Vikings and Nuns, a match made in valhala [battle hardened warrior][horny nun][cowgirl][overstimulation][handjob][nuns][face sitting]

*my mother told me*
The old rhyme raced through my head as our long boat beached upon the shore. I gripped my solid iron axe in my hands. my heart raced as we journeyed closer to the temple.

*someday I would buy*

Vikingr. It was our duty, it was what we were meant to do. The seers told us that this was Odin’s will, that this was our destiny. The long boat held forty of my brothers and sisters in battle. The battle was close at hand. I could feel it in my blood.

*Galley with good oars*

“Men, Odin is with us!” Ragnil Hroakinson, our leader, yelled at the sky. Above us the watchers of Odin, black ravens, flew. Two other long boats followed close behind us. From one, the war drummer slammed down rhythmically.

*Sail to distant shores*

Our boats landed at the shore. With fury we exited our boats and charged forward. I yelled, wielding my axe, ready to fight.

*Stand up high on the prow*

The village was nothing but peasants, little resistance. We charged forth, fresh blood feeding our fury. To the temple, time to take what was our right.

*Noble bark I steer*

The temple was guarded, shining knights, flashing steel. Archers aimed true. My axe struck true. The crimson covered me, Odin guided my blade. I brought the clergy to their knees with each swing.

*Steady course to the haven*

Glittering gold was ours to take. I filled my bag with crosses, golden coins, and relics of another time.

“In Odin’s name, this temple is ours!” Ragnil yelled.

*You many formen*

Pain shot through my stomach.

*You many formen*

A wooden shaft ran through me topped with sharp metal. Blood dripped from the tip. I could hear the valkyrie sing my name.

*You many formen*

A bright light burned my eyes. I could see her. Freyja, her blonde locks framed her beautiful face, accentuating her plump pink lips and sparkling blue eyes.

I spent weeks staring into the white void, Freyja’s beautiful form leading me through the vast emptiness. She lead me to a grand church, a high steeple with stained glass artistry depicting my fight at the temple. Blood dripped from a hole in my stomach.

Freyja lead me inside, past rows of empty pews, and down a long set of spiral stairs to a dank basement. We travelled down a long hallway to a room lit only by candles.

Inside the cobblestone room was a cot with a body under the sheets. A red bearded viking with a head of long crimson hair. He was pale and sweating. A living corpse.

Freyja sat next to my body, stroking my hair lovingly. “Brave Ragnar.” Her voice was a loving song, a chorus of benevolence. “It is not your time, my brave warrior. Valhalla will wait for you, Odin still has plans for you my brave warrior.”

I tried to speak, but my voice caught in my throat.

“Sleep brave Ragnar. Sleep and be ready for the days to come,”

And then it was all black.


I woke up with a start, breathing deep. I was still in the basement of the church. I was still in my cot, my stomach was covered in clean bandages. I tried to sit up, a sharp pain shot through my entire body. My vision went blurry. I laid back down breathing hard, sweat dripped down my face.

I stared at the ceiling for what felt like hours. Where was I? Why did I hear the song of the valkyrie? Why was I still here? Did I die? I heard steps from outside the door. The steps got close to the door before stopping.

The door slowly creaked open. And standing in the doorway was a vision of beauty. A tall woman in a black dress, and a black head covering. Her face was soft, wearing a kind smile.

She opened her mouth to speak, but I couldn’t understand her, it was an alien language to me. She spoke for a moment before leaving me alone again.

Consciousness eluded me once again. I drifted to sleep soon after she left.


I experienced the same cycle over and over again for weeks. I would awake in pain, see the vision of beauty, she would change my bandages or feed me, and I would fall back asleep. Slowly over time I felt myself heal and get stronger every day.

I woke one day, my stomach pain all but gone. The door opened again, my bed nurse came inside and sat next to me. She spoke softly.

“Madam,” I spoke. “I wish I could understand you, your beauty and kindness are exemplary.” I spoke in my native tongue.

“And I wish I could understand you handsome.” She spoke in perfect Norse. “I’ve helped enough of your kind to pick up a thing or two.”

“Madam, you’re too kind to me. May I ask your name?”

“Beatrice, sister Beatrice,” she spoke.

“Well, Sister Beatrice, my thanks for your help in nursing me to health.”

“It’s the will of god my friend. He wouldn’t allow someone as handsome as yourself to leave the world.”

I smiled. “You’re a Saint Beatrice.”

“Not a saint, just doing my duty.”

We spent a while talking about each other, she fed me and took care of me all the while.

We spent a few days with each other. She kept nursing me while I healed and recuperated. Beatrice and I grew closer with each passing day.

After almost a month of rest, I was able to stand and even walk around my room with little trouble. The part of my stomach where I had been pierced through was laden with a nasty new scar. Beatrice insisted I stay at the temple, so I obliged her.

I laid my head to rest one evening. I felt something was off. That night I could feel Hel’s piercing gaze in the pit of my stomach. I woke up with a start, my breathing heavy, and my heart pounding in my ears.

I heard footsteps coming down the hall, my body was on alert, ready to strike.

The door screened open, and standing in the doorway was Beatrice. In a nearly transparent sleeping gown.

