[DND][INTERACTIVE][Part 1] An Erotic Adventure in Waterdeep

[Part 0](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/vdpg34/dndinteractivepart_0_an_erotic_adventure_in/)

**Protagonist:** [Jade, Human Warlock](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/6f/32/aa/6f32aa439e80786b746132ebefbd5fb5.jpg) **(Pact with a Djinni Genie), 18 years old**

I hold my breath as I take my first step underneath the towering North Gate of Waterdeep. There is a dampness to the cobblestones as it has been a light misting of rain all morning. It’s early spring at the moment, so damp foggy days are common.

*“I can’t believe this is actually happening!”* I say to myself in my head.

*“I’m actually here! In Waterdeep! The City of Splendours, Crown of the North, The most important place in all the world!”*

One foot in front of the other as I march myself through the gates and down the main road to the heart of the city. I cannot believe how big this place is. It’s larger than my parent’s estate and the village all put together. And so many people! I couldn’t even begin to try counting all the people I can see crisscrossing along the street.

Half a year ago, I wouldn’t have imagined this being possible. I was failing at my fathers magic lessons and my mother was constantly scolding me for being unlady-like. But it all changed on my 18th birthday, when one of my uncles, on my father’s side, sent me this mini decorative crystal decanter as a present. It was absolutely beautiful. I was finding a place for it in my room when I accidentally knocked off the stopper.

The decanter began to shine a bright multi-coloured light and a genie manifested in front of me. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw her. She looked just like me, but her skin was a blue-ish grey and her hair was dark, which contrasted sharply with my fair skin and blonde hair. She gave me the usual speech about genie’s granting three wishes, along with their usual rules. It was a chance of a lifetime. My first two wishes were simple and probably wasted in hindsight.

My first wish was “I wish my parents would be nice to me and always let me do what I wanted.” This was how I was allowed to leave my childhood home and come here to Waterdeep. The genie made it so they would always treat me kindly and agree to whatever I asked of them. They would have let me get away with murder if I was so inclined. Thankfully I’m not.

The second wish happened a few days later, while I was still preparing to leave home. I wished I was better at magic. The genie did just that, but in the most unexpected of ways.

*“To empower you with magical talent, I need to imbue you with elemental power”* The genie told me.

*“How do you do that?”* I asked.

*“Like this”* She responded. In one swift wave of her hand, she wisped away our clothes, making us both completely naked in my bedroom.

Then she transformed herself. She still looked like me, but she had conjured a penis between her legs! I watched it grow out of her from where her clit was and stared in amazement as it swelled up to the size of a decent 6 or 7 inches. It was the most surreal sight to behold. Seeing (mostly) myself standing naked before me, but with a fat erect cock. I couldn’t look away. I’m sure she enchanted me at the time, as I just couldn’t look away and my pussy got so hot so quickly.

The genie lifted us both to my bed and laid me down. She slotted herself between my legs and rubbed that smooth cock on my hot wet vagina. It was so good. It’s hard to describe. Like it was really hard, and soft at the same time. Maybe gentle, like the wind. The genie slid her cock inside of me easily. I was too wet and horny to put up any resistance. She started slowly. Gently sliding into and out of my pussy, making me moan long and deep.

*“Ohhhh…. Yeesss…. So hard….mhmmm…..”*

It didn’t take long for the genie to speed up and really start thrusting. I lost track of time as all I could think of was seeing myself infront of me, fucking me hard and rough. She knew exactly how hard to slam that girthy cock into me. Exactly the right spot to jab the tip to make me moan. It was like she was reading my mind.

This is where I made my mistake. The genie started to whisper sweet nothings into my ear. Complimenting my moans and my body. She asked me if I wanted to be like her. ‘Wished’ to be like her. In my lust-clouded mind, I was tricked into answering the way she wanted.

“I wish I was like you!” I uttered absent mindedly.

The most devious smile grew on her face. Her body swelled. It was like a storm was growing inside of her. She started to change again. Become more masculine. She changed from looking like me to a bulky brute genie like the ones you see in storybooks. That’s when the real fucking began. The genie railed me so hard, I felt like I was being torn apart by his dick. It was almost double in size than when it first went inside of me. I was screaming in both pain and pleasure. He started to speak in an alien language, which I eventually understood as Primorial. He told me I was his subject now and he was my patron.

