Platonic Friends 06 (fiction, M/F, Con, Friends. Roommates)

I can’t believe I just did that.

Yet here I was standing in the main area literally begging Emma to not leave as I basically told both Felicity AND Emma I had heard their entire *talk*.

Emma stood near the door frozen and Felicity looked at me wide eyed.

I had *meant* to come out various times during the conversation BUT too many bombs were being dropped and as I was recovering from one of the bombs like Felicity actually liking me another *bomb* dropped that she had been sending all sorts of *invitations* and *hints* to test the water to see if I was interested too.

Then came the *truth bombs* from Emma as she had basically admitted that *one* she was actually interested in me…..well not interested in **me** per say more like interested in my **dick**.  And *two* she was almost in the same boat as me for being in a long dry spell.

Granted, HER dry spell wasn’t as long as mine as the last time I had sex was in high school which was over four years ago.  Not admitting WHEN I lost my *V* card but I will admit it HAS been awhile since my dick had felt the fairer sex’s velvety insides.

With all the *truth bombs* being dropped it was hard to find the right time to basically *butt* in on their unique conversation.  Then when Emma decided to leave after her final *truth bomb* seemed like the best time to intervene.

And embarrassing ALL of us in the act.

I felt embarrassed because I had *accidentally* heard EVERYTHING that they had shared, not fully aware that I was home….don’t know how that would happen as my room’s portable AC unit isn’t exactly quiet and it’s *usually* on when I’m home.

I felt that I had embarrassed Emma as I had heard her *truth bomb* of being a long dry spell…..and maybe some embarrassing quips of eating a biscuit just so she could simulate being choked again.

Not entirely sure if her quip meant she preferred BEING choked or preferred choking ON something.

Then there was the quip of her admitting that her little sister was getting more action than she was as she admitted her little sister was in some weird love triangle…..whatever that meant.  No idea how someone could get in a triangle as I have a hard enough time trying to get a girlfriend/lover let alone getting two of them to have a triangle.

And I felt embarrassment from Felicity after she had admitted she had been sending me subtle *hints* to see if I was interested in her or not.

All of us remained frozen for what felt like forever until Felicity spoke, “Ummm Neil how **long** have you been *listening*?”

I felt my face heat up as I looked over at Felicity while keeping Emma in my periphery, “Almost all of it.”

I watched as Felicity blushed hard as her face was nearly red with hardly any flesh tone in her face just as Emma turned and in my periphery she was equally red.

I spoke, “And I think **WE** should talk.”

Whatever flesh tone there was in Felicity disappeared as her blushing face got redder and she bowed her head down hiding.

I looked at Emma and spoke, “You too.”

Emma finally turned her body as she kept her head down trying to hide her face as she sulked back to the chair she had momentarily just left.

Then **I** sat down and developed a case of the ‘*brain farts*’.  

Like I *knew* **we** should talk about what was said but how the fuck do you start off on something like this?

And it doesn’t help I’m usually awkward on my best days as I’m sure hell not confident in the *least*.  

So we sat….being completely quiet….. making the awkwardness worse by the ticking second.  

Eventually Felicity spoke, “I thought you were at work?”

*Thank **GOD** Felicity brought up a topic that was easily explained!*

I looked at her, “Woke up with a migraine.  Called in sick.”

Emma hissed, “See I **told** you I thought he was home.”

Felicity blushed but answered, “Neil *normally* does leave his AC on on the weekends how was I supposed to know.”

Emma looked at as she was blushing, “Oh I don’t know…..check first before we started spilling the *fucking* beans for him to hear.”

I looked at her and she piped up turning a few new degrees of crimson but I spoke, “She is right *normally* I do leave my AC on on the weekends.”

Felicity continued, “And you didn’t park in your *usual* spot.”

I scratched my head and smirked, “Yeah sorry after a week our upstairs neighbor from 6E noticed I wasn’t around and asked if his girl could use **my** spot until I came back.  I came back and forgot to tell him.  So I’m parked in a visitor spot.”

