I was already late, and I couldn’t imagine sitting through my morning class with my pussy full of Brett’s cum. I honestly didn’t know how I felt. I knew I was frustrated. I was so close to coming and never got the chance to. I thought about finishing myself off, but that would just make me feel even more pathetic. Even more, it would prove that I enjoyed it.

I took a hot shower and let the steaming water wash through my hair. It felt soothing on my skin. My inner thighs were still sticky with cum, so I washed myself. My fingers paused a moment longer on my clit, but I forced myself to stop. I stepped out of the shower and dried off, knowing I could make my later classes if I hurried. As I got dressed, I decided to skip the panties. I was still sore from when Brett took me in the kitchen. He was an ass, but his cock was much thicker than I was used to. I slid on a pair of black leggings. The smooth fabric felt amazing. They were a bit see-through if I was bent over, but I would be sitting down most of the day anyway, so who cares. I threw on a light sweater that hung off one shoulder and just enough makeup to make it look like I hadn’t just rolled out of bed. I pulled my blonde hair back into a tight ponytail and headed out to class.


I couldn’t concentrate the entire day, but I was there for attendance, so at least that’s something. I got back to my apartment and opened the door. Brett and Jason were sitting on the couch as I walked in and grew suspiciously quiet. Whatever conversation they were having was stopped dead in their tracks by my arrival, and it made me a little nervous. Did Brett say something about our arrangement? “Hey guys,” I said, trying my best to sound casual. I walked past them with the intention of heading to my room.

“Hailey, wait up!” Brett said, stopping in my tracks. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before turning around to face him.

“What’s up?” I asked. I didn’t have a lot of confidence that my casual act was working.

“This might be easier if you had a seat,” Brett said. Jason couldn’t stop smiling like an idiot. He definitely had told him.

“I think I’m good,” I said. My head was spinning and I started to wonder how many people Brett told about our arrangement.

“Are you ok?” Brett asked. “Everything is cool, there are certain details about our arrangement we need to iron out.”

“Oh yeah?” I asked. I was no longer frustrated. I was pissed. “I think one of those details needs to be who you are allowed to talk to about this. I can’t believe you told Jason. Who else did you tell?” My pride was hurt. Really, it’s not like I was some kind of prude good girl type to begin with. What bothered my the most was that people knew I was completely broke.

“Wow! Just calm down,” Brett said, trying to bring my temperature down. He stood up from the couch. It was a little intimidating. Jason’s face turned red like he wasn’t at all expecting this to turn into a fight. “Jason’s the only person I told. Now get over here and sit your ass down.” His voice was still calm, but stern. I weighed my options but ultimately decided to go ahead and hear him out. I walked around the front of the coffee table and took a seat on the hard, wooden surface.

“I’m listening I said.” I did my best to sound like a brat. I was still upset but didn’t have a better option at the moment.

“Look, I was going to tell you before you completely flipped out, but I had to tell Jason,” Brett said. I squinted my eyes and gave him a condescending smile. Had to, huh? “Being completely honest, the reason we needed a roommate in the first place is because this apartment is expensive as fuck. I can’t afford your part of the rent by myself.”

“What a minute? You made me suck your dick and then you fucked me in the kitchen, but the whole time you knew you wouldn’t be able to swing the rent without me anyway?” Jason’s jaw dropped. I assumed he hadn’t believed it until this moment. I didn’t care. “You’re such a fucking asshole Brett.”

“Just stop talking and let me finish. No, I can’t swing the rent by myself. But Jason and I can swing your half. We did it for nearly six months before we decided it was a waist to not have someone else living in the third bedroom.”

I felt a slight wave of relief wash over me. For a moment, I thought I was going to get kicked out, but now it looked like I was going to be okay. At least for a little while. “Look, I’m sorry I freaked out. I’m just stressed, and the past day has just been a little weird. I promise I will have the money to catch up with you guys next month. I swear.”

Brett gave me a look of confusion. “What do you mean money?”

I took a deep breath. I had been thinking about it all day. I really hated to have the weight of making up the money back on my shoulders, but there was no way I could just keep letting Brett fuck me whenever he wanted. “I think I would rather just pay the money back. It isn’t that I didn’t enjoy last night and this morning. It’s just… That’s just not who I am. I can’t keep doing it.”

Jason looked at Brett like I just crushed him. There was a brief silence as Brett thought over what I said. “I don’t think you understand,” Brett began. “There isn’t a money option on the table Hailey. The only options you have are either move out. Like grab your stuff right now and move out. Or, we get to use you however we want for the rest of the month.”

Now it was my turn to be shocked. “You can’t be serious!” I complained. “That’s like blackmail, or extortion, or something! Whatever it is there is no way it’s fucking legal.” My chest heaved underneath my sweater. I was furious.

Brett laughed while Jason remained silent. Brett’s dad was some big-time lawyer, and Brett was sure to follow in his footsteps. He was a smooth talker, and I couldn’t wait to see what kind of legal bullshit he was about to try and drop on me. Probably a complicated web of by-laws and subcodes that would somehow make what he was doing perfectly acceptable. “You’re absolutely right,” Brett said. I certainly wasn’t expecting that. “But really, it’s your word versus ours. So, while you are right, you can go be right outside. I would say you could sleep in your car, but we both know that’s in the shop. I’m sure there’s a nice bridge you can sleep under.” Brett stood up from the couch first, and Jason followed. “You have an hour before we start throwing your stuff out for you,” Brett said.