I felt my body become light. It was almost like I was air. It was like my body had melted away and my spirit was directly connected to the Genie and his cock. The most intense orgasm of my life rippled through me. The genie must have felt it too, as he also pumped me full of his cum at the exact same time. It was the greatest feeling I had ever felt. It was so overwhelming, I blacked out.

When I woke up, I was in this small circular room. It was like one big bed as pillows and cushions were everywhere. I called out.

*“Hello? Where am I? Can somebody hear me?”* My voice echoed between the colourful walls.

There was a rumble and the whole room began to shake. Everything around me melted away like sand and I suddenly felt myself be pulled away from that room. I reappeared in my bedroom. The genie was back to looking like me, lazing on my bed.

*“What just happened?”* I asked her.

*“Oh, you were just sleeping in your bottle.”* She replied

*“My bottle? What? What do you mean by that?”* I said confusedly.

*“You last wish. I made you like me. You’re part-genie now. Djinni to be specific.”* The genie said casually

*“Wait what?!”* I screamed

I was so pissed. I screamed but eventually the genie calmed me down and explained that my last wish made me a genie. However I wasn’t all powerful like she was. She said you don’t just gain all the powers of a genie. It has to grow from years of experience and practice and skill. I couldn’t believe it. I was still who I was before. A regular human girl, but now I had baby-genie powers as well. I argued that that with was not real and she tricked me into saying it, but it didn’t amount to much as she was free of me as her master but I was subservient to her for my magic.

Fast-forward to today. Now I’m in Waterdeep, starting my life my own way, but instead of being a socialite, I’m here as an adventurer. If I’m stuck with being a half-genie warlock, I figured I might as well become someone powerful one day. From the stories I heard from the travelers at the village inn, the best place to go to in Waterdeep if you were an adventurer was a place called the Yawning Portal. It was easy enough to find. Everyone seemed to know it. It was a really large building. The bottom was thick sturdy stonework and there were two levels on top of the ground floor made of fine timber. Whoever owned this place was rich. Richer than my father that was for sure.

I go inside and find a place to sit. It was hard to get a table to myself, as the place was fairly full. Dozens of men and women of all races eating, drinking, and singing. There was a gigantic well in the middle of the room. It was frighteningly deep with a crane contraption attached to one side.

I order some food and ale as the gamblers and drunks sing their bawdy songs that drown the cute bard playing his lute three tables over. Then all the noise is eclipsed by a shout:

*”Ya pig! Like killin’ me mates, does ya?”* A seven-foot-tall half-orc is hit by a wild, swinging punch from a male human whose shaved head is covered with eye-shaped tattoos. Four other humans stand behind him, ready to jump into the fray. The half-orc cracks her knuckles, roars, and leaps at the tattooed figure-but before you can see if blood is drawn, a crowd of spectators clusters around the brawl.

No one was stepping into help her.

*“Should I do something?”* I think to myself.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/veb5pj/dndinteractivepart_1_an_erotic_adventure_in


  1. How should Jade react the the brawl? It’s up to readers to suggest the direction of the story from this point

  2. Half orc and a human aren’t worth your time if your goal is to improve on your magic. Enjoy the meal and watch the show. Maybe even yell something that eggs them on lol

    I’m enjoying this concept of a D&D story. Keep up the good work

  3. First off… why can the genie do that? Second, i like this so far! And Third, I definitely think she should
    Help him. Could lead to him helling her learn the ways of waterdeep ~~or maybe just them fucking, i like that route too~~. Maybe she at first tries to divert their attention, then the guy comes in to attack with whatever weapon he has (im envisioning a… knight, but a “grump” knight), then Jade knocks the bad guys out with a spell. Hows that? Keep up the excellent work!

  4. The options so far are
    1) Help the half-orc female subtly
    2) Negotiate into a sexual competition
    3) Don’t help at all
    4) Help the male aggressor and his pals

    I’ll randomly decide among these and you’ll all find out which one in the next post. Thanks for reading and commenting!

  5. Lol, i was thinking of turning my SO’s campaign into something like this (cuz I help take notes) but I suck at writing.

    As for the story this is bad ass and can’t wait for the next part.

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