Felicity spoke **to** Emma, “See Em he wasn’t in **his** parking spot when we drove by so how was **I** supposed to know?”

Emma looked at her and growled, “By *checking* his *god damned* **bedroom!!!**”

Emma held her hand up towards me and pointed at me, “**NOW** he not only **knows** about your *obvious* advances but,” she pointed to herself, “he *knows* about my three year dry spell!”

Felicity looked down.  

I spoke **loudly** to reign in whatever was going on as Emma had obviously moved from embarrassment to down right pissed, “ENOUGH!!!”

Emma quickly shut up and looked down.  

I spoke **at** Emma, “I get that your *pissed* that Felicity had sex and you didn’t after three years.”

I watched Emma slightly grumble as her face turned a deeper shade of crimson but I added hoping it’ll help soothe out the embarrassment, “Try approaching five years of no sex then get back to me.”

Emma looked up at me, “Five?”

I smirked and nodded, “You said it yourself most girls pass me over because I’m shorter than your average guy.”

Emma sighed as if getting where even she made a good point **why** I had such a long dry spell as she turned her face to not look at me guilty that she had done the same thing.  

Well that and the last girl in those five years that saw my dick had ran for the hills.  

More like ran out of the party slurring a horse was out to rape her.  

After that *incident* made me move out of the dorms and into Felicity’s life the next day.  

That was a little over two years ago.  

 I smiled and shrugged, “I get it.  I’m not tall.  I’m not overly handsome or rugged or muscular.  The only thing I got going for me is my eyes.  Other than that I’m too short and equally skinny.”

Felicity finally spoke, “Hey you got a lot going for you.”

Emma looked at Felicity, “You mean aside from his horse cock?”

I ignored Emma as I raised my eye brow at Felicity, “Oh?  Like what?”

Felicity smirked, “Your nice.  Once you get passed your shy stage you actually have a sense of humor.  Your not cocky but you have your moment’s.”

Emma spoke, “Careful Felicity it sounds like you’re putting him the *Friend zone*.”

Felicity instantly defended herself, “I am not.”

I smiled, “Actually it does,” I shrugged, “I’m used to being in the *friend zone*.”

I looked up as I held my chin, “Though I’ve never had a girl who put me in the *friend zone* actually fuck me,” I looked at Felicity as I smiled at her making her blush, “**you**’re the first.”

Emma spoke, “Which she did **after** she saw your horse cock.”

I looked over at Emma and pointed to her, “Point.”

Felicity quickly spoke, “That’s not true!”

I looked at Felicity and spoke, “Oh that’s right you were giving me *openings* when you *told* me you were going to go masturbate?”

Felicity looked at me and nodded, “Yeah.”

Emma spoke, “But you **never** joined her?”

I looked at Emma and shook my head.  Emma looked at Felicity, “And how did one of these *openings* go Felicity?”

Felicity blushed, “I’d tell Neil that I was horny and was going to masturbate.  Smile at him and then go to my room cracking the door.”

That made Emma laugh.  

Felicity instantly went on defense mode, “What?”

Emma smiled, “And did he once *join* you?”

Felicity shook her head.  

Emma looked at me and spoke, “Mind if I clue her in?”

I looked at Emma and gestured with my hands towards Felicity basically stating ‘*Go ahead*’.  

Emma smiled sweetly at Felicity, “Men are dense Felicity.”

Felicity looked at Emma and nodded, “Oh I know they’re dense.”

Emma smiled, “They why *crack the door*?  If you wanted to get the **point** across that you wanted him to join you **I** would have left the door open and gave him a show until he joined.”

Emma looked at me, “Which is more **obvious**?  Leaving the door open and giving you a show **OR** cracking the door?”

I felt my face redden as it was giving off some major heat but I coughed and answered, “Door open.”