I was speechless. I couldn’t breathe. My mind raced while I tried to think of anything to say. Any other backup plan I might have. Unfortunately, my family lived nowhere near here. Any other place I could find to stay would only be available for a night or two at best. “Wait,” I said begrudgingly. “I’ll do it.”

Brett looked down at me, still sitting on the coffee table. “Do what?” he asked.

“I’ll let you guys fuck me whenever you want for the rest of the month.” I was defeated, and they could hear it in my voice. I was hoping it would gain me a bit of sympathy, but it didn’t.

“We don’t want you to force you to do anything you don’t want,” Brett said, sounding more like a lawyer with every syllable. “It’s your choice completely. Are you sure that’s what you want?”

I sighed and could feel tears start to build in the corners of my eyes, but I fought them back. “Yes,” I said. “That’s what I want.”

I stared at the floor and saw Brett’s socked feet step towards me. He was wearing basketball shorts, and I could already see the outline of his hard cock forming. I felt his hand rest on the top of my head. I wanted to pull away, but I didn’t. He pushed against me just slightly, coaxing me towards his cock. “Come on,” he said.

I slid off the table, pulling his shorts down as I did. His cock hung with a semi-erection in front of me, but it was quickly growing. I refused to look up at him out of fear that he would see the hurt in my eyes. I leaned forward and used my tongue to lift his thick cock into my mouth. I could feel him swell. His hand rested more firmly on the back of my head as he guided me back and forth. “Don’t be shy,” he said to Jason. I didn’t have to look up to know he was back to grinning from ear to ear. He was wearing black sweatpants with white stripes down the sides. Just as easy to remove. I turned my attention from Brett and onto Jason.

Jason’s cock was just as long as Brett’s, though not nearly as thick. He would fall into the slightly about average category. But, unlike Brett, he had no more growing to do. He was so turned on it looked like the pink head of his cock was ready to explode. I guess extorting your supposed friends really did it for him. I wrapped my lips around him, eliciting a loud moan. “She’s good, isn’t she,” said Brett.

“Fuck yeah, she is,” said Jason with a sigh. In a different situation, I would have taken the compliment proudly. I ran my tongue on the underside of his cock as I took him to the back of my throat. I flicked my tongue to tease his balls. It seemed like the easiest way to be done with this would be to get them both to cum as quickly as possible. “Oh shit!” Jason said.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Brett walk behind me. I felt his strong hands on my hips as he pulled me to my feet. I started to turn around but was quickly stopped by Jason, who grabbed a hand full of my hair. “Nobody told you to stop,” he said. I wanted to punch him right in the nuts. Just one good uppercut like my father had taught me on the heavy bag in our garage. But then where would I be?

Brett chuckled to himself behind me as I resumed sucking Jason’s dick. Brett rubbed my pussy through my leggings, and I knew he would be able to feel my wetness. His fingers slid into the elastic of my waistband, and pulled he pulled them down to my knees. Much like he had done that morning. ‘HA!” exclaimed Brett. “This slut’s not wearing any panties!” He gave my bare ass a hard slap. It stung more than usual from still being sore for the morning session. “And she said she didn’t like our arrangement.”

I wanted to turn and protest, but Jason’s cock was lodged firmly in my throat, so all I could do was moan and gag. I heard Brett spit on his hand before he began massaging my pussy. He slid a thick finger into my pussy, and I wrapped my lips firmly around Jason to keep myself from letting out a moan.

His foreplay didn’t last long before I felt the head of his monstrously thick cock push against the swollen lips of my pussy. He pushed into me with a deep, hard thrust. “Oh shit!” I screamed, only Jason’s cock was still in my mouth, so it came out more like, “Ah, thit!”

My scream only encouraged Brett further as he began to slam into me. Thankfully my body’s natural instincts began to take over, and his cock became less painful with every thrust. It was getting hard to breathe, and I could feel my cheeks turning red. Brett was such an asshole, but oh my god, did his cock feel good. I felt the build of an orgasm begin. I tried my best to fight it down, but there was no use. From the denial earlier in the day, my orgasm roared down the tracks, its horn sounding with every moan I allowed to escape my lips.

It was all too much for Jason. I felt his cock tense, and he pulled my hair hard, ensuring every drop of his warm sperm splashed against the back of my throat. Satisfied, he let my hair go and pulled his cock from my mouth. I tried to swallow his cum, but instead, I coughed. I could feel his cum dangling from my lips and chin as Brett continued his assault of my pussy behind me. I hated how much I loved it.

It was Brett’s turn to grab a fist full of my hair, and he pulled, causing me to arch my back. His other hand swooped under my hips, and he lifted my petite body off the ground and spun me so I could brace against the coffee table. With my feet back on the ground, he started fucking me without restraint. I screamed as my orgasm exploded through my body. My entire body began to shiver and quake uncontrollably. I would have fallen to my feet, but Brett held on tight, enjoying the ride. He never stopped fucking me. I felt my pussy clench around his cock, but still, he slammed into me. My feet struggled to stay on the floor. He especially loved that. He pushed me hard against the coffee table and let out an animalistic roar of conquest, and he emptied himself deep inside me.

I was still shaking. Cum hung from my chin, and more dripped from my pussy onto the floor. I struggled to catch my breath. “Go get her a towel, Jason,” Brett said, his voice beaming. “I was right, it’s going to be a fun month.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/vee1v9/fmm_a_simple_arrangement_chapter_3

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