Supernatural Erotica: Who Let the Succubus In?-Chapter 1 [Femdom] [French kissing] [Spanking] [Noncon][Blowjob] [Licking] [Blackmail] [Aggressive riding] [Ball sucking] [Monster girl]

19 year old Seth opened his eyes slowly as he heard his mother’s voice call him from downstairs. He groggily sat up in his bed, his shoulder length black hair soaked with sweat. Then he pushed the blanket away, allowing his naked, pale body to be bathed in the warm sunlight that streamed in through his bedroom window. His body was lean, and yet still gracile and femme. His morning hood stood monolithic in the sunlight, all 7.5 inches of it, and normally he would deflate it, but he didn’t have the time this morning.

Throwing on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, Seth sauntered over to his door and braced himself for the “new member of the family” he was about to meet. Last month, his mother had adopted a Succubus from one of the countless “Homeless Succubus” organisations that have been popping up since the “mass appearance”.

So basically, there was an overpopulation of Succubi in the Netherrealm (mostly because they were fucking everything and everyone), so the governments of the Netherrealm had given the Succubi population a choice. Be culled or move into the Human world. And the governments of Earth had stupidly agreed. And because most of the Succubi were too lazy to go into the workforce, tons of shitty charity organisations popped up to help the perpetually horny whores find themselves a family to mooch off of.

As Seth descended the stairs, he could hear his mother chatting with the Succubus and Seth also heard the Succubus’ voice. It was raspy, and oddly seductive. As Seth neared the bottom of the stairs, he finally laid eyes upon the Succubus.

She was tall, and had a pale white skin with some black speckles on her arms and cheeks. Her hair was long, and coal-black with bangs obscuring her forehead. Her eyes were biggish an of a yellow-green colouration, and her eyelids were of a light purple colouration, though whether it was eyeliner or a natural part of her skin, Seth did not know. She was wearing a purple, tight fitting shirt and a black skirt. She was quite shapely with a decent sized breasts, strong looking legs and curvy hips.

“Oh, this is my younger son Seth.” His mother pointed to him.

“Seth, this lovely lady here is Tenebra.”

Tenebra winked at Seth, and a cruel smirk spread out on her face.

Seth just glared back. He didn’t like Nether-folk. Especially demonic whores like Succubi. It had pissed him off to no end that the Earth’s government had agreed to take these bitches.

“Well, We’d better show you your room. And Seth, please try to be polite at least.”

Tenebra was sprawled out on her bed, looking at the television. Her “adopted family” had given her a shitty little spare room, with barely enough room for much of her luggage. She would soon change this.

She reached into her bag and retrieved her phone. She dialled a number and then said:

“Hey Noxcelebra, its your cousin.”

“Oh shit! Tenebra? Ya bitch, how have you been!”

“Pretty crappy lately. Did you hear about what’s happened in the Netherworld? The fucking governments been kicking us Succubi out, because there’s too many of us. And now were stuck in this shitty realm.”

“Yeah, I heard. Sucks don’t it? I think its only temporary though, I’ve heard that the International Board of Succubi and Incubi Affairs is trying to negotiate something.”

“I really hope so. Don’t wanna be stuck here forever. I’ve just been adopted by a family. Its just a woman and her son, and I think she has another son who’s moved out.”

“How are they?”

“The mother’s a fucking good samaritan, holier than thou retard and the son’s a pouty little bitchface. He ain’t happy about me being here.”

Nox chuckled darkly over the phone and Tenebra smirked.

“Looks like you’re gonna have to teach him some manners.”

“Oh I will Noxy. By the way Nox, how’s your boy-toy been? Tyler’s his name isn’t it?”

“Oh he’s calmed down a fuckton. He isn’t as skittish or all depressy, I think he’s starting to enjoy our little relationship now.”

“I checked out those naked pics of him you uploaded on Fucking hell, he’s got a nice ass. Did you see all the likes those pictures had gotten? He’s become a fucking legend in the Succubi Online community. You should do a porn video with him.”

“Say Tenebra… Seeing as you’re in the human realm now, why don’t you come over for a visit? We can a threesome. Fuck, I think its been like 100 years since I last ate you out.”

Tenebra gave a dirty chuckle, feeling her crotch become moist.

“Yeah, we’ll have to arrange something…”