Emma smiled sweetly at Felicity, “See.”

Felicity huffed, “Then what’s the point of being sly?”

Emma yelled at Felicity, “BECAUSE MEN ARE DENSE!!!”

Emma looked at Felicity, “What other *hints* or *openings* have you done?”

I’m not going to go over what happened as Felicity outlined what all *hints* and *openings* she had done but here’s the blow by blow.

Example # 1

Felicity: *I’ve gone without undies*

Emma: *Was it obvious?*

Felicity: *To me it was obvious*

Emma: *Give an example*

Felicity: *Few months ago we went to the movies I wore a dress and nothing else*

Emma: *Was the dress see through?*

Felicity: *No*

Emma: *Was it short?*

Felicity: *No*

Emma: *Did you point it out?*

Felicity: *No*

Emma looked at me and asked *Did you know?*

I shook my head side to side.

Emma smiled: *There you go.*

Example # 2

Felicity: *I left the door open when I was showering*

Emma: *Was Neil home?*

Felicity: *Yes*

Emma looked at me: *Did you **peek**?*

I shook my head.

Emma looked at Felicity: *Did you **INVITE** him to the shower?*

Felicity: *No*

Emma: *There you go*

Example # 3

Felicity: *I left a toy in me and **hinted** I hope no one finds its bluetooth is on*

Emma smirked and nodded: *That’s a little more direct.  Thats good*

Emma looked at me: *What did **you** do?*

I shook my head: *Yeah don’t remember that*

Emma looked at Felicity: *Did you **TELL** him that the toy was **CURRENTLY** in you?*

Felicity shrugged: *More hint than blatantly tell him*

Emma raised her eyebrow: *Blunt is better*

The rest of the *examples* kind of followed the same theme.  Unless Felicity either bluntly pointed it out OR blatantly invited me to *something* whether it be the shower or to one of her masturbation session I wasn’t going to catch anything.

I mean Emma was right unless Felicity basically pulled up her dress and said *Look no undies* while we were out AND sat in my lap I would have never have noticed.  Or pulled up her dress and said *Look I have a TOY* and then told me HOW to connect to her toy AND tell me she wanted ME to control her toy while we were out then I would have never known.

Because I wasn’t dating Felicity and was respecting her privacy and respecting her I wasn’t going to disrespect her by going into the shower when she left the door open while showering or peeking when she was handling her frustration.

Hell there were a couple of times I further closed the door without really looking just to give her her privacy during her solo events.

By the end of the *hint* examples Felicity muttered *Shit no wonder*.

Felicity looked at me, “*REALLY* you didn’t notice **ANY** of my *hints*?”

I shook my head, “Sorry.”

Felicity sighed.

I spoke, “Hence **WHY** we’re sitting here in order to find out **HOW** you want to handle this.”

Emma spoke, “Before you two tie the knot and become an item can we at least end my three year dry spell?”

Both Felicity and I looked at her causing Emma to blush but still spoke, “I wouldn’t be here UNLESS someone,” Emma looked at me,” Neil asked me to stay.”  She looked at Felicity, “Just need your blessing sweetheart.”

Felicity sighed, “I’m going to search my feelings how I feel about you Neil.”

Emma leaned forward, “So can I…”

Felicity looked at Emma with a warm smile, “Sure Em it’s the *least* I can do after this **WHOLE** *talk*.”

Emma looked at me with a shit eating grin, “Got one yes.  Just need you to agree.”

I stood as I sighed, “Let me at least wash up.”

I walked away as I hid a cheshire smile that I was going to have sex again.



  1. I gotta say that I love these characters. They’re hilarious. I’m so glad that Neil is so incredibly thickheaded (pun intended). Same, to be honest. But this boy could win a medal for his obliviousness.

  2. Here you go getting me hook on another series you are writing and the first one has even come close to ending. Lol. Maybe I should volunteer to be a proof reader so I can get my fix faster. Lol

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