Through the light white material, I could see her curvaceous form. Her chest was laden with an ample bosom.

“Ragnar? Are you okay? I heard you scream.”

“Yes sister, I’m fine, I feel that I may have made an enemy by living.”

She laughed. “I see, may I come in?”

I nodded.

She walked inside my room and sat at the foot of my bed. In the stark moonlight beaming through my window, she looked like a Valkyrie, almost like the one I saw in my dreams.

Her soft eyes stared me down, an obvious burning desire behind them.

“Mister Ragnar, may I ask you a question?”

“Yes, Miss Beatrice?”

“I’ve been thinking, it’s almost your time to leave, I wanted to know, how do you feel about me?”

“You’re as sweet as wine and as beautiful as Freyja herself.”

She giggled. “May I have a kiss mister Ragnar?”

My heart rate raised a few notches. “May I ask why?”

She clambered on the bed, crawling on all fours to my face. Her body was so close to me, her warm breast lay on my bare chest. Her lips closed the gap, pressing herself to me. She was soft, her lips pressed against mine, her sweet tongue snaked inside my mouth intertangling with mine. She laid her weight on me, her body warm and comfy against mine.

She pulled away, panting. Her eyes were half lucid with lust. She sat up, her ass pressed against my groin. My erection pressed against her.

Her breath was heavy. “Ragnar, I want you.” her voice was deep and sensual. She began rubbing herself against my groin. Each subtle movement sent a wave of pleasure through my body.

She climbed forward slightly, enough for her to grab my cover and throw it to the ground, leaving my naked form exposed to the night air.

She moved back down, rubbing her gown-covered ass against my throbbing member. I groaned, it’s been too long since I had any kind of intimate contact.

I moaned, the churning feeling beginning to ramp up. Without warning, I shot rope after rope of cum on her back and ass.

She had a devilish smile and a hungry look on her face.

Wordlessly, swung herself over me and stood above me. She shed her gown, her perfect naked form a feast for my eyes.

Without warning she pulled up her stool and sat next to me. Her hungry eyes set themselves on me.

I tried to sit up, and she laid a hand on my chest, she was surprisingly strong. Her hand drifted down my chest to my sensitive cock. She gripped it right, sending a shiver through my body and a moan through my lips. Her hand slowly massaged me up and down building up into a rhythmic pace. Each pass sent shocks through me, my overstimulated member unable to handle the intense pleasure. Her thumb caught under my cocks head, swirling it in slow circles.

My second orgasm exploded from my tip, covering her soft hand in my cum. I was breathing hard, it was too much in such little time. She raised her cum covered hand to her mouth, licking it from her forefinger.

She smiled again, a deep devilish smile.

I was panting, sore, and my head was fuzzy with orgasmic bliss. I was floating with the gods.

But this temptress wasn’t done with me. She stood and swung her legs around my chest, looking down I could see her pink pussy. She scooted forward, presenting herself to my face.

She didn’t give me time to think, she pressed herself on my face, forcing my mouth on her.

I could sense her smile. I darted my tongue out and began licking her. She was sweet, if a bit tangy. She ground herself against me, rocking her hips against me. I licked against her, with each passing stroke she moaned and shook. Her juices ran down my face as I ate her out.

She trembled, her body shaking against me, she moaned loudly as she began cumming. A thick stream of her delicious juices ran into my mouth.

She climbed off of me, her breathing ragged. Her eyes seemed even more hungry.

She pounced on me, kissing me, her tongue rolled inside my mouth. She sat up, my cock laid against her stomach.

I breathed heavily. In the moonlight, her eyes seemed starved like an animal. She raised herself, her opening inches away from my cock head. My erection had returned, but I was still sensitive.

Without warning, she slammed herself on me. Her pussy was immaculate, right and moist against my hardness. Her muscles tightened even more around me.

She arched her back, moaning and shivering. She leaned over, pressing her soft lips against mine once again as she began grinding her hips against me. Her hips moved in slow sensual circles.

She released the kiss, sitting up again. She began bouncing herself up and down in a rhythmic pounding on my cock.

With each pass I could feel her delicious tightness begin to tighten even more. Her breathing became erratic and her body was heating up. I placed my hands on her hips, guiding her strokes.

She began shaking hard, she fell forward and pulled me in an embrace as she came on my cock. I held her spasming body against me. Her pussy gripped so hard against me that I couldn’t pull myself out of her if I wanted to.

After she came she collapsed on top of me, breathing hard.

Her warm weight was comfortable on my skin.

After a moment she slinked off of me and onto her knees, her face right next to my cock. Wordlessly, she popped my cock in her mouth, sucking my cock head as her other hand pumped hard on my shaft.

It wasn’t long before I began shooting rope after rope of cum inside her mouth. She swallowed it all greedily.

I breathed heavily. She laid her head against my thigh, staring at me with half-closed eyes.

She climbed into my bed, falling asleep on my chest. I wasn’t awake for much longer either.

Whatever the fates had in store for me, I was happy it brought me to my dear Beatrice. Tomorrow, I will ask her to come to my homeland with me.

(hey all thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed! Let me know what you think in the comments and if you want to throw some money to this poor girl check out my patreon! Love you all!)
